Exemple #1
 * Generate a fingerprint string for the key. Compatible with the
 * OpenSSH fingerprint code.
char *rsa_ssh1_fingerprint(RSAKey *key)
    unsigned char digest[16];
    strbuf *out;
    int i;

     * The hash preimage for SSH-1 key fingerprinting consists of the
     * modulus and exponent _without_ any preceding length field -
     * just the minimum number of bytes to represent each integer,
     * stored big-endian, concatenated with no marker at the division
     * between them.

    ssh_hash *hash = ssh_hash_new(&ssh_md5);
    for (size_t i = (mp_get_nbits(key->modulus) + 7) / 8; i-- > 0 ;)
        put_byte(hash, mp_get_byte(key->modulus, i));
    for (size_t i = (mp_get_nbits(key->exponent) + 7) / 8; i-- > 0 ;)
        put_byte(hash, mp_get_byte(key->exponent, i));
    ssh_hash_final(hash, digest);

    out = strbuf_new();
    strbuf_catf(out, "%d ", mp_get_nbits(key->modulus));
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
	strbuf_catf(out, "%s%02x", i ? ":" : "", digest[i]);
    if (key->comment)
        strbuf_catf(out, " %s", key->comment);
    return strbuf_to_str(out);
Exemple #2
static mp_int *ecdsa_signing_exponent_from_data(
    const struct ec_curve *curve, const struct ecsign_extra *extra,
    ptrlen data)
    /* Hash the data being signed. */
    unsigned char hash[MAX_HASH_LEN];
    ssh_hash *h = ssh_hash_new(extra->hash);
    put_datapl(h, data);
    ssh_hash_final(h, hash);

     * Take the leftmost b bits of the hash of the signed data (where
     * b is the number of bits in order(G)), interpreted big-endian.
    mp_int *z = mp_from_bytes_be(make_ptrlen(hash, extra->hash->hlen));
    size_t zbits = mp_get_nbits(z);
    size_t nbits = mp_get_nbits(curve->w.G_order);
    size_t shift = zbits - nbits;
    /* Bound the shift count below at 0, using bit twiddling to avoid
     * a conditional branch */
    shift &= ~-(shift >> (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t) - 1));
    mp_int *toret = mp_rshift_safe(z, shift);

    return toret;
Exemple #3
static void rsa2_sign(ssh_key *key, ptrlen data,
                      unsigned flags, BinarySink *bs)
    RSAKey *rsa = container_of(key, RSAKey, sshk);
    unsigned char *bytes;
    size_t nbytes;
    mp_int *in, *out;
    const ssh_hashalg *halg;
    const char *sign_alg_name;

    halg = rsa2_hash_alg_for_flags(flags, &sign_alg_name);

    nbytes = (mp_get_nbits(rsa->modulus) + 7) / 8;

    bytes = rsa_pkcs1_signature_string(nbytes, halg, data);
    in = mp_from_bytes_be(make_ptrlen(bytes, nbytes));
    smemclr(bytes, nbytes);

    out = rsa_privkey_op(in, rsa);

    put_stringz(bs, sign_alg_name);
    nbytes = (mp_get_nbits(out) + 7) / 8;
    put_uint32(bs, nbytes);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nbytes; i++)
	put_byte(bs, mp_get_byte(out, nbytes - 1 - i));

Exemple #4
static EdwardsPoint *eddsa_decode(ptrlen encoded, const struct ec_curve *curve)
    assert(curve->type == EC_EDWARDS);
    assert(curve->fieldBits % 8 == 7);

    mp_int *y = mp_from_bytes_le(encoded);

    if (mp_get_nbits(y) > curve->fieldBits+1) {
        return NULL;

    /* The topmost bit of the encoding isn't part of y, so it stores
     * the bottom bit of x. Extract it, and zero that bit in y. */
    unsigned desired_x_parity = mp_get_bit(y, curve->fieldBits);
    mp_set_bit(y, curve->fieldBits, 0);

    EdwardsPoint *P = ecc_edwards_point_new_from_y(
        curve->e.ec, y, desired_x_parity);

    /* A point constructed in this way will always satisfy the curve
     * equation, unless ecc.c wasn't able to construct one at all, in
     * which case P is now NULL. Either way, return it. */
    return P;
Exemple #5
bool rsa_ssh1_decrypt_pkcs1(mp_int *input, RSAKey *key,
                            strbuf *outbuf)
    strbuf *data = strbuf_new_nm();
    bool success = false;
    BinarySource src[1];

        mp_int *b = rsa_ssh1_decrypt(input, key);
        for (size_t i = (mp_get_nbits(key->modulus) + 7) / 8; i-- > 0 ;) {
            put_byte(data, mp_get_byte(b, i));

    BinarySource_BARE_INIT(src, data->u, data->len);

    /* Check PKCS#1 formatting prefix */
    if (get_byte(src) != 0) goto out;
    if (get_byte(src) != 2) goto out;
    while (1) {
        unsigned char byte = get_byte(src);
        if (get_err(src)) goto out;
        if (byte == 0)

