static NTSTATUS cmd_lsa_remove_acct_rights(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { POLICY_HND dom_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; DOM_SID sid; if (argc < 3 ) { printf("Usage: %s SID [rights...]\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[1]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = cli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_RIGHTS_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = cli_lsa_remove_account_rights(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, sid, False, argc-2, argv+2); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; done: return result; }
static NTSTATUS cmd_lsa_enum_privsaccounts(struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { struct policy_handle dom_pol; struct policy_handle user_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; uint32 access_desired = 0x000f000f; DOM_SID sid; struct lsa_PrivilegeSet *privs = NULL; int i; if (argc != 2 ) { printf("Usage: %s SID\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[1]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = rpccli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = rpccli_lsa_OpenAccount(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, access_desired, &user_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = rpccli_lsa_EnumPrivsAccount(cli, mem_ctx, &user_pol, &privs); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; /* Print results */ printf("found %d privileges for SID %s\n\n", privs->count, argv[1]); printf("high\tlow\tattribute\n"); for (i = 0; i < privs->count; i++) { printf("%u\t%u\t%u\n", privs->set[i].luid.high, privs->set[i].luid.low, privs->set[i].attribute); } rpccli_lsa_Close(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol); done: return result; }
static NTSTATUS cmd_lsa_remove_acct_rights(struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { struct policy_handle dom_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; struct lsa_RightSet rights; DOM_SID sid; int i; if (argc < 3 ) { printf("Usage: %s SID [rights...]\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[1]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = rpccli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; rights.count = argc-2; rights.names = TALLOC_ARRAY(mem_ctx, struct lsa_StringLarge, rights.count); if (!rights.names) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } for (i=0; i<argc-2; i++) { init_lsa_StringLarge(&rights.names[i], argv[i+2]); } result = rpccli_lsa_RemoveAccountRights(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, false, &rights); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; rpccli_lsa_Close(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol); done: return result; }
static NTSTATUS cmd_lsa_enum_privsaccounts(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { POLICY_HND dom_pol; POLICY_HND user_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; uint32 access_desired = 0x000f000f; DOM_SID sid; uint32 count=0; LUID_ATTR *set; int i; if (argc != 2 ) { printf("Usage: %s SID\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[1]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = cli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_RIGHTS_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = cli_lsa_open_account(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, access_desired, &user_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = cli_lsa_enum_privsaccount(cli, mem_ctx, &user_pol, &count, &set); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; /* Print results */ printf("found %d privileges for SID %s\n\n", count, argv[1]); printf("high\tlow\tattribute\n"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { printf("%u\t%u\t%u\n", set[i].luid.high, set[i].luid.low, set[i].attr); } done: return result; }
static NTSTATUS rpc_rights_list_internal( const DOM_SID *domain_sid, const char *domain_name, struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv ) { POLICY_HND pol; NTSTATUS result; DOM_SID sid; result = cli_lsa_open_policy(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_RIGHTS_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &pol); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) ) return result; switch (argc) { case 0: result = enum_privileges( mem_ctx, cli, &pol ); break; case 1: /* special case to enuemrate all privileged SIDs with associated rights */ if ( strequal( argv[0], "accounts" ) ) { result = enum_privileges_for_accounts( mem_ctx, cli, &pol ); } else { result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[0]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = enum_privileges_for_user( mem_ctx, cli, &pol, &sid ); } break; default: if ( argc > 1 ) { d_printf("Usage: net rpc rights list [name|SID]\n"); result = NT_STATUS_OK; } } done: cli_lsa_close(cli, mem_ctx, &pol); return result; }
static NTSTATUS cmd_lsa_enum_acct_rights(struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { struct policy_handle dom_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; DOM_SID sid; struct lsa_RightSet rights; int i; if (argc != 2 ) { printf("Usage: %s SID\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[1]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = rpccli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = rpccli_lsa_EnumAccountRights(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, &rights); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; printf("found %d privileges for SID %s\n", rights.count, sid_string_tos(&sid)); for (i = 0; i < rights.count; i++) { printf("\t%s\n", rights.names[i].string); } rpccli_lsa_Close(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol); done: return result; }
