Exemple #1
char sub_mb_P_cabac ( int *dct_allowed, CABACContext *c, unsigned char *state, SLICE *slice, RESIDU *Current_residu, 
					short mv_cache_l0[][2], short *ref_cache_l0, short mvl0_cache[][2], short *refl0_cache)

	int mbPartIdx ;
	int subMbPartIdx ;
	char RefIdxL0[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

	//Recovery of the sub-macroblock type
	for ( mbPartIdx = 0 ; mbPartIdx < 4 ; mbPartIdx++ ) {
		Current_residu -> SubMbType [mbPartIdx] = decode_cabac_p_mb_sub_type(c, state);

	//Error detection 
	if(ErrorsCheckSubMbType( Current_residu -> SubMbType, MaxPSubMbType)){
		//should be set to zero because the macroblock will be decoded.
		refl0_cache [12] = refl0_cache [14] = refl0_cache [28] = refl0_cache [30] = 0;
		return 1;

	//Recovery of the image reference of each sub-macroblock
	if (slice -> num_RefIdxL0_active_minus1 > 0) {
		if(GetCabacPSubRefIdx(c, state, RefIdxL0, ref_cache_l0, RefIdxL0, slice -> num_RefIdxL0_active_minus1)){
			refl0_cache [12] = refl0_cache [14] = refl0_cache [28] = refl0_cache [30] = 0;
			return 1;
	} else {
		ref_cache_l0[12] = ref_cache_l0[14] = ref_cache_l0[28] = ref_cache_l0[30] = 0;

	//Recovery of the motion vector of each sub-macroblock
	for ( mbPartIdx = 0 ; mbPartIdx < 4 ; mbPartIdx++ ) {
		short MvdL0[2];
		int sub_mb_type = Current_residu -> SubMbType [mbPartIdx];
		for ( subMbPartIdx = 0 ; subMbPartIdx < sub_num_p_part[ sub_mb_type] ; subMbPartIdx++ ) {
			int index = SCAN8(( mbPartIdx << 2) + (sub_mb_type == 1 ? 2 * subMbPartIdx: subMbPartIdx));
			//Decode cabac
			ReadCabacSubMotionVector(c, state, mv_cache_l0, MvdL0, mbPartIdx, subMbPartIdx, sub_mb_type, index, slice -> slice_type);

			//Compute Mv
			refill_ref(2 - (sub_mb_type > 1), 2 - (sub_mb_type & 1), RefIdxL0[mbPartIdx], &refl0_cache[index]);  
			motion_vector(mvl0_cache, MvdL0, refl0_cache, &mvl0_cache[index][0], RefIdxL0[mbPartIdx], index, 2 / ( 1 + ( sub_mb_type > 1)));
		refill_motion_vector(0, sub_mb_type, &mvl0_cache[SCAN8(( mbPartIdx << 2))]);

	for ( mbPartIdx = 0;  mbPartIdx < 4 && dct_allowed; mbPartIdx ++){
		if ( !(sub_num_p_part[Current_residu -> SubMbType[mbPartIdx]] == 1) ){
			*dct_allowed = 0;
	return 0;
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  FILE *fd;
	fd = fopen("predictor_error.txt", "w+");

  FILE *fd1,*fd2;
  fd1 = fopen("predictor1_error.txt", "w+");
  fd2 = fopen("predictor2_error.txt", "w+");

	parameters params;
	codingvars vars;

  image_data* pre_im_data = NULL;//n-1 frame image
  image_data* im_data = NULL;//n frame image

	// parsing command line parameters and/or JPEG-LS header
	params = coding_parameters(argc, argv);

		// encoding process
    //loading previous image data

  pre_im_data = load_image(params.input_file0);
  printf("%s**\n", params.input_file0);
	// loading image data
	im_data = load_image(params.input_file);
  printf("%s**\n", params.input_file);

	// bitstream initialization
	init_bitstream(params.output_file, 'w');
	params.MAXVAL = im_data->maxval;
	write_header(params, im_data);

	// setting parameters
	if(params.specified_T == false)
		/* C. Default threshold values */
			vars.FACTOR = floor((float64)(min(params.MAXVAL,4095)+128)/256);
			params.T1 = CLAMP(vars.FACTOR*(vars.BASIC_T1-2)+2+3*params.NEAR,params.NEAR+1,params.MAXVAL);
			params.T2 = CLAMP(vars.FACTOR*(vars.BASIC_T2-3)+3+5*params.NEAR,params.T1,params.MAXVAL);
			params.T3 = CLAMP(vars.FACTOR*(vars.BASIC_T3-4)+4+7*params.NEAR,params.T2,params.MAXVAL);
			vars.FACTOR = floor( 256.0/(params.MAXVAL + 1) );
			params.T1 = CLAMP(max(2,floor((float64)vars.BASIC_T1/vars.FACTOR)+3*params.NEAR),params.NEAR+1,params.MAXVAL);
			params.T2 = CLAMP(max(2,floor((float64)vars.BASIC_T2/vars.FACTOR)+5*params.NEAR),params.T1,params.MAXVAL);
			params.T3 = CLAMP(max(2,floor((float64)vars.BASIC_T3/vars.FACTOR)+7*params.NEAR),params.T2,params.MAXVAL);
		fprintf(stdout,	"Encoding %s...\n\n\twidth\t\t%d\n\theight\t\t%d\n\tcomponents\t%d\n",
		params.input_file, im_data->width, im_data->height, im_data->n_comp);
		fprintf(stdout, "\tMAXVAL\t\t%d\n\tNEAR\t\t%d\n\tT1\t\t%d\n\tT2\t\t%d\n\tT3\t\t%d\n\tRESET\t\t%d\n",
		params.MAXVAL, params.NEAR, params.T1, params.T2, params.T3, params.RESET);

	/* A.2 Initializations and conventions */
	init_codingvars(&vars, params);

	//for(vars.comp=0; vars.comp<im_data->n_comp; vars.comp++)
	for(vars.comp=0; vars.comp<1; vars.comp++)
		for(vars.row=0; vars.row<im_data->height; vars.row++)
			for(vars.col=0; vars.col<im_data->width; vars.col++)
				/* A.3 Context determination */
				context_determination(&vars, params, im_data);
        //printf("%s\n", "HERE IT IS!");
        motion_vector(&vars, params, pre_im_data, im_data);
        if((vars.row == 100) && (vars.col >= 200) && (vars.col < 220))
          printf("motion_vector is (%d,%d) and Dif_min is %d.\n", vars.m0,vars.n0,vars.temp);

        prev_context(&vars, params, pre_im_data);
				// regular mode
				/* A.4 Prediction*/
				predict_sample_value(&vars, params);

        predictor1(&vars, params);
        predictor2(&vars, params);

        encode_prediction_error(&vars, params, im_data);
        fprintf(fd, "%d\n", vars.Errval_temp3);

        encode_prediction_error_intra(&vars, params);
        fprintf(fd1, "%d\n", vars.Errval_temp1);
        fprintf(fd2, "%d\n", vars.Errval_temp2);

					/* A.6 Update variables */
					update_codingvars(&vars, params);


	if(params.decoding_flag == true)
		write_image("lena_decoded.ppm", im_data);

	return 0;