INTERNAL void agentman(EVENT_AGENTD_REQ *eagent) { int pid, exitstat; int me; int rc; AGENT_REQ *areq; if (Debug) printf("agentman: starting\n"); /* Copy arg data into active Agent list & unblock parent */ mp_lock(AgentLock); printf("Allocating agent control block\n"); areq = agent_alloc(); if (!areq) { fprintf(stderr, "agentman: can't start %s\n", eagent->module); mp_exit(0); } printf("Initializing agent control block\\n"); memcpy(&areq->ereq, eagent, sizeof(EVENT_AGENTD_REQ)); mp_unlock(AgentLock); /* Unblock parent thread */ mp_incsema(AgentInit); if (Debug) printf("agentman: starting as thread %d.%d\n", getpid(), mp_gettid()); areq->pid = 0; areq->status = AGENTD_AGENT_INIT; areq->start = event_clock(); if (areq->ereq.log[0] && areq->ereq.log[0] != ' ') rc = start_logger(areq, areq->ereq.log, areq->ereq.module, areq->ereq.args, &pid); else rc = start_agent(areq, areq->ereq.module, areq->ereq.args, &pid); if (Debug) printf("agentman: thread (%d.%d) done and exiting\n", getpid(), mp_gettid()); /* Copy to obiturary list */ if (++Nrip == MAX_RIP) Nrip = 0; memcpy(Rip, areq, sizeof(AGENT_REQ)); /* Remove entry for this agent */ mp_lock(AgentLock); agent_free(areq); mp_unlock(AgentLock); mp_exit(0); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { /* Local Vars */ int ret; int i; unsigned int len; gnutls_x509_crt_t cert[1]; char *subject = NULL; size_t subject_len; time_t expiration_time, activation_time; /* Set signal handling and alarm */ if (signal (SIGALRM, timeout_alarm_handler) == SIG_ERR) critical("Setup SIGALRM trap failed!"); /* Process check arguments */ if (process_arguments(argc, argv) != OK) unknown("Parsing arguments failed!"); /* Start plugin timeout */ alarm(mp_timeout); /* Init GnuTLS */ gnutls_global_init(); for(i = 0; i < cert_files; i++) { if (mp_verbose) printf("Cert: %s\n", cert_file[i]); /* Read the Cert */ gnutls_datum_t data = { NULL, 0 }; ret = mp_slurp(cert_file[i], &(; data.size = ret; if (ret <= 0) { set_critical("Error loading cert file '%s'.", cert_file[i]); continue; } /* Load the Cert to a list. */ len = 1; ret = gnutls_x509_crt_list_import(cert, &len, &data, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM, GNUTLS_X509_CRT_LIST_IMPORT_FAIL_IF_EXCEED); if (ret < 0) { set_critical("%s error: %s", cert_file[i], gnutls_strerror(ret)); continue; }; /* Read der Cert CN */ if (subject == NULL) { subject = mp_malloc(128); subject_len = 128; } ret = gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn_by_oid(cert[0], GNUTLS_OID_X520_COMMON_NAME, 0, 0, subject, &subject_len); if (ret == GNUTLS_E_SHORT_MEMORY_BUFFER) { subject_len+=1; subject = mp_realloc(subject, subject_len); ret = gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn_by_oid(cert[0], GNUTLS_OID_X520_COMMON_NAME, 0, 0, subject, &subject_len); } if (ret != 0) { set_critical("%s error: %s", cert_file[i], gnutls_strerror(ret)); continue; } if (mp_verbose) { printf(" * Subject: %s\n", subject); } /* Check expire time */ expiration_time = gnutls_x509_crt_get_expiration_time (cert[0]); activation_time = gnutls_x509_crt_get_activation_time (cert[0]); if (mp_verbose) { printf (" * Certificate is valid since: %s", ctime (&activation_time)); printf (" * Certificate expires: %s", ctime (&expiration_time)); } int days = (int)difftime(expiration_time, time(0))/86400; switch (get_status((expiration_time-time(0)), expire_thresholds)) { case STATE_OK: set_ok(cert_file[i]); break; case STATE_WARNING: set_warning("%s expires in %d day%s", cert_file[i], days, days==1?"":"s"); break; case STATE_CRITICAL: set_critical("%s expires in %d day%s", cert_file[i], days, days==1?"":"s"); break; } if (activation_time > time(0)) { int days = (int)difftime(activation_time, time(0))/86400; set_critical("%s activates in %d day%s", cert_file[i], days, days==1?"":"s"); } } // Dissconnect gnutls_global_deinit (); mp_exit("X509"); }
INTERNAL void reader(EVENT_AGENTD_LOG *etmp) { EVENT_AGENTD_LOG elogsaved, *elog; int fd, to; int eof, checkexit; int i, rc; char c; memcpy(&elogsaved, etmp, sizeof(EVENT_AGENTD_LOG)); mp_incsema(ReadInit); elog = &elogsaved; fd = elog->flags; to = elog->; /**** on_sigpipe(fd, ignore_sigpipe); ****/ elog->msg[0] = '\0'; if (Verbose) printf("reader: proc %d.%d monitoring %d.%s on fd %d, sending to client %d\n", getpid(), mp_gettid(), elog->pid, elog->type==AGENTD_LOG_STDERR?"stderr":"stdout", fd, to); eof = checkexit = 0; FOREVER { for (i = 0; i < AGENTD_MAXMSG-1; ) { rc = read(fd, &c, 1); if (rc < 0) { if (Exit != elog->pid) { fprintf(stderr, "reader: error reading fd %d\n", rc); perror("reader"); } eof = 1; break; } if (rc == 0) { if (Debug) printf("reader: eof\n"); eof = 1; break; } if (c == EofStr[0] && Exit == elog->pid) { eof = 1; break; } elog->msg[i++] = c; if (c == '\n') break; else checkexit = 0; } if (eof) break; elog->msg[i] = '\0'; if (Verbose) { printf("%s [%d]: %s", elog->type==AGENTD_LOG_STDERR?"stderr":"stdout", fd, elog->msg); fflush(stdout); } event_send(to, ET_AGENTD_LOG, (EVENT *)elog, sizeof(*elog)); i = 0; } /* Send any partial message */ if (i != 0) { elog->msg[i] = '\0'; if (Verbose) { printf("%s [%d]: %s", elog->type==AGENTD_LOG_STDERR?"stderr":"stdout", fd, elog->msg); fflush(stdout); } event_send(to, ET_AGENTD_LOG, (EVENT *)elog, sizeof(*elog)); } if (Verbose) printf("reader: close and exit fd %d on %s\n", fd, (Exit == elog->pid)?"Exit PID":"eof"); mp_incsema(Exitwait); close(fd); mp_exit(0); }