// based on information in m_casaCS:
// - extract axis infos
// - set default precisions
// - set default sky formatting
    /*qDebug() << "CCC nAxes=" << nAxes();
    for ( auto & u : m_casaCS->worldAxisUnits() ) {
        qDebug() << "all units:" << u.c_str();
    for ( auto & u : m_casaCS->worldAxisNames() ) {
        qDebug() << "all names:" << u.c_str();

    // default precision is 3
    m_precisions.resize( nAxes(), 3 );
    m_axisInfos.resize( nAxes() );

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < nAxes() ; i++ ) {
        parseCasaCSi( i );
    /*qDebug() << "Parsed axis infos:";
    for ( auto & ai : m_axisInfos ) {
        qDebug() << "  lp:" << ai.longLabel().plain() << "lh:" << ai.longLabel().html()
                 << "sp:" << ai.shortLabel().html() << "sh:" << ai.shortLabel().html()
                 << "u:" << ai.unit();

    // set formatting to default
    setSkyFormatting( SkyFormatting::Default );
} // parseCasaCS
CCCoordinateFormatter::Me &
CCCoordinateFormatter::setAxisPrecision( int precision, int axis )
    CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < nAxes() );
    m_precisions[axis] = precision;
    return * this;
Exemple #3
 virtual Me &
 setAxisPrecision( int precision, int axis ) override
     CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < nAxes() );
     m_precisions[axis] = precision;
     return * this;
CCCoordinateFormatter::formatFromPixelCoordinate( const CoordinateFormatterInterface::VD & pix )
    // first convert the pixel coordinates to world coordinates
    casa::Vector < casa::Double > world;
    casa::Vector < casa::Double > pixel = pix;
    m_casaCS->toWorld( world, pix );

    // format each axis
//    QStringList list;
//    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_casaCS->nCoordinates(); i++) {
//        casa::String units;
//        casa::String s = m_casaCS->format(units, casa::Coordinate::FIXED, world[i], i);
//        list.append(QString("%1%2").arg(s.c_str()).arg(units.c_str()));
//    }
//    return list;

    QStringList list;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < nAxes() ; i++ ) {
        list.append( formatWorldValue( i, world[i] ) );
    return list;
} // formatFromPixelCoordinate
CCCoordinateFormatter::parseCasaCSi( int pixelAxis )
    CARTA_ASSERT( 0 <= pixelAxis && pixelAxis < nAxes() );

    // find the pixel axes in casacore's coordinate system
    // coord will be the index of the 'coordinate'
    // and coord2 will be an index within that index...
    // warning: casa's coordinates and axes are two completely different things!
    // e.g. a standard 4D fits file with frequency and stokes has 3 coordinates, but
    // 4 axes...
    int coord; // this is the world coordinate
    int coord2; // this is the index within world coordinate (0 for all but latitude)

    m_casaCS->findPixelAxis( coord, coord2, pixelAxis );

    //qDebug() << pixelAxis << "-->" << coord << "," << coord2;
    //qDebug() << "   "
    //         << casa::Coordinate::typeToString( m_casaCS->coordinate( coord ).type() ).c_str();
    AxisInfo & aInfo = m_axisInfos[pixelAxis];

    // default will be unknown axis
    aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::OTHER )
        .setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Unknown" ) )
        .setShortLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Unknown" ) )
        .setUnit( "unknown" );

    // did we find the world coordinate for this axis in casa core's coordinatesystem?
    if ( coord >= 0 ) {
        const auto & cc = m_casaCS->coordinate( coord );
        auto skycs = skyCS();

        // we handle sky coordinate
        if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::DIRECTION ) {
            // is it longitude?
            if ( coord2 == 0 ) {
                aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::DIRECTION_LON );

                // B1950,J200 and ICRS share labels
                if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::B1950 ||
                     skycs == KnownSkyCS::J2000 ||
                     skycs == KnownSkyCS::ICRS ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Right ascension" ) )
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "RA", "&alpha;" ) );
                else if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::Ecliptic ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Ecliptic longitude" ) )
                        //.setShortLabel( HtmlString( "ELon", "l" ) );
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "ELon", "&lambda;"));
                else if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::Galactic ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Galactic longitude" ) )
                        //.setShortLabel( HtmlString( "GLon", "&lambda;" ) );
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "GLon", "l"));
                else {
                    CARTA_ASSERT( false );
            // it's latitude then
            else {
                aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::DIRECTION_LAT );

