void generic_sendstat (mpg123_handle *fr) { off_t current_frame, frames_left; double current_seconds, seconds_left; if(!mpg123_position(fr, 0, out123_buffered(ao), ¤t_frame, &frames_left, ¤t_seconds, &seconds_left)) generic_sendmsg("F %"OFF_P" %"OFF_P" %3.2f %3.2f", (off_p)current_frame, (off_p)frames_left, current_seconds, seconds_left); }
void input_mpg123::open(std::string path) { int err; int encoding; handle = mpg123_new(NULL, &err); if (handle == NULL) { throw input_error(mpg123_plain_strerror(err)); } if ((err = mpg123_open(handle, path.c_str())) != MPG123_OK) { throw input_error(mpg123_plain_strerror(err)); } if ((err = mpg123_getformat(handle, &_rate, &_channels, &encoding)) != MPG123_OK) { throw input_error(mpg123_plain_strerror(err)); } read_metadata(); /* force 16 bit format */ encoding = MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16; mpg123_format_none(handle); mpg123_format(handle, _rate, _channels, encoding); double seconds_left; if ((err = mpg123_position(handle, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &seconds_left)) != MPG123_OK) { throw input_error(mpg123_plain_strerror(err)); } this->_encoding = encoding; this->_length = seconds_left; }
void MP3Update2( long BUF_SIZE ) { double cSec; mpg123_position(musicfile,0,0,0,0,&cSec,0); if ( Type == 2 && !knownSize ) { currBytes += BUF_SIZE; pltime = currBytes / (rate*chn*2); } else pltime = cSec; SongPos = pltime; mpg123_info(musicfile,&frameinfo); getBR = QString::number( frameinfo.bitrate ) + "kbps"; if ( pltime != tmpPltime && Type == 2 && !knownSize ) { TMPint++; tmpPltime = pltime; } if ( Type == 2 && TMPint == 10 && !knownSize ) { TMPint = 0; if ( !titleThr.isRunning() ) titleThr.start(); } }
pcm_meta input_mpg123::tell() { int err; double seconds; if ((err = mpg123_position(handle, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, &seconds, NULL)) != MPG123_OK) { throw input_error(mpg123_plain_strerror(err)); } pcm_meta meta; meta.current = seconds; meta.length = seconds + 100; return meta; }
bool MP3Update() { if ( !getMusInfo( musicfile, &rate, &chn, &title, &Title, &Artist, Type, curF.toUtf8() ) ) return false; id3Str = getId3(Type,curF,&pix); updateF = true; tmpPltime = 0; double lSec; if ( Type == 0 ) mpg123_position(musicfile,0,0,0,0,0,&lSec); else lSec = -1; plMaxtime = lSec; if ( Type == 0 ) NumPos = plMaxtime-1; else NumPos = -1; if (savsek != 0 ) { seek(savsek); pltime = -1; } savsek = 0; if ( Type == 2 ) { if ( knownSize ) { if ( title.isEmpty() ) title = plikbezsciezki( curF ); int idx = title.indexOf( "QMPlay_title=" ); if ( idx > -1 ) title = title.mid( idx + 13, title.length() - ( idx + 13 ) ); QLib->updateCurrPlistEntry( title ); } else QLib->updateCurrPlistEntry( Artist ); } return true; }
void print_stat(mpg123_handle *fr, long offset, long buffsize) { double tim1,tim2; off_t rno, no; double basevol, realvol; char *icy; #ifndef WIN32 #ifndef GENERIC /* Only generate new stat line when stderr is ready... don't overfill... */ { struct timeval t; fd_set serr; int n,errfd = fileno(stderr); t.tv_sec=t.tv_usec=0; FD_ZERO(&serr); FD_SET(errfd,&serr); n = select(errfd+1,NULL,&serr,NULL,&t); if(n <= 0) return; } #endif #endif if( MPG123_OK == mpg123_position(fr, offset, buffsize, &no, &rno, &tim1, &tim2) && MPG123_OK == mpg123_getvolume(fr, &basevol, &realvol, NULL) ) { fprintf(stderr, "\rFrame# %5"OFF_P" [%5"OFF_P"], Time: %02lu:%02u.%02u [%02u:%02u.%02u], RVA:%6s, Vol: %3u(%3u)", (off_p)no, (off_p)rno, (unsigned long) tim1/60, (unsigned int)tim1%60, (unsigned int)(tim1*100)%100, (unsigned int)tim2/60, (unsigned int)tim2%60, (unsigned int)(tim2*100)%100, rva_name[param.rva], roundui(basevol*100), roundui(realvol*100) ); if(param.usebuffer) fprintf(stderr,", [%8ld] ",(long)buffsize); } /* Check for changed tags here too? */ if( mpg123_meta_check(fr) & MPG123_NEW_ICY && MPG123_OK == mpg123_icy(fr, &icy) ) fprintf(stderr, "\nICY-META: %s\n", icy); }
