static void
update_operations (NautilusToolbar *self)
        GList *progress_infos;
        GList *l;
        GtkWidget *progress;
        gboolean should_show_progress_button = FALSE;

        gtk_container_foreach (GTK_CONTAINER (self->priv->operations_container),
                               (GtkCallback) gtk_widget_destroy,

        disconnect_progress_infos (self);

        progress_infos = get_filtered_progress_infos (self);
        for (l = progress_infos; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
                should_show_progress_button = should_show_progress_button ||
                                              should_show_progress_info (l->data);

                g_signal_connect_swapped (l->data, "finished",
		                          G_CALLBACK (on_progress_info_finished), self);
                g_signal_connect_swapped (l->data, "cancelled",
		                          G_CALLBACK (on_progress_info_cancelled), self);
                g_signal_connect_swapped (l->data, "progress-changed",
		                          G_CALLBACK (on_progress_info_progress_changed), self);
                progress = nautilus_progress_info_widget_new (l->data);
                gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (self->priv->operations_container),
                                    FALSE, FALSE, 0);

        g_list_free (progress_infos);

        /* Either we are already showing the button, so keep showing it until the user
         * toggle it to hide the operations popover, or, if we want now to show it,
         * we have to have at least one operation that its total stimated time
         * is longer than OPERATION_MINIMUM_TIME seconds, or if we failed to get
         * a correct stimated time and it's around OPERATION_MINIMUM_TIME,
         * showing the button for just for a moment because now we realized the
         * estimated time is longer than a OPERATION_MINIMUM_TIME is odd, so show
         * it only if the remaining time is bigger than again OPERATION_MINIMUM_TIME.
        if (should_show_progress_button &&
            !gtk_revealer_get_reveal_child (GTK_REVEALER (self->priv->operations_revealer))) {
                add_operations_button_attention_style (self);
                gtk_revealer_set_reveal_child (GTK_REVEALER (self->priv->operations_revealer),
                gtk_widget_queue_draw (self->priv->operations_icon);
static void
progress_ui_handler_add_to_window (NautilusProgressUIHandler *self,
				   NautilusProgressInfo *info)
	GtkWidget *progress;

	progress = nautilus_progress_info_widget_new (info);
	progress_ui_handler_ensure_window (self);

	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (self->priv->window_vbox),
			    FALSE, FALSE, 6);

	gtk_widget_show (progress);