                // B1950,J200 and ICRS share labels
                if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::B1950 ||
                     skycs == KnownSkyCS::J2000 ||
                     skycs == KnownSkyCS::ICRS ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Declination" ) )
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "Dec", "&delta;" ) );
                else if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::Ecliptic ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Ecliptic latitude" ) )
                        //.setShortLabel( HtmlString( "ELat", "b" ) );
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "Elat", "&beta;"));
                else if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::Galactic ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Galactic latitude" ) )
                        //.setShortLabel( HtmlString( "GLat", "&beta;" ) );
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "GLat", "b"));
                else {
                    CARTA_ASSERT( false );
            m_precisions[pixelAxis] = 3;
        else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::SPECTRAL ) {
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::SPECTRAL )
                .setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Frequency" ) )
                .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "Freq", "Freq" ) );
            m_precisions[pixelAxis] = 6;
        else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::STOKES ) {
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::STOKES )
                .setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Stokes" ) )
                .setShortLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Stokes" ) );
        else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::TABULAR ) {
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::TABULAR );

            //            else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::QUALITY ) {
            //                aInfo.setKnownType( aInfo.KnownType::QUALITY);
            //            }
        else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::LINEAR ){
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::LINEAR )
                .setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Linear"))
                .setShortLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Linear"));
        else {
            // other types... we copy whatever casacore dishes out
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::OTHER );
            QString rawAxisLabel = cc.worldAxisNames() ( coord2 ).c_str();
            QString shortLabel = rawAxisLabel;
            aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( rawAxisLabel ) );
            aInfo.setShortLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( shortLabel ) );
        CARTA_ASSERT( cc.worldAxisNames().size() > 0 );

        // we always take the unit from casa
        aInfo.setUnit( cc.worldAxisUnits() ( coord2 ).c_str() );
    else {
        // this should never happen that casacore didn't find world coordinates for
        // the given axis... but let's not panic and just leave it a default value
} // parseCasaCSi
CCCoordinateFormatter::Me &
CCCoordinateFormatter::setSkyCS( const KnownSkyCS & scs )
    //qDebug() << "setSkyCS" << static_cast < int > ( scs );

    // don't even try to set this to unknown
    if ( scs == KnownSkyCS::Unknown ) {
        return * this;

    // find out where the direction world coordinate lives
    int which = m_casaCS->directionCoordinateNumber();
    if ( which < 0 ) {
        // this system does not have sky cs, so we are done
        return * this;

        // find out which axes correspond to the world coordinate array(longitude/latitude)
    auto pixelAxes = m_casaCS->directionAxesNumbers();
    CARTA_ASSERT( pixelAxes.size() == 2 );
    CARTA_ASSERT( 0 <= pixelAxes[0] && pixelAxes[0] < nAxes() );
    CARTA_ASSERT( 0 <= pixelAxes[1] && pixelAxes[1] < nAxes() );

    // make a copy of it
    casa::DirectionCoordinate dirCoordCopy =
        casa::DirectionCoordinate( m_casaCS->directionCoordinate( which ) );

    // change the system in the copy
    casa::MDirection::Types mdir;
    switch ( scs )
    case KnownSkyCS::B1950 :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::B1950;
    case KnownSkyCS::J2000 :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::J2000;
    case KnownSkyCS::ICRS :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::ICRS;
    case KnownSkyCS::Ecliptic :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::ECLIPTIC;
    case KnownSkyCS::Galactic :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::GALACTIC;
    default :
        CARTA_ASSERT_ALWAYS_X( false, "Internal error" );
    } // switch
    dirCoordCopy.setReferenceConversion( mdir );
    if ( ! m_casaCS->replaceCoordinate( dirCoordCopy, which ) ) {
        qWarning() << "Could not set wcs because replaceCoordinate() failed";
        return * this;

    // now we need to adjust axisinfos, formatting and precision
    setSkyFormatting( SkyFormatting::Default );
    parseCasaCSi( pixelAxes[0] );
    parseCasaCSi( pixelAxes[1] );

    // chaning support
    return * this;
} // setSkyCS
const Carta::Lib::AxisInfo &
CCCoordinateFormatter::axisInfo( int ind ) const
    CARTA_ASSERT( ind >= 0 && ind < nAxes() );
    return m_axisInfos[ind];
CCCoordinateFormatter::axisPrecision( int axis )
    CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < nAxes() );
    return m_precisions[axis];
Exemple #9
 virtual int
 axisPrecision( int axis ) override
     CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < nAxes() );
     return m_precisions[axis];
Exemple #10
 virtual const Carta::Lib::AxisInfo &
 axisInfo( int ind ) const override
     CARTA_ASSERT( ind >= 0 && ind < nAxes() );
     return m_axisInfos[ind];