int main(int sys_argc, char ** sys_argv) { int result; char end_of_files = FALSE; long parr; char *fname; int libpar = 0; mpg123_pars *mp; #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(GENERIC) struct timeval start_time; #endif aux_out = stdout; /* Need to initialize here because stdout is not a constant?! */ #if defined (WANT_WIN32_UNICODE) if(win32_cmdline_utf8(&argc, &argv) != 0) { error("Cannot convert command line to UTF8!"); safe_exit(76); } #else argv = sys_argv; argc = sys_argc; #endif #if defined (WANT_WIN32_SOCKETS) win32_net_init(); #endif /* Extract binary and path, take stuff before/after last / or \ . */ if((prgName = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) || (prgName = strrchr(argv[0], '\\'))) { /* There is some explicit path. */ prgName[0] = 0; /* End byte for path. */ prgName++; binpath = argv[0]; } else { prgName = argv[0]; /* No path separators there. */ binpath = NULL; /* No path at all. */ } /* Need to initialize mpg123 lib here for default parameter values. */ result = mpg123_init(); if(result != MPG123_OK) { error1("Cannot initialize mpg123 library: %s", mpg123_plain_strerror(result)); safe_exit(77); } cleanup_mpg123 = TRUE; mp = mpg123_new_pars(&result); /* This may get leaked on premature exit(), which is mainly a cosmetic issue... */ if(mp == NULL) { error1("Crap! Cannot get mpg123 parameters: %s", mpg123_plain_strerror(result)); safe_exit(78); } /* get default values */ mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_DOWN_SAMPLE, &parr, NULL); param.down_sample = (int) parr; mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_RVA, ¶m.rva, NULL); mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_DOWNSPEED, ¶m.halfspeed, NULL); mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_UPSPEED, ¶m.doublespeed, NULL); mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_OUTSCALE, ¶m.outscale, NULL); mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_FLAGS, &parr, NULL); mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_INDEX_SIZE, ¶m.index_size, NULL); param.flags = (int) parr; param.flags |= MPG123_SEEKBUFFER; /* Default on, for HTTP streams. */ mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_RESYNC_LIMIT, ¶m.resync_limit, NULL); mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_PREFRAMES, ¶m.preframes, NULL); #ifdef OS2 _wildcard(&argc,&argv); #endif while ((result = getlopt(argc, argv, opts))) switch (result) { case GLO_UNKNOWN: fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unknown option \"%s\".\n", prgName, loptarg); usage(1); case GLO_NOARG: fprintf (stderr, "%s: Missing argument for option \"%s\".\n", prgName, loptarg); usage(1); } /* Do this _after_ parameter parsing. */ check_locale(); /* Check/set locale; store if it uses UTF-8. */ if(param.list_cpu) { const char **all_dec = mpg123_decoders(); printf("Builtin decoders:"); while(*all_dec != NULL){ printf(" %s", *all_dec); ++all_dec; } printf("\n"); mpg123_delete_pars(mp); return 0; } if(param.test_cpu) { const char **all_dec = mpg123_supported_decoders(); printf("Supported decoders:"); while(*all_dec != NULL){ printf(" %s", *all_dec); ++all_dec; } printf("\n"); mpg123_delete_pars(mp); return 0; } if(param.gain != -1) { warning("The parameter -g is deprecated and may be removed in the future."); } if (loptind >= argc && !param.listname && !param.remote) usage(1); /* Init audio as early as possible. If there is the buffer process to be spawned, it shouldn't carry the mpg123_handle with it. */ bufferblock = mpg123_safe_buffer(); /* Can call that before mpg123_init(), it's stateless. */ if(init_output(&ao) < 0) { error("Failed to initialize output, goodbye."); mpg123_delete_pars(mp); return 99; /* It's safe here... nothing nasty happened yet. */ } have_output = TRUE; /* ========================================================================================================= */ /* Enterning the leaking zone... we start messing with stuff here that should be taken care of when leaving. */ /* Don't just exit() or return out... */ /* ========================================================================================================= */ httpdata_init(&htd); #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(GENERIC) if (param.remote) { param.verbose = 0; param.quiet = 1; param.flags |= MPG123_QUIET; } #endif /* Set the frame parameters from command line options */ if(param.quiet) param.flags |= MPG123_QUIET; #ifdef OPT_3DNOW if(dnow != 0) param.cpu = (dnow == SET_3DNOW) ? "3dnow" : "i586"; #endif if(param.cpu != NULL && (!strcmp(param.cpu, "auto") || !strcmp(param.cpu, ""))) param.cpu = NULL; if(!( MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_VERBOSE, param.verbose, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_FLAGS, param.flags, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_DOWN_SAMPLE, param.down_sample, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_RVA, param.rva, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_FORCE_RATE, param.force_rate, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_DOWNSPEED, param.halfspeed, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_UPSPEED, param.doublespeed, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_ICY_INTERVAL, 0, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_RESYNC_LIMIT, param.resync_limit, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_TIMEOUT, param.timeout, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_OUTSCALE, param.outscale, 0)) && ++libpar && MPG123_OK == (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_PREFRAMES, param.preframes, 0)) )) { error2("Cannot set library parameter %i: %s", libpar, mpg123_plain_strerror(result)); safe_exit(45); } if (!(param.listentry < 0) && !param.quiet) print_title(stderr); /* do not pollute stdout! */ { long default_index; mpg123_getpar(mp, MPG123_INDEX_SIZE, &default_index, NULL); if( param.index_size != default_index && (result = mpg123_par(mp, MPG123_INDEX_SIZE, param.index_size, 0.)) != MPG123_OK ) error1("Setting of frame index size failed: %s", mpg123_plain_strerror(result)); } if(param.force_rate && param.down_sample) { error("Down sampling and fixed rate options not allowed together!"); safe_exit(1); } /* Now actually get an mpg123_handle. */ mh = mpg123_parnew(mp, param.cpu, &result); if(mh == NULL) { error1("Crap! Cannot get a mpg123 handle: %s", mpg123_plain_strerror(result)); safe_exit(77); } mpg123_delete_pars(mp); /* Don't need the parameters anymore ,they're in the handle now. */ /* Prepare stream dumping, possibly replacing mpg123 reader. */ if(dump_open(mh) != 0) safe_exit(78); /* Now either check caps myself or query buffer for that. */ audio_capabilities(ao, mh); load_equalizer(mh); #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY if(param.aggressive) { /* tst */ int mypid = getpid(); setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,mypid,-20); } #endif #if defined (HAVE_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER) && !defined (__CYGWIN__) && !defined (HAVE_WINDOWS_H) /* Cygwin --realtime seems to fail when accessing network, using win32 set priority instead */ /* MinGW may have pthread installed, we prefer win32API */ if (param.realtime) { /* Get real-time priority */ struct sched_param sp; fprintf(stderr,"Getting real-time priority\n"); memset(&sp, 0, sizeof(struct sched_param)); sp.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO); if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR, &sp) == -1) fprintf(stderr,"Can't get real-time priority\n"); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H /* argument "3" is equivalent to realtime priority class */ win32_set_priority( param.realtime ? 3 : param.w32_priority); #endif if(!param.remote) prepare_playlist(argc, argv); #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(GENERIC) /* Remote mode is special... but normal console and terminal-controlled operation needs to catch the SIGINT. For one it serves for track skip when not in terminal control mode. The more important use being a graceful exit, including telling the buffer process what's going on. */ if(!param.remote) catchsignal (SIGINT, catch_interrupt); #endif if(param.remote) { int ret; ret = control_generic(mh); safe_exit(ret); } #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS debug1("param.term_ctrl: %i", param.term_ctrl); if(param.term_ctrl) term_init(); #endif if(APPFLAG(MPG123APP_CONTINUE)) frames_left = param.frame_number; while ((fname = get_next_file())) { char *dirname, *filename; int newdir; /* skip_tracks includes the previous one. */ if(skip_tracks) --skip_tracks; if(skip_tracks) { debug("Skipping this track."); continue; } if(param.delay > 0) { /* One should enable terminal control during that sleeping phase! */ if(param.verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr, "Note: pausing %i seconds before next track.