/* dump sub-alignment corresponding to feature */
void dump_aln(FILE *F, GFF_Feature *feat, MSA *msa, int show_frame) {
  int i, j;
  MSA *sub = msa_sub_alignment(msa, NULL, 0, feat->start - 1, feat->end);
  if (sub->seqs == NULL && sub->ss != NULL) ss_to_msa(sub);
  if (feat->strand == '-') msa_reverse_compl(sub);
  for (i = 0; i < sub->nseqs; i++) {
    fprintf(F, "%-12s ", sub->names[i]);
    for (j = 0; j < sub->length; j++) {
      if (show_frame && (j + feat->frame) % 3 == 0) {
        if (is_stop_codon(&(sub->seqs[i][j]))) fprintf(F, "*");
        /* this may not be right when there are frameshift gaps (e.g.,
           temporary ones with compensatory indels) or gaps
           interrupting stop codons, but it will be good enough to see
           what's going on most of the time  */
        else fprintf(F, ".");
      fprintf(F, "%c", sub->seqs[i][j]);
    fprintf(F, "\n");
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    char c;
    List *l;
    int i, j, strand, bed_output = 0, backgd_nmods = -1, feat_nmods = -1,
                      winsize = -1, verbose = 0, max_nmods, memblocksize, old_nleaves,
                      refidx = 1, base_by_base = FALSE, windowWig = FALSE;
    TreeModel **backgd_mods = NULL, **feat_mods = NULL;
    HMM *backgd_hmm = NULL, *feat_hmm = NULL;
    msa_format_type inform = UNKNOWN_FORMAT;
    GFF_Set *features = NULL;
    MSA *msa, *msa_compl=NULL;
    double **backgd_emissions, **feat_emissions, **mem, **dummy_emissions,
           *winscore_pos=NULL, *winscore_neg=NULL;
    int *no_alignment=NULL;
    List *pruned_names;
    char *msa_fname;
    FILE *infile;

    int opt_idx;
    struct option long_opts[] = {
        {"background-mods", 1, 0, 'b'},
        {"background-hmm", 1, 0, 'B'},
        {"feature-mods", 1, 0, 'f'},
        {"feature-hmm", 1, 0, 'F'},
        {"features", 1, 0, 'g'},
        {"window", 1, 0, 'w'},
        {"window-wig", 1, 0, 'W'},
        {"base-by-base", 0, 0, 'y'},
        {"msa-format", 1, 0, 'i'},
        {"refidx", 1, 0, 'r'},
        {"output-bed", 0, 0, 'd'},
        {"verbose", 0, 0, 'v'},
        {"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
        {0, 0, 0, 0}

    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "B:b:F:f:r:g:w:W:i:ydvh", long_opts, &opt_idx)) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
        case 'B':
            backgd_hmm = hmm_new_from_file(phast_fopen(optarg, "r"));
        case 'b':
            l = get_arg_list(optarg);
            backgd_nmods = lst_size(l);
            backgd_mods = smalloc(backgd_nmods * sizeof(void*));
            for (i = 0; i < backgd_nmods; i++)
                backgd_mods[i] = tm_new_from_file(phast_fopen(((String*)lst_get_ptr(l, i))->chars, "r"), 1);
        case 'F':
            feat_hmm = hmm_new_from_file(phast_fopen(optarg, "r"));
        case 'f':
            l = get_arg_list(optarg);
            feat_nmods = lst_size(l);
            feat_mods = smalloc(feat_nmods * sizeof(void*));
            for (i = 0; i < feat_nmods; i++)
                feat_mods[i] = tm_new_from_file(phast_fopen(((String*)lst_get_ptr(l, i))->chars, "r"), 1);
        case 'g':
            features = gff_read_set(phast_fopen(optarg, "r"));
        case 'w':
            winsize = get_arg_int(optarg);
            if (winsize <= 0) die("ERROR: window size must be positive.\n");
        case 'W':
            winsize = get_arg_int(optarg);
            if (winsize <= 0) die("ERROR: window size must be positive.\n");
            windowWig = TRUE;
        case 'y':
            base_by_base = TRUE;
        case 'i':
            inform = msa_str_to_format(optarg);
            if (inform == UNKNOWN_FORMAT) die("Bad argument to -i.\n");
        case 'r':
            refidx = get_arg_int_bounds(optarg, 0, INFTY);
        case 'd':
            bed_output = 1;
        case 'h':
            printf("%s", HELP);
        case 'v':
            verbose = 1;
        case '?':
            die("Bad argument.  Try '%s -h'.\n", argv[0]);


