Exemple #1
void setCounter(char *s, int n)

     purpose: allocates (if necessary) and sets a named TeX counter 
    int i;

    i = existsCounter(s);

    if (i < 0)
        newCounter(s, n);
        Counters[i].number = n;
Exemple #2
void incrementCounter(char *s)

     purpose: increments a TeX counter (or initializes to 1) 
    int i;

    i = existsCounter(s);

    if (i < 0)
        newCounter(s, 1);
bool ClassificationDataStream::addSample(const UINT classLabel,const MatrixFloat &sample){

    if( numDimensions != sample.getNumCols() ){
        errorLog << "addSample(const UINT classLabel, const MatrixFloat &sample) - the number of columns in the sample (" << sample.getNumCols() << ") does not match the number of dimensions of the dataset (" << numDimensions << ")" << std::endl;
        return false;

    bool searchForNewClass = true;
    if( trackingClass ){
        if( classLabel != lastClassID ){
            //The class ID has changed so update the time series tracker
            timeSeriesPositionTracker[ timeSeriesPositionTracker.size()-1 ].setEndIndex( totalNumSamples-1 );
        }else searchForNewClass = false;
    if( searchForNewClass ){
        bool newClass = true;
        //Search to see if this class has been found before
        for(UINT k=0; k<classTracker.size(); k++){
            if( classTracker[k].classLabel == classLabel ){
                newClass = false;
                classTracker[k].counter += sample.getNumRows();
        if( newClass ){
            ClassTracker newCounter(classLabel,1);
            classTracker.push_back( newCounter );

        //Set the timeSeriesPositionTracker start position
        trackingClass = true;
        lastClassID = classLabel;
        TimeSeriesPositionTracker newTracker(totalNumSamples,0,classLabel);
        timeSeriesPositionTracker.push_back( newTracker );

    ClassificationSample labelledSample( numDimensions );
    for(UINT i=0; i<sample.getNumRows(); i++){
        data.push_back( labelledSample );
        data.back().setClassLabel( classLabel );
        for(UINT j=0; j<numDimensions; j++){
            data.back()[j] = sample[i][j];
    totalNumSamples += sample.getNumRows();
    return true;

bool TimeSeriesClassificationDataStream::addSample(const UINT classLabel,const VectorDouble &sample){

	if( numDimensions != sample.size() ){
		errorLog << "addSample(const UINT classLabel, vector<double> sample) - the size of the new sample (" << sample.size() << ") does not match the number of dimensions of the dataset (" << numDimensions << ")" << endl;
        return false;

	bool searchForNewClass = true;
	if( trackingClass ){
		if( classLabel != lastClassID ){
			//The class ID has changed so update the time series tracker
			timeSeriesPositionTracker[ timeSeriesPositionTracker.size()-1 ].setEndIndex( totalNumSamples-1 );
		}else searchForNewClass = false;
	if( searchForNewClass ){
		bool newClass = true;
		//Search to see if this class has been found before
		for(UINT k=0; k<classTracker.size(); k++){
			if( classTracker[k].classLabel == classLabel ){
				newClass = false;
		if( newClass ){
			ClassTracker newCounter(classLabel,1);
			classTracker.push_back( newCounter );

		//Set the timeSeriesPositionTracker start position
		trackingClass = true;
		lastClassID = classLabel;
		TimeSeriesPositionTracker newTracker(totalNumSamples,0,classLabel);
		timeSeriesPositionTracker.push_back( newTracker );

	ClassificationSample labelledSample(classLabel,sample);
	data.push_back( labelledSample );
	return true;
/* Agregador */
int runCounter () {
  char *tmp, *line = NULL;
  char *name, *parent, *child;
  int increment, nivel, file;
  Counter *counter;
  Childs *childInfo;

  ChainingHashMap *counters = newChainingHashMap(MAP_SIZE); /* Cria a tabela de hash e counters */
  counters->hash = portugueseHash;
  counters->eq = compareKeys;

  ChainingHashMap *childs = newChainingHashMap(MAP_SIZE); /* Cria a tabela de hash childs */
  childs->hash = portugueseHash;
  childs->eq = compareKeys;

  while(1) {
    tmp = line = nextLine(0); /* Lê a linha vinda do servidor */
    if (line != NULL) {
      if (startsWith(line, "i")) {
        /* Recebe i A:12 despois i A:B:12 ... ;
          * Insere nas hash na counter A:12 depois A:B:12 ...
          * Na childs A depois A:B ...
        strsep(&line, " ");
        name = strdup(strsep(&line, "!"));
        increment = atoi(line);        
        counter = (Counter *) getChaining(counters, (void *) name); /* Vai Buscar o elemento á hash */
        if (counter == NULL) {
          putChaining(counters, strdup(name), newCounter(name, increment)); /* Coloca um novo elemento na hash */
          putChaining(childs, strdup(name), newChilds(name));
        else {
          counter->counter += increment;
      } else if (startsWith(line, "c")) {
          /* Recebe c A:B!A:B:C despois c A!A:B;
           * Coloca a informação dos descendentes na hash
        strsep(&line, " ");
        parent = strsep(&line, "!");
        childInfo = (Childs *) getChaining(childs, parent);
        if (childInfo == NULL) {
          perror("Unable to find parent");
        } else {
          childInfo->childs = insertElemHead(childInfo->childs, strdup(line));
            /* Coloca a informação de um descendente, ou seja, para um distrito coloca a informação de um concelho e freguesia */
      else if (startsWith(line, "a")) {
          /* Recebe a A:B:C!nivel!path;
           * Abre ou cria o ficheiro, e coloca lá a informação
        strsep(&line, " ");
        name = strsep(&line, "!");
        nivel = atoi(strsep(&line, "!"));
        file = open(line, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR);
        agrega(counters, childs, name, nivel, file, NULL);