const char *mus_array_to_file_with_error(const char *filename, mus_float_t *ddata, mus_long_t len, int srate, int channels) { /* put ddata into a sound file, taking byte order into account */ /* assume ddata is interleaved already if more than one channel */ int fd, err = MUS_NO_ERROR; mus_long_t oloc; mus_float_t *bufs[1]; mus_sound_forget(filename); err = mus_write_header(filename, MUS_NEXT, srate, channels, len * channels, MUS_OUT_FORMAT, "array->file"); if (err != MUS_NO_ERROR) return("mus_array_to_file can't create output file"); oloc = mus_header_data_location(); fd = mus_file_reopen_write(filename); lseek(fd, oloc, SEEK_SET); err = mus_file_open_descriptors(fd, filename, MUS_OUT_FORMAT, mus_bytes_per_sample(MUS_OUT_FORMAT), oloc, channels, MUS_NEXT); if (err != MUS_ERROR) { bufs[0] = ddata; err = mus_file_write(fd, 0, len - 1, 1, bufs); /* 1 = chans?? */ } mus_file_close(fd); if (err == MUS_ERROR) return("mus_array_to_file write error"); return(NULL); }
int mus_sound_open_output(const char *arg, int srate, int chans, int data_format, int header_type, const char *comment) { int fd = MUS_ERROR, err; mus_sound_initialize(); mus_sound_forget(arg); err = mus_write_header(arg, header_type, srate, chans, 0, data_format, comment); if (err != MUS_ERROR) { fd = mus_file_open_write(arg); if (fd != -1) mus_file_open_descriptors(fd, arg, data_format, mus_bytes_per_sample(data_format), mus_header_data_location(), chans, header_type); } return(fd); }
int open_temp_file(const char *ofile, int chans, file_info *hdr, io_error_t *err) { /* returns io fd */ int ofd, sl_err = MUS_NO_ERROR; if (!(mus_header_writable(hdr->type, hdr->format))) { hdr->type = default_output_header_type(ss); if (mus_header_writable(hdr->type, default_output_data_format(ss))) hdr->format = default_output_data_format(ss); else { /* was default_output_* here, but that's for the user's output, not ours */ hdr->type = MUS_NEXT; hdr->format = MUS_OUT_FORMAT; } } (*err) = snd_write_header(ofile, hdr->type, hdr->srate, chans, 0, hdr->format, hdr->comment, hdr->loops); if ((*err) != IO_NO_ERROR) { /* -1 as fd */ return(-1); } ofd = snd_reopen_write(ofile); if (ofd == -1) { (*err) = IO_CANT_REOPEN_FILE; return(-1); } hdr->data_location = mus_header_data_location(); /* header might have changed size (aiff extras) */ sl_err = snd_file_open_descriptors(ofd, ofile, hdr->format, hdr->data_location, chans, hdr->type); if (sl_err != MUS_NO_ERROR) (*err) = sndlib_error_to_snd(sl_err); lseek(ofd, hdr->data_location, SEEK_SET); return(ofd); }
/* Create a soundfile header of the specified type. The usage msg above describes the kind of types you can create. (These are ones that sndlib can write and that can be useful to the average cmix user. There are other kinds of header sndlib can write -- for example, for 24-bit files -- but we want to keep the sfcreate syntax as simple as possible. We allocate a generous comment area, because expanding it after a sound has already been written would mean copying the entire file. (We use comments to store peak stats -- see sys/sndlibsupport.c.) */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, fd, result, overwrite_file, old_format, old_header_type=0; int data_location, old_data_location, old_nsamps, old_datum_size; int force = FALSE; struct stat statbuf; /* get name of this program */ progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (progname == NULL) progname = argv[0]; else progname++; if (argc < 2) usage(); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] == '-') { switch (arg[1]) { case 'c': if (++i >= argc) usage(); nchans = atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'r': if (++i >= argc) usage(); srate = atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'i': is_short = TRUE; break; case 'f': is_short = FALSE; break; case 'b': endian = CREATE_BIG_ENDIAN; break; case 'l': endian = CREATE_LITTLE_ENDIAN; break; case 't': if (++i >= argc) usage(); strncpy(format_name, argv[i], FORMAT_NAME_LENGTH - 1); format_name[FORMAT_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; /* ensure termination */ break; case '-': if (strcmp(arg, "--force") == 0) force = TRUE; else usage(); break; default: usage(); } } else sfname = arg; } if (sfname == NULL) usage(); if (check_params()) usage(); old_data_location = old_format = old_datum_size = old_nsamps = 0; /* Test for existing file. If there is one, and we can read and write it, and the force flag is set, then we'll overwrite its header. Note that we slap on a header even if the file doesn't have one already, as would be the case with a raw sound file (or a precious text file...). If there isn't an existing file, we'll create a new one. */ overwrite_file = FALSE; result = stat(sfname, &statbuf); if (result == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { /* file doesn't exist, we'll create one */ fd = open(sfname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating file \"%s\" (%s)\n", sfname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "File \"%s\" exists, but there was an error accessing it (%s)\n", sfname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } else { int drastic_change; overwrite_file = TRUE; /* File exists and we could stat it. If it's a regular file, open it and see if it looks like a sound file. */ if (!S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" exists, but it's not a regular file.\n", sfname); exit(1); } fd = open(sfname, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (sndlib_read_header(fd) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading header (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } old_header_type = mus_header_type(); old_format = mus_header_format(); if (NOT_A_SOUND_FILE(old_header_type) || INVALID_DATA_FORMAT(old_format)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: \"%s\" exists, but doesn't look like " "a sound file.\n\n", sfname); drastic_change = TRUE; old_header_type = MUS_RAW; } else if (old_header_type != header_type || old_format != data_format) drastic_change = TRUE; else drastic_change = FALSE; if (drastic_change && !force) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", OVERWRITE_WARNING); exit(1); } old_data_location = mus_header_data_location(); old_nsamps = mus_header_samples(); /* samples, not frames */ old_datum_size = mus_header_data_format_to_bytes_per_sample(); } result = sndlib_write_header(fd, 0, header_type, data_format, srate, nchans, NULL, &data_location); if (result == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error writing header (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* If we're overwriting a header, we have to fiddle around a bit to get the correct data_size into the header. (These will not likely be the same if we're changing header types.) */ if (overwrite_file) { int loc_byte_diff, datum_size, sound_bytes; /* need to do this again */ if (sndlib_read_header(fd) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error re-reading header (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (data_format != old_format && old_header_type != MUS_RAW) if (! FORMATS_SAME_BYTE_ORDER(data_format, old_format)) printf("WARNING: Byte order changed!\n"); datum_size = mus_header_data_format_to_bytes_per_sample(); loc_byte_diff = data_location - old_data_location; /* If the data locations have changed, we're effectively adding or subtracting sound data bytes. Depending on the number of bytes added, this could result in swapped channels or worse. We can't do anything about this, because our scheme for encoding peak stats in the header comment requires a fixed comment allocation in the header. (Otherwise, we could shrink or expand this to make things right.) The best we can do is warn the user. */ if (loc_byte_diff) { if (loc_byte_diff > 0) printf("Losing %d bytes of sound data\n", loc_byte_diff); else if (loc_byte_diff < 0) printf("Gaining %d bytes of sound data\n", -loc_byte_diff); if (loc_byte_diff % datum_size) printf("%s\n", WORD_INTEGRITY_WARNING); else if (loc_byte_diff % (nchans * datum_size)) printf("%s\n", CHANNEL_SWAP_WARNING); /* else got lucky: no shifted words or swapping */ sound_bytes = (old_nsamps * old_datum_size) - loc_byte_diff; } else /* same number of bytes as before */ sound_bytes = old_nsamps * old_datum_size; result = sndlib_set_header_data_size(fd, header_type, sound_bytes); if (result == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error updating header\n"); exit(1); } close(fd); } else close(fd); return 0; }
