Exemple #1
 * Generate an RSA keypair
int rsa_gen_key( rsa_context *ctx, int nbits, int exponent,
                 ulong (*rng_fn)(void *), void *rng_st )
    int ret;
    mpi P1, Q1, H, G;

    mpi_init( &P1, &Q1, &H, &G, NULL );

    memset( ctx, 0, sizeof( rsa_context ) );

     * find primes P and Q with Q < P so that:
     * GCD( E, (P-1)*(Q-1) ) == 1
    CHK( mpi_lset( &ctx->E, exponent ) );

    nbits >>= 1;

        CHK( mpi_gen_prime( &ctx->P, nbits, 0, rng_fn, rng_st ) );
        CHK( mpi_gen_prime( &ctx->Q, nbits, 0, rng_fn, rng_st ) );

        if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &ctx->P, &ctx->Q ) < 0 )
            mpi_swap( &ctx->P, &ctx->Q );

        CHK( mpi_mul_mpi( &ctx->N, &ctx->P, &ctx->Q ) );
        CHK( mpi_sub_int( &P1, &ctx->P, 1 ) );
        CHK( mpi_sub_int( &Q1, &ctx->Q, 1 ) );
        CHK( mpi_mul_mpi( &H, &P1, &Q1 ) );
        CHK( mpi_gcd( &G, &ctx->E, &H  ) );
    while( mpi_cmp_int( &G, 1 ) != 0 );

     * D  = E^-1 mod ((P-1)*(Q-1))
     * DP = D mod (P - 1)
     * DQ = D mod (Q - 1)
     * QP = Q^-1 mod P
    CHK( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx->D , &ctx->E, &H  ) );
    CHK( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx->DP, &ctx->D, &P1 ) );
    CHK( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx->DQ, &ctx->D, &Q1 ) );
    CHK( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx->QP, &ctx->Q, &ctx->P ) );

    ctx->len = ( mpi_size( &ctx->N ) + 7 ) >> 3;


    mpi_free( &P1, &Q1, &H, &G, NULL );

    if( ret != 0 )
        rsa_free( ctx );
        return( ERR_RSA_KEYGEN_FAILED | ret );

    return( 0 );   
Exemple #2
void test_prime_num_gen()
	mpi p;
	clock_t start, end;
	float diff;

	for (size_t i = 256; i <= 2048; i <<= 1)
		start = clock();
		mpi_gen_prime(&p, i, 0, myrand, NULL);
		end = clock();

		diff = ((float)(end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

		printf("%d-bit prime number generation time: %f seconds\n", i, diff);

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int ret = 1;
    mpi G, P, Q;
    entropy_context entropy;
    ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;
    const char *pers = "dh_genprime";
    FILE *fout;

    ((void) argc);
    ((void) argv);

    mpi_init( &G ); mpi_init( &P ); mpi_init( &Q );
    entropy_init( &entropy );

    if( ( ret = mpi_read_string( &G, 10, GENERATOR ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_read_string returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    polarssl_printf( "\nWARNING: You should not generate and use your own DHM primes\n" );
    polarssl_printf( "         unless you are very certain of what you are doing!\n" );
    polarssl_printf( "         Failing to follow this instruction may result in\n" );
    polarssl_printf( "         weak security for your connections! Use the\n" );
    polarssl_printf( "         predefined DHM parameters from dhm.h instead!\n\n" );
    polarssl_printf( "============================================================\n\n" );

    polarssl_printf( "  ! Generating large primes may take minutes!\n" );

    polarssl_printf( "\n  . Seeding the random number generator..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( ret = ctr_drbg_init( &ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy,
                               (const unsigned char *) pers,
                               strlen( pers ) ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! ctr_drbg_init returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    polarssl_printf( " ok\n  . Generating the modulus, please wait..." );
    fflush( stdout );

     * This can take a long time...
    if( ( ret = mpi_gen_prime( &P, DH_P_SIZE, 1,
                               ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_gen_prime returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    polarssl_printf( " ok\n  . Verifying that Q = (P-1)/2 is prime..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( ret = mpi_sub_int( &Q, &P, 1 ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_sub_int returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    if( ( ret = mpi_div_int( &Q, NULL, &Q, 2 ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_div_int returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    if( ( ret = mpi_is_prime( &Q, ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_is_prime returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    polarssl_printf( " ok\n  . Exporting the value in dh_prime.txt..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( fout = fopen( "dh_prime.txt", "wb+" ) ) == NULL )
        ret = 1;
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! Could not create dh_prime.txt\n\n" );
        goto exit;

    if( ( ret = mpi_write_file( "P = ", &P, 16, fout ) != 0 ) ||
        ( ret = mpi_write_file( "G = ", &G, 16, fout ) != 0 ) )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_write_file returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    polarssl_printf( " ok\n\n" );
    fclose( fout );


    mpi_free( &G ); mpi_free( &P ); mpi_free( &Q );
    ctr_drbg_free( &ctr_drbg );
    entropy_free( &entropy );

#if defined(_WIN32)
    polarssl_printf( "  Press Enter to exit this program.\n" );
    fflush( stdout ); getchar();

    return( ret );
Exemple #4
int main( void )
    int ret = 1;

#if defined(XYSSL_GENPRIME)
    mpi G, P, Q;
    havege_state hs;
    FILE *fout;

    mpi_init( &G, &P, &Q, NULL );
    mpi_read_string( &G, 10, GENERATOR );

    printf( "\n  . Seeding the random number generator..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    havege_init( &hs );

    printf( " ok\n  . Generating the modulus, please wait..." );
    fflush( stdout );

     * This can take a long time...
    if( ( ret = mpi_gen_prime( &P, DH_P_SIZE, 1,
                               havege_rand, &hs ) ) != 0 )
        printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_gen_prime returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    printf( " ok\n  . Verifying that Q = (P-1)/2 is prime..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( ret = mpi_sub_int( &Q, &P, 1 ) ) != 0 )
        printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_sub_int returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    if( ( ret = mpi_div_int( &Q, NULL, &Q, 2 ) ) != 0 )
        printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_div_int returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    if( ( ret = mpi_is_prime( &Q, havege_rand, &hs ) ) != 0 )
        printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_is_prime returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    printf( " ok\n  . Exporting the value in dh_prime.txt..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( fout = fopen( "dh_prime.txt", "wb+" ) ) == NULL )
        ret = 1;
        printf( " failed\n  ! Could not create dh_prime.txt\n\n" );
        goto exit;

    if( ( ret = mpi_write_file( "P = ", &P, 16, fout ) != 0 ) ||
        ( ret = mpi_write_file( "G = ", &G, 16, fout ) != 0 ) )
        printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_write_file returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    printf( " ok\n\n" );
    fclose( fout );


    mpi_free( &Q, &P, &G, NULL );
    printf( "\n  ! Prime-number generation is not available.\n\n" );

#ifdef WIN32
    printf( "  Press Enter to exit this program.\n" );
    fflush( stdout ); getchar();

    return( ret );