Exemple #1
Surface::Surface ( Uint16 _sizeX, Uint16 _sizeY, Uint16 _splitSections )
    if ( _splitSections > 64 ) _splitSections = 64;

    m_sizeXY = std::max ( nearestPowerOfTwo ( _sizeX ), nearestPowerOfTwo ( _sizeY ) );
    m_sqrtN = _splitSections;

    ARCDebugAssert ( isPowerOfTwo ( _splitSections ) );
    if ( !isPowerOfTwo ( _splitSections ) )
        _splitSections = nearestPowerOfTwo ( _splitSections );
        m_nWays = _splitSections * _splitSections;
        m_sqrtN = _splitSections;

    // We want to force it to use the nicest texture size possible without
    // compromising performance.
    Uint16 maxTexSize = std::min ( g_graphics->GetMaximumTextureSize() / 2, 1024 );

    m_pixelWH = m_sizeXY / m_sqrtN;
    while ( m_pixelWH > maxTexSize )
        m_sqrtN *= 2;
        m_pixelWH = m_sizeXY / m_sqrtN;
    m_nWays = m_sqrtN * m_sqrtN;

    m_sectionIDs.setSize ( m_nWays );
	m_srcRects = new SDL_Rect[m_nWays];
	m_destRects = new SDL_Rect[m_nWays];
void LanczosFilter::updateOffscreenSurfaces()
    int w = displayWidth();
    int h = displayHeight();
    if (!GLTexture::NPOTTextureSupported()) {
        w = nearestPowerOfTwo(w);
        h = nearestPowerOfTwo(h);
    if (!m_offscreenTex || m_offscreenTex->width() != w || m_offscreenTex->height() != h) {
        if (m_offscreenTex) {
            delete m_offscreenTex;
            delete m_offscreenTarget;
        m_offscreenTex = new GLTexture(w, h);
        m_offscreenTarget = new GLRenderTarget(*m_offscreenTex);
 : m_queuesEmpty(true)
    int retval = SDL_InitSubSystem ( SDL_INIT_AUDIO );
    CrbReleaseAssert ( retval == 0 );

    int channels = g_prefsManager->GetInt ( "SoundChannels", 32 ),
        frequency = g_prefsManager->GetInt ( "SoundMixFreq", 22050 ),
        bufferSize = g_prefsManager->GetInt ( "SoundBufferSize", 1024 );

    if ( channels < 16 ) channels = 16;
    if ( frequency < 22050 ) frequency = 22050;
    if ( bufferSize < 512 ) bufferSize = 512;

    if ( !isPowerOfTwo ( bufferSize ) ) bufferSize = nearestPowerOfTwo ( bufferSize );

    retval = Mix_OpenAudio ( frequency, AUDIO_S16SYS, 2, bufferSize );
    CrbReleaseAssert ( retval == 0 );

    Mix_AllocateChannels ( channels );
    m_channelPlaying.setSize ( channels );
void CTextRenderer::CGlyphCache::Init(int FontSize)
	m_FontSize = FontSize;
	m_OffsetY = m_FontSize;
	m_PPG = nearestPowerOfTwo((FontSize+2*s_Margin)/2);
	m_GPB = 8;
	m_PPB = m_GPB * m_PPG;
	//Remove old data
		delete[] m_pData;
	m_Width = 0;
	m_Height = 0;
Exemple #5
Uint32 OpenGLGraphics::LoadImage ( const char *_filename, bool _isColorKeyed )

    ARCReleaseAssert ( _filename != NULL );

    // Load the image from RAM.
    SDL_Surface* src = g_app->m_resource->GetImage ( _filename ); // use SDL_Image to load the image
    ARCReleaseAssert ( src != NULL );
    Uint32 oldWidth = 0, oldHeight = 0;

    Uint32 rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;
    rmask = 0xff000000;
    gmask = 0x00ff0000;
    bmask = 0x0000ff00;
    amask = 0x000000ff;
    rmask = 0x000000ff;
    gmask = 0x0000ff00;
    bmask = 0x00ff0000;
    amask = 0xff000000;

    Uint32 targetW = src->w, targetH = src->h;

    if ( !g_openGL->GetSetting ( OPENGL_TEX_ALLOW_NPOT, false ) )
        oldWidth = targetW, oldHeight = targetH;
        if ( !isPowerOfTwo ( targetW ) )
            targetW = nearestPowerOfTwo ( targetW );
        if ( !isPowerOfTwo ( targetH ) )
            targetH = nearestPowerOfTwo ( targetH );
        ARCReleaseAssert ( isPowerOfTwo ( targetW * targetH ) );
    if ( g_openGL->GetSetting ( OPENGL_TEX_FORCE_SQUARE, false ) )
		targetH = targetW = std::max ( targetW, targetH );