static sound_file *fill_sf_record(const char *name, sound_file *sf) { int i; sf->data_location = mus_header_data_location(); sf->samples = mus_header_samples(); sf->data_format = mus_header_format(); sf->srate = mus_header_srate(); /* if (sf->srate < 0) sf->srate = 0; */ sf->chans = mus_header_chans(); /* if (sf->chans < 0) sf->chans = 0; */ sf->datum_size = mus_bytes_per_sample(sf->data_format); sf->header_type = mus_header_type(); sf->original_sound_format = mus_header_original_format(); sf->true_file_length = mus_header_true_length(); sf->comment_start = mus_header_comment_start(); sf->comment_end = mus_header_comment_end(); if (((sf->header_type == MUS_AIFC) || (sf->header_type == MUS_AIFF) || (sf->header_type == MUS_RF64) || (sf->header_type == MUS_RIFF)) && (mus_header_aux_comment_start(0) != 0)) { sf->aux_comment_start = (mus_long_t *)calloc(4, sizeof(mus_long_t)); sf->aux_comment_end = (mus_long_t *)calloc(4, sizeof(mus_long_t)); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sf->aux_comment_start[i] = mus_header_aux_comment_start(i); sf->aux_comment_end[i] = mus_header_aux_comment_end(i); } } sf->type_specifier = mus_header_type_specifier(); sf->bits_per_sample = mus_header_bits_per_sample(); sf->fact_samples = mus_header_fact_samples(); sf->block_align = mus_header_block_align(); sf->write_date = local_file_write_date(name); if ((sf->header_type == MUS_AIFF) || (sf->header_type == MUS_AIFC)) { int *marker_ids, *marker_positions; sf->markers = mus_header_mark_info(&marker_ids, &marker_positions); if (sf->markers > 0) { sf->marker_ids = (int *)malloc(sf->markers * sizeof(int)); sf->marker_positions = (int *)malloc(sf->markers * sizeof(int)); memcpy((void *)(sf->marker_ids), (void *)marker_ids, sizeof(int) * sf->markers); memcpy((void *)(sf->marker_positions), (void *)marker_positions, sizeof(int) * sf->markers); } } if (mus_header_loop_mode(0) > 0) { sf->loop_modes = (int *)calloc(2, sizeof(int)); sf->loop_starts = (int *)calloc(2, sizeof(int)); sf->loop_ends = (int *)calloc(2, sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sf->loop_modes[i] = mus_header_loop_mode(i); if ((sf->header_type == MUS_AIFF) || (sf->header_type == MUS_AIFC)) { sf->loop_starts[i] = mus_header_mark_position(mus_header_loop_start(i)); sf->loop_ends[i] = mus_header_mark_position(mus_header_loop_end(i)); } else { sf->loop_starts[i] = mus_header_loop_start(i); sf->loop_ends[i] = mus_header_loop_end(i); } } sf->base_detune = mus_header_base_detune(); sf->base_note = mus_header_base_note(); } return(sf); }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- main --- */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, replace, result, inswap, outswap; int infd, outfd, intype, outtype, inheadersize, outheadersize; int inclass, outclass, nchans, informat, outformat, srate, nsamps; int limiter, dither, inpeak_uptodate; int nbytes, inbytes, outbytes, durbytes, readbytes, bufcount; float inpeak, specified_peak, desired_peak, actual_peak; double factor, inskip, outskip, dur, empty; long inskipbytes, outskipbytes, len, seeds[2]; short outbuf[BUFSIZE]; float inbuf[BUFSIZE]; short *bufp; char *insfname, *outsfname; SFComment insfc, outsfc; struct stat statbuf; /* get name of this program */ progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (progname == NULL) progname = argv[0]; else progname++; if (argc == 1) usage(); insfname = outsfname = NULL; replace = dither = inpeak_uptodate = bufcount = 0; inskip = outskip = dur = empty = 0.0; factor = inpeak = specified_peak = desired_peak = 0.0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] == '-') { switch (arg[1]) { case 'P': if (++i >= argc) usage(); desired_peak = (float)atof(argv[i]); break; case 'p': if (++i >= argc) usage(); specified_peak = (float)atof(argv[i]); break; case 'f': if (++i >= argc) usage(); factor = atof(argv[i]); break; case 'r': replace = 1; break; case 't': dither = 1; break; case 's': if (++i >= argc) usage(); inskip = atof(argv[i]); if (inskip < 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Input file skip must be >= 0.\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'o': if (++i >= argc) usage(); outskip = atof(argv[i]); if (outskip < 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Output file skip must be >= 0.