Exemple #1
void ConBranchRule::extract(LpSub *lp)
	ArrayBuffer<Constraint*> newCon(1,false);

status_t MSNConnection::HandleXFR( Command * command ) {
	LOG(kProtocolName, liDebug, "C %lX: Processing XFR", this);
	ServerAddress sa = ExtractServerDetails((char *)command->Param(1));
	BMessage newCon(msnmsgNewConnection);
	newCon.AddString("host", sa.first);
	newCon.AddInt16("port", sa.second);
	newCon.AddString("type", command->Param(0));
	newCon.AddInt32("trid", command->TransactionID());
	if (strcmp(command->Param(0), "NS") == 0) {
		BMessage closeCon(msnmsgCloseConnection);
		closeCon.AddPointer("connection", this);
	if (strcmp(command->Param(0), "SB") == 0) {
		newCon.AddString("authType", command->Param(2));
		newCon.AddString("authString", command->Param(3));


	return B_OK;
status_t MSNConnection::HandleRNG( Command * command ) {
	LOG(kProtocolName, liDebug, "C %lX: Processing RNG", this);
//		The details are actually param 1, but param 0 will be interpretted as the
//		TrID
	LOG(kProtocolName, liDebug, "C %lX: got a chat invite from %s (%s)",
		this, command->Param(4), command->Param(3));
	ServerAddress sa = ExtractServerDetails((char *)command->Param(0));
	BMessage newCon(msnmsgNewConnection);
	newCon.AddString("host", sa.first);
	newCon.AddInt16("port", sa.second);
	newCon.AddString("type", "RNG");
	newCon.AddString("authType", command->Param(1));
	newCon.AddString("authString", command->Param(2));
	newCon.AddString("inviterPassport", command->Param(3));
	newCon.AddString("inviterDisplayName", command->Param(4));
	BString temp;
	temp << command->TransactionID();
	newCon.AddString("sessionID", temp.String() );
	return B_OK;
Exemple #4
 * Helper functions for parseArgs().
static Exp *parseStr(char *cPtr) {
    if(*cPtr == '\0') {
        return newOpn(O_Empty);
    else {
        return newApp(newApp(newOpn(O_Cons),
                    newCon(C_Char, *cPtr)), parseStr(cPtr + 1));
Exemple #5
GNEDetectorE2::fixAdditionalProblem() {
    if (getLaneParents().size() == 1) {
        // obtain position and lenght
        double newPositionOverLane = myPositionOverLane;
        double newLength = myLength;
        // fix pos and lenght using fixE2DetectorPosition
        GNEAdditionalHandler::fixE2DetectorPosition(newPositionOverLane, newLength, getLaneParents().at(0)->getParentEdge().getNBEdge()->getFinalLength(), true);
        // set new position and length
        setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION, toString(newPositionOverLane), myViewNet->getUndoList());
        setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, toString(myLength), myViewNet->getUndoList());
    } else {
        if (!myE2valid) {
            // build connections between all consecutive lanes
            bool foundConnection = true;
            int i = 0;
            // iterate over all lanes, and stop if myE2valid is false
            while (i < ((int)getLaneParents().size() - 1)) {
                // change foundConnection to false
                foundConnection = false;
                // if a connection betwen "from" lane and "to" lane of connection is found, change myE2valid to true again
                for (auto j : getLaneParents().at(i)->getParentEdge().getGNEConnections()) {
                    if (j->getLaneFrom() == getLaneParents().at(i) && j->getLaneTo() == getLaneParents().at(i + 1)) {
                        foundConnection = true;
                // if connection wasn't found
                if (!foundConnection) {
                    // create new connection manually
                    NBEdge::Connection newCon(getLaneParents().at(i)->getIndex(), getLaneParents().at(i + 1)->getParentEdge().getNBEdge(), getLaneParents().at(i + 1)->getIndex());
                    // allow to undo creation of new lane
                    myViewNet->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_Connection(&getLaneParents().at(i)->getParentEdge(), newCon, false, true), true);
                // update lane iterator
        } else {
            // declare new position
            double newPositionOverLane = myPositionOverLane;
            // fix pos and lenght  checkAndFixDetectorPosition
            GNEAdditionalHandler::checkAndFixDetectorPosition(newPositionOverLane, getLaneParents().front()->getParentEdge().getNBEdge()->getFinalLength(), true);
            // set new position
            setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION, toString(newPositionOverLane), myViewNet->getUndoList());
            // declare new end position
            double newEndPositionOverLane = myEndPositionOverLane;
            // fix pos and lenght  checkAndFixDetectorPosition
            GNEAdditionalHandler::checkAndFixDetectorPosition(newEndPositionOverLane, getLaneParents().back()->getParentEdge().getNBEdge()->getFinalLength(), true);
            // set new position
            setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_ENDPOS, toString(newEndPositionOverLane), myViewNet->getUndoList());
GNEConnectorFrame::handleLaneClick(GNELane* lane, bool mayDefinitelyPass, bool allowConflict, bool toggle) {
    if (myCurrentLane == 0) {
        myCurrentLane = lane;
        myNumChanges = 0;
        myViewNet->getUndoList()->p_begin("modify connections");
    } else if (myPotentialTargets.count(lane) || allowConflict) {
        const int fromIndex = myCurrentLane->getIndex();
        GNEEdge& srcEdge = myCurrentLane->getParentEdge();
        GNEEdge& destEdge = lane->getParentEdge();
        std::vector<NBEdge::Connection> connections = srcEdge.getNBEdge()->getConnectionsFromLane(fromIndex);
        bool changed = false;
        LaneStatus status = getLaneStatus(connections, lane);
        if (status == CONFLICTED && allowConflict) {
            status = UNCONNECTED;
        switch (status) {
            case UNCONNECTED:
                if (toggle) {
                    // create new connection
                    NBEdge::Connection newCon(fromIndex, destEdge.getNBEdge(), lane->getIndex(), mayDefinitelyPass);
                    myViewNet->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_Connection(&srcEdge, newCon, true), true);
                    lane->setSpecialColor(mayDefinitelyPass ? &targetPassColor : &targetColor);
            case CONNECTED:
            case CONNECTED_PASS: {
                // remove connection
                GNEConnection* con = srcEdge.retrieveConnection(fromIndex, destEdge.getNBEdge(), lane->getIndex());
                myViewNet->getNet()->deleteConnection(con, myViewNet->getUndoList());
                changed = true;
            case CONFLICTED:
                myViewNet->setStatusBarText("Another lane from the same edge already connects to that lane");
        if (changed) {
            myNumChanges += 1;
    } else {
        myViewNet->setStatusBarText("Invalid target for connection");
Exemple #7
 * Copy an expression, return a pointer to the newly allocated expression.
Exp *copyExp(Exp *exp) {
    if(isApp(exp)) {
        return newApp(copyExp(appFun(exp)), copyExp(appArg(exp)));
    else if(isAbs(exp)) {
        return newAbs(copyExp(absBody(exp)));
    else if(isVar(exp)) {
        return newVar(varBind(exp));
    else if(isCon(exp)) {
        return newCon(conTy(exp), conVal(exp));
    else if(isOpn(exp)) {
        return newOpn(opnType(exp));
    else {
        printf("Error - unrecognised expression type in copyExp()\n");
Exemple #8
 * Perform at least one reduction step on the given template.
Exp *reduceTemplate(Exp *exp) {