    if (backgd_mods == NULL || feat_mods == NULL)
        die("ERROR: -b and -f required.  Try '%s -h'.\n", argv[0]);

    if (backgd_nmods == 1 && backgd_hmm == NULL)
        backgd_hmm = hmm_create_trivial();
    else if (backgd_hmm == NULL)
        die("ERROR: -B required.  Try '%s -h'.\n", argv[0]);

    if (feat_nmods == 1 && feat_hmm == NULL)
        feat_hmm = hmm_create_trivial();
    else if (feat_hmm == NULL)
        die("ERROR: -F required.  Try '%s -h'.\n", argv[0]);

    if ((winsize == -1 && features == NULL && !base_by_base) ||
            (winsize != -1 && features != NULL) ||
            (winsize != -1 && base_by_base) ||
            (features != NULL && base_by_base))
        die("ERROR: must specify exactly one of -g, -w, and -y.  Try '%s -h'.\n", argv[0]);

    if (backgd_hmm->nstates != backgd_nmods)
        die("ERROR: number of states must equal number of tree models for background.\n");

    if (feat_hmm->nstates != feat_nmods)
        die("ERROR: number of states must equal number of tree models for features.\n");

    if (features != NULL && lst_size(features->features) == 0)
        die("ERROR: empty features file.\n");

    if (base_by_base && (backgd_nmods > 1 || feat_nmods > 1))
        die("ERROR: only single phylogenetic models (not HMMs) are supported with --base-by-base.\n");

    if (optind != argc - 1)
        die("ERROR: too few arguments.  Try '%s -h'.\n", argv[0]);

    if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Reading alignment ...\n");
    msa_fname = argv[optind];
    infile = phast_fopen(msa_fname, "r");
    if (inform == UNKNOWN_FORMAT)
        inform = msa_format_for_content(infile, 1);
    if (inform == MAF)
        msa = maf_read(infile, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL,
                       NULL, -1, TRUE, NULL, NO_STRIP, FALSE);
        msa = msa_new_from_file_define_format(infile, inform, NULL);
    if (msa_alph_has_lowercase(msa)) msa_toupper(msa);

    /* need ordered representation of alignment */
    if (msa->seqs == NULL && (msa->ss == NULL || msa->ss->tuple_idx == NULL) )
        die("ERROR: ordered sufficient statistics are required.\n");

    pruned_names = lst_new_ptr(msa->nseqs);
    for (i = 0; i < backgd_nmods; i++) {
        old_nleaves = (backgd_mods[i]->tree->nnodes + 1) / 2;
        tm_prune(backgd_mods[i], msa, pruned_names);
        if (lst_size(pruned_names) >= old_nleaves)
            die("ERROR: no match for leaves of tree in alignment (background model #%d)\n", i+1);
        else if (lst_size(pruned_names) > 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: pruned away leaves in background model (#%d) with no match in alignment (", i+1);
            for (j = 0; j < lst_size(pruned_names); j++)
                fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", ((String*)lst_get_ptr(pruned_names, j))->chars,
                        j < lst_size(pruned_names) - 1 ? ", " : ").\n");
    for (i = 0; i < feat_nmods; i++) {
        old_nleaves = (feat_mods[i]->tree->nnodes + 1) / 2;
        tm_prune(feat_mods[i], msa, pruned_names);
        if (lst_size(pruned_names) >= old_nleaves)
            die("ERROR: no match for leaves of tree in alignment (features model #%d)\n", i+1);
        else if (lst_size(pruned_names) > 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: pruned away leaves in features model (#%d) with no match in alignment (", i+1);
            for (j = 0; j < lst_size(pruned_names); j++)
                fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", ((String*)lst_get_ptr(pruned_names, j))->chars,
                        j < lst_size(pruned_names) - 1 ? ", " : ").\n");

    /* first have to subtract offset from features, if necessary */
    if (msa->idx_offset != 0 && features != NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < lst_size(features->features); i++) {
            GFF_Feature *f = lst_get_ptr(features->features, i);
            f->start -= msa->idx_offset;
            f->end -= msa->idx_offset;

    /* convert to coord frame of alignment */
    if (features != NULL && refidx != 0) {
        if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Mapping coordinates ...\n");
        msa_map_gff_coords(msa, features, refidx, 0, 0);
        if (lst_size(features->features) == 0)
            die("ERROR: no features within coordinate range of alignment.\n");

