void LSingleApplication::PerformLockChecks(){
  bool primary = lockfile->tryLock();
  //qDebug() << "Try Lock: " << primary;
    //Pre-existing lock - check it for validity
    QString appname, hostname;
    qint64 pid;
    lockfile->getLockInfo(&pid, &hostname, &appname); //PID already exists if it gets this far, ignore hostname
    //qDebug() << " - Lock Info:" << pid << hostname << appname;
    if( appname!=this->applicationName() || !QFile::exists(cfile) ){
      //Some other process has the same PID or the server does not exist - stale lock
      qDebug() << " - Cleaning stale single-instance lock:";
      if(lockfile->removeStaleLockFile() ){
        if(QFile::exists(cfile)){ QLocalServer::removeServer(cfile); } //also remove stale socket/server file
        qDebug() << " -- Could not remove lock file";
      //Now re-try to create the lock
      primary = lockfile->tryLock();
      //qDebug() << " - Try Lock Again:" << primary;
  if(primary || !QFile::exists(cfile) ){
    //Create the server socket
    //qDebug() << "Create Local Server";
    if(QFile::exists(cfile)){ QLocalServer::removeServer(cfile); } //stale socket/server file
    lserver = new QLocalServer(this);
      connect(lserver, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(newInputsAvailable()) );
     if( lserver->listen(cfile) ){
	qDebug() << " - Created new single-instance lock";
	//qDebug() << " - Success";
	isActive = true;
	qDebug() << " - WARNING: Could not create single-instance framework";
	qDebug() << "  - Falling back on standard application startup";
	isActive = true;
  }else if(!isBypass){
    //forward the current inputs to the locked process for processing and exit
    //Check the connection to the local server first
    qDebug() << "Single-instance lock found";
    QLocalSocket socket(this);
	if(!socket.isValid() || socket.state()!=QLocalSocket::ConnectedState){ 
	  //error - could not forward info for some reason
	  qDebug() << " - Could not connect to locking process: exiting...";
    qDebug() << " - Forwarding inputs to locking process and closing down this instance...";	
	socket.write( inputlist.join("::::").toLocal8Bit() );
	socket.waitForDisconnected(500); //max out at 1/2 second (only hits this if no inputs)
void PCSingleApplication::PerformLockChecks(){
  bool primary = lockfile->tryLock();
  //qDebug() << "Try Lock: " << primary;
    //Pre-existing lock - check it for validity
    QString appname, hostname;
    qint64 pid;
    lockfile->getLockInfo(&pid, &hostname, &appname); //PID already exists if it gets this far, ignore hostname
    //qDebug() << " - Lock Info:" << pid << hostname << appname;
    if( appname!=this->applicationName() || !QFile::exists(cfile) ){
      //Some other process has the same PID or the server does not exist - stale lock
      //qDebug() << " - Stale Lock";
      //Now re-try to create the lock
      primary = lockfile->tryLock();
      //qDebug() << " - Try Lock Again:" << primary;
    //Create the server socket
    //qDebug() << "Create Local Server";
    if(QFile::exists(cfile)){ QLocalServer::removeServer(cfile); } //stale socket/server file
    lserver = new QLocalServer(this);
      connect(lserver, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(newInputsAvailable()) );
     if( lserver->listen(cfile) ){
	//qDebug() << " - Success";
	isActive = true;
	//qDebug() << " - Failure:" << lserver->errorString();
    //forward the current inputs to the locked process for processing and exit
    //qDebug() << "Forward inputs to locking process:" << inputlist;
    QLocalSocket socket(this);
	if(!socket.isValid()){ exit(1); } //error - could not forward info
	socket.write( inputlist.join("::::").toLocal8Bit() );
	socket.waitForDisconnected(500); //max out at 1/2 second (only hits this if no inputs
Exemple #3
//#define DEBUG 0
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    qDebug() << "Starting lumina-wm...";
    LSingleApplication a(argc, argv, "lumina-wm");
    if(!a.isPrimaryProcess()){ return 0; } //Inputs forwarded on to the primary already
    LuminaThemeEngine themes(&a);
    //Setup the special settings prefix location
    QSettings::setPath(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina");
    //Setup the global structures
    LWM::SYSTEM = new LXCB();
    if(argc>1 && QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[1])=="testwin"){
      //Simple override to test out the window class
      qDebug() << "Starting window test...";
      QLabel dlg(0, Qt::Window | Qt::BypassWindowManagerHint); //this test should be ignored by the current WM
      dlg.setText("Sample Window");
      dlg.setStyleSheet("background: rgba(255,255,255,100); color: black;");
      qDebug() << " - Loading window frame...";
      LWindow win(dlg.winId()); //have it wrap around the dialog
      qDebug() << " - Show frame...";
      qDebug() << " - Start event loop...";
      return a.exec();
    WMSession w;
    QObject::connect(&themes, SIGNAL(updateIcons()), &w, SLOT(reloadIcons()) );
    QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(InputsAvailable(QStringList)), &w, SLOT(newInputsAvailable(QStringList)) );
    int retCode = a.exec();
    return retCode;