static void rotateM(float* m,
            float a, float x, float y, float z) {
    float temp[16];
    float temp2[16];
    setRotateM(temp, 0, a, x, y, z);
    mulMM(temp2, m, temp);
    memcpy(m, temp2, 16 * sizeof(float));
Exemple #2
/* Compute the inverse deformation field within a single cube */
static void invert_it(int x0, int x1, int x2, float *y0, float *y1, float *y2,
	int dim_f[3], float *iy0, float *iy1, float *iy2, REAL U[4][3], REAL V[4][3])
	int i, j, k, vox[MAXV][3], nvox;
	REAL Y0[4][3], Y[4][3], M[4][3], IM[4][3];

	/* Determine tetrahedral arrangement */
        k = (x0%2)==(x1%2)==(x2%2);
	for(i=0; i<5; i++) /* Five tetrahedra within a cube */
		/* Find the vertices (in mm space) */
		Y0[0][0] = y0[off[k][0][i]]; Y0[0][1] = y1[off[k][0][i]]; Y0[0][2] = y2[off[k][0][i]];
		Y0[1][0] = y0[off[k][1][i]]; Y0[1][1] = y1[off[k][1][i]]; Y0[1][2] = y2[off[k][1][i]];
		Y0[2][0] = y0[off[k][2][i]]; Y0[2][1] = y1[off[k][2][i]]; Y0[2][2] = y2[off[k][2][i]];
		Y0[3][0] = y0[off[k][3][i]]; Y0[3][1] = y1[off[k][3][i]]; Y0[3][2] = y2[off[k][3][i]];

		/* Convert vertex co-ordinates to voxels */
		mulMX(Y, U, Y0);

		/* Compute affine transform mapping vertices together */
		getM(Y, ix[k][i], M, x0, x1, x2);

		if (mxIsFinite(M[0][0])) /* Prevent from bombing out when NaNs are encountered */
			/* Find integer co-ordinates within tetrahedron */
			scan_tetrahedron(Y, &nvox, vox, MAXV);

			if (nvox>0)
				/* Invert the affine mapping */
				invertM(M, IM);

				/* Convert the mapping from voxels to mm */
				mulMM(M, V, IM);

				/* Insert the new mappings into each voxel within the tetrahedron */
				for(j=0; j<nvox; j++)
					if ((vox[j][0]>=1) && (vox[j][0]<=dim_f[0]) &&
				 	    (vox[j][1]>=1) && (vox[j][1]<=dim_f[1]) &&
					    (vox[j][2]>=1) && (vox[j][2]<=dim_f[2]))
						int o  = vox[j][0]+dim_f[0]*(vox[j][1]+dim_f[1]*vox[j][2]);

						iy0[o] = M[0][0]*vox[j][0] + M[1][0]*vox[j][1] + M[2][0]*vox[j][2] + M[3][0];
						iy1[o] = M[0][1]*vox[j][0] + M[1][1]*vox[j][1] + M[2][1]*vox[j][2] + M[3][1];
						iy2[o] = M[0][2]*vox[j][0] + M[1][2]*vox[j][1] + M[2][2]*vox[j][2] + M[3][2];