/********************************************************************* void mpp_end_def(int ncid) end the definition of netcdf file with ncid. *******************************************************************/ void mpp_end_def(int fid) { int status; char errmsg[512]; if( mpp_pe() != mpp_root_pe() ) return; if(fid<0 || fid >=nfiles) mpp_error("mpp_io(mpp_end_def): invalid fid number, fid should be " "a nonnegative integer that less than nfiles"); if(HEADER_BUFFER_VALUE>0) status = nc__enddef(files[fid].ncid, HEADER_BUFFER_VALUE, 4, 0, 4); else status = nc_enddef(files[fid].ncid); if(status != NC_NOERR) { sprintf(errmsg, "mpp_io(mpp_end_def): Error in end definition of file %s", files[fid].name ); netcdf_error(errmsg, status); } } /* mpp_end_def */
/*ARGSUSED*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int cmode=NC_CLOBBER, omode, ret; int id; char buf[256]; #ifdef SYNCDEBUG char *str = "one"; #endif int ii; size_t ui; const struct tcdfvar *tvp = testvars; union getret got; const size_t initialsz = 8192; size_t chunksz = 8192; size_t align = 8192/32; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* cmode |= NC_PNETCDF |NC_64BIT_OFFSET; */ cmode != NC_PNETCDF |NC_64BIT_DATA; ret = nc_create_par(fname,cmode, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL, &id); if(ret != NC_NOERR) { fprintf(stderr,"Error %s in file %s at line %d\n",nc_strerror(ret),__FILE__,__LINE__); exit(ret); } assert( nc_put_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL, "TITLE", 12, "another name") == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_get_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL, "TITLE", buf) == NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("title 1 \"%s\"\n", buf); */ assert( nc_put_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL, "TITLE", strlen(fname), fname) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_get_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL, "TITLE", buf) == NC_NOERR); buf[strlen(fname)] = 0; /* (void) printf("title 2 \"%s\"\n", buf); */ assert( strcmp(fname, buf) == 0); createtestdims(id, NUM_DIMS, sizes, dim_names); testdims(id, NUM_DIMS, sizes, dim_names); createtestvars(id, testvars, NUM_TESTVARS); { int ifill = -1; double dfill = -9999; assert( nc_put_att_int(id, Long_id, _FillValue, NC_INT, 1, &ifill) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_put_att_double(id, Double_id, _FillValue, NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dfill) == NC_NOERR); } #ifdef REDEF assert( nc__enddef(id, 0, align, 0, 2*align) == NC_NOERR ); assert( nc_put_var1_int(id, Long_id, indices[3], &birthday) == NC_NOERR ); fill_seq(id); assert( nc_redef(id) == NC_NOERR ); /* assert( nc_rename_dim(id,2, "a long dim name") == NC_NOERR); */ #endif assert( nc_rename_dim(id,1, "IXX") == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_inq_dim(id, 1, buf, &ui) == NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("dimrename: %s\n", buf); */ assert( nc_rename_dim(id,1, dim_names[1]) == NC_NOERR); #ifdef ATTRX assert( nc_rename_att(id, 1, "UNITS", "units") == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_del_att(id, 4, "FIELDNAM")== NC_NOERR); assert( nc_del_att(id, 2, "SCALEMIN")== NC_NOERR); assert( nc_del_att(id, 2, "SCALEMAX")== NC_NOERR); #endif /* ATTRX */ assert( nc__enddef(id, 0, align, 0, 2*align) == NC_NOERR ); #ifndef REDEF fill_seq(id); assert( nc_put_var1_int(id, Long_id, indices[3], &birthday)== NC_NOERR ); #endif assert( nc_put_vara_schar(id, Byte_id, s_start, s_edges, (signed char *)sentence) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_put_var1_schar(id, Byte_id, indices[6], (signed char *)(chs+1)) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_put_var1_schar(id, Byte_id, indices[5], (signed char *)chs) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_put_vara_text(id, Char_id, s_start, s_edges, sentence) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_put_var1_text(id, Char_id, indices[6], (chs+1)) == NC_NOERR) ; assert( nc_put_var1_text(id, Char_id, indices[5], chs) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_put_var1_short(id, Short_id, indices[4], shs) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_put_var1_float(id, Float_id, indices[2], &e) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_put_var1_double(id, Double_id, indices[1], &zed) == NC_NOERR); assert( nc_put_var1_double(id, Double_id, indices[0], &pinot) == NC_NOERR); #ifdef SYNCDEBUG (void) printf("Hit Return to sync\n"); gets(str); nc_sync(id,0); (void) printf("Sync done. Hit Return to continue\n"); gets(str); #endif /* SYNCDEBUG */ ret = nc_close(id); /* (void) printf("nc_close ret = %d\n\n", ret); */ /* * read it */ omode = NC_NOWRITE; omode = NC_NOWRITE | NC_PNETCDF; if(ret != NC_NOERR) { (void) printf("Could not open %s: %s\n", fname, nc_strerror(ret)); exit(1); } /* (void) printf("reopen id = %d for filename %s\n", */ /* id, fname); */ /* NC */ /* (void) printf("NC "); */ assert( nc_inq(id, &(cdesc->num_dims), &(cdesc->num_vars), &(cdesc->num_attrs), &(cdesc->xtendim) ) == NC_NOERR); assert((size_t) cdesc->num_dims == num_dims); assert(cdesc->num_attrs == 1); assert(cdesc->num_vars == NUM_TESTVARS); /* (void) printf("done\n"); */ /* GATTR */ /* (void) printf("GATTR "); */ assert( nc_inq_attname(id, NC_GLOBAL, 0, adesc->mnem) == 0); assert(strcmp("TITLE",adesc->mnem) == 0); assert( nc_inq_att(id, NC_GLOBAL, adesc->mnem, &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len))== NC_NOERR); assert( adesc->type == NC_CHAR ); assert( adesc->len == strlen(fname) ); assert( nc_get_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL, "TITLE", buf)== NC_NOERR); buf[adesc->len] = 0; assert( strcmp(fname, buf) == 0); /* VAR */ /* (void) printf("VAR "); */ assert( cdesc->num_vars == NUM_TESTVARS ); for(ii = 0; ii < cdesc->num_vars; ii++, tvp++ ) { int jj; assert( nc_inq_var(id, ii, vdesc->mnem, &(vdesc->type), &(vdesc->ndims), vdesc->dims, &(vdesc->num_attrs)) == NC_NOERR); if(strcmp(tvp->mnem , vdesc->mnem) != 0) { (void) printf("attr %d mnem mismatch %s, %s\n", ii, tvp->mnem, vdesc->mnem); continue; } if(tvp->type != vdesc->type) { (void) printf("attr %d type mismatch %d, %d\n", ii, (int)tvp->type, (int)vdesc->type); continue; } for(jj = 0; jj < vdesc->ndims; jj++ ) { if(tvp->dims[jj] != vdesc->dims[jj] ) { (void) printf( "inconsistent dim[%d] for variable %d: %d != %d\n", jj, ii, tvp->dims[jj], vdesc->dims[jj] ); continue; } } /* VATTR */ /* (void) printf("VATTR\n"); */ for(jj=0; jj<vdesc->num_attrs; jj++ ) { assert( nc_inq_attname(id, ii, jj, adesc->mnem) == NC_NOERR); if( strcmp(adesc->mnem, reqattr[jj]) != 0 ) { (void) printf("var %d attr %d mismatch %s != %s\n", ii, jj, adesc->mnem, reqattr[jj] ); break; } } if( nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[0], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len)) != -1) { assert( adesc->type == NC_CHAR ); assert( adesc->len == strlen(tvp->units) ); assert( nc_get_att_text(id,ii,reqattr[0],buf)== NC_NOERR); buf[adesc->len] = 0; assert( strcmp(tvp->units, buf) == 0); } if( nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[1], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len)) != -1) { assert( adesc->type == NC_DOUBLE ); assert( adesc->len == 1 ); assert( nc_get_att_double(id, ii, reqattr[1], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR); chkgot(adesc->type, got, tvp->validmin); } if( nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[2], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len)) != -1) { assert( adesc->type == NC_DOUBLE ); assert( adesc->len == 1 ); assert( nc_get_att_double(id, ii, reqattr[2], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR); chkgot(adesc->type, got, tvp->validmax); } if( nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[3], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len)) != -1) { assert( adesc->type == NC_DOUBLE ); assert( adesc->len ==1 ); assert( nc_get_att_double(id, ii, reqattr[3], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR); chkgot(adesc->type, got, tvp->scalemin); } if( nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[4], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len)) != -1) { assert( adesc->type == NC_DOUBLE ); assert( adesc->len == 1 ); assert( nc_get_att_double(id, ii, reqattr[4], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR); chkgot(adesc->type, got, tvp->scalemax); } if( nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[5], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len))== NC_NOERR) { assert( adesc->type == NC_CHAR ); assert( adesc->len == strlen(tvp->fieldnam) ); assert( nc_get_att_text(id,ii,reqattr[5],buf)== NC_NOERR); buf[adesc->len] = 0; assert( strcmp(tvp->fieldnam, buf) == 0); } } /* (void) printf("fill_seq "); */ check_fill_seq(id); /* (void) printf("Done\n"); */ assert( nc_get_var1_double(id, Double_id, indices[0], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got val = %f\n", got.dbl ); */ assert( nc_get_var1_double(id, Double_id, indices[1], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got val = %f\n", got.dbl ); */ assert( nc_get_var1_float(id, Float_id, indices[2], &got.fl[0])== NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got val = %f\n", got.fl[0] ); */ assert( nc_get_var1_int(id, Long_id, indices[3], &got.in[0])== NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got val = %d\n", got.in[0] ); */ assert( nc_get_var1_short(id, Short_id, indices[4], &got.sh[0])== NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got val = %d\n", got.sh[0] ); */ assert( nc_get_var1_text(id, Char_id, indices[5], &got.by[0]) == NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got NC_CHAR val = %c (0x%02x) \n", */ /* got.by[0] , got.by[0]); */ assert( nc_get_var1_text(id, Char_id, indices[6], &got.by[0]) == NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got NC_CHAR val = %c (0x%02x) \n", */ /* got.by[0], got.by[0] ); */ (void) memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); assert( nc_get_vara_text(id, Char_id, s_start, s_edges, buf) == NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got NC_CHAR val = \"%s\"\n", buf); */ assert( nc_get_var1_schar(id, Byte_id, indices[5], (signed char *)&got.by[0])== NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got val = %c (0x%02x) \n", got.by[0] , got.by[0]); */ assert( nc_get_var1_schar(id, Byte_id, indices[6], (signed char *)&got.by[0])== NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got val = %c (0x%02x) \n", got.by[0], got.by[0] ); */ (void) memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); assert( nc_get_vara_schar(id, Byte_id, s_start, s_edges, (signed char *)buf)== NC_NOERR ); /* (void) printf("got val = \"%s\"\n", buf); */ { double dbuf[NUM_RECS * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2]; assert(nc_get_var_double(id, Float_id, dbuf) == NC_NOERR); /* (void) printf("got vals = %f ... %f\n", dbuf[0], */ /* dbuf[NUM_RECS * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2 -1] ); */ } ret = nc_close(id); /* (void) printf("re nc_close ret = %d\n", ret); */ MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