    /* Everything else is the payload */
    success = true;
    put_data(outbuf, get_ptr(src), get_avail(src));

    return success;
Exemple #6
void BinarySource_get_rsa_ssh1_pub(
    BinarySource *src, RSAKey *rsa, RsaSsh1Order order)
    unsigned bits;
    mp_int *e, *m;

    bits = get_uint32(src);
    if (order == RSA_SSH1_EXPONENT_FIRST) {
        e = get_mp_ssh1(src);
        m = get_mp_ssh1(src);
    } else {
        m = get_mp_ssh1(src);
        e = get_mp_ssh1(src);

    if (rsa) {
        rsa->bits = bits;
        rsa->exponent = e;
        rsa->modulus = m;
        rsa->bytes = (mp_get_nbits(m) + 7) / 8;
    } else {
Exemple #7
static void initialise_common(
    struct ec_curve *curve, EllipticCurveType type, mp_int *p)
    curve->type = type;
    curve->p = mp_copy(p);
    curve->fieldBits = mp_get_nbits(p);
    curve->fieldBytes = (curve->fieldBits + 7) / 8;
Exemple #8
static void BinarySink_put_mp_le_unsigned(BinarySink *bs, mp_int *x)
    size_t bytes = (mp_get_nbits(x) + 7) / 8;

    put_uint32(bs, bytes);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes; ++i)
        put_byte(bs, mp_get_byte(x, i));
Exemple #9
void rsa_ssh1_public_blob(BinarySink *bs, RSAKey *key,
                          RsaSsh1Order order)
    put_uint32(bs, mp_get_nbits(key->modulus));
    if (order == RSA_SSH1_EXPONENT_FIRST) {
        put_mp_ssh1(bs, key->exponent);
        put_mp_ssh1(bs, key->modulus);
    } else {
        put_mp_ssh1(bs, key->modulus);
        put_mp_ssh1(bs, key->exponent);
Exemple #10
char *rsa2_invalid(ssh_key *key, unsigned flags)
    RSAKey *rsa = container_of(key, RSAKey, sshk);
    size_t bits = mp_get_nbits(rsa->modulus), nbytes = (bits + 7) / 8;
    const char *sign_alg_name;
    const ssh_hashalg *halg = rsa2_hash_alg_for_flags(flags, &sign_alg_name);
    if (nbytes < rsa_pkcs1_length_of_fixed_parts(halg)) {
        return dupprintf(
            "%zu-bit RSA key is too short to generate %s signatures",
            bits, sign_alg_name);

    return NULL;
Exemple #11
static int rsa2_pubkey_bits(const ssh_keyalg *self, ptrlen pub)
    ssh_key *sshk;
    RSAKey *rsa;
    int ret;

    sshk = rsa2_new_pub(self, pub);
    if (!sshk)
        return -1;

    rsa = container_of(sshk, RSAKey, sshk);
    ret = mp_get_nbits(rsa->modulus);

    return ret;
Exemple #12
static bool rsa2_verify(ssh_key *key, ptrlen sig, ptrlen data)
    RSAKey *rsa = container_of(key, RSAKey, sshk);
    BinarySource src[1];
    ptrlen type, in_pl;
    mp_int *in, *out;

    /* If we need to support variable flags on verify, this is where they go */
    const ssh_hashalg *halg = rsa2_hash_alg_for_flags(0, NULL);

    /* Start by making sure the key is even long enough to encode a
     * signature. If not, everything fails to verify. */
    size_t nbytes = (mp_get_nbits(rsa->modulus) + 7) / 8;
    if (nbytes < rsa_pkcs1_length_of_fixed_parts(halg))
        return false;

    BinarySource_BARE_INIT_PL(src, sig);
    type = get_string(src);
     * RFC 4253 section 6.6: the signature integer in an ssh-rsa
     * signature is 'without lengths or padding'. That is, we _don't_
     * expect the usual leading zero byte if the topmost bit of the
     * first byte is set. (However, because of the possibility of
     * BUG_SSH2_RSA_PADDING at the other end, we tolerate it if it's
     * there.) So we can't use get_mp_ssh2, which enforces that
     * leading-byte scheme; instead we use get_string and
     * mp_from_bytes_be, which will tolerate anything.
    in_pl = get_string(src);
    if (get_err(src) || !ptrlen_eq_string(type, "ssh-rsa"))
	return false;

    in = mp_from_bytes_be(in_pl);
    out = mp_modpow(in, rsa->exponent, rsa->modulus);

    unsigned diff = 0;

    unsigned char *bytes = rsa_pkcs1_signature_string(nbytes, halg, data);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nbytes; i++)
        diff |= bytes[nbytes-1 - i] ^ mp_get_byte(out, i);
    smemclr(bytes, nbytes);

    return diff == 0;
Exemple #13
mp_int *ssh_rsakex_decrypt(
    RSAKey *rsa, const ssh_hashalg *h, ptrlen ciphertext)
    mp_int *b1, *b2;
    int outlen, i;
    unsigned char *out;
    unsigned char labelhash[64];
    ssh_hash *hash;
    BinarySource src[1];
    const int HLEN = h->hlen;

     * Decryption side of the RSA key exchange operation.