\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'd': if (++i >= argc) usage(); dur = atof(argv[i]); if (dur <= 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Duration must be greater than zero.\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'e': if (++i >= argc) usage(); empty = atof(argv[i]); if (empty < 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Silence at end must be >= 0.\n"); exit(1); } break; default: usage(); } } else { if (insfname == NULL) insfname = arg; else if (outsfname == NULL) outsfname = arg; else usage(); } } if (insfname == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "You haven't specified an input file.\n"); exit(1); } /* Print out the specified options. */ if (replace) printf("Writing over input file.\n"); if (inskip > 0.0) printf("Input skip = %f\n", inskip); if (outskip > 0.0) printf("Output skip = %f\n", outskip); if (dur > 0.0) printf("Rescale duration = %f\n", dur); if (empty > 0.0) printf("Writing %g seconds of silence at end.\n", empty); if (factor != 0.0) printf("Specified rescale factor = %f\n", factor); if (specified_peak > 0.0) printf("Specified peak of input file = %f\n", specified_peak); if (desired_peak > 0.0) { if (factor > 0.0) { printf("You specified both a factor and a desired peak ..."); printf(" ignoring your desired peak.\n"); } else { if (desired_peak > 32767.0) { printf("Desired peak is out of range ... clamping to 32767.\n"); desired_peak = 32767.0; } else printf("Desired peak = %f\n", desired_peak); } } else desired_peak = 32767.0; if (dither) printf("Dithering algorithm requested.\n"); /************************************************************************/ /* SET UP FILES AND PARAMETERS */ /************************************************************************/ /*** Input File *********************************************************/ infd = open(insfname, O_RDONLY); if (infd == -1) { perror(progname); exit(1); } if (fstat(infd, &statbuf) == -1) { perror(progname); exit(1); } if (!S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a regular file or a link.\n", insfname); exit(1); } result = sndlib_read_header(infd); if (result == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read header of %s (%s)\n", insfname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } intype = mus_header_type(); informat = mus_header_format(); nchans = mus_header_chans(); srate = mus_header_srate(); inheadersize = mus_header_data_location(); inclass = mus_header_data_format_to_bytes_per_sample(); if (NOT_A_SOUND_FILE(intype) || INVALID_DATA_FORMAT(informat)) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" probably not a sound file.\n", insfname); exit(1); } if (sndlib_get_current_header_comment(infd, &insfc) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read peak stats for input file\n"); exit(1); } printf("Input: %s\n", insfname); printf("%s", sndlib_print_current_header_stats(infd, &insfc, 2)); if (!IS_FLOAT_FORMAT(informat)) printf("NOTE: Input file is not floating point.\n"); /* Store overall peak, in case we need it later. */ if (SFCOMMENT_PEAKSTATS_VALID(&insfc)) { for (i = 0, inpeak = 0.0; i < nchans; i++) if (insfc.peak[i] > inpeak) inpeak = insfc.peak[i]; /* See if peak stats are up-to-date (i.e., file not modified after peak stats timetag). */ inpeak_uptodate = sfcomment_peakstats_current(&insfc, infd); } if (!inpeak_uptodate) printf(BAD_PEAK_LOC_WARNING); /* output header peak locs unreliable */ /* Limiter turned on ... unless the rescale factor (whether computed or specified by user) multiplied by the input peak is not greater than 32767, AND we're using up-to-date header peak stats or the input file has shorts. (See below.) ... whew! */ limiter = 1; /* If user doesn't give a rescale factor, we need the file (or specified) peak to calculate the factor. */ if (factor == 0.0) { if (specified_peak) { /* use instead of header peak */ if (inclass == SF_SHORT && specified_peak > 32767) { printf("Specified peak exceeds range of input file"); printf(" ... resetting to 32767.