Exemple #1
int net_group_usage(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv)
	d_printf(_("net [<method>] group [misc. options] [targets]"
		   "\n\tList user groups\n\n"));
	d_printf(_("net rpc group LIST [global|local|builtin]* [misc. options]"
		   "\n\tList specific user groups\n\n"));
	d_printf(_("net [<method>] group DELETE <name> "
		   "[misc. options] [targets]"
		   "\n\tDelete specified group\n"));
	d_printf(_("\nnet [<method>] group ADD <name> [-C comment] "
		   "[-c container] [misc. options] [targets]\n"
		   "\tCreate specified group\n"));
	d_printf(_("\nnet rpc group MEMBERS <name>\n\tList Group Members\n\n"));
	d_printf(_("\nnet rpc group ADDMEM <group> <member>\n"
		   "\tAdd Group Members\n\n"));
	d_printf(_("\nnet rpc group DELMEM <group> <member>\n"
		   "\tDelete Group Members\n\n"));
	net_common_methods_usage(c, argc, argv);
	net_common_flags_usage(c, argc, argv);
	d_printf(_("\t-C or --comment=<comment>\tdescriptive comment "
		   "(for add only)\n"));
	d_printf(_("\t-c or --container=<container>\tLDAP container, "
		   "defaults to cn=Users (for add in ADS only)\n"));
	d_printf(_("\t-L or --localgroup\t\tWhen adding groups, "
		   "create a local group (alias)\n"));
	return -1;
Exemple #2
int net_help_printer(int argc, const char **argv)
	d_printf("net rpc printer LIST [printer] [misc. options] [targets]\n"\
		 "\tlists all printers on print-server\n\n");
	d_printf("net rpc printer DRIVER [printer] [misc. options] [targets]\n"\
		 "\tlists all printer-drivers on print-server\n\n");
	d_printf("net rpc printer PUBLISH action [printer] [misc. options] [targets]\n"\
		 "\tpublishes printer settings in Active Directory\n"
		 "\taction can be one of PUBLISH, UPDATE, UNPUBLISH or LIST\n\n");
	d_printf("net rpc printer MIGRATE PRINTERS [printer] [misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tmigrates printers from remote to local server\n\n");
	d_printf("net rpc printer MIGRATE SETTINGS [printer] [misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tmigrates printer-settings from remote to local server\n\n");
	d_printf("net rpc printer MIGRATE DRIVERS [printer] [misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tmigrates printer-drivers from remote to local server\n\n");
	d_printf("net rpc printer MIGRATE FORMS [printer] [misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tmigrates printer-forms from remote to local server\n\n");
	d_printf("net rpc printer MIGRATE SECURITY [printer] [misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tmigrates printer-ACLs from remote to local server\n\n");
	d_printf("net rpc printer MIGRATE ALL [printer] [misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tmigrates drivers, forms, queues, settings and acls from\n"\
		 "\tremote to local print-server\n\n");
	net_common_methods_usage(argc, argv);
	net_common_flags_usage(argc, argv);
	 "\t-v or --verbose\t\t\tgive verbose output\n"
	 "\t      --destination\t\tmigration target server (default: localhost)\n");

	return -1;
Exemple #3
int net_help_file(int argc, const char **argv)
	d_printf("net [<method>] file [misc. options] [targets]\n"\
		 "\tlists all open files on file server\n\n");
	d_printf("net [<method>] file USER <username> "\
		 "[misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tlists all files opened by username on file server\n\n");
	d_printf("net [<method>] file CLOSE <id> [misc. options] [targets]\n"\
		 "\tcloses specified file on target server\n\n");
	d_printf("net [rap] file INFO <id> [misc. options] [targets]\n"\
		 "\tdisplays information about the specified open file\n");

	net_common_methods_usage(argc, argv);
	net_common_flags_usage(argc, argv);
	return -1;
Exemple #4
int net_help_user(int argc, const char **argv)
	d_printf("\nnet [<method>] user [misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tList users\n\n");
	d_printf("net [<method>] user DELETE <name> [misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tDelete specified user\n");
	d_printf("\nnet [<method>] user INFO <name> [misc. options] [targets]"\
		 "\n\tList the domain groups of the specified user\n");
	d_printf("\nnet [<method>] user ADD <name> [password] [-c container] "\
		 "[-F user flags] [misc. options]"\
		 " [targets]\n\tAdd specified user\n");
	d_printf("\nnet [<method>] user RENAME <oldusername> <newusername>"\
		 " [targets]\n\tRename specified user\n\n");

	net_common_methods_usage(argc, argv);
	net_common_flags_usage(argc, argv);
	d_printf("\t-C or --comment=<comment>\tdescriptive comment (for add only)\n");
	d_printf("\t-c or --container=<container>\tLDAP container, defaults to cn=Users (for add in ADS only)\n");
	return -1;
Exemple #5
int net_help_share(int argc, const char **argv)
	 "\nnet [<method>] share [misc. options] [targets] \n"
	 "\tenumerates all exported resources (network shares) "
	 "on target server\n\n"
	 "net [<method>] share ADD <name=serverpath> [misc. options] [targets]"
	"\n\tadds a share from a server (makes the export active)\n\n"
	"net [<method>] share DELETE <sharename> [misc. options] [targets]"
	"\n\tdeletes a share from a server (makes the export inactive)\n\n"
	"net [<method>] share ALLOWEDUSERS [<filename>] "
	"[misc. options] [targets]"
	"\n\tshows a list of all shares together with all users allowed to"
	"\n\taccess them. This needs the output of 'net usersidlist' on"
	"\n\tstdin or in <filename>.\n\n"
	 "net [<method>] share MIGRATE FILES <sharename> [misc. options] [targets]"
	 "\n\tMigrates files from remote to local server\n\n"
	 "net [<method>] share MIGRATE SHARES <sharename> [misc. options] [targets]"
	 "\n\tMigrates shares from remote to local server\n\n"
/*	 "net [<method>] share MIGRATE SECURITY <sharename> [misc. options] [targets]"
	 "\n\tMigrates share-ACLs from remote to local server\n\n" */
	 "net [<method>] share MIGRATE ALL <sharename> [misc. options] [targets]"
	 "\n\tMigrates shares (including directories, files) from remote\n"
	 "\tto local server\n\n"
	net_common_methods_usage(argc, argv);
	net_common_flags_usage(argc, argv);
	 "\t-C or --comment=<comment>\tdescriptive comment (for add only)\n"
	 "\t-M or --maxusers=<num>\t\tmax users allowed for share\n"
	 "\t      --acls\t\t\tcopies ACLs as well\n"
	 "\t      --attrs\t\t\tcopies DOS Attributes as well\n"
	 "\t      --timestamps\t\tpreserve timestamps while copying files\n"
	 "\t      --destination\t\tmigration target server (default: localhost)\n"
	 "\t-e or --exclude\t\t\tlist of shares to be excluded from mirroring\n"
	 "\t-v or --verbose\t\t\tgive verbose output\n");
	return -1;