Exemple #1
char *GetMsgid(int id)
  char *p = NULL;

  // This conditional until a real fix is found for MDEV-7304
#if defined(FRENCH)
  if (!stricmp(msglang(), "french"))
    switch (id) {
#include "frids.h"
#if defined(NEWMSG)
#include "frcas.h"
#endif   // NEWMSG
    } // endswitch(id)

  else    // English
#endif   // FRENCH
    switch (id) {
#include "enids.h"
#if defined(NEWMSG)
#include "encas.h"
#endif   // NEWMSG
    } // endswitch(id)

  return p;
  } // end of GetMsgid
Exemple #2
char *PlugReadMessage(PGLOBAL g, int mid, char *m)
  char  msgfile[_MAX_PATH], msgid[32], buff[256];
  char *msg;
  FILE *mfile = NULL;

//GetPrivateProfileString("Message", msglang, "Message\\english.msg",
//                                   msgfile, _MAX_PATH, plgini);
//strcat(strcat(strcpy(msgfile, msg_path), msglang()), ".msg");
  strcat(strcpy(buff, msglang()), ".msg");
  PlugSetPath(msgfile, NULL, buff, msg_path);

  if (!(mfile = fopen(msgfile, "rt"))) {
    sprintf(stmsg, "Fail to open message file %s", msgfile);
    goto err;
    } // endif mfile

  for (;;)
    if (!fgets(buff, 256, mfile)) {
      sprintf(stmsg, "Cannot get message %d %s", mid, SVP(m));
      goto fin;
    } else
      if (atoi(buff) == mid)

  if (sscanf(buff, " %*d %s \"%[^\"]", msgid, stmsg) < 2) {
    // Old message file
    if (!sscanf(buff, " %*d \"%[^\"]", stmsg)) {
      sprintf(stmsg, "Bad message file for %d %s", mid, SVP(m));
      goto fin;
    } else
      m = NULL;

    } // endif sscanf

  if (m && strcmp(m, msgid)) {
    // Message file is out of date
    strcpy(stmsg, m);
    goto fin;
    } // endif m


  if (g) {
    // Called by STEP
    msg = (char *)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(stmsg) + 1);
    strcpy(msg, stmsg);
  } else // Called by MSG or PlgGetErrorMsg
    msg =  stmsg;

  return msg;
  } // end of PlugReadMessage