\n"); specified_peak = 32767.0; } inpeak = specified_peak; /* need sfm for calculating output peak stats at end */ for (i = 0; i < nchans; i++) insfc.peak[i] = specified_peak; } else { /* use peak from header */ if (inpeak_uptodate) limiter = 0; else { if (inpeak == 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, NO_PEAK_AMP_MSG, progname); exit(1); } printf(STALE_PEAK_STATS_WARNING); } printf("Peak amplitude of input file is %f.\n", inpeak); } factor = ((double)desired_peak / (double)inpeak) + DBL_EPSILON; printf("Computed rescale factor = %f\n", factor); } else { if (inpeak_uptodate && factor * inpeak <= 32767.0) limiter = 0; } if (inclass == SF_SHORT && factor <= 1.0) limiter = 0; if (limiter) printf("Might get samples out of range ... turning on limiter.\n"); /*** Output File ********************************************************/ outclass = SF_SHORT; /* we always rescale to shorts */ outformat = IS_BIG_ENDIAN_FORMAT(informat) ? MUS_BSHORT : MUS_LSHORT; /* If input header is a type that sndlib can't write, output to AIFF. */ if (WRITEABLE_HEADER_TYPE(intype)) outtype = intype; else { outtype = MUS_AIFC; outformat = MUS_BSHORT; } if (outtype == MUS_AIFC) mus_header_set_aifc(0); /* we want AIFF, not AIFC */ if (replace) { /* will open 2 descriptors for same file */ int fd; FILE *stream; /* Only way to know for sure if headersize will change is to write a temp file with the header that would go on the input file when the rescale is finished. (Note that even with the same header type, the input file may not have the same comment allocation that sndlib-savvy cmix maintains.) */ stream = tmpfile(); fd = fileno(stream); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Trouble preparing output header\n"); exit(1); } if (sndlib_write_header(fd, 0, outtype, outformat, srate, nchans, NULL, &outheadersize) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Trouble preparing output header\n"); exit(1); } close(fd); fclose(stream); /* deleted automatically, since created with tmpfile */ outsfname = insfname; } else { /* need to create a new short int file */ int fd; if (outsfname == NULL) { /* no filename specified */ long size; char suffix[] = ".rescale"; /* Build and allocate output file name. */ size = strlen(insfname) + strlen(suffix) + 1; if (size > FILENAME_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "Output file name is too long!\n"); exit(1); } outsfname = (char *)malloc(size); if (!outsfname) { perror("Can't malloc output file name"); exit(1); } strcpy(outsfname, insfname); strcat(outsfname, suffix); } /* Check that file doesn't exist. */ result = stat(outsfname, &statbuf); if (result == 0 || errno != ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" already exists.\n", outsfname); exit(1); } /* Create file; prepare and write header. */ fd = open(outsfname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create file %s (%s)\n", outsfname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (sndlib_write_header(fd, 0, outtype, outformat, srate, nchans, NULL, &outheadersize) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Trouble writing output header\n"); exit(1); } close(fd); /* will reopen just below */ } /* Open a file descriptor for the output file name (which might be the same as the input file name). */ outfd = open(outsfname, O_RDWR); if (outfd == -1) { perror(progname); exit(1); } printf("Writing output to \"%s\"\n", outsfname); /*** Seek ***************************************************************/ inskipbytes = (long)(inskip * srate * nchans * inclass); outskipbytes = (long)(outskip * srate * nchans * outclass); if (replace) { long outlead = (outskipbytes - inskipbytes) + (outheadersize - inheadersize); if ((BUFSIZE * outclass) + outlead > BUFSIZE * inclass) { fprintf(stderr, DANGEROUS_OVERWRITE_MSG); exit(1); } if (outskip > 0.0 && inheadersize > outheadersize) printf(OVERWRITE_CLICK_WARNING); } /* make sure it lands on sample block */ inskipbytes -= inskipbytes % (inclass * nchans); if (lseek(infd, inskipbytes + inheadersize, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad skip on input file!\n"); exit(1); } /* make sure it lands on sample block */ outskipbytes -= outskipbytes % (outclass * nchans); if (lseek(outfd, outskipbytes + outheadersize, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad skip on output file!