bool insert(KEY key, PAD pad) { if(size_ >= SIZE) return false; uint32_t i = 0; if(key >= cen_key_) i = cen_org_; while(i < size_) { if(key < core_[i].key) { move_(i); break; } else if(key == core_[i].key) { ++core_[i].pad; return true; } ++i; } core_[i].key = key; core_[i].pad = 1; ++size_; cen_key_ = core_[size_ / 2].key; cen_org_ = size_ / 2; return false; }
Optional<String> readFile(String& path) noexcept { Optional<uint64_t> size = getFileSize(path); if (!size) { return Optional<String>(); } FILE* f = fopen(path.null(), "r"); if (!f) { return Optional<String>(); } String contents; contents.resize(*size); ssize_t read = fread(, *size, 1, f); if (read != 1) { fclose(f); return Optional<String>(); } fclose(f); return Optional<String>(move_(contents)); }
void GosuMusic::play(std::string filepath) { if (path == filepath) { if (musicInst->paused()) { paused = 0; musicInst->play(true); } return; } MusicWorker::play(move_(filepath)); TimeMeasure m("Playing " + path); if (musicInst && musicInst->playing()) { musicInst->stop(); } musicInst = path.size() ? songs.lifetimeRequest(path) : Rc<Gosu::Song>(); musicInst->play(true); musicInst->set_volume(volume); }
int maklin (char lin[], int i, LINEDESC **newind) { char text [MAXLINE]; int l, n; LINEDESC *ptr; if (alloc (&ptr) == SE_NOMORE) /* get space for pointer block */ return (SE_ERR); for (n = i; lin [n] != SE_EOS; n++) /* find end of line */ if (lin [n] == '\n') { n++; break; } if (n - i >= MAXLINE ) /* can't handle more than MAXLINE chars/line */ n = i + MAXLINE - 1; l = n - i + 1; /* length of new line (including SE_EOS) */ move_ (&lin [i], text, l); /* move new line into text */ text [l - 1] = SE_EOS; /* add SE_EOS */ ptr->Seekaddr = Scrend; /* will be added to end of scratch file */ ptr->Lineleng = l; /* line length including SE_EOS */ ptr->Globmark = SE_NO; /* not marked for Global command */ ptr->Markname = DEFAULTNAME; /* give it default mark name */ seekf ((long) Scrend * 8, Scr); /* go to end of scratch file */ writef (text, l, Scr); /* write line on scratch file */ Scrend += (l + 7) / 8; /* update end-of-file pointer */ Buffer_changed = SE_YES; *newind = ptr; /* return index of new line */ return (n); /* return next char of interest in lin */ }
Exit::Exit(String area, int x, int y, double z) noexcept : area(move_(area)), coords{x, y, z} {}