static int FTLParseEpsgString(char *pszEpsg, projectionObj *psProj)
    int nStatus = MS_FALSE;
    int nTokens = 0;
    char **tokens = NULL;
    int nEpsgTmp=0;

#ifdef USE_PROJ
    if (pszEpsg && psProj)
        nTokens = 0;
        tokens = msStringSplit(pszEpsg,'#', &nTokens);
        if (tokens && nTokens == 2)
            char szTmp[32];
            sprintf(szTmp, "init=epsg:%s",tokens[1]);
            if (msLoadProjectionString(psProj, szTmp) == 0)
              nStatus = MS_TRUE;
        else if (tokens &&  nTokens == 1)
            if (tokens)
              msFreeCharArray(tokens, nTokens);
            nTokens = 0;

            tokens = msStringSplit(pszEpsg,':', &nTokens);
            nEpsgTmp = -1;
            if (tokens &&  nTokens == 1)
                nEpsgTmp = atoi(tokens[0]);
            else if (tokens &&  nTokens == 2)
                nEpsgTmp = atoi(tokens[1]);
            if (nEpsgTmp > 0)
                char szTmp[32];
                sprintf(szTmp, "init=epsg:%d",nEpsgTmp);
                if (msLoadProjectionString(psProj, szTmp) == 0)
                  nStatus = MS_TRUE;
        if (tokens)
          msFreeCharArray(tokens, nTokens);
    return nStatus;
Exemple #2
int msValidateTimeValue(char *timestring, const char *timeextent)
    char **atimes =  NULL;
    int i, numtimes=0;

    /* we need to validate the time passsed in the request */
    /* against the time extent defined */

    if (!timestring || !timeextent)
      return MS_FALSE;

    /* parse the time string. We support descrete times (eg 2004-09-21), */
    /* multiple times (2004-09-21, 2004-09-22, ...) */
    /* and range(s) (2004-09-21/2004-09-25, 2004-09-27/2004-09-29) */
    if (strstr(timestring, ",") == NULL &&
        strstr(timestring, "/") == NULL) /* discrete time */
        return _msValidateTime(timestring,  timeextent);
        atimes = msStringSplit (timestring, ',', &numtimes);
        if (numtimes >=1) /* multiple times */

            if (strstr(atimes[0], "/") == NULL) /* multiple descrete times */
                for (i=0; i<numtimes; i++)
                    if (_msValidateTime(atimes[i], timeextent) == MS_FALSE)
                        msFreeCharArray(atimes, numtimes);
                        return MS_FALSE;
                msFreeCharArray(atimes, numtimes);
                return MS_TRUE;
            else /* multiple ranges */
                for (i=0; i<numtimes; i++)
                    if (_msValidateTime(atimes[i], timeextent) == MS_FALSE)
                        msFreeCharArray(atimes, numtimes);
                        return MS_FALSE;
                 msFreeCharArray(atimes, numtimes);
                 return MS_TRUE;

    return MS_FALSE;
Exemple #3
 *                            msTileGetGMapCoords                       *
static int msTileGetGMapCoords(const char *coordstring, int *x, int *y, int *zoom) {

  int num_coords = 0;
  char **coords = NULL;
  if( coordstring ) {
    coords = msStringSplit(coordstring, ' ', &(num_coords));
    if( num_coords != 3 ) {
      msSetError(MS_WEBERR, "Invalid number of tile coordinates (should be three).", "msTileSetup()");
      return MS_FAILURE;
  else {
    msSetError(MS_WEBERR, "Tile parameter not set.", "msTileSetup()");
    return MS_FAILURE;
  if( x )
    *x = strtol(coords[0], NULL, 10);
  if( y )
    *y = strtol(coords[1], NULL, 10);
  if( zoom )
    *zoom = strtol(coords[2], NULL, 10);
  return MS_SUCCESS;
Exemple #4
void msGetOutputFormatMimeListWMS( mapObj *map, char **mime_list, int max_mime )
    int mime_count = 0, i,j;
    const char *format_list = NULL;
    char **tokens = NULL;
    int numtokens = 0;
    outputFormatObj *format;
    format_list = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "M","getmap_formatlist");
    if ( format_list && strlen(format_list) > 0)
      tokens = msStringSplit(format_list,  ',', &numtokens);

    if (tokens && numtokens > 0)
        for(j = 0; j < numtokens; j++ )
            format = msSelectOutputFormat(map, tokens[j]);
            if (format != NULL)
                mime_list[mime_count++] = format->mimetype;
        msFreeCharArray(tokens, numtokens);
        for( i = 0; i < map->numoutputformats && mime_count < max_mime; i++ )
            int  j;
            if( map->outputformatlist[i]->mimetype == NULL )

            for( j = 0; j < mime_count; j++ )
                if( strcasecmp(mime_list[j],
                               map->outputformatlist[i]->mimetype) == 0 )

            if( j == mime_count && map->outputformatlist[i]->driver &&
#ifdef USE_GD
                strncasecmp(map->outputformatlist[i]->driver, "GD/", 3)==0 ||
                strncasecmp(map->outputformatlist[i]->driver, "GDAL/", 5)==0 ||
                strncasecmp(map->outputformatlist[i]->driver, "AGG/", 4)==0 ||
                strcasecmp(map->outputformatlist[i]->driver, "CAIRO/SVG")==0 ||
                strcasecmp(map->outputformatlist[i]->driver, "CAIRO/PDF")==0 ||
                strcasecmp(map->outputformatlist[i]->driver, "kml")==0 ||
                strcasecmp(map->outputformatlist[i]->driver, "kmz")==0))
              mime_list[mime_count++] = map->outputformatlist[i]->mimetype;
    if( mime_count < max_mime )
        mime_list[mime_count] = NULL;
char *FLTGetFeatureIdCommonExpression(FilterEncodingNode *psFilterNode, layerObj *lp)
  char *pszExpression = NULL;
  int nTokens = 0, i=0, bString=0;
  char **tokens = NULL;
  const char *pszAttribute=NULL;