\n"); exit(1); } #if MUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN inswap = IS_BIG_ENDIAN_FORMAT(informat); outswap = IS_BIG_ENDIAN_FORMAT(outformat); #else inswap = IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN_FORMAT(informat); outswap = IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN_FORMAT(outformat); #endif /************************************************************************/ /* RESCALE LOOP */ /************************************************************************/ printf("Rescaling....\n"); fflush(stdout); #ifdef INPUT_PEAK_CHECK actual_peak = inpeak; #endif readbytes = inbytes = BUFSIZE * inclass; durbytes = dur * inclass * nchans * srate; bufp = (short *)inbuf; seeds[0] = 17; /* seeds for dither */ seeds[1] = 31; while (1) { double dblsamp; if (dur) { if (durbytes <= readbytes) inbytes = durbytes; durbytes -= inbytes; } nbytes = read(infd, (char *)inbuf, inbytes); if (nbytes == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Read on input file failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); close(infd); close(outfd); exit(1); } if (nbytes == 0) /* reached EOF -- time to stop */ break; nsamps = nbytes / inclass; outbytes = nsamps * outclass; if (inswap) { if (inclass == SF_FLOAT) { for (i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) byte_reverse4(&inbuf[i]); } else { for (i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) byte_reverse2(&bufp[i]); } } if (limiter) { int samp, clipmax, numclipped; clipmax = numclipped = 0; if (inclass == SF_FLOAT) { for (i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) { #ifdef INPUT_PEAK_CHECK float fabsamp = fabs(inbuf[i]); if (fabsamp > actual_peak) actual_peak = fabsamp; #endif /* NB: Assigning to dblsamp seems to be necessary for accuracy. "samp = (int)((double)inbuf[i] * factor)" was NOT always. */ dblsamp = (double)inbuf[i] * factor; if (dither) dblsamp += (double)drandom(seeds); samp = (int)dblsamp; if (samp < -32767) { /* not -32768 */ if (samp < -clipmax) clipmax = -samp; samp = -32767; numclipped++; } else if (samp > 32767) { if (samp > clipmax) clipmax = samp; samp = 32767; numclipped++; } outbuf[i] = (short)samp; } } else { /* SF_SHORT */ for (i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) { #ifdef INPUT_PEAK_CHECK int absamp = ABS(bufp[i]); if (absamp > (int)actual_peak) actual_peak = (float)absamp; #endif dblsamp = (double)bufp[i] * factor; if (dither) dblsamp += (double)drandom(seeds); samp = (int)dblsamp; if (samp < -32767) { /* not -32768 */ if (samp < -clipmax) clipmax = -samp; samp = -32767; numclipped++; } else if (samp > 32767) { if (samp > clipmax) clipmax = samp; samp = 32767; numclipped++; } outbuf[i] = (short)samp; } } bufcount++; if (numclipped) { float loc1 = (float)(((bufcount - 1) * BUFSIZE) / nchans) / (float)srate; float loc2 = (float)((bufcount * BUFSIZE) / nchans) / (float)srate; if (outskip > 0.0) { loc1 += outskip; loc2 += outskip; } printf(" CLIPPING: %4d samps, max: %d, output time: %f - %f\n", numclipped, clipmax, loc1, loc2); } } else { /* !limiter */ if (inclass == SF_FLOAT) { for (i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) { #ifdef INPUT_PEAK_CHECK float fabsamp = fabs(inbuf[i]); if (fabsamp > actual_peak) actual_peak = fabsamp; #endif dblsamp = (double)inbuf[i] * factor; if (dither) dblsamp += (double)drandom(seeds); outbuf[i] = (short)dblsamp; } } else { /* SF_SHORT */ for (i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) { #ifdef INPUT_PEAK_CHECK int absamp = ABS(bufp[i]); if (absamp > (int)actual_peak) actual_peak = (float)absamp; #endif dblsamp = (double)bufp[i] * factor; if (dither) dblsamp += (double)drandom(seeds); outbuf[i] = (short)dblsamp; } } } if (outswap) { for (i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) byte_reverse2(&outbuf[i]); } nbytes = write(outfd, (char *)outbuf, outbytes); if (nbytes != outbytes) { fprintf(stderr, "Write on output file failed %s\n", (nbytes == -1) ? strerror(errno) : ""); close(infd); close(outfd); exit(1); } } /************************************************************************/ /* CLEANUP */ /************************************************************************/ close(infd); if (empty > 0.0) { /* write empty buffers */ int bytesleft, bufbytes; for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) outbuf[i] = 0; bufbytes = BUFSIZE * outclass; bytesleft = empty * srate * nchans * outclass; outbytes = MIN(bufbytes, bytesleft); for ( ; bytesleft > 0; bytesleft -= bufbytes) { if (bytesleft < outbytes) outbytes = bytesleft; if (write(outfd, (char *)outbuf, outbytes) != outbytes) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad write on output file!