static int my_rest_handler(mtev_http_rest_closure_t *restc, int npats, char **pats) {
    char *s = "Rest is working\n";
    mtev_http_response_append(restc->http_ctx, s, strlen(s));
    mtev_http_response_status_set(restc->http_ctx, 200, "OK");
    mtev_http_response_header_set(restc->http_ctx, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
    mtev_http_response_option_set(restc->http_ctx, MTEV_HTTP_CLOSE);
    return 0;
Exemple #2
static int
mtev_lua_http_header_set(lua_State *L) {
  const char *hdr, *val;
  CCALL_DECL(L, mtev_http_session_ctx, http_ctx, 3);
  hdr = lua_tostring(L,2);
  val = lua_tostring(L,3);
  if(!hdr || !val) luaL_error(L, "invalid header or headervalue");
  mtev_http_response_header_set(http_ctx, hdr, val);
  return 0;
static int
rest_cull_filter(mtev_http_rest_closure_t *restc,
                 int npats, char **pats) {
  int rv;
  char cnt_str[32];
  mtev_http_session_ctx *ctx = restc->http_ctx;

  rv = noit_filtersets_cull_unused();
  if(rv > 0) mtev_conf_mark_changed();
  snprintf(cnt_str, sizeof(cnt_str), "%d", rv);
  mtev_http_response_ok(ctx, "text/html");
  mtev_http_response_header_set(ctx, "X-Filters-Removed", cnt_str);
  return 0;
Exemple #4
static int
rest_httptrap_handler(mtev_http_rest_closure_t *restc,
                      int npats, char **pats) {
  int mask, complete = 0, cnt;
  struct rest_json_payload *rxc = NULL;
  const char *error = "internal error", *secret = NULL;
  mtev_http_session_ctx *ctx = restc->http_ctx;
  const unsigned int DEBUGDATA_OUT_SIZE=4096;
  const unsigned int JSON_OUT_SIZE=DEBUGDATA_OUT_SIZE+128;
  char json_out[JSON_OUT_SIZE];
  char debugdata_out[DEBUGDATA_OUT_SIZE];
  int debugflag=0;
  const char *debugchkflag;
  noit_check_t *check;
  uuid_t check_id;
  mtev_http_request *req;
  mtev_hash_table *hdrs;

  if(npats != 2) {
    error = "bad uri";
    goto error;
  if(uuid_parse(pats[0], check_id)) {
    error = "uuid parse error";
    goto error;

  if(restc->call_closure == NULL) {
    mtev_boolean allowed = mtev_false;
    httptrap_closure_t *ccl = NULL;
    const char *delimiter = NULL;
    rxc = restc->call_closure = calloc(1, sizeof(*rxc));
    rxc->delimiter = DEFAULT_HTTPTRAP_DELIMITER;
    check = noit_poller_lookup(check_id);
    if(!check) {
      error = "no such check";
      goto error;
    if(!httptrap_surrogate && strcmp(check->module, "httptrap")) {
      error = "no such httptrap check";
      goto error;
    /* check "secret" then "httptrap_secret" as a fallback */
    (void)mtev_hash_retr_str(check->config, "secret", strlen("secret"), &secret);
    if(!secret) (void)mtev_hash_retr_str(check->config, "httptrap_secret", strlen("httptrap_secret"), &secret);
    if(secret && !strcmp(pats[1], secret)) allowed = mtev_true;
    if(!allowed && cross_module_reverse_allowed(check, pats[1])) allowed = mtev_true;

    if(!allowed) {
      error = "secret mismatch";
      goto error;

