Exemple #1
 * Create a netCdf-file
 * Any existing file will be replaced.
 * @param i_baseName base name of the netCDF-file to which the data will be written to.
 * @param i_nX number of cells in the horizontal direction.
 * @param i_nY number of cells in the vertical direction.
 * @param i_dX cell size in x-direction.
 * @param i_dY cell size in y-direction.
 * @param i_originX
 * @param i_originY
io::NetCdfWriter::NetCdfWriter( const std::string &i_baseName,
		const Float2D &i_b,
		int i_nX, int i_nY,
		float i_dX, float i_dY,
		float i_originX, float i_originY) : 
	io::Writer(i_baseName + ".nc", i_b,{{1, 1, 1, 1}}, i_nX, i_nY),
	flush(0) {
		int status;
		status = nc_create(fileName.c_str(), NC_NETCDF4, &dataFile);
		//check if the netCDF-file open command succeeded.
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {

		int l_timeDim, l_xDim, l_yDim;
		nc_def_dim(dataFile, "time", NC_UNLIMITED, &l_timeDim);
		nc_def_dim(dataFile, "x", nX, &l_xDim);
		nc_def_dim(dataFile, "y", nY, &l_yDim);
		//variables (TODO: add rest of CF-1.5)
		int l_xVar, l_yVar;
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "time", NC_FLOAT, 1, &l_timeDim, &timeVar);
		ncPutAttText(timeVar, "long_name", "Time");
		ncPutAttText(timeVar, "units", "seconds since simulation start"); // the word "since" is important for the paraview reader
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "x", NC_FLOAT, 1, &l_xDim, &l_xVar);
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "y", NC_FLOAT, 1, &l_yDim, &l_yVar);
		//variables, fastest changing index is on the right (C syntax), will be mirrored by the library
		int dims[] = {l_timeDim, l_yDim, l_xDim};
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "b",  NC_FLOAT, 3, dims, &bVar);
		//set attributes to match CF-1.5 convention
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "Conventions", "CF-1.5");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "title", "Computed tsunami solution");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "history", "SWE");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "institution", "Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Department of Informatics, Chair of Scientific Computing");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "source", "Bathymetry and displacement data.");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "references", "http://www5.in.tum.de/SWE");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "comment", "SWE is free software and licensed under the GNU General Public License. Remark: In general this does not hold for the used input data.");
		//setup grid size
		float gridPosition = i_originX + (float).5 * i_dX;
		for(size_t i = 0; i < nX; i++) {
			nc_put_var1_float(dataFile, l_xVar, &i, &gridPosition);
			gridPosition += i_dX;
		gridPosition = i_originY + (float).5 * i_dY;
		for(size_t j = 0; j < nY; j++) {
			nc_put_var1_float(dataFile, l_yVar, &j, &gridPosition);
   		gridPosition += i_dY;
Exemple #2
 * Encodes a BoundaryType and writes it to an attribute in the NetCDF-File
 * @param varid The NetCDF variable ID
 * @param name The attribute name
 * @param boundaryType The type of the boundary
void io::NetCdfWriter::ncPutBoundaryTypeAtt(int varid, const char *name, BoundaryType boundaryType) {
    std::string boundaryTypeName;
    switch(boundaryType) {
        case WALL:
            boundaryTypeName = std::string("wall");
        case OUTFLOW:
            boundaryTypeName = std::string("outflow");
        case INFLOW:
            boundaryTypeName = std::string("inflow");
        case PASSIVE:
            boundaryTypeName = std::string("passive");
        case CONNECT:
            boundaryTypeName = std::string("connect");
            std::cerr << "WARNING: Unsupported BoundaryType in Checkpointing!" << std::endl;
    ncPutAttText(varid, name, boundaryTypeName.c_str());
Exemple #3
 * Create a netCdf-file
 * Any existing file will be replaced.
 * @param i_baseName base name of the netCDF-file to which the data will be written to.
 * @param i_nX number of cells in the horizontal direction.
 * @param i_nY number of cells in the vertical direction.
 * @param i_dX cell size in x-direction.
 * @param i_dY cell size in y-direction.
 * @param i_originX
 * @param i_originY
 * @param i_flush If > 0, flush data to disk every i_flush write operation
 * @param i_dynamicBathymetry
io::NetCdfWriter::NetCdfWriter( const std::string &i_baseName,
		const Float2D &i_b,
		const BoundarySize &i_boundarySize,
		int i_nX, int i_nY,
		float i_dX, float i_dY,
		float i_originX, float i_originY,
		unsigned int i_flush,
		size_t contTimestep,
		unsigned int compression) :
		//const bool  &i_dynamicBathymetry) : //!TODO
  io::Writer(i_baseName + ".nc", i_b, i_boundarySize, i_nX, i_nY, contTimestep),
  flush(i_flush), compress(compression) {
	int status;
		status = nc_open(fileName.c_str(), NC_WRITE, &dataFile);