    /* Make a reverse complemented copy of the alignment.  The two
       strands will be processed separately, to avoid problems with
       overlapping features, etc. */
    if (!base_by_base) {          /* skip in base by base case */
        if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Creating reverse complemented alignment ...\n");
        msa_compl = msa_create_copy(msa, 0);
        /* temporary workaround: make sure reverse complement not based on
           sufficient stats */
        if (msa_compl->seqs == NULL) ss_to_msa(msa_compl);
        if (msa_compl->ss != NULL) {
            msa_compl->ss = NULL;

    /* allocate memory for computing scores */
    backgd_emissions = smalloc(backgd_nmods * sizeof(void*));
    for (i = 0; i < backgd_nmods; i++)
        backgd_emissions[i] = smalloc(msa->length * sizeof(double));
    feat_emissions = smalloc(feat_nmods * sizeof(void*));
    for (i = 0; i < feat_nmods; i++)
        feat_emissions[i] = smalloc(msa->length * sizeof(double));
    max_nmods = max(backgd_nmods, feat_nmods);
    dummy_emissions = smalloc(max_nmods * sizeof(void*));
    mem = smalloc(max_nmods * sizeof(void*));
    /* memory for forward algorithm -- each block must be as large as
       the largest feature */
    if (features != NULL) {
        for (i = 0, memblocksize = -1; i < lst_size(features->features); i++) {
            GFF_Feature *f = lst_get_ptr(features->features, i);
            if (f->end - f->start + 1 > memblocksize)
                memblocksize = f->end - f->start + 1;
    else memblocksize = winsize;  /* -1 if base-by-base mode */

    if (memblocksize > 0)
        for (i = 0; i < max_nmods; i++)
            mem[i] = smalloc(memblocksize * sizeof(double));

    if (winsize != -1) {
        winscore_pos = smalloc(msa->length * sizeof(double));
        winscore_neg = smalloc(msa->length * sizeof(double));
        no_alignment = smalloc(msa->length * sizeof(int));

        for (i = 0; i < msa->length; i++) {
            winscore_pos[i] = winscore_neg[i] = NEGINFTY;
            if (refidx == 0)
                no_alignment[i] = FALSE;
                no_alignment[i] = msa_missing_col(msa, refidx, i);

    /* the rest will be repeated for each strand */
    for (strand = 1; strand <= 2; strand++) {
        MSA *thismsa = strand == 1 ? msa : msa_compl;
        double *winscore = strand == 1 ? winscore_pos : winscore_neg;

        if (base_by_base && strand == 2) break; /* don't do second pass in
                                               base_by_base case */

        if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Processing %c strand ...\n",
                                 strand == 1 ? '+' : '-');

        /* set up dummy categories array, so that emissions are only
           computed where needed */
        thismsa->categories = smalloc(thismsa->length * sizeof(int));
        thismsa->ncats = 1;
        if (winsize != -1) {
            if (strand == 1)
                for (i = 0; i < thismsa->length; i++)
                    thismsa->categories[i] = no_alignment[i] ? 0 : 1;
                for (i = 0; i < thismsa->length; i++)
                    thismsa->categories[i] = no_alignment[thismsa->length - i - 1] ? 0 : 1;
        else if (features != NULL) {
            for (i = 0; i < thismsa->length; i++) thismsa->categories[i] = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < lst_size(features->features); i++) {
                GFF_Feature *f = lst_get_ptr(features->features, i);
                if (f->start <= 0 || f->end <= 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: feature out of range ('");
                    gff_print_feat(stderr, f);
                    fprintf(stderr, "')\n");

                if (strand == 1 && f->strand != '-')
                    for (j = f->start - 1; j < f->end; j++)
                        thismsa->categories[j] = 1;
                else if (strand == 2 && f->strand == '-')
                    for (j = thismsa->length - f->end;
                            j < thismsa->length - f->start + 1; j++)
                        thismsa->categories[j] = 1;
        else {                      /* base-by-base scores */
            for (i = 0; i < thismsa->length; i++) thismsa->categories[i] = 1;
        if (thismsa->ss != NULL) ss_update_categories(thismsa);

        /* compute emissions */
        for (i = 0; i < backgd_nmods; i++) {
            if (verbose)
                fprintf(stderr, "Computing emissions for background model #%d ...\n", i+1);
            tl_compute_log_likelihood(backgd_mods[i], thismsa,
                                      backgd_emissions[i], NULL, 1, NULL);
        for (i = 0; i < feat_nmods; i++) {
            if (verbose)
                fprintf(stderr, "Computing emissions for features model #%d ...\n", i+1);
            tl_compute_log_likelihood(feat_mods[i], thismsa,
                                      feat_emissions[i], NULL, 1, NULL);