    OpenGLTexture *tex = new OpenGLTexture();
    Uint32 ret = m_textures.insert ( tex );

    tex->Create ( targetW, targetH, _isColorKeyed );

    ARCReleaseAssert ( tex->m_sdlSurface != NULL );

	if ( _isColorKeyed && m_colorKeySet )
		SDL_FillRect ( tex->m_sdlSurface, NULL, ZERO_ALPHA & m_colorKey );
        SDL_SetColorKey ( tex->m_sdlSurface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY | SDL_RLEACCEL, m_colorKey );
    SDL_SetAlpha ( tex->m_sdlSurface, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );

    SDL_BlitSurface ( src, NULL, tex->m_sdlSurface, NULL );
    SDL_FreeSurface ( src );


    return ret;
bool ImageLoader::
load(const std::string& imageName, bool isNormalMap)
	// 载入图片
	FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif = FreeImage_GetFileType(imageName.c_str());
	if((fif != FIF_UNKNOWN) && FreeImage_FIFSupportsReading(fif))
		if (mDIB)
		mDIB = FreeImage_Load(fif, imageName.c_str());
		mFormat = fif;

		bool needScale = !oiram::fequal(config.imageScale, 1.0f);
		unsigned int newWidth = width(), newHeight = height(), newBpp = bpp();
		bool imagePowerOfTwo = config.imagePowerOfTwo;
		unsigned int imageMaxSize = config.imageMaxSize;

		// PVRTCII支持non-POT; ETC1和ETC2必须是POT, 最大尺寸限定在2048, 而且必须是正方形
		if (config.imageCompressionType == CT_ETC1 ||
			config.imageCompressionType == CT_ETC2)
			imagePowerOfTwo = true;
			imageMaxSize = 2048;

		// DXTC/PVRTC/ETCI有最小尺寸限制
		switch (config.imageCompressionType)
		case CT_DXTC:
			if (newWidth < DXT_MIN_TEXWIDTH)
				newWidth = DXT_MIN_TEXWIDTH;
				needScale = true;
			if (newHeight < DXT_MIN_TEXHEIGHT)
				newHeight = DXT_MIN_TEXHEIGHT;
				needScale = true;
			// DXTC的尺寸必须是4的倍数
				unsigned int	multiplesOfFourWidth = nearestMultiplesOfFour(newWidth),
								multiplesOfFourHeight = nearestMultiplesOfFour(newHeight);
				if (newWidth != multiplesOfFourWidth)
					newWidth = multiplesOfFourWidth;
					needScale = true;
				if (newHeight != multiplesOfFourHeight)
					newHeight = multiplesOfFourHeight;
					needScale = true;

		case CT_ETC1:
		case CT_ETC2:
			if (newWidth < ETC_MIN_TEXWIDTH)
				newWidth = ETC_MIN_TEXWIDTH;
				needScale = true;
			if (newHeight < ETC_MIN_TEXHEIGHT)
				newHeight = ETC_MIN_TEXHEIGHT;
				needScale = true;

		case CT_PVRTC2_4BPP:
			if (newWidth < PVRTC4_MIN_TEXWIDTH)
				newWidth = PVRTC4_MIN_TEXWIDTH;
				needScale = true;
			if (newHeight < PVRTC4_MIN_TEXHEIGHT)
				newHeight = PVRTC4_MIN_TEXHEIGHT;
				needScale = true;

		// 超出最大尺寸则按比例缩放
		if (imageMaxSize > 0 &&
			(newWidth > imageMaxSize || newHeight > imageMaxSize))
			if (newWidth > newHeight)
				float scale = static_cast<float>(newWidth) / newHeight;
				newWidth = imageMaxSize;
				newHeight = static_cast<unsigned int>(newWidth / scale);
				float scale = static_cast<float>(newHeight) / newWidth;
				newHeight = imageMaxSize;
				newWidth = static_cast<unsigned int>(newHeight / scale);
			needScale = true;

		newWidth = static_cast<unsigned int>(newWidth * config.imageScale);
		newHeight = static_cast<unsigned int>(newHeight * config.imageScale);

		if (imagePowerOfTwo)
			unsigned int potWidth = nearestPowerOfTwo(newWidth), potHeight = nearestPowerOfTwo(newHeight);
			if (newWidth != potWidth || newHeight != potHeight)
				newWidth = potWidth;
				newHeight = potHeight;
				needScale = true;

		if (needScale)
			FIBITMAP* rescaleDIB = FreeImage_Rescale(mDIB, newWidth, newHeight, FILTER_LANCZOS3);
			mDIB = rescaleDIB;

		return true;

	return false;