Exemple #1
/* Don't need to save/restore exponent range: the cache does it.
   Catalan's constant is G = sum((-1)^k/(2*k+1)^2, k=0..infinity).
   We compute it using formula (31) of Victor Adamchik's page
   "33 representations for Catalan's constant"

   G = Pi/8*log(2+sqrt(3)) + 3/8*sum(k!^2/(2k)!/(2k+1)^2,k=0..infinity)
mpfr_const_catalan_internal (mpfr_ptr g, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
  mpfr_t x, y, z;
  mpz_t T, P, Q;
  mp_prec_t pg, p;
  int inex;
  MPFR_ZIV_DECL (loop);
  MPFR_GROUP_DECL (group);

  MPFR_LOG_FUNC (("rnd_mode=%d", rnd_mode), ("g[%#R]=%R inex=%d", g, g, inex));

  /* Here are the WC (max prec = 100.000.000)
     Once we have found a chain of 11, we only look for bigger chain.
     Found 3 '1' at 0
     Found 5 '1' at 9
     Found 6 '0' at 34
     Found 9 '1' at 176
     Found 11 '1' at 705
     Found 12 '0' at 913
     Found 14 '1' at 12762
     Found 15 '1' at 152561
     Found 16 '0' at 171725
     Found 18 '0' at 525355
     Found 20 '0' at 529245
     Found 21 '1' at 6390133
     Found 22 '0' at 7806417
     Found 25 '1' at 11936239
     Found 27 '1' at 51752950
  pg = MPFR_PREC (g);
  p = pg + 9;
  p += MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2 (p);

  MPFR_GROUP_INIT_3 (group, p, x, y, z);
  mpz_init (T);
  mpz_init (P);
  mpz_init (Q);

  MPFR_ZIV_INIT (loop, p);
  for (;;) {
    mpfr_sqrt_ui (x, 3, GMP_RNDU);
    mpfr_add_ui (x, x, 2, GMP_RNDU);
    mpfr_log (x, x, GMP_RNDU);
    mpfr_const_pi (y, GMP_RNDU);
    mpfr_mul (x, x, y, GMP_RNDN);
    S (T, P, Q, 0, (p - 1) / 2);
    mpz_mul_ui (T, T, 3);
    mpfr_set_z (y, T, GMP_RNDU);
    mpfr_set_z (z, Q, GMP_RNDD);
    mpfr_div (y, y, z, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_add (x, x, y, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_div_2ui (x, x, 3, GMP_RNDN);

    if (MPFR_LIKELY (MPFR_CAN_ROUND (x, p - 5, pg, rnd_mode)))
    /* Fixme: Is it possible? */
    MPFR_ZIV_NEXT (loop, p);
    MPFR_GROUP_REPREC_3 (group, p, x, y, z);
  MPFR_ZIV_FREE (loop);
  inex = mpfr_set (g, x, rnd_mode);

  mpz_clear (T);
  mpz_clear (P);
  mpz_clear (Q);

  return inex;
Exemple #2
void C_BigInt::operator *= (const uint32_t inMultiplicand) {
  mpz_mul_ui (mGMPint, mGMPint, inMultiplicand) ;
Exemple #3
void genNextLevelPrime(mpz_t prime, mpz_t r, mpz_t s, size_t length, gmp_randstate_t rand_state)
    size_t k;

    mpz_t sinv;     /* s^(-1) - inverse of s (mod r) */
    mpz_t pow;      /* 2^(n-1) */
    mpz_t dprod;    /* 2rs */
    mpz_t Q;        /* [pow / dprod] - integer part */
    mpz_t R;        /* remainder of pow/dprod */
    mpz_t cond;     /* temporary variable for 2*s*s^(-1) - 1 to check condition */
    mpz_t Po;
    /* Po = 2*s*s^(-1) - 1 + Q*2rs, if 2*s*s^(-1) - 1 > R */
    /* Po = 2*s*s^(-1) - 1 + (Q+1)*2rs, if 2*s*s^(-1) - 1 < R*/


    inverse(sinv, s, r);

    mpz_ui_pow_ui(pow, 2, length-1);

    /* find product 2rs */
    mpz_mul_ui(dprod, r, 2);
    mpz_mul(dprod, dprod, s);

    /* compute Q and R */
    mpz_fdiv_qr(Q, R, pow, dprod);

    /* compute 2*s*s^(-1) - 1 for condition check */
    mpz_mul_ui(cond, s, 2);
    mpz_mul(cond, cond, sinv);
    mpz_sub_ui(cond, cond, 1);

    if(mpz_cmp(cond, R) > 0)
        mpz_mul(Po, Q, dprod);
        mpz_add(Po, Po, cond);
    else /* cond < R */
        mpz_add_ui(Q, Q, 1);
        mpz_mul(Po, Q, dprod);
        mpz_add(Po, Po, cond);

    /* TODO: fix the magic number and use 2k < 2^t limit  */
    for(k = 0; k < 0.35*(length-1); ++k)
        mpz_mul_ui(prime, dprod, k);
        mpz_add(prime, prime, Po);

