    // element projection
    static Vector dx(2);
    const Vector &ndICoords = nodeIPtr->getCrds();
    const Vector &ndJCoords = nodeJPtr->getCrds();
    dx(0) = ndJCoords(0) - ndICoords(0);
    dx(1) = ndJCoords(1) - ndICoords(1);
    if (nodeIInitialDisp != 0) {
        dx(0) -= nodeIInitialDisp[0];
        dx(1) -= nodeIInitialDisp[1];
    if (nodeJInitialDisp != 0) {
        dx(0) += nodeJInitialDisp[0];
        dx(1) += nodeJInitialDisp[1];
    if (nodeJOffset != 0) {
        dx(0) += nodeJOffset[0];
        dx(1) += nodeJOffset[1];
    if (nodeIOffset != 0) {
        dx(0) -= nodeIOffset[0];
        dx(1) -= nodeIOffset[1];
    // calculate the element length
    L = dx.Norm();
    if (L == 0.0) 
        opserr << "\nPDeltaCrdTransf2d::computeElemtLengthAndOrien: 0 length\n";
        return -2;  
    // calculate the element local x axis components (direction cosines)
    // wrt to the global coordinates 
    cosTheta = dx(0)/L;
    sinTheta = dx(1)/L;
    return 0;
Exemple #2
int XC::DispBeamColumn2d::commitSensitivity(int gradNumber, int numGrads)
    // Get basic deformation and sensitivities
        const XC::Vector &v = theCoordTransf->getBasicTrialDisp();

        static XC::Vector vsens(3);
        vsens = theCoordTransf->getBasicDisplSensitivity(gradNumber);

        double L = theCoordTransf->getInitialLength();
        double oneOverL = 1.0/L;
  const size_t numSections= getNumSections();
        const Matrix &pts = quadRule.getIntegrPointCoords(numSections);

        // Some extra declarations
        double d1oLdh = 0.0;

        // Check if a nodal coordinate is random
        bool randomNodeCoordinate = false;
        static XC::ID nodeParameterID(2);
        nodeParameterID(0) = theNodes[0]->getCrdsSensitivity();
        nodeParameterID(1) = theNodes[1]->getCrdsSensitivity();
        if(nodeParameterID(0) != 0 || nodeParameterID(1) != 0) {

                vsens += theCoordTransf->getBasicTrialDispShapeSensitivity();

                randomNodeCoordinate = true;

                const XC::Vector &ndICoords = theNodes[0]->getCrds();
                const XC::Vector &ndJCoords = theNodes[1]->getCrds();

                double dx = ndJCoords(0) - ndICoords(0);
                double dy = ndJCoords(1) - ndICoords(1);

                if(nodeParameterID(0) == 1) // here x1 is random
                  d1oLdh = dx/(L*L*L);
                if(nodeParameterID(0) == 2) // here y1 is random
                  d1oLdh = dy/(L*L*L);

                if(nodeParameterID(1) == 1) // here x2 is random
                  d1oLdh = -dx/(L*L*L);
                if(nodeParameterID(1) == 2) // here y2 is random
                  d1oLdh = -dy/(L*L*L);

        // Loop over the integration points
        for(size_t i = 0; i < numSections; i++) {

                int order = theSections[i]->getOrder();
                const XC::ID &code = theSections[i]->getType();

                Vector e(workArea, order);

                double xi6 = 6.0*pts(i,0);

                for(int j = 0; j < order; j++) {
                        switch(code(j)) {
                        case SECTION_RESPONSE_P:
                                e(j) = oneOverL*vsens(0)
                                + d1oLdh*v(0);
                        case SECTION_RESPONSE_MZ:
                                e(j) = oneOverL*((xi6-4.0)*vsens(1) + (xi6-2.0)*vsens(2))
                                + d1oLdh*((xi6-4.0)*v(1) + (xi6-2.0)*v(2));
                                e(j) = 0.0;

                // Set the section deformations

        return 0;
Exemple #3
const XC::Vector &XC::DispBeamColumn2d::getResistingForceSensitivity(int gradNumber)
    const size_t numSections= getNumSections();
    const Matrix &pts = quadRule.getIntegrPointCoords(numSections);
    const Vector &wts = quadRule.getIntegrPointWeights(numSections);

        double L = theCoordTransf->getInitialLength();
        double oneOverL = 1.0/L;

        // Zero for integration
        static XC::Vector qsens(3);

        // Some extra declarations
        static XC::Matrix kbmine(3,3);

        int j, k;
        double d1oLdh = 0.0;