		//check if the netCDF-file open command succeeded.
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {

		size_t l_length;
		if(status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "time", &timeVar)) ERR(status);
		if(status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "h", &hVar)) ERR(status);
		if(status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "hu", &huVar)) ERR(status);
		if(status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "hv", &hvVar)) ERR(status);
		if(status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "b", &bVar)) ERR(status);
		//if(status = nc_inq_dimlen(dataFile, timeVar, &timeStep)) ERR(status);
	else {
		//create a netCDF-file, an existing file will be replaced
		status = nc_create(fileName.c_str(), NC_NETCDF4, &dataFile);
		//check if the netCDF-file creation constructor succeeded.
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {

//		std::cout << "i_nX, i_nY, i_dX, i_dY: " << nX << ", " << nY << ", " << i_dX << ", " << i_dY << std::endl;
		adjust(nX, nY, i_dX, i_dY, compress);
//		std::cout << "i_nX, i_nY, i_dX, i_dY: " << nX << ", " << nY << ", " << i_dX << ", " << i_dY << std::endl;

		std::cout << "   *** io::NetCdfWriter::createNetCdfFile" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "     created/replaced: " << fileName << std::endl;
		std::cout << "     dimensions(nx, ny): " << nX << ", " << nY << std::endl;
		std::cout << "     cell width(dx,dy): " << i_dX << ", " << i_dY << std::endl;
		std::cout << "     origin(x,y): " << i_originX << ", " << i_originY << std::endl;

		int l_timeDim, l_xDim, l_yDim;
		nc_def_dim(dataFile, "time", NC_UNLIMITED, &l_timeDim);
		nc_def_dim(dataFile, "x", nX, &l_xDim);
		nc_def_dim(dataFile, "y", nY, &l_yDim);
		//variables (TODO: add rest of CF-1.5)
		int l_xVar, l_yVar;
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "time", NC_FLOAT, 1, &l_timeDim, &timeVar);
		ncPutAttText(timeVar, "long_name", "Time");
		ncPutAttText(timeVar, "units", "seconds since simulation start"); // the word "since" is important for the paraview reader
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "x", NC_FLOAT, 1, &l_xDim, &l_xVar);
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "y", NC_FLOAT, 1, &l_yDim, &l_yVar);
		//variables, fastest changing index is on the right (C syntax), will be mirrored by the library
		int dims[] = {l_timeDim, l_yDim, l_xDim};
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "h",  NC_FLOAT, 3, dims, &hVar);
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "hu", NC_FLOAT, 3, dims, &huVar);
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "hv", NC_FLOAT, 3, dims, &hvVar);
		nc_def_var(dataFile, "b",  NC_FLOAT, 3, dims, &bVar);
		//set attributes to match CF-1.5 convention
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "Conventions", "CF-1.5");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "title", "Computed tsunami solution");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "history", "SWE");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "institution", "Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Department of Informatics, Chair of Scientific Computing");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "source", "Bathymetry and displacement data.");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "references", "http://www5.in.tum.de/SWE");
		ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "comment", "SWE is free software and licensed under the GNU General Public License. Remark: In general this does not hold for the used input data.");
		//setup grid size
		float gridPosition = i_originX + (float).5 * i_dX;
		for(size_t i = 0; i < nX; i++) {
			nc_put_var1_float(dataFile, l_xVar, &i, &gridPosition);