\n", param.delay); output_pause(ao); #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(param.delay*1000); #else sleep(param.delay); #endif output_unpause(ao); } if(!APPFLAG(MPG123APP_CONTINUE)) frames_left = param.frame_number; debug1("Going to play %s", strcmp(fname, "-") ? fname : "standard input"); if(intflag || !open_track(fname)) { #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS /* We need the opportunity to cancel in case of --loop -1 . */ if(param.term_ctrl) term_control(mh, ao); #endif /* No wait for a second interrupt before we started playing. */ if(intflag) break; continue; } if(!param.quiet) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if(param.index) { if(param.verbose) fprintf(stderr, "indexing...\r"); mpg123_scan(mh); } /* Only trigger a seek if we do not want to start with the first frame. Rationale: Because of libmpg123 sample accuracy, this could cause an unnecessary backwards seek, that even may fail on non-seekable streams. For start frame of 0, we are already at the correct position! */ framenum = 0; if(param.start_frame > 0) framenum = mpg123_seek_frame(mh, param.start_frame, SEEK_SET); if(APPFLAG(MPG123APP_CONTINUE)) param.start_frame = 0; if(framenum < 0) { error1("Initial seek failed: %s", mpg123_strerror(mh)); if(mpg123_errcode(mh) == MPG123_BAD_OUTFORMAT) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", "So, you have trouble getting an output format... this is the matrix of currently possible formats:\n"); print_capabilities(ao, mh); fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Somehow the input data and your choices don't allow one of these.\n"); } mpg123_close(mh); continue; } /* Prinout and xterm title need this, possibly independently. */ newdir = split_dir_file(fname ? fname : "standard input", &dirname, &filename); if (!param.quiet) { if(newdir) fprintf(stderr, "Directory: %s\n", dirname); #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS /* Reminder about terminal usage. */ if(param.term_ctrl) term_hint(); #endif fprintf(stderr, "Playing MPEG stream %lu of %lu: %s ...\n", (unsigned long)pl.pos, (unsigned long)pl.fill, filename); if(htd.icy_name.fill) fprintf(stderr, "ICY-NAME: %s\n", htd.icy_name.p); if(htd.icy_url.fill) fprintf(stderr, "ICY-URL: %s\n", htd.icy_url.p); } #if !defined(GENERIC) { const char *term_type; term_type = getenv("TERM"); if(term_type && param.xterm_title) { if(!strncmp(term_type,"xterm",5) || !strncmp(term_type,"rxvt",4)) fprintf(stderr, "\033]0;%s\007", filename); else if(!strncmp(term_type,"screen",6)) fprintf(stderr, "\033k%s\033\\", filename); else if(!strncmp(term_type,"iris-ansi",9)) fprintf(stderr, "\033P1.y %s\033\\\033P3.y%s\033\\", filename, filename); fflush(stderr); /* Paranoia: will the buffer buffer the escapes? */ } } #endif /* Rethink that SIGINT logic... */ #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(GENERIC) #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS if(!param.term_ctrl) #endif gettimeofday (&start_time, NULL); #endif while(!intflag) { int meta; if(param.frame_number > -1) { debug1("frames left: %li", (long) frames_left); if(!frames_left) { if(APPFLAG(MPG123APP_CONTINUE)) end_of_files = TRUE; break; } } if(!play_frame()) break; if(!param.quiet) { meta = mpg123_meta_check(mh); if(meta & (MPG123_NEW_ID3|MPG123_NEW_ICY)) { if(meta & MPG123_NEW_ID3) print_id3_tag(mh, param.long_id3, stderr); if(meta & MPG123_NEW_ICY) print_icy(mh, stderr); mpg123_meta_free(mh); /* Do not waste memory after delivering. */ } } if(!fresh && param.verbose) { #ifndef NOXFERMEM if (param.verbose > 1 || !(framenum & 0x7)) print_stat(mh,0,xfermem_get_usedspace(buffermem)); #else if(param.verbose > 1 || !(framenum & 0x7)) print_stat(mh,0,0); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS if(!param.term_ctrl) continue; else term_control(mh, ao); #endif } if(!param.smooth && param.usebuffer) buffer_drain(); if(param.verbose) print_stat(mh,0,xfermem_get_usedspace(buffermem)); if(!param.quiet) { double secs; long frank; fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if(mpg123_getstate(mh, MPG123_FRANKENSTEIN, &frank, NULL) == MPG123_OK && frank) fprintf(stderr, "This was a Frankenstein track.\n"); mpg123_position(mh, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, &secs, NULL); fprintf(stderr,"[%d:%02d] Decoding of %s finished.\n", (int)(secs / 60), ((int)secs) % 60, filename); } else if(param.verbose) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); mpg123_close(mh); if (intflag) { if(!skip_or_die(&start_time)) break; intflag = FALSE; #ifndef NOXFERMEM if(!param.smooth && param.usebuffer) buffer_resync(); #endif } if(end_of_files) break; } /* end of loop over input files */ /* Ensure we played everything. */ if(param.smooth && param.usebuffer) { buffer_drain(); buffer_resync(); } if(APPFLAG(MPG123APP_CONTINUE)) { continue_msg("CONTINUE"); } /* Free up memory used by playlist */ if(!param.remote) free_playlist(); safe_exit(0); /* That closes output and restores terminal, too. */ return 0; }
int DealMsg(char *buff, int len) { if(strcmp(buff, "next") == 0) { StopMusic(); stopFlag = TRUE; pauseFlag = FALSE; if(GetNextFile() != 0 || PlayMusic() != 0) { return 1; } } else if(strcmp(buff, "again") == 0) { StopMusic(); stopFlag = TRUE; pauseFlag = FALSE; if(PlayMusic() != 0) { return 1; } } else if(strcmp(buff, "list") == 0) { WIN32_FIND_DATA tmpFileInfo; HANDLE tmpHFile; char tmpBuff[10240] = {0}; int i = 0; tmpHFile = FindFirstFile(glob_file, &tmpFileInfo); if(tmpHFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 1; } do { strcat(tmpBuff, tmpFileInfo.cFileName); strcat(tmpBuff, "\n"); } while (FindNextFile(tmpHFile, &tmpFileInfo)); send(client, tmpBuff, strlen(tmpBuff), 0); CloseHandle(tmpHFile); } else if(strcmp(buff, "current") == 0) { int ret; double second; double second_left; char currentBuffer[256] = {0}; char *p; if (stopFlag == TRUE) { p = "stop"; } else if(pauseFlag == TRUE) { p = "pause"; } else { p = "play"; } ret = mpg123_position(mh, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &second, &second_left); if(ret != MPG123_OK) { return 1; } _snprintf(currentBuffer, sizeof(currentBuffer), "%s %s %lf %lf", p, fileInfo.cFileName, second, second_left); send(client, currentBuffer, strlen(currentBuffer), 0); } else if(strncmp(buff, "seek ", 5) == 0) { double secondToSet; off_t currentFrame; off_t frameLeft; double currentSecond; double secondLeft; int ret; double totalSecond; off_t totalFrame; off_t frameToSet; if(buff[5] < '1' || buff[5] > '9') { return 0; } secondToSet = atof((const char *)&buff[5]); frameToSet = mpg123_timeframe(mh, secondToSet); if(frameToSet < 0) { return 1; } EnterCriticalSection(&cs); ret = mpg123_seek_frame(mh, frameToSet, SEEK_SET); LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); if(ret < 0) { return 1; } } else if(strncmp(buff, "select ", 7) == 0) { char path[MAX_PATH] = {0}; strcpy(path, dir); strcat(path, "\\\\"); strcat(path, &buff[7]); if(!PathFileExists(path)) { return 0; } StopMusic(); stopFlag = TRUE; pauseFlag = FALSE; while(strcmp(fileInfo.cFileName, &buff[7]) != 0) { GetNextFile(); } if(PlayMusic() != 0) { return 1; } } else if(strcmp(buff, "stop") == 0) { if(pauseFlag == FALSE) { StopMusic(); mpg123_seek_frame(mh, 0, SEEK_SET); stopFlag = TRUE; } } else if(strcmp(buff, "play") == 0) { if(playingFlag == FALSE) PlayMusic(); } else if(strcmp(buff, "pause") == 0) { if (stopFlag == FALSE) { playingFlag = FALSE; pauseFlag = TRUE; } } return 0; }
void getMusInfo( const char *fileE, uint type, int *time, QString *title ) { if ( type == 2 ) { if ( title ) *title = ""; if ( time ) *time = -1; return; } if ( type != 0 ) { if ( title ) *title = ""; if ( time ) *time = -2; return; } if ( type == 0 ) { if ( !title || !time ) return; mpg123_handle *mus = NULL; mus = mpg123_new(NULL, NULL); int fd = qmp_open( fileE, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY ); mpg123_open_fd( mus, fd ); if ( !mus ) { mpg123_close(mus); mpg123_delete(mus); if ( fd > -1 ) close( fd ); if ( title ) *title = ""; if ( time ) *time = -2; return; } QString t; bool OK(0); if ( !notReadID3 ) OK = getMusInfo( mus, NULL, NULL, &t, NULL, NULL, type, fileE ); else OK = getMusInfo( mus, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, type, fileE ); if ( !OK ) { mpg123_close(mus); mpg123_delete(mus); if ( fd > -1 ) close( fd ); if ( title ) *title = ""; if ( time ) *time = -2; return; } if ( !notReadID3 && title ) *title = t; if ( time ) { double lSec; mpg123_position(mus,0,0,0,0,0,&lSec); *time = lSec; } mpg123_close(mus); mpg123_delete(mus); if ( fd > -1 ) close( fd ); } }