    /* check "delimiter" then "httptrap_delimiter" as a fallback */
    (void)mtev_hash_retr_str(check->config, "delimiter", strlen("delimiter"), &delimiter);
    if(!delimiter) (void)mtev_hash_retr_str(check->config, "httptrap_delimiter", strlen("httptrap_delimiter"), &delimiter);
    if(delimiter && *delimiter) rxc->delimiter = *delimiter;
    rxc->check = check;
    uuid_copy(rxc->check_id, check_id);
    rxc->parser = yajl_alloc(&httptrap_yajl_callbacks, NULL, rxc);
    rxc->depth = -1;
    yajl_config(rxc->parser, yajl_allow_comments, 1);
    yajl_config(rxc->parser, yajl_dont_validate_strings, 1);
    yajl_config(rxc->parser, yajl_allow_trailing_garbage, 1);
    yajl_config(rxc->parser, yajl_allow_partial_values, 1);
    restc->call_closure_free = rest_json_payload_free;
  else rxc = restc->call_closure;

  /* flip threads */
    mtev_http_connection *conn = mtev_http_session_connection(ctx);
    eventer_t e = mtev_http_connection_event(conn);
    if(e) {
      pthread_t tgt = CHOOSE_EVENTER_THREAD_FOR_CHECK(rxc->check);
      if(!pthread_equal(e->thr_owner, tgt)) {
        e->thr_owner = tgt;

  rxc = rest_get_json_upload(restc, &mask, &complete);
  if(rxc == NULL && !complete) return mask;

  if(!rxc) goto error;
  if(rxc->error) goto error;

  cnt = rxc->cnt;

  mtev_http_response_status_set(ctx, 200, "OK"); 
  mtev_http_response_header_set(ctx, "Content-Type", "application/json");
  mtev_http_response_option_set(ctx, MTEV_HTTP_CLOSE); 
  /*Examine headers for x-circonus-httptrap-debug flag*/
  req = mtev_http_session_request(ctx);
  hdrs = mtev_http_request_headers_table(req); 
  /*Check if debug header passed in. If present and set to true, set debugflag value to one.*/
  if(mtev_hash_retr_str(hdrs, "x-circonus-httptrap-debug", strlen("x-circonus-httptrap-debug"), &debugchkflag))
    if (strcmp(debugchkflag,"true")==0)
  /*If debugflag remains zero, simply output the number of metrics.*/
  if (debugflag==0)
    snprintf(json_out, sizeof(json_out),
           "{ \"stats\": %d }", cnt);    
  /*Otherwise, if set to one, output current metrics in addition to number of current metrics.*/
  else if (debugflag==1)
      stats_t *c;
      mtev_hash_table *metrics;
      /*Retrieve check information.*/        
      check = noit_poller_lookup(check_id);
      c = noit_check_get_stats_current(check);
      metrics = noit_check_stats_metrics(c);
      mtev_hash_iter iter = MTEV_HASH_ITER_ZERO;
      const char *k;
      int klen;
      void *data;
      int written=0;
      int offset=0;
      /*Extract metrics*/
      while(mtev_hash_next(metrics, &iter, &k, &klen, &data))
        char buff[256];
        int toWrite = DEBUGDATA_OUT_SIZE-offset;
        metric_t *tmp=(metric_t *)data;
        char *metric_name=tmp->metric_name;
        metric_type_t metric_type=tmp->metric_type;
        noit_stats_snprint_metric_value(buff, sizeof(buff), tmp);
        written = snprintf(debugdata_out + offset, toWrite, "\"%s\": {\"_type\":\"%c\",\"_value\":\"%s\"},", metric_name,metric_type,buff);
        if(toWrite < written) 
        offset += written;
      /*Set last character to empty-don't want extra comma in output*/
      if (offset>1)
        snprintf(debugdata_out + (offset-1), 1, "%s"," ");
      /*Output stats and metrics.*/
      snprintf(json_out, sizeof(json_out)+strlen(debugdata_out),
             "{ \"stats\": %d, \"metrics\": {%s } }", cnt, debugdata_out);

  mtev_http_response_append(ctx, json_out, strlen(json_out));
  return 0;

  mtev_http_response_server_error(ctx, "application/json");
  mtev_http_response_append(ctx, "{ \"error\": \"", 12);
  if(rxc && rxc->error) error = rxc->error;
  mtev_http_response_append(ctx, error, strlen(error));
  mtev_http_response_append(ctx, "\" }", 3);
  return 0;