			gridPosition += i_dX;
		gridPosition = i_originY + (float).5 * i_dY;
		for(size_t j = 0; j < nY; j++) {
			nc_put_var1_float(dataFile, l_yVar, &j, &gridPosition);
	    		gridPosition += i_dY;
Exemple #4
 * Create or open an existing netCdf-file
 * If i_baseName appended with the ".nc" extension represents an existing
 * NetCDF file, the file is opened and it is tried to append to the 
 * file (e.g. open a checkpoint-file of a previously crashed run)
 * @param i_baseName base name of the netCDF-file to which the data will be written to.
 * @param i_nX number of cells in the horizontal direction.
 * @param i_nY number of cells in the vertical direction.
 * @param i_dX cell size in x-direction.
 * @param i_dY cell size in y-direction.
 * @param i_originX
 * @param i_originY
 * @param i_coarseness The coarseness factor
 * @param i_flush If > 0, flush data to disk every i_flush write operation
 * @param i_dynamicBathymetry
io::NetCdfWriter::NetCdfWriter( const std::string &i_baseName,
		const Float2D &i_b,
		const BoundarySize &i_boundarySize,
		int i_nX, int i_nY,
		float i_dX, float i_dY,
		float i_originX, float i_originY,
		float i_coarseness,
        unsigned int i_flush) :
		//const bool  &i_dynamicBathymetry) : //!TODO
  io::Writer(i_baseName + ".nc", i_b, i_boundarySize, i_nX, i_nY, i_coarseness),
	int status;
	// variables (TODO: add rest of CF-1.5)
	int l_xVar, l_yVar;
	// dimensions
	int l_timeDim, l_xDim, l_yDim;
    // Try to open the file (to see if it is an existing checkpoint file)
    status = nc_open(fileName.c_str(), NC_WRITE, &dataFile);
    if(status == NC_NOERR) {
        // File exists and is a NetCDF file we can write to
        // Read ID for time, x, y, h, hu, hv and b dimensions and variables
        status = nc_inq_unlimdim(dataFile, &l_timeDim);
        status = nc_inq_dimid(dataFile, "x", &l_xDim);
        status = nc_inq_dimid(dataFile, "y", &l_yDim);
        status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "time", &timeVar);
        status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "x", &l_xVar);
        status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "y", &l_yVar);
        status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "h", &hVar);
        status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "hu", &huVar);
        status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "hv", &hvVar);
        status = nc_inq_varid(dataFile, "b", &bVar);
        // Read Dimensions for x and y variable
        size_t l_xLen, l_yLen;
        status = nc_inq_dimlen(dataFile, l_xDim, &l_xLen);
        status = nc_inq_dimlen(dataFile, l_yDim, &l_yLen);
        // Set next timeStep
        status = nc_inq_dimlen(dataFile, l_timeDim, &timeStep);
        // Check actual dimensions in file against supplied dimensions
        assert(l_xLen == coarseX); assert(l_yLen == coarseY);
    } else {
        // File does not exist or is not a valid NetCDF file
    	//create a netCDF-file, an existing file will be replaced
    	status = nc_create(fileName.c_str(), NC_NETCDF4, &dataFile);

        //check if the netCDF-file creation constructor succeeded.
    	if (status != NC_NOERR) {

    	std::cout << "   *** io::NetCdfWriter::createNetCdfFile" << std::endl;
    	std::cout << "     created/replaced: " << fileName << std::endl;
    	std::cout << "     internal dimensions(nx, ny): " << nX << ", " << nY << std::endl;
        std::cout << "     dimensions(nx, ny): " << coarseX << ", " << coarseY << std::endl;
        std::cout << "     coarseness: " << coarseness << std::endl;
    	std::cout << "     cell width(dx,dy): " << i_dX << ", " << i_dY << std::endl;
    	std::cout << "     origin(x,y): " << i_originX << ", " << i_originY << std::endl;

    	nc_def_dim(dataFile, "time", NC_UNLIMITED, &l_timeDim);
    	nc_def_dim(dataFile, "x", coarseX, &l_xDim);
    	nc_def_dim(dataFile, "y", coarseY, &l_yDim);

    	nc_def_var(dataFile, "time", NC_FLOAT, 1, &l_timeDim, &timeVar);
    	ncPutAttText(timeVar, "long_name", "Time");
    	ncPutAttText(timeVar, "units", "seconds since simulation start"); // the word "since" is important for the paraview reader
    	nc_def_var(dataFile, "x", NC_FLOAT, 1, &l_xDim, &l_xVar);
    	nc_def_var(dataFile, "y", NC_FLOAT, 1, &l_yDim, &l_yVar);

    	//variables, fastest changing index is on the right (C syntax), will be mirrored by the library
    	int dims[] = {l_timeDim, l_yDim, l_xDim};
    	nc_def_var(dataFile, "h",  NC_FLOAT, 3, dims, &hVar);
    	nc_def_var(dataFile, "hu", NC_FLOAT, 3, dims, &huVar);
    	nc_def_var(dataFile, "hv", NC_FLOAT, 3, dims, &hvVar);
    	nc_def_var(dataFile, "b",  NC_FLOAT, 2, &dims[1], &bVar);

    	//set attributes to match CF-1.5 convention
    	ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "Conventions", "CF-1.5");
    	ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "title", "Computed tsunami solution");
    	ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "history", "SWE");
    	ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "institution", "Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Department of Informatics, Chair of Scientific Computing");
    	ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "source", "Bathymetry and displacement data.");
    	ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "references", "http://www5.in.tum.de/SWE");
    	ncPutAttText(NC_GLOBAL, "comment", "SWE is free software and licensed under the GNU General Public License. Remark: In general this does not hold for the used input data.");

    	//setup grid size
    	float gridPosition = i_originX + (float).5 * i_dX;
    	for(size_t i = 0; i < coarseX; i++) {
    		nc_put_var1_float(dataFile, l_xVar, &i, &gridPosition);

    		gridPosition += i_dX;

    	gridPosition = i_originY + (float).5 * i_dY;
    	for(size_t j = 0; j < coarseY; j++) {
    		nc_put_var1_float(dataFile, l_yVar, &j, &gridPosition);

        	gridPosition += i_dY;