Exemple #1
static void pgfilterw_refresh ( void )
 * pgpalw_refresh    							*
 *									*
 * This function refeshes the drawn pgen elements and signals for a     *
 * reload of all frames in the loop.  The current pixmap is cleared and *
 * restored from the master copy, then cvg_redraw is called to redraw 	*
 * pgen elements.  The xw driver will then reload the pgen elements for *
 * all the remaining pixmaps in the loop.  This reload will take place  *
 * the next time they are displayed.					*
 *									*
 * static void pgfilterw_refresh ( )					*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 * Output parameters:							*
 * Return value:							*
 *			NONE						*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * J. Wu/SAIC	        07/04   copy from pgpalw_refresh()		*
 * S. Danz/AWC	        07/06   cvg_redraw before crg_rebuild so	*
 *                              autoplacement is ready			*
 * J. Wu/SAIC	        02/08   refresh under user's projection		*
    Widget	canvas;
    Cardinal	width, height;
    int		ier;
    Boolean	compWinIsUp = False;

     * Check if the comptational window is up or not.  The refresh should be
     * done on the user's projection
    if ( ncw_isup() ) {
        compWinIsUp = True;

     * Clear current display
    canvas = (Widget)mcanvw_getDrawingW();
    XtVaGetValues ( canvas,
                    XmNwidth,	&width,
                    XmNheight,	&height,
                    NULL );

    XClearArea ( XtDisplay(canvas), XtWindow(canvas),
                 0, 0, width, height, False );

     * For each frame, copy from master pixmap to displayable
     * pixmaps in gemwindow.
    xpgrestlp ();

     * Tell xw driver to refresh the vector graphics
     * for all pixmaps in the loop.
    xpgrfrsh ();

     * Load and plot the vg elements in current frame.
    cvg_redraw( cvg_getworkfile(), &ier );

     * Now that we have everything loaded, rebuild the range
     * records
    crg_rebuild ();
    geplot ( &ier );

     * Reset the comptational window if necessary.
    if ( compWinIsUp ) {
        ncw_set ();
        ncw_sproj ( "PREFS" );

static void pgconn_smear ( int loc1,  int loc2, VG_DBStruct *elOut,
			  int *nout, float *outX, float *outY )
 * pgconn_smear	                                          		*
 *                                                                      *
 * This function smears two selected GFA elements.  If the two GFAs	*
 * intersect, they are combined using "union";  otherwise, they are	*
 * combined using "shrink-wrap" algorithm.				*
 *									*
 * static void pgconn_smear ( loc1, loc2, elOut, nout, outX, outY )	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	loc1		int		Location of first GFA element	*
 *	loc2		int		Location of second GFA element	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:                                             	*
 *      *elOut		VG_DBStruct	GFA element			*
 *	*nout		int		number of smear points		*
 *	outX[]		float		x of smear points in sys_D	*
 *	outY[]		float		y of smear points in sys_D	*
 *									*
 * Return parameters:                                             	*
 *    			None			       		 	*
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * J. Wu/SAIC		06/07	initial coding				*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		09/07	add "unionOnly" into pgsmear_smear	*
    int		ii, jj, npts, ier, GFA_loc[2], ntmp;
    char	value[10];
    float	*xtmp, *ytmp, *lat, *lon;
    Boolean	repeat;
 *  Set computational projection
    ncw_set ( );
    ncw_sproj ( "PREFS" );
 *  Smear
 *  Note: pgsmear_smear() needs following options for "join" GFAs:
 *        "skipFzlvl"	- False: closed FZLVL could be joined.
 *        "useAllShapShots"	- True:  snapshots' status doesn't matter.
 *        "reducePts"	- False: no point reduction performed.
    GFA_loc[ 0 ] = loc1;	    
    GFA_loc[ 1 ] = loc2;	    
    pgsmear_smear ( 2, GFA_loc, False, _primaryEl.hdr.maj_col, 0, 
		    NULL, False, False, True, False, True,		  
		    elOut, nout, outX, outY );
 *  Remove repeated points
    ntmp = *nout;
    G_MALLOC ( xtmp, float, ntmp, "pgsmear_doSnap xtmp" );
    G_MALLOC ( ytmp, float, ntmp, "pgsmear_doSnap ytmp" );
    G_MALLOC ( lat, float, ntmp, "pgconn_select: lat" );
    G_MALLOC ( lon, float, ntmp, "pgconn_select: lon" );
    npts = 0;
    for ( ii = 0; ii < *nout; ii++ ) {

	repeat = False;

	for ( jj = ii + 1; jj < ntmp; jj++ ) {

	    if ( ( fabs ( outX[ ii ] - outX[ jj ] ) < .0001 ) &&

	         ( fabs ( outY[ ii ] - outY[ jj ] ) < .0001 ) ) {

	       repeat = True;


	if ( !repeat ) {

	   xtmp[ npts ] = outX[ ii ];
	   ytmp[ npts ] = outY[ ii ];
 *  Convert device (x,y) to (lat,lon) and put into el. 
    gtrans ( sys_D, sys_M, &npts, xtmp, ytmp, lat, lon, &ier,
    	     strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) );

    if ( npts > 0 ) {

       elOut->elem.gfa.info.npts = npts;

       for ( ii = 0; ii < npts; ii++ ) {

           elOut->elem.gfa.latlon[ ii ] 	 = lat[ ii ];
           elOut->elem.gfa.latlon[ ii + npts ]   = lon[ ii ];

 *  Unset computational projection and back to current projection
    ncw_unset ( );
 *  Snap if the first polygon is an airmet or outlook.
    cvg_getFld ( &_primaryEl, TAG_GFA_FCSTHR, value, &ier );
    if ( strchr ( value, '-' ) ) {                                              
	pgsmear_snapEl ( True, elOut, &ier );			
 *  Convert into device for ghosting in current projection.
    *nout = elOut->elem.gfa.info.npts;
    gtrans ( sys_M, sys_D, nout, elOut->elem.gfa.latlon,
	     &(elOut->elem.gfa.latlon[*nout]), outX, outY,
	     &ier, strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_D) );
    G_MALLOC ( xtmp, float, ntmp, "pgconn_smear xtmp" );
    G_MALLOC ( ytmp, float, ntmp, "pgconn_smear ytmp" );
    G_MALLOC ( lat, float, ntmp, "pgconn_smear lat" );
    G_MALLOC ( lon, float, ntmp, "pgconn_smear lon" );

 *  Adopt the first selected GFA's attributes.
    cvg_getFld ( &_primaryEl, TAG_GFA_FCSTHR, value, &ier );
    cvg_setFld ( elOut, TAG_GFA_FCSTHR, value, &ier );
    cvg_getFld ( &_primaryEl, TAG_GFA_SUBTYPE, value, &ier );
    cvg_setFld ( elOut, TAG_GFA_SUBTYPE, value, &ier );		    
    ces_get( atoi( value ), elOut, &ier );
    elOut->hdr.maj_col = _primaryEl.hdr.maj_col;
    elOut->hdr.min_col = _primaryEl.hdr.min_col;