#if defined(USE_WMS_SVR) || defined(USE_WFS_SVR) || defined(USE_WCS_SVR) || defined(USE_SOS_SVR)
  if (psFilterNode->pszValue) {
    pszAttribute = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "OFG", "featureid");
    if (pszAttribute) {
      tokens = msStringSplit(psFilterNode->pszValue,',', &nTokens);
      if (tokens && nTokens > 0) {
        for (i=0; i<nTokens; i++) {
          char *pszTmp = NULL;
          int bufferSize = 0;
          const char* pszId = tokens[i];
          const char* pszDot = strchr(pszId, '.');
          if( pszDot )
            pszId = pszDot + 1;

          if (i == 0) {
            if(FLTIsNumeric(pszId) == MS_FALSE)
              bString = 1;

          if (bString) {
            bufferSize = 11+strlen(pszId)+strlen(pszAttribute)+1;
            pszTmp = (char *)msSmallMalloc(bufferSize);
            snprintf(pszTmp, bufferSize, "(\"[%s]\" ==\"%s\")" , pszAttribute, pszId);
          } else {
            bufferSize = 8+strlen(pszId)+strlen(pszAttribute)+1;
            pszTmp = (char *)msSmallMalloc(bufferSize);
            snprintf(pszTmp, bufferSize, "([%s] == %s)" , pszAttribute, pszId);

          if (pszExpression != NULL)
            pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, " OR ");
            pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "(");
          pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, pszTmp);

        msFreeCharArray(tokens, nTokens);

    /* opening and closing brackets are needed for mapserver expressions */
    if (pszExpression)
      pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, ")");

  return pszExpression;
Exemple #6
int agg2RenderBitmapGlyphs(imageObj *img, double x, double y, labelStyleObj *style, char *text)
  typedef mapserver::glyph_raster_bin<color_type> glyph_gen;
  int size = MS_NINT(style->size);
  if(size<0 || size>4) {
    msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"invalid bitmap font size", "agg2RenderBitmapGlyphs()");
    return MS_FAILURE;
  AGG2Renderer *r = AGG_RENDERER(img);
  glyph_gen glyph(0);
  mapserver::renderer_raster_htext_solid<renderer_base, glyph_gen> rt(r->m_renderer_base, glyph);
  int numlines=0;
  char **lines;
  /*masking out the out-of-range character codes*/
  int len;
  int cc_start = rasterfonts[size][2];
  int cc_end = cc_start + rasterfonts[size][3];
  if(msCountChars(text,'\n')) {
    if((lines = msStringSplit((const char*)text, '\n', &(numlines))) == NULL)
  } else {
    lines = &text;
    numlines = 1;
  y -= glyph.base_line();
  for(int n=0; n<numlines; n++) {
    len = strlen(lines[n]);
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
      if (lines[n][i] < cc_start || lines[n][i] > cc_end)
        lines[n][i] = '.';
    if(style->outlinewidth > 0) {
      for(int i=-1; i<=1; i++) {
        for(int j=-1; j<=1; j++) {
          if(i||j) {
            rt.render_text(x+i, y+j, lines[n], true);
    rt.render_text(x, y, lines[n], true);
    y += glyph.height();
  if(*lines != text)
    msFreeCharArray(lines, numlines);
  return MS_SUCCESS;
  return MS_SUCCESS;
Exemple #7
static projectionObj* msGetProjectNormalized( const projectionObj* p )
  int i;
  char* pszNewProj4Def;
  projectionObj* pnew;

  pnew = (projectionObj*)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(projectionObj));
  msCopyProjection(pnew, (projectionObj*)p);

  if(p->proj == NULL )
      return pnew;

  /* Normalize definition so that msProjectDiffers() works better */
  pszNewProj4Def = pj_get_def( p->proj, 0 );
  msFreeCharArray(pnew->args, pnew->numargs);
  pnew->args = msStringSplit(pszNewProj4Def,'+', &pnew->numargs);
  for(i = 0; i < pnew->numargs; i++)
      /* Remove trailing space */
      if( strlen(pnew->args[i]) > 0 && pnew->args[i][strlen(pnew->args[i])-1] == ' ' )
          pnew->args[i][strlen(pnew->args[i])-1] = '\0';
      /* Remove spurious no_defs or init= */
      if( strcmp(pnew->args[i], "no_defs") == 0 ||
          strncmp(pnew->args[i], "init=", 5) == 0 )
          if( i < pnew->numargs - 1 )
              memmove(pnew->args + i, pnew->args + i + 1,
                      sizeof(char*) * (pnew->numargs - 1 -i ));
          pnew->numargs --;
          i --;
  /* Sort the strings so they can be compared */
  qsort(pnew->args, pnew->numargs, sizeof(char*), msProjectSortString);
      fprintf(stderr, "'%s' =\n", pszNewProj4Def);
      for(i = 0; i < p->numargs; i++)
          fprintf(stderr, "'%s' ", p->args[i]);
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  return pnew;
int renderBitmapGlyphsGD(imageObj *img, double x, double y, labelStyleObj *style, char *text)
    int size = MS_NINT(style->size);
    gdFontPtr fontPtr;
    gdImagePtr ip;
    int numlines=0,t;
    char **lines;
    if(!(ip = MS_IMAGE_GET_GDIMAGEPTR(img))) return MS_FAILURE;
    if(size<0 || size>4 || (fontPtr = msGetBitmapFont(size))==NULL) {
        msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"invalid bitmap font size", "renderBitmapGlyphsGD()");
        return MS_FAILURE;

    SETPEN(ip, style->color);
    SETPEN(ip, style->outlinecolor);

    if(msCountChars(text,'\n')) {
        if((lines = msStringSplit((const char*)text, '\n', &(numlines))) == NULL)
    } else {
        lines = &text;
        numlines = 1;

    y -= fontPtr->h;
    for(t=0; t<numlines; t++) {
        if(style->outlinewidth > 0) {
            gdImageString(ip, fontPtr, x, y-1,   (unsigned char *) lines[t], style->outlinecolor->pen);
            gdImageString(ip, fontPtr, x, y+1,   (unsigned char *) lines[t], style->outlinecolor->pen);
            gdImageString(ip, fontPtr, x+1, y,   (unsigned char *) lines[t], style->outlinecolor->pen);
            gdImageString(ip, fontPtr, x-1, y,   (unsigned char *) lines[t], style->outlinecolor->pen);
            gdImageString(ip, fontPtr, x+1, y-1, (unsigned char *) lines[t], style->outlinecolor->pen);
            gdImageString(ip, fontPtr, x+1, y+1, (unsigned char *) lines[t], style->outlinecolor->pen);
            gdImageString(ip, fontPtr, x-1, y-1, (unsigned char *) lines[t], style->outlinecolor->pen);
            gdImageString(ip, fontPtr, x-1, y+1, (unsigned char *) lines[t], style->outlinecolor->pen);
        if(style->color->pen != -1) {
            gdImageString(ip, fontPtr, x, y, (unsigned char *) lines[t], style->color->pen);

        y += fontPtr->h; /* shift down */

    if(lines != &text)
        msFreeCharArray(lines, numlines);
    return MS_SUCCESS;
Exemple #9
void msSetLimitedPattersToUse(char *patternstring)
    int *limitedpatternindice = NULL;
    int numpatterns=0, i=0, j=0, ntmp=0;
    char **patterns = NULL;

    limitedpatternindice = (int *)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(int)*MS_NUMTIMEFORMATS);
    /* free previous setting */

    if (patternstring)
        patterns = msStringSplit(patternstring, ',', &ntmp);
        if (patterns && ntmp >= 1)
            for (i=0; i<ntmp; i++)
                for (j=0; j<MS_NUMTIMEFORMATS; j++)
                    if (strcasecmp( ms_timeFormats[j].userformat, patterns[i]) ==0)
                        limitedpatternindice[numpatterns] = j;
            msFreeCharArray(patterns, ntmp);

    if (numpatterns > 0)
        ms_limited_pattern = (int *)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(int)*numpatterns);
        for (i=0; i<numpatterns; i++)
          ms_limited_pattern[i] = limitedpatternindice[i];

        ms_num_limited_pattern = numpatterns;
        free (limitedpatternindice);
char *FLTGetIsBetweenComparisonCommonExpresssion(FilterEncodingNode *psFilterNode, layerObj *lp)
  const size_t bufferSize = 1024;
  char szBuffer[1024];
  char **aszBounds = NULL;
  int nBounds = 0;
  int bString=0;
  int bDateTime = 0;
  char *pszExpression=NULL, *pszTmpEscaped;

  if (!psFilterNode || !(strcasecmp(psFilterNode->pszValue, "PropertyIsBetween") == 0))
    return NULL;

  if (psFilterNode->psLeftNode == NULL || psFilterNode->psRightNode == NULL )
    return NULL;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Get the bounds value which are stored like boundmin;boundmax    */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  aszBounds = msStringSplit(psFilterNode->psRightNode->pszValue, ';', &nBounds);
  if (nBounds != 2) {
    msFreeCharArray(aszBounds, nBounds);
    return NULL;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      check if the value is a numeric value or alphanumeric. If it    */
  /*      is alphanumeric, add quotes around attribute and values.        */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  bString = 0;
  if (aszBounds[0]) {
    const char* pszType;
    snprintf(szBuffer,  bufferSize, "%s_type",  psFilterNode->psLeftNode->pszValue);
    pszType = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "OFG", szBuffer);
    if (pszType != NULL && (strcasecmp(pszType, "Character") == 0))
      bString = 1;
    else if (pszType != NULL && (strcasecmp(pszType, "Date") == 0))
      bDateTime = 1;
    else if (FLTIsNumeric(aszBounds[0]) == MS_FALSE)
      bString = 1;
  if (!bString && !bDateTime) {
    if (aszBounds[1]) {
      if (FLTIsNumeric(aszBounds[1]) == MS_FALSE)
        bString = 1;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      build expresssion.                                              */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* attribute */
  if (bString)
    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "(\"[");
    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "([");
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, psFilterNode->psLeftNode->pszValue);

  if (bString)
    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "]\" ");
    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "] ");
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

  sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " >= ");
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

  if (bString) {
    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "\"");
  else if (bDateTime) {
    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "`");

  pszTmpEscaped = msStringEscape(aszBounds[0]);
  snprintf(szBuffer, bufferSize, "%s", pszTmpEscaped);
  if(pszTmpEscaped != aszBounds[0] ) msFree(pszTmpEscaped);
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);
  if (bString) {
    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "\"");
  else if (bDateTime) {
    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "`");

  sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " AND ");
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

  if (bString)
    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " \"[");
    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " [");
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

  /* attribute */
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, psFilterNode->psLeftNode->pszValue);

  if (bString)
    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "]\" ");
    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "] ");
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

  sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " <= ");
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);
  if (bString) {
    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "\"");
  else if (bDateTime) {
    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "`");
  pszTmpEscaped = msStringEscape(aszBounds[1]);
  snprintf(szBuffer, bufferSize, "%s", pszTmpEscaped);
  if (pszTmpEscaped != aszBounds[1]) msFree(pszTmpEscaped);
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

  if (bString) {
    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "\"");
  else if (bDateTime) {
    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "`");
  sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", ")");
  pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

  msFreeCharArray(aszBounds, nBounds);

  return pszExpression;
Exemple #11
static xmlNodePtr msWFSDumpLayer11(mapObj *map, layerObj *lp, xmlNsPtr psNsOws)
    rectObj ext;
    xmlNodePtr psRootNode, psNode;
    const char *value    = NULL;
    const char *encoding = NULL;
    char *encoded=NULL;
    char *valueToFree;
    char **tokens;
    int n=0,i=0;      

    encoding = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "encoding");
    if (!encoding)
      encoding = "ISO-8859-1";

    psRootNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "FeatureType");

    /*if there is an encoding using it on some of the items*/
    psNode = msOWSCommonxmlNewChildEncoded(psRootNode, NULL, "Name", lp->name, encoding);

    if (lp->name && strlen(lp->name) > 0 &&
        (msIsXMLTagValid(lp->name) == MS_FALSE || isdigit(lp->name[0])))
                    xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST "WARNING: The layer name '%s' might contain spaces or "
                                  "invalid characters or may start with a number. This could lead to potential problems"));
    value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "title");
    if (!value)
      value =(const char*)lp->name;

    psNode = msOWSCommonxmlNewChildEncoded(psRootNode, NULL, "Title", value, encoding);

    value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "abstract");
    if (value)
      psNode = msOWSCommonxmlNewChildEncoded(psRootNode, NULL, "Abstract", value, encoding);

    value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "keywordlist");

    if (value)
	if (encoding)
	  encoded = msGetEncodedString(value, encoding);
          encoded = msGetEncodedString(value, "ISO-8859-1");

            xmlNewChild(psRootNode, psNsOws, BAD_CAST "Keywords", NULL),
            NULL, "Keyword", encoded, ',' );
      /*support DefaultSRS and OtherSRS*/
    valueToFree = msOWSGetProjURN(&(map->projection),&(map->web.metadata),"FO",MS_FALSE);
    if (!valueToFree)
      valueToFree = msOWSGetProjURN(&(lp->projection), &(lp->metadata), "FO", MS_FALSE);

    if (valueToFree)
        tokens = msStringSplit(valueToFree, ' ', &n);
        if (tokens && n > 0)
            psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "DefaultSRS", BAD_CAST tokens[0]);
            for (i=1; i<n; i++)
              psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "OtherSRS", BAD_CAST tokens[i]);

            msFreeCharArray(tokens, n);
                    xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST "WARNING: Mandatory mapfile parameter: (at least one of) MAP.PROJECTION, LAYER.PROJECTION or wfs/ows_srs metadata was missing in this context."));

    valueToFree = NULL;

    /*TODO: adevertize only gml3?*/
    psNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "OutputFormats");
    xmlAddChild(psRootNode, psNode);

        char *formats_list = msWFSGetOutputFormatList( map, lp, "1.1.0" );
        int iformat, n;
        char **tokens;

        n = 0;
        tokens = msStringSplit(formats_list, ',', &n);

        for( iformat = 0; iformat < n; iformat++ )
            xmlNewChild(psNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Format", 
                        BAD_CAST tokens[iformat] );
        msFree( formats_list );
        msFreeCharArray( tokens, n );
    if (msOWSGetLayerExtent(map, lp, "FO", &ext) == MS_SUCCESS)
        /*convert to latlong*/
        if (lp->projection.numargs > 0)
            if (!pj_is_latlong(&lp->projection.proj))
              msProjectRect(&lp->projection, NULL, &ext);
        else if (map->projection.numargs > 0 && !pj_is_latlong(&map->projection.proj))
          msProjectRect(&map->projection, NULL, &ext);

                    msOWSCommonWGS84BoundingBox( psNsOws, 2,
                                                 ext.minx, ext.miny,
                                                 ext.maxx, ext.maxy));
        xmlNewChild(psRootNode, psNsOws, BAD_CAST "WGS84BoundingBox", NULL);
                      xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST "WARNING: Optional WGS84BoundingBox could not be established for this layer.  Consider setting the EXTENT in the LAYER object, or wfs_extent metadata. Also check that your data exists in the DATA statement"));

    value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_href");

    if (value)
        psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "MetadataURL", BAD_CAST value);

        value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_format");

        if (!value)
          value = msStrdup("text/html"); /* default */

        xmlNewProp(psNode, BAD_CAST "format", BAD_CAST value);

        value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_type");

        if (!value)
          value = msStrdup("FGDC"); /* default */

        xmlNewProp(psNode, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST value);

    return psRootNode;
Exemple #12
xmlNodePtr msWFSDumpLayer11(mapObj *map, layerObj *lp, xmlNsPtr psNsOws,
                            int nWFSVersion, const char* validate_language)
  rectObj ext;

  xmlNodePtr psRootNode, psNode;
  const char *value    = NULL;
  char *valueToFree;
  char **tokens;
  int n=0,i=0;

  psRootNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "FeatureType");

  /* add namespace to layer name */
  value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "namespace_prefix");

  /* FIXME? Should probably be applied to WFS 1.1 as well, but the addition */
  /* of the prefix can be disruptive for clients */
  if( value == NULL && nWFSVersion >= OWS_2_0_0 )

  if(value) {
    n = strlen(value)+strlen(lp->name)+1+1;
    valueToFree = (char *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(char*)*n);
    snprintf(valueToFree, n, "%s%s%s", (value ? value : ""), (value ? ":" : ""), lp->name);

    psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Name", BAD_CAST valueToFree);
  } else {
    psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Name", BAD_CAST lp->name);

  if (lp->name && strlen(lp->name) > 0 &&
      (msIsXMLTagValid(lp->name) == MS_FALSE || isdigit(lp->name[0])))
    char szTmp[512];
    snprintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp),
             "WARNING: The layer name '%s' might contain spaces or "
             "invalid characters or may start with a number. This could lead to potential problems",
    xmlAddSibling(psNode, xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST szTmp));

  value = msOWSLookupMetadataWithLanguage(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "title", validate_language);
  if (!value)
    value =(const char*)lp->name;

  psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Title", BAD_CAST value);

  value = msOWSLookupMetadataWithLanguage(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "abstract", validate_language);
  if (value)
    psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Abstract", BAD_CAST value);

  value = msOWSLookupMetadataWithLanguage(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "keywordlist", validate_language);

        xmlNewChild(psRootNode, psNsOws, BAD_CAST "Keywords", NULL),
        NULL, "Keyword", value, ',' );

  /*support DefaultSRS and OtherSRS*/
  valueToFree = msOWSGetProjURN(&(map->projection),&(map->web.metadata),"FO",MS_FALSE);
  if (!valueToFree)
    valueToFree = msOWSGetProjURN(&(lp->projection), &(lp->metadata), "FO", MS_FALSE);

  if (valueToFree) {
    tokens = msStringSplit(valueToFree, ' ', &n);
    if (tokens && n > 0) {
      if( nWFSVersion == OWS_1_1_0 )
        psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "DefaultSRS", BAD_CAST tokens[0]);
        psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "DefaultCRS", BAD_CAST tokens[0]);
      for (i=1; i<n; i++)
        if( nWFSVersion == OWS_1_1_0 )
          psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "OtherSRS", BAD_CAST tokens[i]);
          psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "OtherCRS", BAD_CAST tokens[i]);

      msFreeCharArray(tokens, n);
  } else
                  xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST "WARNING: Mandatory mapfile parameter: (at least one of) MAP.PROJECTION, LAYER.PROJECTION or wfs/ows_srs metadata was missing in this context."));

  valueToFree = NULL;

  /*TODO: adevertize only gml3?*/
  psNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "OutputFormats");
  xmlAddChild(psRootNode, psNode);

    char *formats_list = msWFSGetOutputFormatList( map, lp, nWFSVersion );
    int iformat, n;
    char **tokens;

    n = 0;
    tokens = msStringSplit(formats_list, ',', &n);

    for( iformat = 0; iformat < n; iformat++ )
      xmlNewChild(psNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Format",
                  BAD_CAST tokens[iformat] );
    msFree( formats_list );
    msFreeCharArray( tokens, n );

  if (msOWSGetLayerExtent(map, lp, "FO", &ext) == MS_SUCCESS) {
    /*convert to latlong*/
    if (lp->projection.numargs > 0)
      msOWSProjectToWGS84(&lp->projection, &ext);
      msOWSProjectToWGS84(&map->projection, &ext);

                msOWSCommonWGS84BoundingBox( psNsOws, 2,
                    ext.minx, ext.miny,
                    ext.maxx, ext.maxy));
  } else {
    xmlNewChild(psRootNode, psNsOws, BAD_CAST "WGS84BoundingBox", NULL);
                  xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST "WARNING: Optional WGS84BoundingBox could not be established for this layer.  Consider setting the EXTENT in the LAYER object, or wfs_extent metadata. Also check that your data exists in the DATA statement"));

  value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_href");

  if (value) {
    if( nWFSVersion >= OWS_2_0_0 )
        psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "MetadataURL", NULL);
        xmlNewProp(psNode, BAD_CAST "xlink:href", BAD_CAST value);

        value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_about");
        if( value != NULL )
            xmlNewProp(psNode, BAD_CAST "about", BAD_CAST value);
        psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "MetadataURL", BAD_CAST value);

        value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_format");

        if (!value)
            value = msStrdup("text/html"); /* default */

        xmlNewProp(psNode, BAD_CAST "format", BAD_CAST value);

        value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_type");

        if (!value)
            value = msStrdup("FGDC"); /* default */

        xmlNewProp(psNode, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST value);

  return psRootNode;
int KmlRenderer::startNewLayer(imageObj *img, layerObj *layer)
  char *layerName=NULL;
  const char *value=NULL;

  LayerNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "Folder");

  layerName = getLayerName(layer);
  xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST layerName);

  const char *layerVisibility = layer->status != MS_OFF ? "1" : "0";
  xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "visibility", BAD_CAST layerVisibility);

  const char *layerDsiplayFolder = msLookupHashTable(&(layer->metadata), "kml_folder_display");
  if (layerDsiplayFolder == NULL)
    layerDsiplayFolder = msLookupHashTable(&(layer->map->web.metadata), "kml_folder_display");
  if (!layerDsiplayFolder || strlen(layerDsiplayFolder)<=0) {
    xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_check");

  else {
    if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "checkHideChildren") == 0)
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_checkHideChildren");
    else if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "checkOffOnly") == 0)
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_checkOffOnly");
    else if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "radioFolder") == 0)
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_radioFolder");
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_check");

  /*Init few things on the first layer*/
  if (FirstLayer) {
    FirstLayer = MS_FALSE;
    map = layer->map;

    if (layer->map->mappath)
      snprintf(MapPath, sizeof(MapPath), "%s", layer->map->mappath);

    /*First rendered layer - check mapfile projection*/

    /*check for image path and image url*/
    if (layer->map->debug && (layer->map->web.imageurl == NULL ||   layer->map->web.imagepath == NULL))
      msDebug("KmlRenderer::startNewLayer: imagepath and imageurl should be set in the web object\n");

    /*map rect for ground overlay*/
    MapExtent = layer->map->extent;
    MapCellsize = layer->map->cellsize;
    BgColor = layer->map->imagecolor;

    xmlNewChild(DocNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST layer->map->name);
    aggFormat = msSelectOutputFormat( layer->map, "png24");
    aggFormat->transparent = MS_TRUE;


  currentLayer = layer;

  if (!msLayerIsOpen(layer)) {
    if (msLayerOpen(layer) != MS_SUCCESS) {
      msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "msLayerOpen failed", "KmlRenderer::startNewLayer" );
      return MS_FAILURE;

  /*pre process the layer to set things that make sense for kml output*/
  if (img)
    processLayer(layer, img->format);
    processLayer(layer, NULL);

  if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_description"))
    pszLayerDescMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_description");
  else if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_description"))
    pszLayerDescMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_description");

  value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_include_items");
  if (!value)
    value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_include_items");
  if (value)
    papszLayerIncludeItems = msStringSplit(value, ',', &nIncludeItems);

  value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_exclude_items");
  if (!value)
    value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_exclude_items");
  if (value)
    papszLayerExcludeItems = msStringSplit(value, ',', &nExcludeItems);

  if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_name_item"))
    pszLayerNameAttributeMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_name_item");

  /*get all attributes*/
  if(msLayerWhichItems(layer, MS_TRUE, NULL) != MS_SUCCESS) {
    return MS_FAILURE;

  NumItems = layer->numitems;
  if (NumItems) {
    Items = (char **)msSmallCalloc(NumItems, sizeof(char *));
    for (int i=0; i<NumItems; i++)
      Items[i] = msStrdup(layer->items[i]);

  const char* elevationAttribute = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_elevation_attribute");
  if( elevationAttribute ) {
    mElevationFromAttribute = true;
    for( int i = 0; i < layer->numitems; ++i ) {
      if( strcasecmp( layer->items[i], elevationAttribute ) == 0 ) {
        mElevationAttributeIndex = i;

  return MS_SUCCESS;
Exemple #14
int msWFSLayerWhichShapes(layerObj *lp, rectObj rect, int isQuery)
#ifdef USE_WFS_LYR
  msWFSLayerInfo *psInfo;
  int status = MS_SUCCESS;
  const char *pszTmp;
  FILE *fp;

  if ( msCheckParentPointer(lp->map,"map")==MS_FAILURE )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  psInfo =(msWFSLayerInfo*)lp->wfslayerinfo;

  if (psInfo == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "Assertion failed: WFS layer not opened!!!",

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * Check if layer overlaps current view window (using wfs_latlonboundingbox)
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if ((pszTmp = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata),
                                    "FO", "latlonboundingbox")) != NULL) {
    char **tokens;
    int n;
    rectObj ext;

    tokens = msStringSplit(pszTmp, ' ', &n);
    if (tokens==NULL || n != 4) {
      msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "Wrong number of values in 'wfs_latlonboundingbox' metadata.",
      return MS_FAILURE;

    ext.minx = atof(tokens[0]);
    ext.miny = atof(tokens[1]);
    ext.maxx = atof(tokens[2]);
    ext.maxy = atof(tokens[3]);

    msFreeCharArray(tokens, n);

    /* Reproject latlonboundingbox to the selected SRS for the layer and */
    /* check if it overlaps the bbox that we calculated for the request */

    msProjectRect(&(lp->map->latlon), &(lp->projection), &ext);
    if (!msRectOverlap(&rect, &ext)) {
      /* No overlap... nothing to do. If layer was never opened, go open it.*/
      if (lp->layerinfo)
        return MS_DONE;  /* No overlap. */

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * __TODO__ If new bbox differs from current one then we should
   * invalidate current GML file in cache
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  psInfo->rect = rect;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * If file not downloaded yet then do it now.
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if (psInfo->nStatus == 0) {
    httpRequestObj asReqInfo[2];
    int numReq = 0;

    msHTTPInitRequestObj(asReqInfo, 2);

    if ( msPrepareWFSLayerRequest(-1, lp->map, lp,
                                  asReqInfo, &numReq) == MS_FAILURE  ||
         msOWSExecuteRequests(asReqInfo, numReq,
                              lp->map, MS_TRUE) == MS_FAILURE ) {
      /* Delete tmp file... we don't want it to stick around. */
      return MS_FAILURE;

    /* Cleanup */
    msHTTPFreeRequestObj(asReqInfo, numReq);


  if ( !MS_HTTP_SUCCESS( psInfo->nStatus ) ) {
    /* Delete tmp file... we don't want it to stick around. */

               "Got HTTP status %d downloading WFS layer %s",
               psInfo->nStatus, lp->name?lp->name:"(null)");

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * Check that file is really GML... it could be an exception, or just junk.
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if ((fp = fopen(psInfo->pszGMLFilename, "r")) != NULL) {
    char szHeader[2000];
    int  nBytes = 0;

    nBytes = fread( szHeader, 1, sizeof(szHeader)-1, fp );

    if (nBytes < 0)
      nBytes = 0;
    szHeader[nBytes] = '\0';

    if ( nBytes == 0 ) {
                 "WFS request produced no oputput for layer %s.",

    if ( strstr(szHeader, "<WFS_Exception>") ||
         strstr(szHeader, "<ServiceExceptionReport>") ) {
      msOWSProcessException(lp, psInfo->pszGMLFilename,
                            MS_WFSCONNERR, "msWFSLayerWhichShapes()" );
      return MS_FAILURE;
    } else if ( strstr(szHeader,"") &&
                strstr(szHeader,"featureMember>") == NULL ) {
      /* This looks like valid GML, but contains 0 features. */
      return MS_DONE;
    } else if ( strstr(szHeader,"") == NULL ||
                strstr(szHeader,"featureMember>") == NULL ) {
      /* This is probably just junk. */
                 "WFS request produced unexpected output (junk?) for layer %s.",

    /* If we got this far, it must be a valid GML dataset... keep going */

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * Open GML file using OGR.
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if ((status = msOGRLayerOpen(lp, psInfo->pszGMLFilename)) != MS_SUCCESS)
    return status;

  status = msOGRLayerWhichShapes(lp, rect, isQuery);

  /* Mark that the OGR Layer is valid */
  psInfo->bLayerHasValidGML = MS_TRUE;

  return status;
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * WFS CONNECTION Support not included...
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "WFS CLIENT CONNECTION support is not available.",

#endif /* USE_WFS_LYR */
Exemple #15
int _msValidateTime(const char *timestring,  const char *timeextent)
  int numelements, numextents, i, numranges;
  struct tm  tmtimestart, tmtimeend, tmstart, tmend;
  char **atimerange = NULL, **atimeelements= NULL, **atimeextents=NULL;

  if (!timestring || !timeextent)
    return MS_FALSE;

  if (strlen(timestring) <= 0 ||
      strlen(timeextent) <= 0)
    return MS_FALSE;

  /* we first need to parse the timesting that is passed
     so that we can determine if it is a descrete time
     or a range */

  numelements = 0;
  atimeelements = msStringSplit (timestring, '/', &numelements);

  if (numelements == 1) { /*descrete time*/
    /*start end end times are the same*/
    if (msParseTime(timestring, &tmtimestart) != MS_TRUE) {
      msFreeCharArray(atimeelements, numelements);
      return  MS_FALSE;
    if (msParseTime(timestring, &tmtimeend) != MS_TRUE) {
      msFreeCharArray(atimeelements, numelements);
      return  MS_FALSE;
  } else if (numelements >=2) { /*range */
    if (msParseTime(atimeelements[0], &tmtimestart) != MS_TRUE) {
      msFreeCharArray(atimeelements, numelements);
      return  MS_FALSE;
    if (msParseTime(atimeelements[1], &tmtimeend) != MS_TRUE) {
      msFreeCharArray(atimeelements, numelements);
      return  MS_FALSE;

  msFreeCharArray(atimeelements, numelements);

