Exemple #1
void and_gate_init(
    mtiRegionIdT       region,
    char              *param,
    mtiInterfaceListT *generics,
    mtiInterfaceListT *ports
    inst_rec     *ip;
    mtiSignalIdT  outp;
    mtiProcessIdT proc;

    ip = (inst_rec *)mti_Malloc( sizeof(inst_rec) );
    ip->in1 = mti_FindPort( ports, "in1" );
    ip->in2 = mti_FindPort( ports, "in2" );
    outp = mti_FindPort( ports, "out1" );
    ip->out1 = mti_CreateDriver( outp );
    proc = mti_CreateProcess( "p1", do_and, ip );
    mti_Sensitize( proc, ip->in1, MTI_EVENT );
    mti_Sensitize( proc, ip->in2, MTI_EVENT );
Exemple #2
/* this function is called once at startup and configures testbench interface */
void testbench_init(
   mtiRegionIdT region,
   char *param,
   mtiInterfaceListT *generics,
   mtiInterfaceListT *ports
   // printf( "INFO    testbench global variable pointer %p, global variable size %.2fMByte\n", (void *) &gv, sizeof(gv)/(1024*1024.0) );
   /* connect the vhdl inputs and outputs to the ip struct */
   testbench_t *ip;
   ip = (testbench_t *) mti_Malloc( sizeof( testbench_t) );
   ip->clk = mti_FindPort( ports, "clk" );
   ip->rst = mti_CreateDriver( mti_FindPort( ports, "rst" ) );
   ip->set = mti_CreateDriver( mti_FindPort( ports, "set" ) );
   ip->inc = mti_CreateDriver( mti_FindPort( ports, "inc" ) );
   ip->dec = mti_CreateDriver( mti_FindPort( ports, "dec" ) );
   ip->load = mti_CreateDriver( mti_FindPort( ports, "load" ) );
   ip->result = mti_FindPort( ports, "result" );
   ip->cmp = mti_FindPort( ports, "cmp" );
   ip->read_data = mti_FindPort( ports, "read_data" );
   mtiProcessIdT testbench_process = mti_CreateProcess( "testbench_p", testbench, ip );
   mti_Sensitize( testbench_process, ip->clk, MTI_EVENT);

   /* start also a housekeeping process that handles non testbench related issues */
   mtiProcessIdT housekeeping_process = mti_CreateProcess( "housekeeping_p", housekeeping, ip );
   mti_Sensitize( housekeeping_process, ip->clk, MTI_EVENT);

   /* start the thread which allows us to connect on the socket */
   pthread_t socket_thread;
   pthread_mutex_init(&gv_mutex_lock, NULL);
   int return_code =  pthread_create( &socket_thread, NULL, server, NULL );
   if( return_code != 0 )
      printf( "ERROR: return code thread 0 with %d\n", return_code );
Exemple #3
int FliSignalCbHdl::arm_callback(void)
    if (NULL == m_proc_hdl) {
        LOG_DEBUG("Creating a new process to sensitise to signal %s", mti_GetSignalName(m_sig_hdl));
        m_proc_hdl = mti_CreateProcess(NULL, handle_fli_callback, (void *)this);

    if (!m_sensitised) {
        mti_Sensitize(m_proc_hdl, m_sig_hdl, MTI_EVENT);
        m_sensitised = true;
    return 0;