Exemple #1
static void findTxt2tagsTags (void)
	NestingLevels *nls = nestingLevelsNew();
	vString *name = vStringNew();
	const unsigned char *line;

	while ((line = fileReadLine()) != NULL)
		int depth;

		if (isTxt2tagsLine(line))
			; /* skip not to improperly match titles */
		else if (parseTxt2tagsTitle(line, name, &depth))
			NestingLevel *nl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent(nls);
			while (nl && nl->indentation >= depth)
				nl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent(nls);

			makeTxt2tagsTag(name, nls, K_SECTION);
			nestingLevelsPush(nls, name, K_SECTION);
			nestingLevelsGetCurrent(nls)->indentation = depth;
	vStringDelete (name);
Exemple #2
static NestingLevel *getNestingLevel(const int kind)
	NestingLevel *nl;
	tagEntryInfo *e;

	int d = 0;

	if (kind > K_EOF)
		/* 1. we want the line before the '---' underline chars */
		/* 2. we want the line before the next section/chapter title. */

	while (1)
		nl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent(nestingLevels);
		e = getEntryOfNestingLevel (nl);
		if ((nl && (e == NULL)) || (e && (e->kind - RstKinds) >= kind))
			if (e)
				e->extensionFields.endLine = (getInputLineNumber() - d);
	return nl;
Exemple #3
extern void nestingLevelsPop(NestingLevels *nls)
	const NestingLevel *nl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent(nls);

	Assert (nl != NULL);
Exemple #4
extern void nestingLevelsPop(NestingLevels *nls)
	NestingLevel *nl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent(nls);

	Assert (nl != NULL);
	nl->corkIndex = CORK_NIL;
Exemple #5
extern NestingLevel *nestingLevelsTruncate(NestingLevels *nls, int depth, int corkIndex)
	NestingLevel *nl;

	nls->n = depth;
	nl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent(nls);
	nl->corkIndex = corkIndex;
	return nl;
Exemple #6
* Emits a tag for the given 'name' of kind 'kind' at the current nesting.
static void emitRubyTag (vString* name, rubyKind kind)
	tagEntryInfo tag;
	vString* scope;
	tagEntryInfo *parent;
	rubyKind parent_kind = K_UNDEFINED;
	NestingLevel *lvl;
	const char *unqualified_name;
	const char *qualified_name;
	int r;

        if (!RubyKinds[kind].enabled) {

	vStringTerminate (name);
	scope = nestingLevelsToScope (nesting);
	lvl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent (nesting);
	parent = getEntryOfNestingLevel (lvl);
	if (parent)
		parent_kind =  parent->kind - RubyKinds;

	qualified_name = vStringValue (name);
	unqualified_name = strrchr (qualified_name, SCOPE_SEPARATOR);
	if (unqualified_name && unqualified_name[1])
		if (unqualified_name > qualified_name)
			if (vStringLength (scope) > 0)
				vStringPut (scope, SCOPE_SEPARATOR);
			vStringNCatS (scope, qualified_name,
			              unqualified_name - qualified_name);
			/* assume module parent type for a lack of a better option */
			parent_kind = K_MODULE;
		unqualified_name = qualified_name;

	initTagEntry (&tag, unqualified_name, &(RubyKinds [kind]));
	if (vStringLength (scope) > 0) {
		Assert (0 <= parent_kind &&
		        (size_t) parent_kind < (ARRAY_SIZE (RubyKinds)));

		tag.extensionFields.scopeKind = &(RubyKinds [parent_kind]);
		tag.extensionFields.scopeName = vStringValue (scope);
	r = makeTagEntry (&tag);

	nestingLevelsPush (nesting, r);

	vStringClear (name);
	vStringDelete (scope);
Exemple #7
static NestingLevel *getNestingLevel(const int kind)
    NestingLevel *nl;

    while (1)
        nl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent(nestingLevels);
        if (nl && nl->kindIndex >= kind)
    return nl;
Exemple #8
static void enterUnnamedScope (void)
	int r = CORK_NIL;
	NestingLevel *parent = nestingLevelsGetCurrent (nesting);
	tagEntryInfo *e_parent = getEntryOfNestingLevel (parent);

	if (e_parent)
		tagEntryInfo e;
		initTagEntry (&e, "", e_parent->kind);
		e.placeholder = 1;
		r = makeTagEntry (&e);
	nestingLevelsPush (nesting, r);
Exemple #9
static void initPythonEntry (tagEntryInfo *const e, const tokenInfo *const token,
                             const pythonKind kind)
	accessType access;
	int parentKind = -1;
	NestingLevel *nl;

	initTagEntry (e, vStringValue (token->string), kind);

	e->lineNumber	= token->lineNumber;
	e->filePosition	= token->filePosition;

	nl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent (PythonNestingLevels);
	if (nl)
		tagEntryInfo *nlEntry = getEntryOfNestingLevel (nl);

		e->extensionFields.scopeIndex = nl->corkIndex;