    /* The length of the encrypted data should be exactly the length
     * in octets of the RSA modulus.. */
    outlen = (7 + mp_get_nbits(rsa->modulus)) / 8;
    if (ciphertext.len != outlen)
        return NULL;

    /* Do the RSA decryption, and extract the result into a byte array. */
    b1 = mp_from_bytes_be(ciphertext);
    b2 = rsa_privkey_op(b1, rsa);
    out = snewn(outlen, unsigned char);
    for (i = 0; i < outlen; i++)
        out[i] = mp_get_byte(b2, outlen-1-i);

    /* Do the OAEP masking operations, in the reverse order from encryption */
    oaep_mask(h, out+HLEN+1, outlen-HLEN-1, out+1, HLEN);
    oaep_mask(h, out+1, HLEN, out+HLEN+1, outlen-HLEN-1);

    /* Check the leading byte is zero. */
    if (out[0] != 0) {
        return NULL;
    /* Check the label hash at position 1+HLEN */
    assert(HLEN <= lenof(labelhash));
    hash = ssh_hash_new(h);
    ssh_hash_final(hash, labelhash);
    if (memcmp(out + HLEN + 1, labelhash, HLEN)) {
        return NULL;
    /* Expect zero bytes followed by a 1 byte */
    for (i = 1 + 2 * HLEN; i < outlen; i++) {
        if (out[i] == 1) {
            i++;  /* skip over the 1 byte */
        } else if (out[i] != 1) {
            return NULL;
    /* And what's left is the input message data, which should be
     * encoded as an ordinary SSH-2 mpint. */
    BinarySource_BARE_INIT(src, out + i, outlen - i);
    b1 = get_mp_ssh2(src);
    if (get_err(src) || get_avail(src) != 0) {
        return NULL;

    /* Success! */
    return b1;
Exemple #14
strbuf *ssh_rsakex_encrypt(RSAKey *rsa, const ssh_hashalg *h, ptrlen in)
    mp_int *b1, *b2;
    int k, i;
    char *p;
    const int HLEN = h->hlen;

     * Here we encrypt using RSAES-OAEP. Essentially this means:
     *  - we have a SHA-based `mask generation function' which
     *    creates a pseudo-random stream of mask data
     *    deterministically from an input chunk of data.
     *  - we have a random chunk of data called a seed.
     *  - we use the seed to generate a mask which we XOR with our
     *    plaintext.
     *  - then we use _the masked plaintext_ to generate a mask
     *    which we XOR with the seed.
     *  - then we concatenate the masked seed and the masked
     *    plaintext, and RSA-encrypt that lot.
     * The result is that the data input to the encryption function
     * is random-looking and (hopefully) contains no exploitable
     * structure such as PKCS1-v1_5 does.
     * For a precise specification, see RFC 3447, section 7.1.1.
     * Some of the variable names below are derived from that, so
     * it'd probably help to read it anyway.

    /* k denotes the length in octets of the RSA modulus. */
    k = (7 + mp_get_nbits(rsa->modulus)) / 8;

    /* The length of the input data must be at most k - 2hLen - 2. */
    assert(in.len > 0 && in.len <= k - 2*HLEN - 2);

    /* The length of the output data wants to be precisely k. */
    strbuf *toret = strbuf_new_nm();
    int outlen = k;
    unsigned char *out = strbuf_append(toret, outlen);

     * Now perform EME-OAEP encoding. First set up all the unmasked
     * output data.
    /* Leading byte zero. */
    out[0] = 0;
    /* At position 1, the seed: HLEN bytes of random data. */
    random_read(out + 1, HLEN);
    /* At position 1+HLEN, the data block DB, consisting of: */
    /* The hash of the label (we only support an empty label here) */
        ssh_hash *s = ssh_hash_new(h);
        ssh_hash_final(s, out + HLEN + 1);
    /* A bunch of zero octets */
    memset(out + 2*HLEN + 1, 0, outlen - (2*HLEN + 1));
    /* A single 1 octet, followed by the input message data. */
    out[outlen - in.len - 1] = 1;
    memcpy(out + outlen - in.len, in.ptr, in.len);

     * Now use the seed data to mask the block DB.
    oaep_mask(h, out+1, HLEN, out+HLEN+1, outlen-HLEN-1);

     * And now use the masked DB to mask the seed itself.
    oaep_mask(h, out+HLEN+1, outlen-HLEN-1, out+1, HLEN);

     * Now `out' contains precisely the data we want to
     * RSA-encrypt.
    b1 = mp_from_bytes_be(make_ptrlen(out, outlen));
    b2 = mp_modpow(b1, rsa->exponent, rsa->modulus);
    p = (char *)out;
    for (i = outlen; i--;) {
	*p++ = mp_get_byte(b2, i);

     * And we're done.
    return toret;
Exemple #15
int ssh_rsakex_klen(RSAKey *rsa)
    return mp_get_nbits(rsa->modulus);