\n"); close(outfd); exit(1); } } } if (replace) { long pos = lseek(outfd, 0L, SEEK_CUR); if (ftruncate(outfd, pos) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "Bad truncation!\n"); /* but keep going */ } for (i = 0; i < nchans; i++) { double opk = (double)insfc.peak[i]; #ifdef INPUT_PEAK_CHECK if (actual_peak != inpeak) opk += (double)(actual_peak - inpeak); #endif opk *= factor; outsfc.peak[i] = (short)MIN(opk, 32767.0); outsfc.peakloc[i] = insfc.peakloc[i]; } if (replace) { /* replace the input header */ if (sndlib_write_header(outfd, 0, outtype, outformat, srate, nchans, NULL, &outheadersize) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't write header on \"%s\"\n", outsfname); close(outfd); exit(1); } } /* Make a text comment giving command line that wrote this file. */ outsfc.comment[0] = '\0'; nbytes = MAX_COMMENT_CHARS - 1; for (i = 0; i < argc && nbytes > 1; i++) { strncat(outsfc.comment, argv[i], nbytes - 1); strcat(outsfc.comment, " "); nbytes -= strlen(argv[i]); } outsfc.comment[MAX_COMMENT_CHARS - 1] = '\0'; /* Write the peak stats and comment. */ result = sndlib_put_header_comment(outfd, outsfc.peak, outsfc.peakloc, outsfc.comment); if (result == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't write peak stats for \"%s\"\n", outsfname); close(outfd); exit(1); } /* Update header for bytes of sound data written. */ len = lseek(outfd, 0, SEEK_END); if (len == -1) { perror(progname); exit(1); } if (sndlib_set_header_data_size(outfd, outtype, len - outheadersize) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't update header data size for \"%s\"\n", outsfname); exit(1); } if (close(outfd) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error closing output file (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } printf("...done\n"); #ifdef INPUT_PEAK_CHECK if (actual_peak != inpeak) printf("Actual input peak different from expected: %f\n", actual_peak); #endif return 0; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------ open_sound_file --- */ int open_sound_file( const char *funcname, // for error messages const char *sfname, // name of sound file to open int *header_type, // Remaining args are pointers to storage for int *data_format, // various bits of file header info. If int *data_location, // pointer is NULL, it will be ignored. double *srate, // Info is undefined on error return (-1). int *nchans, long *nsamps) { // See if file exists and is a regular file or link. struct stat sfst; if (stat(sfname, &sfst) == -1) { rterror(funcname, "\"%s\": %s", sfname, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (!S_ISREG(sfst.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(sfst.st_mode)) { rterror(funcname, "\"%s\" is not a regular file or a link.\n", sfname); return -1; } // Open the file and read its header. int fd = sndlib_open_read(sfname); if (fd == -1) { rterror(funcname, "Can't read header from \"%s\" (%s)\n", sfname, strerror(errno)); return -1; } // Now info is available from sndlib query functions. int type = mus_header_type(); if (NOT_A_SOUND_FILE(type)) { rterror(funcname, "\"%s\" is probably not a sound file\n", sfname); sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0); return -1; } int format = mus_header_format(); if (INVALID_DATA_FORMAT(format)) { rterror(funcname, "\"%s\" has invalid sound data format\n", sfname); sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0); return -1; } if (!SUPPORTED_DATA_FORMAT(format)) { rterror(funcname, "Can't open \"%s\": can read only 16-bit integer, " "24-bit integer and 32-bit float files.", sfname); sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0); return -1; } if (header_type) *header_type = type; if (data_format) *data_format = format; if (data_location) *data_location = mus_header_data_location(); if (srate) *srate = (double) mus_header_srate(); if (nchans) *nchans = mus_header_chans(); if (nsamps) *nsamps = mus_header_samples(); return fd; }