    // Conditionals
            && isApp(appFun(exp))
            && isApp(appFun(appFun(exp)))
            && isOpn(appFun(appFun(appFun(exp))))
            && (opnType(appFun(appFun(appFun(exp)))) == O_Cond)) {

        Exp *guard  = appArg(appFun(appFun(exp)));
        Exp *truExp = appArg(appFun(exp));
        Exp *falExp = appArg(exp);

        // If the guard is true, return the true expression.
        if(isCon(guard) && (conVal(guard) == true)) {
            return copyExp(truExp);
        // If the guard is false, return the false expression.
        else if(isCon(guard) && (conVal(guard) == false)) {
            return copyExp(falExp);
        // If the guard is not reduced, reduce it.
        else {
            return newApp(newApp(newApp(
                            newOpn(O_Cond), reduceTemplate(guard)),
                        copyExp(truExp)), copyExp(falExp));
    // End of conditional case

    // Binary operations
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isApp(appFun(exp))
            && isBinaryOpn(appFun(appFun(exp)))) {

        OpTy opn  = opnType(appFun(appFun(exp)));
        Exp *arg1 = appArg(appFun(exp));
        Exp *arg2 = appArg(exp);

        // Handle equality differently because it is polymorphic.
        if(opn == O_Equ) {
            Exp *redA1 = reduceTemplateNorm(arg1);
            Exp *redA2 = reduceTemplateNorm(arg2);
            bool same = expEqual(redA1, redA2);
            return newCon(C_Bool, same);
        else if(isApp(arg1) || isAbs(arg1) || isVar(arg1) || isOpn(arg1)) {
            return newApp(
        else if(isApp(arg2) || isAbs(arg2) || isVar(arg2) || isOpn(arg2)) {
            return newApp(
        else {

            if(opn == O_Add) {
                return newCon(C_Int, conVal(arg1) + conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_Sub) {
                return newCon(C_Int, conVal(arg1) - conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_Mul) {
                return newCon(C_Int, conVal(arg1) * conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_Div) {
                return newCon(C_Int, conVal(arg1) / conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_Mod) {
                return newCon(C_Int, conVal(arg1) % conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_Lss) {
                return newCon(C_Bool, conVal(arg1) < conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_LsE) {
                return newCon(C_Bool, conVal(arg1) <= conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_NEq) {
                return newCon(C_Bool, conVal(arg1) != conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_Gtr) {
                return newCon(C_Bool, conVal(arg1) > conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_GtE) {
                return newCon(C_Bool, conVal(arg1) >= conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_Xor) {
                return newCon(C_Bool, (!conVal(arg1)) != (!conVal(arg2)));
            else if(opn == O_And) {
                return newCon(C_Bool, conVal(arg1) && conVal(arg2));
            else if(opn == O_Or ) {
                return newCon(C_Bool, conVal(arg1) || conVal(arg2));
            else {
                printf("Error reducing binary operation - unrecognised "
    // End of binary operations case