  /* Now parse the time extent. Extents can be
    -  one range (2004-09-21/2004-09-25/resolution)
    -  multiple rages 2004-09-21/2004-09-25/res1,2004-09-21/2004-09-25/res2
    - one value 2004-09-21
    - mutiple values 2004-09-21,2004-09-22,2004-09-23

  numextents = 0;
  atimeextents = msStringSplit (timeextent, ',', &numextents);
  if (numextents <= 0) {
    msFreeCharArray(atimeextents, numextents);
    return MS_FALSE;

  /*the time timestring should at be valid in one of the extents
    defined */

  for (i=0; i<numextents; i++) {
    /* build time structure for the extents */

    numranges = 0;
    atimerange = msStringSplit (atimeextents[i], '/', &numranges);
    /* - one value 2004-09-21 */
    if (numranges == 1) {
      /*time tested can either be descrete or a range */

      if (msParseTime(atimerange[0], &tmstart) == MS_TRUE &&
          msParseTime(atimerange[0], &tmend) == MS_TRUE &&
          msTimeCompare(&tmstart, &tmtimestart) <= 0 &&
          msTimeCompare(&tmend, &tmtimeend) >= 0) {
        msFreeCharArray(atimerange, numranges);
        msFreeCharArray(atimeextents, numextents);
        return MS_TRUE;
    else if (numranges >= 2) {
      if (msParseTime(atimerange[0], &tmstart) == MS_TRUE &&
          msParseTime(atimerange[1], &tmend) == MS_TRUE &&
          msTimeCompare(&tmstart, &tmtimestart) <= 0 &&
          msTimeCompare(&tmend, &tmtimeend) >= 0) {
        msFreeCharArray(atimerange, numranges);
        msFreeCharArray(atimeextents, numextents);
        return MS_TRUE;
    msFreeCharArray(atimerange, numranges);

  msFreeCharArray(atimeextents, numextents);
  return MS_FALSE;

char *msAlignText(mapObj *map, labelObj *label, char *text)
  double spacewidth=0.0; /*size of a single space, in fractional pixels*/
  int numlines;
  char **textlines,*newtext,*newtextptr;
  int *textlinelengths,*numspacesforpadding;
  int numspacestoadd,maxlinelength,i;
  rectObj label_rect;
    return text; /*only one line*/

  /*split text into individual lines
   * TODO: check if splitting on \n is utf8 safe*/
  textlines = msStringSplit(text,'\n',&numlines);

   * label->space_size_10 contains a cache for the horizontal size of a single
   * 'space' character, at size 10 for the current label
   * FIXME: in case of attribute binding for the FONT of the label, this cache will
   * be wrong for labels where the attributed font is different than the first
   * computed font. This shouldn't happen too often, and hopefully the size of a
   * space character shouldn't vary too much between different fonts*/
  if(label->space_size_10 == 0.0) {
    /*if the cache hasn't been initialized yet, or with pixmap fonts*/

    /* compute the size of 16 adjacent spaces. we can't do this for just one space,
     * as the labelSize computing functions return integer bounding boxes. we assume
     * that the integer rounding for such a number of spaces will be negligeable
     * compared to the actual size of thoses spaces */
    if(msGetLabelSize(map,label,".              .",10.0,&label_rect,NULL) != MS_SUCCESS) {
      /*error computing label size, we can't continue*/

      /*free the previously allocated split text*/
      return text;

    /* this is the size of a single space character. for truetype fonts,
     * it's the size of a 10pt space. For pixmap fonts, it's the size
     * for the current label */
    spacewidth = (label_rect.maxx-label_rect.minx)/16.0;
    if(label->type == MS_TRUETYPE) {
      label->space_size_10=spacewidth; /*cache the computed size*/

      /*size of a space for current label size*/
      spacewidth = spacewidth * (double)label->size/10.0;
  } else {
    spacewidth = label->space_size_10 * (double)label->size/10.0;
  spacewidth = MS_MAX(1,spacewidth);

  /*length in pixels of each line*/
  textlinelengths = (int*)msSmallMalloc(numlines*sizeof(int));

  /*number of spaces that need to be added to each line*/
  numspacesforpadding = (int*)msSmallMalloc(numlines*sizeof(int));

  /*total number of spaces that need to be added*/

  /*length in pixels of the longest line*/
  for(i=0; i<numlines; i++) {
    if(MS_SUCCESS != msGetLabelSize(map,label,textlines[i],label->size, &label_rect,NULL)) {
      return text;
    textlinelengths[i] = label_rect.maxx-label_rect.minx;
  for(i=0; i<numlines; i++) {
    /* number of spaces to add so the current line is
     * as long as the longest line */
    double nfracspaces = (maxlinelength - textlinelengths[i])/spacewidth;

    if(label->align == MS_ALIGN_CENTER) {
    } else {
      if(label->align == MS_ALIGN_RIGHT) {

  /*allocate new text with room for the additional spaces needed*/
  newtext = (char*)msSmallMalloc(strlen(text)+1+numspacestoadd);
  for(i=0; i<numlines; i++) {
    int j;
    /*padd beginning of line with needed spaces*/
    for(j=0; j<numspacesforpadding[i]; j++) {
      *(newtextptr++)=' ';
    /*copy original line*/
    /*place pointer at the char right after the current line*/
    if(i!=numlines-1) {
      /*put the \n back in (was taken away by msStringSplit)*/
  /*free the original text*/
  for(i=0; i<numlines; i++) {

  /*return the aligned text. note that the terminating \0 was added by the last
   * call to strcpy */
  return newtext;
Exemple #17
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i,j,k;

  mapObj    	   *map=NULL;
  imageObj         *image = NULL;
  char **layers=NULL;
  int num_layers=0;

  int layer_found=0;

  char *outfile=NULL; /* no -o sends image to STDOUT */

  int iterations = 1;
  int draws = 0;

  for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { 
    if (strcmp(argv[i],"-c") == 0) { /* user specified number of draws */
      iterations = atoi(argv[i+1]);
      printf("We will draw %d times...\n", iterations);

    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-all_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* global debug */
        int debug_level = atoi(argv[++i]);