int ex_put_init (int exoid, const char *title, int num_dim, int num_nodes, int num_elem, int num_elem_blk, int num_node_sets, int num_side_sets) { int numdimdim, numnoddim, elblkdim, nsetdim, ssetdim, strdim, dim[2], varid; #if 0 /* used for header size calculations which are turned off for now */ int header_size, fixed_var_size, iows; #endif char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ if ((ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_DIM)) != -1) { exerrval = EX_MSG; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: initialization already done for file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* put file into define mode */ if (ncredef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to put file id %d into define mode", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* define some attributes... */ if (ncattput (exoid, NC_GLOBAL, (const char*) ATT_TITLE, NC_CHAR, strlen(title)+1, (void *)title) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define title attribute to file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* ...and some dimensions... */ if ((numdimdim = ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_DIM, (long)num_dim)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of dimensions in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* * Need to handle "empty file" that may be the result of a strange * load balance or some other strange run. Note that if num_node * == 0, then num_elem must be zero since you cannot have elements * with no nodes. It *is* permissible to have zero elements with * non-zero node count. */ if (num_nodes > 0) { if ((numnoddim = ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_NODES, (long)num_nodes)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of nodes in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if (num_elem > 0) { if (num_nodes <= 0) { exerrval = EX_MSG; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: Cannot have non-zero element count if node count is zero.in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ((ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_ELEM, (long)num_elem)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of elements in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* Can have nonzero num_elem_blk even if num_elem == 0 */ if (num_elem_blk > 0) { if ((elblkdim = ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_EL_BLK, (long)num_elem_blk)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of element blocks in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* ...and some variables */ /* element block id status array */ dim[0] = elblkdim; if ((varid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_STAT_EL_BLK, NC_LONG, 1, dim)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define element block status array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } #if 0 /* store property name as attribute of property array variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, varid, ATT_PROP_NAME, NC_CHAR, 7, "STATUS")) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element block property name %s in file id %d", "STATUS",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } #endif /* element block id array */ if ((varid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_ID_EL_BLK, NC_LONG, 1, dim)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define element block id array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* store property name as attribute of property array variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, varid, ATT_PROP_NAME, NC_CHAR, 3, "ID")) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element block property name %s in file id %d", "ID",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* node set id array: */ nsetdim = 0; if (num_node_sets > 0) { if ((nsetdim = ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_NS, (long)num_node_sets)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of node sets in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* node set id status array: */ dim[0] = nsetdim; if ((varid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NS_STAT, NC_LONG, 1, dim)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create node sets status array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } #if 0 /* store property name as attribute of property array variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, varid, ATT_PROP_NAME, NC_CHAR, 7, "STATUS")) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store node set property name %s in file id %d", "ID",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } #endif /* node set id array: */ dim[0] = nsetdim; if ((varid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NS_IDS, NC_LONG, 1, dim)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create node sets property array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* store property name as attribute of property array variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, varid, ATT_PROP_NAME, NC_CHAR, 3, "ID")) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store node set property name %s in file id %d", "ID",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* side set id array: */ ssetdim = 0; if (num_side_sets > 0) { if ((ssetdim = ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_SS, (long)num_side_sets)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of side sets in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* side set id status array: */ dim[0] = ssetdim; if ((varid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_SS_STAT, NC_LONG, 1, dim)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define side set status in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } #if 0 /* store property name as attribute of property array variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, varid, ATT_PROP_NAME, NC_CHAR, 7, "STATUS")) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store side set property name %s in file id %d", "ID",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } #endif /* side set id array: */ if ((varid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_SS_IDS, NC_LONG, 1, dim)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define side set property in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* store property name as attribute of property array variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, varid, ATT_PROP_NAME, NC_CHAR, 3, "ID")) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store side set property name %s in file id %d", "ID",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* * To reduce the maximum dataset sizes, the storage of the nodal * coordinates and the nodal variables was changed from a single * dataset to a dataset per component or variable. However, we * want to maintain some form of compatability with the old * exodusII version. It is easy to do this on read; however, we * also want to be able to store in the old format using the new * library. * * The mode is set in the ex_create call. The setting can be checked * via the ATT_FILESIZE attribute in the file (1=large, * 0=normal). Also handle old files that do not contain this * attribute. */ if (num_nodes > 0) { if (ex_large_model(exoid) == 1) { /* node coordinate arrays -- separate storage... */ /* * Check that storage required for coordinates is less * than 2GB which is maximum size permitted by netcdf * (in large file mode). 1<<29 == max number of integer items. */ int shift = nc_flt_code(exoid) == NC_DOUBLE ? 28 : 29; if (num_nodes > (1<<shift)) { exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: Size to store nodal coordinates exceeds 2GB in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } dim[0] = numnoddim; if (num_dim > 0) { if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_COORD_X, nc_flt_code(exoid), 1, dim) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define node x coordinate array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if (num_dim > 1) { if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_COORD_Y, nc_flt_code(exoid), 1, dim) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define node y coordinate array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if (num_dim > 2) { if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_COORD_Z, nc_flt_code(exoid), 1, dim) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define node z coordinate array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } } else { /* node coordinate arrays: -- all stored together (old method) */ dim[0] = numdimdim; dim[1] = numnoddim; if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_COORD, nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dim) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define node coordinate array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } } /* inquire previously defined dimensions */ if ((strdim = ncdimid (exoid, DIM_STR)) < 0) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get string length in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* coordinate names array */ dim[0] = numdimdim; dim[1] = strdim; if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NAME_COOR, NC_CHAR, 2, dim) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define coordinate name array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* Element block names... */ if (num_elem_blk > 0) { dim[0] = elblkdim; dim[1] = strdim; if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NAME_EL_BLK, NC_CHAR, 2, dim) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define element block name array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* Nodeset names... */ if (num_node_sets > 0) { dim[0] = nsetdim; dim[1] = strdim; if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NAME_NS, NC_CHAR, 2, dim) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define nodeset name array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* Sideset names... */ if (num_side_sets > 0) { dim[0] = ssetdim; dim[1] = strdim; if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NAME_SS, NC_CHAR, 2, dim) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define sideset name array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* leave define mode */ #if 1 if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete variable definitions in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } #else /* estimate (guess) size of header of netCDF file */ header_size = 1200 + num_elem_blk * 800 + num_node_sets * 220 + num_side_sets * 300; if (header_size > MAX_HEADER_SIZE) header_size = MAX_HEADER_SIZE; /* estimate (guess) size of fixed size variable section of netCDF file */ if (nc_flt_code(exoid) == NC_DOUBLE) iows = 8; else iows = 4; fixed_var_size = num_dim * num_nodes * iows + num_nodes * sizeof(int) + num_elem * 16 * sizeof(int) + num_elem_blk * sizeof(int) + num_node_sets * num_nodes/100 * sizeof(int) + num_node_sets * num_nodes/100 * iows + num_node_sets * sizeof(int) + num_side_sets * num_elem/100 * 2 * sizeof(int) + num_side_sets * num_elem/100 * iows + num_side_sets * sizeof(int); /* With netcdf-3.4, this produces very large files on the * SGI. Also with netcdf-3.5beta3 */ /* * This is also causing other problems on other systems .. disable for now */ if (nc__enddef (exoid, header_size, NC_ALIGN_CHUNK, fixed_var_size, NC_ALIGN_CHUNK) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete variable definitions in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } #endif return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) /* exit define mode */ { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_init",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }