Exemple #1
   Reads an OGG page from the stream. Returns 0 if there are no more pages
   left, EMOREDATA otherwise.
ogm_reader_c::read_page(ogg_page *og) {
  int np, done, nread;
  unsigned char *buf;

  done = 0;
  while (!done) {
    np = ogg_sync_pageseek(&oy, og);

    // np == 0 means that there is not enough data for a complete page.
    if (0 >= np) {
      // np < 0 is the error case. Should not happen with local OGG files.
      if (0 > np)
        mxwarn_fn(m_ti.m_fname, Y("Could not find the next Ogg page. This indicates a damaged Ogg/Ogm file. Will try to continue.\n"));

      buf = (unsigned char *)ogg_sync_buffer(&oy, BUFFER_SIZE);
      if (!buf)
        mxerror_fn(m_ti.m_fname, Y("ogg_sync_buffer failed\n"));

      if (0 >= (nread = m_in->read(buf, BUFFER_SIZE)))
        return 0;

      ogg_sync_wrote(&oy, nread);
    } else
      // Alright, we have a page.
      done = 1;

  // Here EMOREDATA actually indicates success - a page has been read.
Exemple #2
tta_reader_c::read_headers() {
  if (g_identifying)

  try {
    int tag_size = skip_id3v2_tag(*m_in);
    if (0 > tag_size)
      mxerror_fn(m_ti.m_fname, boost::format(Y("tta_reader: tag_size < 0 in the c'tor. %1%\n")) % BUGMSG);
    m_size -= tag_size;

    if (m_in->read(&header, sizeof(tta_file_header_t)) != sizeof(tta_file_header_t))
      mxerror_fn(m_ti.m_fname, Y("The file header is too short.\n"));

    uint64_t seek_sum  = m_in->getFilePointer() + 4 - tag_size;
    m_size            -= id3_tag_present_at_end(*m_in);

    uint32_t seek_point;

    do {
      seek_point  = m_in->read_uint32_le();
      seek_sum   += seek_point + 4;
    } while (seek_sum < m_size);

           boost::format("tta: ch %1% bps %2% sr %3% dl %4% seek_sum %5% size %6% num %7%\n")
           % get_uint16_le(&header.channels)    % get_uint16_le(&header.bits_per_sample)
           % get_uint32_le(&header.sample_rate) % get_uint32_le(&header.data_length)
           % seek_sum      % m_size             % seek_points.size());

    if (seek_sum != m_size)
      mxerror_fn(m_ti.m_fname, Y("The seek table in this TTA file seems to be broken.\n"));


    pos             = 0;
    m_ti.m_id       = 0;        // ID for this track.

  } catch (...) {
    throw mtx::input::open_x();
Exemple #3
flac_reader_c::parse_file() {
  FLAC__StreamDecoderState state;
  flac_block_t block;
  uint64_t u, old_pos;
  int result, progress, old_progress;
  bool ok;

  metadata_parsed = false;

  mxinfo(Y("+-> Parsing the FLAC file. This can take a LONG time.\n"));

  result = FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata(m_flac_decoder.get());

  mxverb(2, boost::format("flac_reader: extract->metadata, result: %1%, mdp: %2%, num blocks: %3%\n") % result % metadata_parsed % blocks.size());

  if (!metadata_parsed)
    mxerror_fn(m_ti.m_fname, Y("No metadata block found. This file is broken.\n"));

  FLAC__stream_decoder_get_decode_position(m_flac_decoder.get(), &u);

  block.type    = FLAC_BLOCK_TYPE_HEADERS;
  block.filepos = 0;
  block.len     = u;
  old_pos       = u;


  mxverb(2, boost::format("flac_reader: headers: block at %1% with size %2%\n") % block.filepos % block.len);

  old_progress = -5;
  ok = FLAC__stream_decoder_skip_single_frame(m_flac_decoder.get());
  while (ok) {
    state = FLAC__stream_decoder_get_state(m_flac_decoder.get());

    progress = m_in->getFilePointer() * 100 / m_size;
    if ((progress - old_progress) >= 5) {
      mxinfo(boost::format(Y("+-> Pre-parsing FLAC file: %1%%%%2%")) % progress % "\r");
      old_progress = progress;

    if (FLAC__stream_decoder_get_decode_position(m_flac_decoder.get(), &u) && (u != old_pos)) {
      block.type    = FLAC_BLOCK_TYPE_DATA;
      block.filepos = old_pos;
      block.len     = u - old_pos;
      old_pos       = u;

      mxverb(2, boost::format("flac_reader: skip/decode frame, block at %1% with size %2%\n") % block.filepos % block.len);


    ok = FLAC__stream_decoder_skip_single_frame(m_flac_decoder.get());

  if (100 != old_progress)
    mxinfo(Y("+-> Pre-parsing FLAC file: 100%\n"));

  if ((blocks.size() == 0) || (blocks[0].type != FLAC_BLOCK_TYPE_HEADERS))
    mxerror(Y("flac_reader: Could not read all header packets.\n"));

  blocks[0].len     -= 4;
  blocks[0].filepos  = 4;

  return metadata_parsed;
Exemple #4
   The page is the beginning of a new stream. Check the contents for known
   stream headers. If it is a known stream and the user has requested that
   it should be extracted then allocate a new packetizer based on the
   stream type and store the needed data in a new ogm_demuxer_c.
ogm_reader_c::handle_new_stream(ogg_page *og) {
  ogg_stream_state os;
  ogg_packet op;

  if (ogg_stream_init(&os, ogg_page_serialno(og))) {
    mxwarn_fn(m_ti.m_fname, boost::format(Y("ogg_stream_init for stream number %1% failed. Will try to continue and ignore this stream.\n")) % sdemuxers.size());

  // Read the first page and get its first packet.
  ogg_stream_pagein(&os, og);
  ogg_stream_packetout(&os, &op);

  ogm_demuxer_c *dmx = nullptr;

   * Check the contents for known stream headers. This one is the
   * standard Vorbis header.
  if ((7 <= op.bytes) && !strncmp((char *)&op.packet[1], "vorbis", 6))
    dmx = new ogm_a_vorbis_demuxer_c(this);

  else if ((7 <= op.bytes) && !strncmp((char *)&op.packet[1], "theora", 6))
    dmx = new ogm_v_theora_demuxer_c(this);

  else if ((8 <= op.bytes) && !memcmp(&op.packet[1], "kate\0\0\0", 7))
    dmx = new ogm_s_kate_demuxer_c(this);

  // FLAC
  else if (   ((4 <= op.bytes) && !strncmp(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&op.packet[0]), "fLaC", 4))
           || ((5 <= op.bytes) && !strncmp(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&op.packet[1]), "FLAC", 4) && (0x7f == op.packet[0]))) {
#if !defined(HAVE_FLAC_FORMAT_H)
    if (demuxing_requested('a', sdemuxers.size()))
      mxerror_fn(m_ti.m_fname, Y("mkvmerge has not been compiled with FLAC support but handling of this stream has been requested.\n"));

    else {
      dmx         = new ogm_demuxer_c(this);
      dmx->stype  = OGM_STREAM_TYPE_A_FLAC;
      dmx->in_use = true;

    dmx = new ogm_a_flac_demuxer_c(this, 0x7f == op.packet[0] ? ofm_post_1_1_1 : ofm_pre_1_1_1);

  } else if ((static_cast<size_t>(op.bytes) >= sizeof(vp8_ogg_header_t)) && (0x4f == op.packet[0]) && (get_uint32_be(&op.packet[1]) == 0x56503830))
    dmx = new ogm_v_vp8_demuxer_c(this, op);

  else if (((*op.packet & PACKET_TYPE_BITS ) == PACKET_TYPE_HEADER) && (op.bytes >= ((int)sizeof(stream_header) + 1))) {
    // The new stream headers introduced by OggDS (see ogmstreams.h).

    stream_header *sth = (stream_header *)(op.packet + 1);
    char buf[5];
    buf[4] = 0;

    if (!strncmp(sth->streamtype, "video", 5)) {
      memcpy(buf, (char *)sth->subtype, 4);

      if (mpeg4::p10::is_avc_fourcc(buf) && !hack_engaged(ENGAGE_ALLOW_AVC_IN_VFW_MODE))
        dmx = new ogm_v_avc_demuxer_c(this);
        dmx = new ogm_v_mscomp_demuxer_c(this);

    } else if (!strncmp(sth->streamtype, "audio", 5)) {
      memcpy(buf, (char *)sth->subtype, 4);

      uint32_t codec_id = strtol(buf, (char **)nullptr, 16);

      if (0x0001 == codec_id)
        dmx = new ogm_a_pcm_demuxer_c(this);

      else if ((0x0050 == codec_id) || (0x0055 == codec_id))
        dmx = new ogm_a_mp3_demuxer_c(this);

      else if (0x2000 == codec_id)
        dmx = new ogm_a_ac3_demuxer_c(this);

      else if (0x00ff == codec_id)
        dmx = new ogm_a_aac_demuxer_c(this);

        mxwarn_fn(m_ti.m_fname, boost::format(Y("Unknown audio stream type 0x%|1$04x|. Stream ID %2% will be ignored.\n")) % codec_id % sdemuxers.size());

    } else if (!strncmp(sth->streamtype, "text", 4))
      dmx = new ogm_s_text_demuxer_c(this);

   * The old OggDS headers (see MPlayer's source, libmpdemux/demux_ogg.c)
   * are not supported.

  if (!dmx)
    dmx = new ogm_demuxer_c(this);

  std::string type = dmx->get_type();

  dmx->serialno    = ogg_page_serialno(og);
  dmx->track_id    = sdemuxers.size();
  dmx->in_use      = (type != "unknown") && demuxing_requested(type[0], dmx->track_id);

  dmx->packet_data.push_back(memory_cptr(new memory_c((unsigned char *)safememdup(op.packet, op.bytes), op.bytes, true)));

  memcpy(&dmx->os, &os, sizeof(ogg_stream_state));