		/* nlEntry can be NULL if a kind was disabled.  But what can we do
		 * here?  Even disabled kinds should count for the hierarchy I
		 * guess -- as it'd otherwise be wrong -- but with cork we're
		 * f****d up as there's nothing to look up.  Damn. */
		if (nlEntry)
			parentKind = nlEntry->kindIndex;

			/* functions directly inside classes are methods, fix it up */
			if (kind == K_FUNCTION && parentKind == K_CLASS)
				e->kindIndex = K_METHOD;

	access = accessFromIdentifier (token->string, kind, parentKind);
	e->extensionFields.access = PythonAccesses[access];
	/* FIXME: should we really set isFileScope in addition to access? */
	if (access == ACCESS_PRIVATE)
		e->isFileScope = true;
Exemple #10
static void findRubyTags (void)
	const unsigned char *line;
	boolean inMultiLineComment = FALSE;

	nesting = nestingLevelsNew (0);

	/* FIXME: this whole scheme is wrong, because Ruby isn't line-based.
	* You could perfectly well write:
	*  def
	*  method
	*   puts("hello")
	*  end
	* if you wished, and this function would fail to recognize anything.
	while ((line = readLineFromInputFile ()) != NULL)
		const unsigned char *cp = line;
		/* if we expect a separator after a while, for, or until statement
		 * separators are "do", ";" or newline */
		boolean expect_separator = FALSE;

		if (canMatch (&cp, "=begin", isWhitespace))
			inMultiLineComment = TRUE;
		if (canMatch (&cp, "=end", isWhitespace))
			inMultiLineComment = FALSE;
		if (inMultiLineComment)

		skipWhitespace (&cp);

		/* Avoid mistakenly starting a scope for modifiers such as
		*   return if <exp>
		* FIXME: this is fooled by code such as
		*   result = if <exp>
		*               <a>
		*            else
		*               <b>
		*            end
		* FIXME: we're also fooled if someone does something heinous such as
		*   puts("hello") \
		*       unless <exp>
		if (canMatchKeyword (&cp, "for") ||
		    canMatchKeyword (&cp, "until") ||
		    canMatchKeyword (&cp, "while"))
			expect_separator = TRUE;
			enterUnnamedScope ();
		else if (canMatchKeyword (&cp, "case") ||
		         canMatchKeyword (&cp, "if") ||
		         canMatchKeyword (&cp, "unless"))
			enterUnnamedScope ();

		* "module M", "class C" and "def m" should only be at the beginning
		* of a line.
		if (canMatchKeyword (&cp, "module"))
			readAndEmitTag (&cp, K_MODULE);
		else if (canMatchKeyword (&cp, "class"))
			readAndEmitTag (&cp, K_CLASS);
		else if (canMatchKeyword (&cp, "def"))
			rubyKind kind = K_METHOD;
			NestingLevel *nl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent (nesting);
			tagEntryInfo *e  = getEntryOfNestingLevel (nl);

			/* if the def is inside an unnamed scope at the class level, assume
			 * it's from a singleton from a construct like this:
			 * class C
			 *   class << self
			 *     def singleton
			 *       ...
			 *     end
			 *   end
			 * end
			if (e && (e->kind - RubyKinds) == K_CLASS && strlen (e->name) == 0)
				kind = K_SINGLETON;
			readAndEmitTag (&cp, kind);
		while (*cp != '\0')
			/* FIXME: we don't cope with here documents,
			* or regular expression literals, or ... you get the idea.
			* Hopefully, the restriction above that insists on seeing
			* definitions at the starts of lines should keep us out of
			* mischief.
			if (inMultiLineComment || isspace (*cp))
			else if (*cp == '#')
				/* FIXME: this is wrong, but there *probably* won't be a
				* definition after an interpolated string (where # doesn't
				* mean 'comment').
			else if (canMatchKeyword (&cp, "begin"))
				enterUnnamedScope ();
			else if (canMatchKeyword (&cp, "do"))
				if (! expect_separator)
					enterUnnamedScope ();
					expect_separator = FALSE;
			else if (canMatchKeyword (&cp, "end") && nesting->n > 0)
				/* Leave the most recent scope. */
				nestingLevelsPop (nesting);
			else if (*cp == '"')
				/* Skip string literals.
				 * FIXME: should cope with escapes and interpolation.
				do {
				} while (*cp != 0 && *cp != '"');
				if (*cp == '"')
					cp++; /* skip the last found '"' */
			else if (*cp == ';')
				expect_separator = FALSE;
			else if (*cp != '\0')
				while (isIdentChar (*cp));
	nestingLevelsFree (nesting);