        /* exit loop if the number is definately prime (return value is 2) */
        if(mpz_probab_prime_p(prime, 40))

Exemple #4
void *chudnovsky_chunk(void *arguments)
	unsigned long int k, threek, total_iterations;
	mpz_t a, b, c, d, e, rt, rb;
	mpf_t rtf, rbf, r;
	struct thread_args *args = (struct thread_args *)arguments;

	total_iterations = args->iter;

	/* Init libgmp variables */
	mpz_inits(a, b, c, d, e, rt, rb, NULL);
	mpf_inits(rtf, rbf, r, NULL);

	/* Main loop of a thread */
	while (1) {
		/* Check which k needs calculation */
		k = args->k;
		/* If all ks are done, say return */
		if (k > total_iterations) break;
		/* 3k */
		threek = k * 3;
		/* (6k!) */
		mpz_fac_ui(a, threek << 1);
		/* 545140134k */
		mpz_set_ui(b, BCONST1);
		mpz_mul_ui(b, b, k);
		/* 13591409 + 545140134k */
		mpz_add_ui(b, b, BCONST2);
		/* (3k)! */
		mpz_fac_ui(c, threek);
		/* (k!)^3 */
		mpz_fac_ui(d, k);
		mpz_pow_ui(d, d, DCONST1);
		/* (-640320)^3k */
		mpz_set_ui(e, ECONST1);
		mpz_pow_ui(e, e, threek);
		if ((threek & 1) == 1) mpz_neg(e, e);
		/* Get everything together */
		/* (6k)! (13591409 + 545140134k) */
		mpz_mul(rt, a, b);
		/* (3k)! (k!)^3 */
		mpz_mul(rb, c, d);
		mpz_mul(rb, rb, e);
		/* Switch to floats */
		mpf_set_z(rtf, rt);
		mpf_set_z(rbf, rb);
		/* divide top/bottom */
		mpf_div(r, rtf, rbf);
		/* add result to the sum */

		mpf_add(args->sum, args->sum, r);

	/* Deinit variables, result is passed via args->sum */
	mpz_clears(a, b, c, d, e, rt, rb, NULL);
	mpf_clears(rtf, rbf, r, NULL);
Exemple #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if(argc != 4)
      printf("Three arguments required\n");
      printf("Usage: %s a b c calculates pi(a*b^c)\n", argv[0]);

  //Legacy GMP code below; the input must fit in a 64 bit unsigned integer
  mpz_t n;

  mpz_ui_pow_ui(n, atol(argv[2]), atol(argv[3]));
  mpz_mul_ui(n, n, atol(argv[1]));
  uint64_t n2 = mpz_get_ui(n);

  uint64_t* s = calloc(n2/64+3, sizeof(uint64_t));
  assert(s != NULL);

  //for wheel mod 30
  uint64_t wheel_pattern[15];
  uint64_t k;
  for(k=0; k <= n2/64; k++) s[k] = wheel_pattern[k%15];

  uint64_t sieve_to = floor(sqrt(n2));

  uint64_t i,j;

  i=7;							//7 is the first number > 1 which is relatively prime to 30
  while (i <= sieve_to)
    if(TEST(s, i) != 0)					//Only sieve by primes
	case 1:
	    for(j=i*i; j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);        
	    for(j=i*(i+6); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+10); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+12); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+16); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+18); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+22); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+28); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  

	case 7:
	    for(j=i*i; j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+4); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+6); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+10); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+12); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+16); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+22); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+24); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  

	case 11:
	    for(j=i*(i+0); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+2); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+6); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+8); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+12); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+18); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+20); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+26); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  

	case 13:
	    for(j=i*(i+0); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+4); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+6); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+10); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+16); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+18); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+24); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+28); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  

	case 17:
	    for(j=i*(i+0); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+2); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+6); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+12); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+14); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+20); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+24); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+26); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  

	case 19:
	    for(j=i*(i+0); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+4); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+10); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+12); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+18); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+22); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+24); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+28); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  

	case 23:
	    for(j=i*(i+0); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+6); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+8); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+14); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);   
	    for(j=i*(i+18); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);    
	    for(j=i*(i+20); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+24); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  
	    for(j=i*(i+26); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);  

	case 29:
            for(j=i*(i+0); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);
            for(j=i*(i+2); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);
            for(j=i*(i+8); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);
            for(j=i*(i+12); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);
            for(j=i*(i+14); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);
            for(j=i*(i+18); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);
            for(j=i*(i+20); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);
            for(j=i*(i+24); j<=n2; j+= 30*i)  CLEAR(s, j);


    i += get_next(i);						//Advance pointer to the next number

  #if 0
  for(i=0; i<=n2; i++)
    if(TEST(s,i)>0) printf("%" PRIu64 "\n",i);

  //Note ridiculous macro format required to print unit64_t without generating a compiler warning                                              
  printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", count_bits(s, 0, n2)+2);

Exemple #6
mpfr_set_str (mpfr_ptr x, __gmp_const char *str, int base, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
  mpz_t mantissa;
  int negative, inex;
  long k = 0;
  unsigned char c;
  long e;
  mp_prec_t q;
  mpfr_t y, z;

  if (base < 2 || base > 36)
    return 1;

  if (strcasecmp(str, "NaN") == 0)
      /* MPFR_RET_NAN not used as the return value isn't a ternary value */
      __mpfr_flags |= MPFR_FLAGS_NAN;
      return 0;

  negative = *str == '-';
  if (negative || *str == '+')

  if (strcasecmp(str, "Inf") == 0)
      if (negative)
      return 0;

  mpz_set_ui(mantissa, 0);

  while (*str == '0')
    str++; /* skip initial zeros */

  /* allowed characters are '0' to '0'+base-1 if base <= 10,
     and '0' to '9' plus 'a' to 'a'+base-11 if 10 < base <= 36 */
  while (c = *str,
         (isdigit(c) && c < '0' + base) ||
         (islower(c) && c < 'a'-10 + base))
      mpz_mul_ui(mantissa, mantissa, base);
      mpz_add_ui(mantissa, mantissa, isdigit(c) ? c - '0' : c - ('a'-10));

  /* k is the number of non-zero digits before the decimal point */

  if (*str == '.')
      while (c = *str,
             (isdigit(c) && c < '0' + base) ||
             (islower(c) && c < 'a'-10 + base))
          if (k == LONG_MAX)
              return -1;
          mpz_mul_ui(mantissa, mantissa, base);
          mpz_add_ui(mantissa, mantissa, isdigit(c) ? c - '0' : c - ('a'-10));

  if (*str == '\0') /* no exponent */
      e = -k;
  else if ((base <= 10 && (*str == 'e' || *str == 'E')) || *str == '@')
      char *endptr;

      if (*++str == '\0') /* exponent character but no exponent */
          return 1;

      errno = 0;
      e = strtol(str, &endptr, 10); /* signed exponent after 'e', 'E' or '@' */
      if (*endptr != '\0')
          return 1;
      if (errno)
          return -1;

      if (e < 0 && (unsigned long) e - k < (unsigned long) LONG_MIN)
          return -1;
      e -= k;
  else /* unexpected character */
      return 1;

  /* the number is mantissa*base^expn */

  q = MPFR_PREC(x) & ~(mp_prec_t) (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - 1);

      q += BITS_PER_MP_LIMB;
      mpfr_set_prec(y, q);
      mpfr_set_z(y, mantissa, GMP_RNDN); /* error <= 1/2*ulp(y) */

      mpfr_set_prec(z, q);
      if (e > 0)
          inex = mpfr_ui_pow_ui(z, base, e, GMP_RNDN);
          mpfr_mul(y, y, z, GMP_RNDN);
      else if (e < 0)
          inex = mpfr_ui_pow_ui(z, base, -e, GMP_RNDN);
          mpfr_div(y, y, z, GMP_RNDN);
        inex = 1;
      if (negative)
        mpfr_neg(y, y, GMP_RNDN);
  while (mpfr_can_round(y, q-inex, GMP_RNDN, rnd_mode, MPFR_PREC(x))==0
         && q<=2*MPFR_PREC(x));

  mpfr_set(x, y, rnd_mode);

  return 0;
Exemple #7
/* Compute the first 2^m terms from the hypergeometric series
   with x = p / 2^r */
static int
GENERIC (mpfr_ptr y, mpz_srcptr p, long r, int m)
  unsigned long n,i,k,j,l;
  int is_p_one;
  mpz_t* P,*S;
#ifdef A
  mpz_t *T;
  mpz_t* ptoj;
  mpz_t* qtoj;
  mpfr_t tmp;
  mp_exp_t diff, expo;
  mp_prec_t precy = MPFR_PREC(y);

  n = 1UL << m;
  P = (mpz_t*) MPFR_TMP_ALLOC ((m+1) * sizeof(mpz_t));
  S = (mpz_t*) MPFR_TMP_ALLOC ((m+1) * sizeof(mpz_t));
  ptoj = (mpz_t*) MPFR_TMP_ALLOC ((m+1) * sizeof(mpz_t)); /* ptoj[i] = mantissa^(2^i) */
#ifdef A
  T = (mpz_t*) MPFR_TMP_ALLOC ((m+1) * sizeof(mpz_t));
  qtoj = (mpz_t*) MPFR_TMP_ALLOC ((m+1) * sizeof(mpz_t));
  for (i = 0 ; i <= m ; i++)
      mpz_init (P[i]);
      mpz_init (S[i]);
      mpz_init (ptoj[i]);
      mpz_init (qtoj[i]);
#ifdef A
      mpz_init (T[i]);
  mpz_set (ptoj[0], p);
#ifdef C
#  if C2 != 1
  mpz_mul_ui (ptoj[0], ptoj[0], C2);
#  endif
  is_p_one = mpz_cmp_ui(ptoj[0], 1) == 0;
#ifdef A
#  ifdef B
  mpz_set_ui (T[0], A1 * B1);
#  else
  mpz_set_ui (T[0], A1);
#  endif
  if (!is_p_one)
    for (i = 1 ; i < m ; i++)
      mpz_mul (ptoj[i], ptoj[i-1], ptoj[i-1]);
  mpz_set_si (qtoj[0], r);
  for (i = 1 ; i <= m ; i++)
    mpz_mul(qtoj[i], qtoj[i-1], qtoj[i-1]);
  mpz_set_ui (P[0], 1);
  mpz_set_ui (S[0], 1);

  k = 0;
  for (i = 1 ; i < n ; i++) {

#ifdef A
#  ifdef B
    mpz_set_ui (T[k], (A1 + A2*i)*(B1+B2*i));
#  else
    mpz_set_ui (T[k], A1 + A2*i);
#  endif

#ifdef C
    mpz_set_ui (P[k], (C1 + C2 * (i-1)));
    mpz_set_ui (S[k], 1);
#  else
    mpz_set_ui (P[k], (i+1) * (C1 + C2 * (i-1)));
    mpz_set_ui (S[k], i+1);
#  endif
    mpz_set_ui (P[k], 1);
#  else
    mpz_set_ui (P[k], i+1);
#  endif
    mpz_set (S[k], P[k]);

    for (j = i+1, l = 0 ; (j & 1) == 0 ; l++, j>>=1, k--) {
      if (!is_p_one)
        mpz_mul (S[k], S[k], ptoj[l]);
#ifdef A
#  ifdef B
#    if (A2*B2) != 1
      mpz_mul_ui (P[k], P[k], A2*B2);
#    endif
#  else
#    if A2 != 1
      mpz_mul_ui (P[k], P[k], A2);
#  endif
      mpz_mul (S[k], S[k], T[k-1]);
      mpz_mul (S[k-1], S[k-1], P[k]);
      mpz_mul (S[k-1], S[k-1], qtoj[l]);
      mpz_mul_2exp (S[k-1], S[k-1], r*(1<<l));
      mpz_add (S[k-1], S[k-1], S[k]);
      mpz_mul (P[k-1], P[k-1], P[k]);
#ifdef A
      mpz_mul (T[k-1], T[k-1], T[k]);

  diff = mpz_sizeinbase(S[0],2) - 2*precy;
  expo = diff;
  if (diff >= 0)
  diff = mpz_sizeinbase(P[0],2) - precy;
  expo -= diff;
  if (diff >=0)

  mpz_tdiv_q(S[0], S[0], P[0]);
  mpfr_set_z(y, S[0], GMP_RNDD);
  MPFR_SET_EXP (y, MPFR_GET_EXP (y) + expo);

  /* exact division */
  mpz_div_ui (qtoj[m], qtoj[m], r);
  mpfr_init2 (tmp, MPFR_PREC(y));
  mpfr_set_z (tmp, qtoj[m] , GMP_RNDD);
  mpfr_div (y, y, tmp, GMP_RNDD);
  mpfr_clear (tmp);
  mpfr_div_2ui(y, y, r*(i-1), GMP_RNDN);
  for (i = 0 ; i <= m ; i++)
      mpz_clear (P[i]);
      mpz_clear (S[i]);
      mpz_clear (ptoj[i]);
      mpz_clear (qtoj[i]);
#ifdef A
      mpz_clear (T[i]);
  MPFR_TMP_FREE (marker);
  return 0;
Exemple #8
Fichier : depth.c Projet : hvds/seq
bool try_depth(ulong depth) {
    frame_t *cur = &(stack[depth]);
    frame_t *next = &(stack[depth + 1]);
    int final = (depth + 1 >= max_depth) ? 1 : 0;
    bool locally_solved = 0;
    ulong bits_num, bits_den;

    if ((count & 0xfffffff) == 0)

    mpq_inv(next->q, cur->q);

    /* if final, we only care whether we can reach 1 */
    if (final) {
        mpq_sub(next->q, next->q, rone);
        if (mpq_sgn(next->q) < 0)
            return 0;
        mpq_div(next->q, next->q, r);
        if (mpz_cmp_ui(mpq_denref(next->q), (ulong)1) != 0)
            return 0;
        next->count = mpz_strict_get_ui(mpq_numref(next->q));
        report_depth(depth + 1);
        return 1;

    if (mpq_cmp(next->q, limit) <= 0) {
        next->count = (ulong)0;
    } else {
        /* count = floor((q - limit) / r) */
        mpq_sub(limit_calc, next->q, limit);
        mpq_div(limit_calc, limit_calc, r);
        mpz_fdiv_q(limit_div, mpq_numref(limit_calc), mpq_denref(limit_calc));
        next->count = mpz_strict_get_ui(limit_div);

        /* q -= count * r */
        mpq_set(limit_calc, r);
        mpz_mul_ui(mpq_numref(limit_calc), mpq_numref(limit_calc), next->count);
        mpq_sub(next->q, next->q, limit_calc);

    /* now we've guaranteed curq - r <= limit, so all values we find are
     * useful.
    /* while ((q -= r) > 0) { ... } */
    while (1) {
        mpq_sub(next->q, next->q, r);
        if (mpq_sgn(next->q) <= 0)
            return locally_solved;
        if (mpq_equal(next->q, rone)) {
            report_depth(depth + 1);
            max_depth = depth + 1;
            solved = 1;
            return 1;
        bits_num = mpz_bitsize(mpq_numref(next->q));
        if (!next->best_bits_num || next->best_bits_num >= bits_num) {
            next->best_bits_num = bits_num;
            bits_den = mpz_bitsize(mpq_denref(next->q));
            if (!next->best_bits_den || next->best_bits_den > bits_den)
                next->best_bits_den = bits_den;

        /* and recurse */
        if (try_depth(depth + 1))
            locally_solved = 1;
    /* not reached */
Exemple #9
/* s <- 1 + r/1! + r^2/2! + ... + r^l/l! while MPFR_EXP(r^l/l!)+MPFR_EXPR(r)>-q
   using Brent/Kung method with O(sqrt(l)) multiplications.
   Return l.
   Uses m multiplications of full size and 2l/m of decreasing size, 
   i.e. a total equivalent to about m+l/m full multiplications,
   i.e. 2*sqrt(l) for m=sqrt(l).
   Version using mpz. ss must have at least (sizer+1) limbs.
   The error is bounded by (l^2+4*l) ulps where l is the return value.
static int
mpfr_exp2_aux2 (mpz_t s, mpfr_srcptr r, int q, int *exps)
  int expr, l, m, i, sizer, *expR, expt, ql;
  unsigned long int c;
  mpz_t t, *R, rr, tmp;

  /* estimate value of l */
  l = q / (-MPFR_EXP(r));
  m = (int) _mpfr_isqrt (l);
  /* we access R[2], thus we need m >= 2 */
  if (m < 2) m = 2;
  R = (mpz_t*) TMP_ALLOC((m+1)*sizeof(mpz_t)); /* R[i] stands for r^i */
  expR = (int*) TMP_ALLOC((m+1)*sizeof(int)); /* exponent for R[i] */
  sizer = 1 + (MPFR_PREC(r)-1)/BITS_PER_MP_LIMB;
  MY_INIT_MPZ(rr, sizer+2);
  MY_INIT_MPZ(t, 2*sizer); /* double size for products */
  mpz_set_ui(s, 0); *exps = 1-q; /* initialize s to zero, 1 ulp = 2^(1-q) */
  for (i=0;i<=m;i++) MY_INIT_MPZ(R[i], sizer+2);
  expR[1] = mpfr_get_z_exp(R[1], r); /* exact operation: no error */
  expR[1] = mpz_normalize2(R[1], R[1], expR[1], 1-q); /* error <= 1 ulp */
  mpz_mul(t, R[1], R[1]); /* err(t) <= 2 ulps */
  mpz_div_2exp(R[2], t, q-1); /* err(R[2]) <= 3 ulps */
  expR[2] = 1-q;
  for (i=3;i<=m;i++) {
    mpz_mul(t, R[i-1], R[1]); /* err(t) <= 2*i-2 */
    mpz_div_2exp(R[i], t, q-1); /* err(R[i]) <= 2*i-1 ulps */
    expR[i] = 1-q;
  mpz_set_ui(R[0], 1); mpz_mul_2exp(R[0], R[0], q-1); expR[0]=1-q; /* R[0]=1 */
  mpz_set_ui(rr, 1); expr=0; /* rr contains r^l/l! */
  /* by induction: err(rr) <= 2*l ulps */

  l = 0;
  ql = q; /* precision used for current giant step */
  do {
    /* all R[i] must have exponent 1-ql */
    if (l) for (i=0;i<m;i++) {
      expR[i] = mpz_normalize2(R[i], R[i], expR[i], 1-ql);
    /* the absolute error on R[i]*rr is still 2*i-1 ulps */
    expt = mpz_normalize2(t, R[m-1], expR[m-1], 1-ql); 
    /* err(t) <= 2*m-1 ulps */
    /* computes t = 1 + r/(l+1) + ... + r^(m-1)*l!/(l+m-1)! 
       using Horner's scheme */
    for (i=m-2;i>=0;i--) {
      mpz_div_ui(t, t, l+i+1); /* err(t) += 1 ulp */
      mpz_add(t, t, R[i]);
    /* now err(t) <= (3m-2) ulps */
    /* now multiplies t by r^l/l! and adds to s */
    mpz_mul(t, t, rr); expt += expr;
    expt = mpz_normalize2(t, t, expt, *exps);
    /* err(t) <= (3m-1) + err_rr(l) <= (3m-2) + 2*l */
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (expt != *exps) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error: expt != exps %d %d\n", expt, *exps); exit(1);
    mpz_add(s, s, t); /* no error here */

    /* updates rr, the multiplication of the factors l+i could be done 
       using binary splitting too, but it is not sure it would save much */
    mpz_mul(t, rr, R[m]); /* err(t) <= err(rr) + 2m-1 */
    expr += expR[m];
    mpz_set_ui (tmp, 1);
    for (i=1, c=1; i<=m; i++) {
      if (l+i > ~((unsigned long int) 0)/c) {
	mpz_mul_ui(tmp, tmp, c);
	c = l+i;
      else c *= (unsigned long int) l+i;
    if (c != 1) mpz_mul_ui (tmp, tmp, c); /* tmp is exact */
    mpz_fdiv_q(t, t, tmp); /* err(t) <= err(rr) + 2m */
    expr += mpz_normalize(rr, t, ql); /* err_rr(l+1) <= err_rr(l) + 2m+1 */
    ql = q - *exps - mpz_sizeinbase(s, 2) + expr + mpz_sizeinbase(rr, 2);
  } while (expr+mpz_sizeinbase(rr, 2) > -q);

  return l;
// Mine probable prime chain of form: n = h * p# +/- 1
bool MineProbablePrimeChain(Reap_CPU_param* state, Work& tempwork, CSieveOfEratosthenes& psieve, mpz_class& mpzFixedMultiplier, bool& fNewBlock, unsigned int& nTriedMultiplier, unsigned int& nProbableChainLength, unsigned int& nTests, unsigned int& nPrimesHit, unsigned int& nChainsHit, mpz_class& mpzHash, unsigned int nPrimorialMultiplier)
    nProbableChainLength = 0;
    nPrimesHit = 0;
    nChainsHit = 0;
    //const unsigned int nBits = block.nBits;
	const unsigned int nBits = *(uint*)&tempwork.data[72];
	bool use_gpu_fermat_test = globalconfs.coin.config.GetValue<bool>("use_gpu_fermat_test");

    if (fNewBlock && psieve.inited)
        // Must rebuild the sieve
    fNewBlock = false;

    int64 nStart; // microsecond timer
    if (!psieve.inited)
        // Build sieve
        nStart = ticker()*1000;
		psieve.InitAndWeave(state, nSieveSize, nBits, mpzHash, mpzFixedMultiplier);
        if (globalconfs.coin.config.GetValue<bool>("debug"))
            printf("MineProbablePrimeChain() : new sieve (%lu/%u) ready in %uus\n", psieve.CandidateList.size(), nSieveSize, (unsigned int) (ticker()*1000 - nStart));

    mpz_class mpzHashMultiplier = mpzHash * mpzFixedMultiplier;
    mpz_class mpzChainOrigin;

    // Determine the sequence number of the round primorial
    unsigned int nPrimorialSeq = 0;
    while (vPrimes[nPrimorialSeq + 1] <= nPrimorialMultiplier)

    // Allocate GMP variables for primality tests
    CPrimalityTestParams testParams(nBits, nPrimorialSeq);
    nStart = ticker()*1000;

    // References to counters;
    unsigned int& nChainLengthCunningham1 = testParams.nChainLengthCunningham1;
    unsigned int& nChainLengthCunningham2 = testParams.nChainLengthCunningham2;
    unsigned int& nChainLengthBiTwin = testParams.nChainLengthBiTwin;
	//cout << "PSIEVIOSIE" << psieve.CandidateList.size() << endl;
	for(uint i=0; i<psieve.CandidateList.size(); ++i)
		nTriedMultiplier = psieve.CandidateList[i]&0x3FFFFFFFU;
		uint sievenumber = psieve.CandidateList[i]>>30;
		if (sievenumber == 0)
		if (nTriedMultiplier == 0) //will crash otherwise
		if (tempwork.time != current_work.time)
			//cout << "Tempwork.time != curnetopqi" << tempwork.time << " " << current_work.time << endl;
        mpzChainOrigin = mpzHashMultiplier * (nTriedMultiplier&0x3FFFFFFFU);
        nChainLengthCunningham1 = 0;
        nChainLengthCunningham2 = 0;
        nChainLengthBiTwin = 0;
        if (ProbablePrimeChainTestFast(mpzChainOrigin, testParams, sievenumber, use_gpu_fermat_test))
			mpz_t mpzPrimeChainMultiplier; mpz_init(mpzPrimeChainMultiplier);
				//gmp_printf("Found chain! Mult: %Zx\n",mpzPrimeChainMultiplier);
				vector<uchar> auxdata = XPM_create_auxdata(&mpzPrimeChainMultiplier);

            nProbableChainLength = std::max(std::max(nChainLengthCunningham1, nChainLengthCunningham2), nChainLengthBiTwin);
            return true;
        nProbableChainLength = std::max(std::max(nChainLengthCunningham1, nChainLengthCunningham2), nChainLengthBiTwin);
        if(TargetGetLength(nProbableChainLength) >= 1)
        if(TargetGetLength(nProbableChainLength) >= nStatsChainLength)

	// power tests completed for the sieve
	//if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printmining"))
		//printf("MineProbablePrimeChain() : %u tests (%u primes and %u %d-chains) in %uus\n", nTests, nPrimesHit, nChainsHit, nStatsChainLength, (unsigned int) (GetTimeMicros() - nStart));
	fNewBlock = true; // notify caller to change nonce
	return false; // stop as new block arrived
Exemple #11
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  int my_rank, p;
  int i, dest;
  mpz_t currentPrime;
  unsigned long int product;
  sscanf(argv[1], "%lu", &product);
  int secondFactor = 0;
  int bcastStatus;
  int equals;