static NTSTATUS cmd_lsa_create_account(struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { struct policy_handle dom_pol; struct policy_handle user_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; uint32 des_access = 0x000f000f; DOM_SID sid; if (argc != 2 ) { printf("Usage: %s SID\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[1]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = rpccli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = rpccli_lsa_CreateAccount(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, des_access, &user_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; printf("Account for SID %s successfully created\n\n", argv[1]); result = NT_STATUS_OK; rpccli_lsa_Close(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol); done: return result; }
static NTSTATUS rpc_rights_revoke_internal( const DOM_SID *domain_sid, const char *domain_name, struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv ) { POLICY_HND dom_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; DOM_SID sid; if (argc < 2 ) { d_printf("Usage: net rpc rights revoke <name|SID> <rights...>\n"); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[0]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) return result; result = cli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_RIGHTS_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) return result; result = cli_lsa_remove_account_rights(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, sid, False, argc-1, argv+1); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; d_printf("Successfully revoked rights.\n"); done: if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) ) { d_printf("Failed to revoke privileges for %s (%s)", argv[0], nt_errstr(result)); } cli_lsa_close(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol); return result; }
static NTSTATUS cmd_lsa_enum_acct_rights(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { POLICY_HND dom_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; DOM_SID sid; uint32 count; char **rights; int i; if (argc != 2 ) { printf("Usage: %s SID\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[1]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = cli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_RIGHTS_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = cli_lsa_enum_account_rights(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, &count, &rights); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; printf("found %d privileges for SID %s\n", count, sid_string_static(&sid)); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { printf("\t%s\n", rights[i]); } done: return result; }
static NTSTATUS cmd_lsa_create_account(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { POLICY_HND dom_pol; POLICY_HND user_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; uint32 des_access = 0x000f000f; DOM_SID sid; if (argc != 2 ) { printf("Usage: %s SID\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[1]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = cli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_RIGHTS_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; result = cli_lsa_create_account(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, des_access, &user_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; printf("Account for SID %s successfully created\n\n", argv[1]); result = NT_STATUS_OK; done: return result; }
static NTSTATUS cmd_lsa_del_priv(struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { struct policy_handle dom_pol, user_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; struct lsa_PrivilegeSet privs; struct lsa_LUIDAttribute *set = NULL; DOM_SID sid; int i; ZERO_STRUCT(privs); if (argc < 3 ) { printf("Usage: %s SID [rights...]\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(cli, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[1]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { goto done; } result = rpccli_lsa_open_policy2(cli, mem_ctx, True, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { goto done; } result = rpccli_lsa_OpenAccount(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &user_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { goto done; } for (i=2; i<argc; i++) { struct lsa_String priv_name; struct lsa_LUID luid; init_lsa_String(&priv_name, argv[i]); result = rpccli_lsa_LookupPrivValue(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &priv_name, &luid); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { continue; } privs.count++; set = TALLOC_REALLOC_ARRAY(mem_ctx, set, struct lsa_LUIDAttribute, privs.count); if (!set) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } set[privs.count-1].luid = luid; set[privs.count-1].attribute = 0; } privs.set = set; result = rpccli_lsa_RemovePrivilegesFromAccount(cli, mem_ctx, &user_pol, false, &privs); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { goto done; } rpccli_lsa_Close(cli, mem_ctx, &user_pol); rpccli_lsa_Close(cli, mem_ctx, &dom_pol); done: return result; }
static NTSTATUS rpc_rights_revoke_internal(struct net_context *c, const DOM_SID *domain_sid, const char *domain_name, struct cli_state *cli, struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv ) { struct policy_handle dom_pol; NTSTATUS result = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; struct lsa_RightSet rights; DOM_SID sid; int i; if (argc < 2 ) { d_printf(_("Usage: net rpc rights revoke <name|SID> " "<rights...>\n")); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = name_to_sid(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[0]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) return result; result = rpccli_lsa_open_policy2(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, true, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) return result; rights.count = argc-1; rights.names = TALLOC_ARRAY(mem_ctx, struct lsa_StringLarge, rights.count); if (!rights.names) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } for (i=0; i<argc-1; i++) { init_lsa_StringLarge(&rights.names[i], argv[i+1]); } result = rpccli_lsa_RemoveAccountRights(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, false, &rights); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) goto done; d_printf(_("Successfully revoked rights.\n")); done: if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr,_("Failed to revoke privileges for %s (%s)\n"), argv[0], nt_errstr(result)); } rpccli_lsa_Close(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &dom_pol); return result; }
static NTSTATUS rpc_rights_list_internal(struct net_context *c, const DOM_SID *domain_sid, const char *domain_name, struct cli_state *cli, struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv ) { struct policy_handle pol; NTSTATUS result; DOM_SID sid; fstring privname; struct lsa_String lsa_name; struct lsa_StringLarge *description = NULL; uint16 lang_id = 0; uint16 lang_id_sys = 0; uint16 lang_id_desc; result = rpccli_lsa_open_policy(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, true, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &pol); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) ) return result; /* backwards compatibility; just list available privileges if no arguement */ if (argc == 0) { result = enum_privileges(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &pol ); goto done; } if (strequal(argv[0], "privileges")) { int i = 1; if (argv[1] == NULL) { result = enum_privileges(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &pol ); goto done; } while ( argv[i] != NULL ) { fstrcpy(privname, argv[i]); init_lsa_String(&lsa_name, argv[i]); i++; /* verify that this is a valid privilege for error reporting */ result = rpccli_lsa_LookupPrivDisplayName(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &pol, &lsa_name, lang_id, lang_id_sys, &description, &lang_id_desc); if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) ) { if ( NT_STATUS_EQUAL( result, NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE ) ) d_fprintf(stderr, _("No such privilege " "exists: %s.\n"), privname); else d_fprintf(stderr, _("Error resolving " "privilege display name " "[%s].\n"), nt_errstr(result)); continue; } result = enum_accounts_for_privilege(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &pol, privname); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { d_fprintf(stderr, _("Error enumerating " "accounts for privilege %s [%s].\n"), privname, nt_errstr(result)); continue; } } goto done; } /* special case to enumerate all privileged SIDs with associated rights */ if (strequal( argv[0], "accounts")) { int i = 1; if (argv[1] == NULL) { result = enum_privileges_for_accounts(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &pol); goto done; } while (argv[i] != NULL) { result = name_to_sid(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[i]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { goto done; } result = enum_privileges_for_user(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &pol, &sid); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { goto done; } i++; } goto done; } /* backward comaptibility: if no keyword provided, treat the key as an account name */ if (argc > 1) { d_printf(_("Usage: net rpc rights list [[accounts|privileges] " "[name|SID]]\n")); result = NT_STATUS_OK; goto done; } result = name_to_sid(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[0]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { goto done; } result = enum_privileges_for_user(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &pol, &sid ); done: rpccli_lsa_Close(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &pol); return result; }
static NTSTATUS rpc_rights_revoke_internal(struct net_context *c, const struct dom_sid *domain_sid, const char *domain_name, struct cli_state *cli, struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv ) { struct policy_handle dom_pol; NTSTATUS status, result; struct lsa_RightSet rights; struct dom_sid sid; int i; struct dcerpc_binding_handle *b = pipe_hnd->binding_handle; if (argc < 2 ) { d_printf("%s\n%s", _("Usage:"), _(" net rpc rights revoke <name|SID> <rights...>\n")); return NT_STATUS_OK; } status = name_to_sid(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &sid, argv[0]); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) return status; status = rpccli_lsa_open_policy2(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, true, SEC_FLAG_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &dom_pol); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) return status; rights.count = argc-1; rights.names = talloc_array(mem_ctx, struct lsa_StringLarge, rights.count); if (!rights.names) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } for (i=0; i<argc-1; i++) { init_lsa_StringLarge(&rights.names[i], argv[i+1]); } status = dcerpc_lsa_RemoveAccountRights(b, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &sid, false, &rights, &result); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) goto done; if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { status = result; goto done; } d_printf(_("Successfully revoked rights.\n")); done: if ( !NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) ) { d_fprintf(stderr,_("Failed to revoke privileges for %s (%s)\n"), argv[0], nt_errstr(status)); } dcerpc_lsa_Close(b, mem_ctx, &dom_pol, &result); return status; }