        // Check if a nodal coordinate is random
        bool randomNodeCoordinate = false;
        static XC::ID nodeParameterID(2);
        nodeParameterID(0) = theNodes[0]->getCrdsSensitivity();
        nodeParameterID(1) = theNodes[1]->getCrdsSensitivity();
        if(nodeParameterID(0) != 0 || nodeParameterID(1) != 0) {

                randomNodeCoordinate = true;

                const XC::Vector &ndICoords = theNodes[0]->getCrds();
                const XC::Vector &ndJCoords = theNodes[1]->getCrds();

                double dx = ndJCoords(0) - ndICoords(0);
                double dy = ndJCoords(1) - ndICoords(1);

                if(nodeParameterID(0) == 1) // here x1 is random
                  d1oLdh = dx/(L*L*L);
                if(nodeParameterID(0) == 2) // here y1 is random
                  d1oLdh = dy/(L*L*L);

                if(nodeParameterID(1) == 1) // here x2 is random
                  d1oLdh = -dx/(L*L*L);
                if(nodeParameterID(1) == 2) // here y2 is random
                  d1oLdh = -dy/(L*L*L);

        // Loop over the integration points
        for(size_t i= 0; i < numSections; i++) {

          int order = theSections[i]->getOrder();
          const XC::ID &code = theSections[i]->getType();

                double xi6 = 6.0*pts(i,0);
                double wti = wts(i);

                // Get section stress resultant gradient
                const XC::Vector &s = theSections[i]->getStressResultant();
                const XC::Vector &sens = theSections[i]->getStressResultantSensitivity(gradNumber,true);

                // Perform numerical integration on internal force gradient
                //q.addMatrixTransposeVector(1.0, *B, s, wts(i));

                double si;
                double sensi;
                for(j = 0; j < order; j++) {
                        si = s(j)*wti;
                        sensi = sens(j)*wti;
                        switch(code(j)) {
                        case SECTION_RESPONSE_P:
                                q(0) += si;
                                qsens(0) += sensi;
                        case SECTION_RESPONSE_MZ:
                                q(1) += (xi6-4.0)*si;
                                q(2) += (xi6-2.0)*si;
                                qsens(1) += (xi6-4.0)*sensi;
                                qsens(2) += (xi6-2.0)*sensi;

                if(randomNodeCoordinate) {

                        // Perform numerical integration to obtain basic stiffness matrix
                        //kb.addMatrixTripleProduct(1.0, *B, ks, wts(i)/L);
                        double tmp;

                        const XC::Matrix &ks = theSections[i]->getSectionTangent();
                        Matrix ka(workArea, order, 3);

                        for(j = 0; j < order; j++) {
                                switch(code(j)) {
                                case SECTION_RESPONSE_P:
                                        for(k = 0; k < order; k++) {
                                                ka(k,0) += ks(k,j)*wti;
                                case SECTION_RESPONSE_MZ:
                                        for(k = 0; k < order; k++) {
                                                tmp = ks(k,j)*wti;
                                                ka(k,1) += (xi6-4.0)*tmp;
                                                ka(k,2) += (xi6-2.0)*tmp;
                        for(j = 0; j < order; j++) {
                                switch (code(j)) {
                                case SECTION_RESPONSE_P:
                                        for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                                                kbmine(0,k) += ka(j,k);
                                case SECTION_RESPONSE_MZ:
                                        for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                                                tmp = ka(j,k);
                                                kbmine(1,k) += (xi6-4.0)*tmp;
                                                kbmine(2,k) += (xi6-2.0)*tmp;


        static XC::Vector dqdh(3);
        const XC::Vector &dAdh_u = theCoordTransf->getBasicTrialDispShapeSensitivity();
        //dqdh = (1.0/L) * (kbmine * dAdh_u);
        dqdh.addMatrixVector(0.0, kbmine, dAdh_u, oneOverL);

        static XC::Vector dkbdh_v(3);
        const XC::Vector &A_u = theCoordTransf->getBasicTrialDisp();
        //dkbdh_v = (d1oLdh) * (kbmine * A_u);
        dkbdh_v.addMatrixVector(0.0, kbmine, A_u, d1oLdh);

        // Transform forces
        static XC::Vector dummy(3);                // No distributed loads

        // Term 5
        P = theCoordTransf->getGlobalResistingForce(qsens,dummy);

        if(randomNodeCoordinate) {
                // Term 1
                P += theCoordTransf->getGlobalResistingForceShapeSensitivity(q,dummy);

                // Term 2
                P += theCoordTransf->getGlobalResistingForce(dqdh,dummy);

                // Term 4
                P += theCoordTransf->getGlobalResistingForce(dkbdh_v,dummy);

        return P;