  /** GMP library variables **/
  mpz_t nextPrimeNumber;
  mpz_t testFactor;
  mpz_init_set_str (nextPrimeNumber, argv[1], 10);
  mpz_init_set_ui(currentPrime, 2);
  mpz_nextprime(nextPrimeNumber, nextPrimeNumber);
  mpz_t testProduct;

  /** MPI Initialization **/
  MPI_Request finalValue;
  MPI_File out;
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
  MPI_Status status;

  /** Get Ready to receive a factor if another process finds one */
  MPI_Irecv(&secondFactor, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &finalValue);
  /** Prepare initial offset for each process **/
  for (i=0 ; i < my_rank ; i++) {
    mpz_nextprime(currentPrime, currentPrime);
  /** Start Timing **/
  double start = MPI_Wtime(), diff;
  while (!secondFactor) {
    /** Check if another process has found the factors **/
    MPI_Test (&finalValue, &bcastStatus, &status);
    if(bcastStatus) {
      /** Somebody else has found the factors, we are done **/
      MPI_Wait(&finalValue, &status);
      /** Skip P primes before checking again **/
    for (i=0 ; i < p ; i++) {
      mpz_nextprime(currentPrime, currentPrime);
    /** Brute force check if the current working prime is a factor of the input number **/
    for (mpz_set_ui(testFactor , 2) ; mpz_get_ui(testFactor) <= mpz_get_ui(currentPrime); mpz_nextprime(testFactor, testFactor)) {
      /** Check if another process has found the factors **/
      MPI_Test (&finalValue, &bcastStatus, &status);
      if(bcastStatus) {
        MPI_Wait(&finalValue, &status);
      mpz_mul_ui(testProduct, currentPrime, mpz_get_ui(testFactor));
      equals = mpz_cmp_ui(testProduct, product);
      if (equals == 0){
        /** We've found the factor, find the second number, secnd it to the other processes  **/
        secondFactor = mpz_get_ui(testFactor);
        printf("done by process %d, factors are %lu and %d \n", my_rank, mpz_get_ui(currentPrime), secondFactor);
        for (dest = 0 ; dest < p ; dest++) {
          if (dest != my_rank) {
            MPI_Send(&secondFactor, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, dest, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  diff = MPI_Wtime() - start;
  /** End Timing **/

  /** Prepare file contents **/
  char fileName[200], fileContents[200];
  sprintf(fileName, "time_%lu", product);
  sprintf(fileContents, "%d\t%f\n", my_rank, diff);

  /** Write File **/
  MPI_File_seek(out, my_rank*strlen ( fileContents ) , MPI_SEEK_SET);
  MPI_File_write_all(out , &fileContents, strlen ( fileContents ), MPI_CHAR, &status );

  /** Fin **/
Exemple #12
main (int argc, char **argv)
  mpz_t dividend;
  mpz_t quotient, remainder;
  mpz_t quotient2, remainder2;
  mpz_t temp;
  mp_size_t dividend_size;
  unsigned long divisor;
  int i;
  int reps = 10000;
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long bsi, size_range;
  unsigned long r_rq, r_q, r_r, r;

  tests_start ();
  rands = RANDS;

  mpz_init (bs);

  if (argc == 2)
     reps = atoi (argv[1]);

  mpz_init (dividend);
  mpz_init (quotient);
  mpz_init (remainder);
  mpz_init (quotient2);
  mpz_init (remainder2);
  mpz_init (temp);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 10 + 2; /* 0..2047 bit operands */

	  mpz_rrandomb (bs, rands, 64);
	  divisor = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      while (divisor == 0);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      dividend_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (dividend, rands, dividend_size);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 2);
      bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      if ((bsi & 1) != 0)
	mpz_neg (dividend, dividend);

      /* printf ("%ld\n", SIZ (dividend)); */

      r_rq = mpz_tdiv_qr_ui (quotient, remainder, dividend, divisor);
      r_q = mpz_tdiv_q_ui (quotient2, dividend, divisor);
      r_r = mpz_tdiv_r_ui (remainder2, dividend, divisor);
      r = mpz_tdiv_ui (dividend, divisor);

      /* First determine that the quotients and remainders computed
	 with different functions are equal.  */
      if (mpz_cmp (quotient, quotient2) != 0)
	dump_abort ("quotients from mpz_tdiv_qr_ui and mpz_tdiv_q_ui differ",
		    dividend, divisor);
      if (mpz_cmp (remainder, remainder2) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainders from mpz_tdiv_qr_ui and mpz_tdiv_r_ui differ",
		    dividend, divisor);

      /* Check if the sign of the quotient is correct.  */
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (quotient, 0) != 0)
	if ((mpz_cmp_ui (quotient, 0) < 0)
	    != (mpz_cmp_ui (dividend, 0) < 0))
	dump_abort ("quotient sign wrong", dividend, divisor);

      /* Check if the remainder has the same sign as the dividend
	 (quotient rounded towards 0).  */
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, 0) != 0)
	if ((mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, 0) < 0) != (mpz_cmp_ui (dividend, 0) < 0))
	  dump_abort ("remainder sign wrong", dividend, divisor);

      mpz_mul_ui (temp, quotient, divisor);
      mpz_add (temp, temp, remainder);
      if (mpz_cmp (temp, dividend) != 0)
	dump_abort ("n mod d != n - [n/d]*d", dividend, divisor);

      mpz_abs (remainder, remainder);
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, divisor) >= 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder greater than divisor", dividend, divisor);

      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r_rq) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_tdiv_qr_ui is wrong",
		    dividend, divisor);
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r_q) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_tdiv_q_ui is wrong",
		    dividend, divisor);
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r_r) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_tdiv_r_ui is wrong",
		    dividend, divisor);
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r) != 0)
	dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_tdiv_ui is wrong",
		    dividend, divisor);

  mpz_clear (bs);
  mpz_clear (dividend);
  mpz_clear (quotient);
  mpz_clear (remainder);
  mpz_clear (quotient2);
  mpz_clear (remainder2);
  mpz_clear (temp);

  tests_end ();
  exit (0);
Exemple #13
void main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if ( argc != 3 ) {
        printf("Usage: %s (filename) (number of entries)\n", argv[0]);

    FILE *fp;
    char buf[12];
    table t;
    mpz_t u;
    ulint i, count, invalid, found;
    unsigned long long phonenum;
    unsigned long long *numlist;
    struct timeval starttime, endtime;
    ulint starttime_us, endtime_us;

    if ( (fp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL ) {
        printf("Could not open file: %s\n", argv[1]);

    sscanf(argv[2], "%ld", &count);
    numlist = (unsigned long long *)calloc( count, sizeof(unsigned long long));

    mpz_set_ui(u, 1000 * 1000);
    mpz_mul_ui(u, u, 10000);
    table_init(&t, count, u);

    i = 0;
    invalid = 0;
    while ( fgets(buf, 12, fp) != NULL ) {
        sscanf(buf, "%lld\n", &phonenum);
        numlist[i] = phonenum;
        if (rand() <= PROB_INVALID * RAND_MAX) {
            numlist[i] = numlist[i] / 4;
        table_insert(&t, phonenum);
    printf("Building table...\n");
    printf("Done inserting %ld numbers (%ld invalids)\n", i, invalid);

    i = 0;
    found = 0;
    invalid = 0;
    gettimeofday(&starttime, NULL);
    while ( i < count ) {
        if ( table_find(&t, numlist[i]) ) {
        } else {
    gettimeofday(&endtime, NULL);
    starttime_us = starttime.tv_sec*1000000 + starttime.tv_usec;
    endtime_us = endtime.tv_sec*1000000 + endtime.tv_usec;

    printf("Found %ld numbers, rejected %ld\n", found, invalid);
    printf("Total find time: %ld us\n", endtime_us-starttime_us);


Exemple #14
void tiny_poly_init(QS_t * qs_inf, poly_t * poly_inf, mpz_t N)
   unsigned long num_primes = qs_inf->num_primes;
   unsigned long s = (qs_inf->bits-1)/28+1;
   if (s <= 2) s = 3;
	prime_t * factor_base = qs_inf->factor_base;
   unsigned long fact_approx, fact, span;
   long min; 
   poly_inf->s = s;
   poly_inf->B_terms = (unsigned long*) flint_stack_alloc(s);  
   poly_inf->A_ind = (unsigned long*) flint_stack_alloc(s);  
   poly_inf->A_modp = (unsigned long*) flint_stack_alloc(s);  
   poly_inf->A_inv2B = (unsigned long**) flint_stack_alloc(s); 
   poly_inf->inv_p2 = (double*) flint_stack_alloc_bytes(s*sizeof(double));  
   poly_inf->A_inv = (unsigned long*) flint_stack_alloc(num_primes);  
   poly_inf->soln1 = (unsigned long*) flint_stack_alloc(num_primes); 
   poly_inf->soln2 = (unsigned long*) flint_stack_alloc(num_primes); 
   unsigned long ** A_inv2B = poly_inf->A_inv2B;
   A_inv2B[0] = (unsigned long *) flint_stack_alloc(num_primes*s);
   unsigned long i;
   for (i = 1; i < s; i++)
      A_inv2B[i] = A_inv2B[i-1] + num_primes;
   mpz_t temp;
   mpz_mul_ui(temp, N, 2*qs_inf->k);
   mpz_sqrt(temp, temp);
   mpz_div_ui(temp, temp, 300);
   poly_inf->target_A = mpz_get_ui(temp);
   mpz_root(temp, temp, s);
   fact_approx = mpz_get_ui(temp);
   for (fact = 0; fact_approx >= factor_base[fact].p; fact++); 
   span = num_primes/s/s/2;
   if (span < 6*s) span = 6*s;
   min = fact - span/2;
   if (min < SMALL_PRIMES) min = SMALL_PRIMES;
	if (min + span >= num_primes - 1) span = num_primes - min - 1;
   fact = min + span/2;

   printf("num_primes = %ld, min = FB[%ld], span = %ld, number of factors = %ld\n", num_primes, min, span, s);
   poly_inf->min = min;
   poly_inf->fact = fact;
   poly_inf->span = span;