        /* Send output to stderr by default */ 
        if (msGetErrorFile() == NULL)
            msSetErrorFile("stderr", NULL);

  for(draws=0; draws<iterations; draws++) {

  struct mstimeval requeststarttime, requestendtime;

  if(msGetGlobalDebugLevel() >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_TUNING) 
      msGettimeofday(&requeststarttime, NULL);
  if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) {
    printf("%s\n", msGetVersion());

  /* ---- check the number of arguments, return syntax if not correct ---- */
  if( argc < 3 ) {
    fprintf(stdout, "\nPurpose: convert a mapfile to an image\n\n");
            "Syntax: shp2img -m mapfile [-o image] [-e minx miny maxx maxy] [-s sizex sizey]\n"
            "               [-l \"layer1 [layers2...]\"] [-i format]\n"
            "               [-all_debug n] [-map_debug n] [-layer_debug n] [-p n] [-c n] [-d layername datavalue]\n");

    fprintf(stdout,"  -m mapfile: Map file to operate on - required\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -i format: Override the IMAGETYPE value to pick output format\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -o image: output filename (stdout if not provided)\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"  -e minx miny maxx maxy: extents to render\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"  -s sizex sizey: output image size\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"  -l layers: layers / groups to enable - make sure they are quoted and space seperated if more than one listed\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -all_debug n: Set debug level for map and all layers\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -map_debug n: Set map debug level\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -layer_debug layer_name n: Set layer debug level\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -c n: draw map n number of times\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -p n: pause for n seconds after reading the map\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -d layername datavalue: change DATA value for layer\n" );


  if ( msSetup() != MS_SUCCESS )
  /* Use MS_ERRORFILE and MS_DEBUGLEVEL env vars if set */
  if ( msDebugInitFromEnv() != MS_SUCCESS )

  for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { /* Step though the user arguments, 1st to find map file */
    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-m") == 0) {
      map = msLoadMap(argv[i+1], NULL);
      if(!map) {

  if(!map) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Mapfile (-m) option not specified.\n");

  for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { /* Step though the user arguments */

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-m") == 0) { /* skip it */

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p") == 0) {
        int pause_length = atoi(argv[i+1]);
        time_t start_time = time(NULL);

        printf( "Start pause of %d seconds.\n", pause_length );
        while( time(NULL) < start_time + pause_length ) {}
        printf( "Done pause.\n" );

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-o") == 0) { /* load the output image filename */
      outfile = argv[i+1];
    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-i") == 0) { 
      outputFormatObj *format;

      format = msSelectOutputFormat( map, argv[i+1] );

      if( format == NULL )
          printf( "No such OUTPUTFORMAT as %s.\n", argv[i+1] );
          msFree( (char *) map->imagetype );
          map->imagetype = msStrdup( argv[i+1] );
          msApplyOutputFormat( &(map->outputformat), format, 
                               map->transparent, map->interlace, 
                               map->imagequality );

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-d") == 0) { /* swap layer data */
      for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) {
	 if(strcmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->name, argv[i+1]) == 0) {
	   free(GET_LAYER(map, j)->data);
	   GET_LAYER(map, j)->data = msStrdup(argv[i+2]);

    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-all_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* global debug */
        int debug_level = atoi(argv[++i]);

        /* msSetGlobalDebugLevel() already called. Just need to force debug
         * level in map and all layers
        map->debug = debug_level;
        for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) {
            GET_LAYER(map, j)->debug = debug_level;

    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-map_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* debug */
        map->debug = atoi(argv[++i]);

        /* Send output to stderr by default */ 
        if (msGetErrorFile() == NULL)
            msSetErrorFile("stderr", NULL);
    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-layer_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* debug */
        const char *layer_name = argv[++i];
        int debug_level = atoi(argv[++i]);
        int got_layer = 0;

        for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) {
            if(strcmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->name,layer_name) == 0 ) {
                GET_LAYER(map, j)->debug = debug_level;
                got_layer = 1;
        if( !got_layer )
            fprintf( stderr, 
                     " Did not find layer '%s' from -layer_debug switch.\n", 
                     layer_name );

        /* Send output to stderr by default */ 
        if (msGetErrorFile() == NULL)
            msSetErrorFile("stderr", NULL);
    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-e") == 0) { /* change extent */
        if( argc <= i+4 ) {
            fprintf( stderr, 
                     "Argument -e needs 4 space separated numbers as argument.\n" ); 
      map->extent.minx = atof(argv[i+1]);
      map->extent.miny = atof(argv[i+2]);
      map->extent.maxx = atof(argv[i+3]);
      map->extent.maxy = atof(argv[i+4]);

    if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) {
      msMapSetSize(map, atoi(argv[i+1]), atoi(argv[i+2]));

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-l") == 0) { /* load layer list */
      layers = msStringSplit(argv[i+1], ' ', &(num_layers));

      for(j=0; j<num_layers; j++) { /* loop over -l */
          for(k=0; k<map->numlayers; k++) {
              if((GET_LAYER(map, k)->name && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, k)->name, layers[j]) == 0) || (GET_LAYER(map, k)->group && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, k)->group, layers[j]) == 0)) {
                  layer_found = 1;
          if (layer_found==0) {
              fprintf(stderr, "Layer (-l) \"%s\" not found\n", layers[j]);

      for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) {
          if(GET_LAYER(map, j)->status == MS_DEFAULT)
          else {
              GET_LAYER(map, j)->status = MS_OFF;
              for(k=0; k<num_layers; k++) {
                  if((GET_LAYER(map, j)->name && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->name, layers[k]) == 0) ||
                     (GET_LAYER(map, j)->group && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->group, layers[k]) == 0)) {
                      GET_LAYER(map, j)->status = MS_ON;

      msFreeCharArray(layers, num_layers);

  image = msDrawMap(map, MS_FALSE);

  if(!image) {


  if( msSaveImage(map, image, outfile) != MS_SUCCESS ) {


  if(msGetGlobalDebugLevel() >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_TUNING) {
    msGettimeofday(&requestendtime, NULL);
    msDebug("shp2img total time: %.3fs\n", 
            (requeststarttime.tv_sec+requeststarttime.tv_usec/1.0e6) );


} /*   for(draws=0; draws<iterations; draws++) { */
} /* ---- END Main Routine ---- */