        /* now compute scores */
        if (winsize != -1) {        /* windows case */
            int winstart;
            if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Computing scores ...\n");

            for (winstart = 0; winstart <= thismsa->length - winsize; winstart++) {
                int centeridx = winstart + winsize/2;

                if (strand == 2) centeridx = thismsa->length - centeridx - 1;

                if (no_alignment[centeridx]) continue;

                for (j = 0; j < feat_nmods; j++)
                    dummy_emissions[j] = &(feat_emissions[j][winstart]);
                winscore[centeridx] = hmm_forward(feat_hmm, dummy_emissions,
                                                  winsize, mem);

                if (winscore[centeridx] <= NEGINFTY) {
                    winscore[centeridx] = NEGINFTY;

                for (j = 0; j < backgd_nmods; j++)
                    dummy_emissions[j] = &(backgd_emissions[j][winstart]);
                winscore[centeridx] -= hmm_forward(backgd_hmm, dummy_emissions,
                                                   winsize, mem);

                if (winscore[centeridx] < NEGINFTY) winscore[centeridx] = NEGINFTY;
        else if (features != NULL) { /* features case */
            if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Computing scores ...\n");
            for (i = 0; i < lst_size(features->features); i++) {
                GFF_Feature *f = lst_get_ptr(features->features, i);
                int s, e;

                if ((strand == 1 && f->strand == '-') ||
                        (strand == 2 && f->strand != '-') ||
                        f->start <= 0 || f->end <= 0 || f->end - f->start < 0)

                /* effective coords */
                if (f->strand == '-') {
                    s = thismsa->length - f->end + 1;
                    e = thismsa->length - f->start + 1;
                else {
                    s = f->start;
                    e = f->end;

                f->score_is_null = 0;

                for (j = 0; j < feat_nmods; j++)
                    dummy_emissions[j] = &(feat_emissions[j][s-1]);
                f->score = hmm_forward(feat_hmm, dummy_emissions, e - s + 1, mem);

                if (f->score <= NEGINFTY) {
                    f->score = NEGINFTY;

                for (j = 0; j < backgd_nmods; j++)
                    dummy_emissions[j] = &(backgd_emissions[j][s-1]);
                f->score -= hmm_forward(backgd_hmm, dummy_emissions, e - s + 1, mem);

                if (f->score < NEGINFTY) f->score = NEGINFTY;

    if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Generating output ...\n");

    if (winsize != -1 && windowWig == FALSE) { /* standard windows output */
        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < msa->length; i++) {
            if (no_alignment[i] == FALSE)
                printf("%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\n", j + msa->idx_offset + 1, winscore_pos[i],
            if (ss_get_char_pos(msa, i, 0, 0) != GAP_CHAR) j++;
    else if (windowWig == TRUE) { /* windows with wig output */
        int last = NEGINFTY;
        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < msa->length; i++) {
            if (refidx == 0 || msa_get_char(msa, refidx-1, i) != GAP_CHAR) {
                if (no_alignment[i] == FALSE && winscore_pos[i] > NEGINFTY) {
                    if (j > last + 1)
                        printf("fixedStep chrom=%s start=%d step=1\n",
                               refidx > 0 ? msa->names[refidx-1] : "alignment",
                               j + msa->idx_offset + 1);
                    printf("%.3f\n", winscore_pos[i]);
                    last = j;
    else if (features != NULL) {  /* features output */
        /* return to coord frame of reference seq (also, replace offset) */
        if (refidx != 0)
            msa_map_gff_coords(msa, features, 0, refidx, msa->idx_offset);
        else if (msa->idx_offset != 0) {
            for (i = 0; i < lst_size(features->features); i++) {
                GFF_Feature *f = lst_get_ptr(features->features, i);
                f->start += msa->idx_offset;
                f->end += msa->idx_offset;

        if (bed_output)
            gff_print_bed(stdout, features, FALSE);
            gff_print_set(stdout, features);
    else {           /* base-by-base scores */
        /* in this case, we can just output the difference between the emissions */
        printf("fixedStep chrom=%s start=%d step=1\n",
               refidx > 0 ? msa->names[refidx-1] : "alignment",
               msa->idx_offset + 1);
        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < msa->length; i++) {
            if (refidx == 0 || msa_get_char(msa, refidx-1, i) != GAP_CHAR) {
                printf("%.3f\n", feat_emissions[0][i] - backgd_emissions[0][i]);

    if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "\nDone.\n");

    return 0;