    // iszero & not unary operations
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_Not
            || opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_IsZ)) {

        OpTy opn = opnType(appFun(exp));
        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);

        if(isApp(arg) || isAbs(arg) || isVar(arg) || isOpn(arg)) {
            return newApp(newOpn(opn), reduceTemplate(arg));
        else {
            if(opn == O_Not)  {
                return newCon(C_Bool, !(conVal(arg)));
            else {
                assert(opn == O_IsZ);
                return newCon(C_Bool, conVal(arg) == 0);
    // End iszero & not unary operations case

    // Polymorphic unary operations
    // Null
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_Null)) {

        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);
        Exp *reducedArg = reduceTemplateNorm(arg);

        if(isOpn(reducedArg) && (opnType(reducedArg) == O_Empty)) {
            return newCon(C_Bool, true);
        else {
            return newCon(C_Bool, false);
    // End Null

    // Head and Tail
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && ((opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_Head)
            || (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_Tail))) {

        OpTy opn = opnType(appFun(exp));
        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);

                && isApp(appFun(arg))
                && isOpn(appFun(appFun(arg)))
                && (opnType(appFun(appFun(arg)))) == O_Cons) {
            Exp *head = appArg(appFun(arg));
            Exp *tail = appArg(arg);

            if(opn == O_Head) {
                return copyExp(head);
            else {
                assert(opn == O_Tail);
                return copyExp(tail);
        else {
            return newApp(newOpn(opn), reduceTemplate(arg));
    // End Head and Tail

    // Cons
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_Cons)) {

        Exp *consArg = appArg(exp);

        return newApp(newOpn(O_Cons), reduceTemplate(consArg));
    // End Cons
    // Sum operations
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && ((opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_RemL)
            || (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_RemR))) {

        OpTy opn = opnType(appFun(exp));
        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);

                && isOpn(appFun(arg))
                && ((opnType(appFun(arg)) == O_InjL)
                || (opnType(appFun(arg)) == O_InjR))) {

            OpTy innerOpn = opnType(appFun(arg));
            Exp *innerArg = appArg(arg);

            if(((opn == O_RemL) && (innerOpn == O_InjL))
                    || ((opn == O_RemR) && (innerOpn == O_InjR))) {
                return copyExp(innerArg);
            else {
                printf("Error - removed value from a non-sum expression or "
                        "wrong side of sum expression\n");
        else {
            return newApp(newOpn(opn), reduceTemplate(arg));
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && ((opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_InjL)
            || (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_InjR))) {

        OpTy opn = opnType(appFun(exp));
        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);

        return newApp(newOpn(opn), reduceTemplate(arg));
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_IsLeft)) {

        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);

                && isOpn(appFun(arg))
                && ((opnType(appFun(arg)) == O_InjL)
                || (opnType(appFun(arg)) == O_InjR))) {

            OpTy injOpn = opnType(appFun(arg));
            return newCon(C_Bool, injOpn == O_InjL);
        else {
            return newApp(newOpn(O_IsLeft), reduceTemplate(arg));
    // End sum operations
    // Tuple operations
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && ((opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_Fst)
            || (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_Snd))) {

        OpTy opn = opnType(appFun(exp));
        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);

                && isApp(appFun(arg))
                && isOpn(appFun(appFun(arg)))
                && (opnType(appFun(appFun(arg))) == O_Tuple)) {

            Exp *fst = appArg(appFun(arg));
            Exp *snd = appArg(arg);

            return copyExp((opn == O_Fst) ? fst : snd);
        else {
            return newApp(newOpn(opn), reduceTemplate(arg));
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_Tuple)) {

        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);

        return newApp(newOpn(O_Tuple), reduceTemplate(arg));
    // End Tuple operations

    // Fixed point combinator
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isOpn(appFun(exp))
            && (opnType(appFun(exp)) == O_Fix)) {

        return newApp(copyExp(appArg(exp)), copyExp(exp));
    // End fixed point combinator
    // End polymorphic unary operations

    // Lambda abstractions
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isAbs(appFun(exp))) {

        Exp *abs = appFun(exp);
        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);

        return replace(absBody(abs), 0, arg);
    // End lambda abstractions

    // Function calls
    else if(isApp(exp)
            && isVar(appFun(exp))) {

        Exp *var = appFun(exp);
        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);
        int bind = varBind(var);

        if(hasFunc(bind)) {
            return newApp(instantiate(bind), copyExp(arg));
        else {
            return newApp(copyExp(var), reduceTemplate(arg));
    else if(isVar(exp)
            && hasFunc(varBind(exp))) {

        return instantiate(varBind(exp));
    // End function calls

    // Catch-all application case
    else if(isApp(exp)) {
        Exp *fun = appFun(exp);
        Exp *arg = appArg(exp);

        return newApp(reduceTemplate(fun), reduceTemplate(arg));
    // End catch-all application case

    // If there are no reductions to make, return a copy of the given template.
    else {
        return copyExp(exp);