// updates the index with a given word
// either adds it or increments the count of an existing document
// or adds a new document to an existing word
int updateIndex(char *wordIn, int idIn, IndexTable *tableIn) {
    // null word, invalid doc id, or nonexistent index
    if (!wordIn || idIn < 0 || !tableIn) {
        if (1 == DEBUG) {
            printf("updateIndex received invalid params\n");
        return 1; // failed

    int location = JenkinsHash(wordIn, MAX_HASH_SLOT);
    WordNode *node = tableIn->table[location]; 
    // word not in index
    if (!tableIn->table[location]->word) {
        if (1 == DEBUG) { 
            printf("Word %s not found in index, adding it\n", wordIn);
        tableIn->table[location] = newWordNode(wordIn, idIn);
        return 0;
    // word already in index, search through list to find its node
    while (1) {
        if (strcmp(node->word, wordIn) == 0) {
            // found the WordNode containing wordIn
            if (1 == DEBUG) {
                printf("Found WordNode for \"%s\"\n", wordIn);
            DocumentNode *doc = node->page;
            while (1) {
                if (doc->docId == idIn) {
                    // found the DocumentNode for this doc/word combo
                    if (1 == DEBUG) {
                        printf("Found DocumentNode for id=%d for \"%s\"\n",
                                idIn, wordIn);
                    return 0;
                if (!doc->next) {
                doc = doc->next;
            // made it to the end without finding a matching DocumentNode
            if (1 == DEBUG) {
                printf("No DocumentNode for id=%d for \"%s\"\n", 
                        idIn, wordIn);
            DocumentNode *newDoc = newDocumentNode(idIn);
            doc->next = newDoc;
            return 0;
        if (!node->next) {
        node = node->next;
    WordNode *newWord = newWordNode(wordIn, idIn);
    node->next = newWord;
    return 0; 
// Test case: TestLookUp:5
// This test calls lookUp() for the condition where 
// the query has both AND and OR
int TestLookUp5() {

  int wordHash;
  int wordHash2;
  int wordHash3;
  int wordHash4;
  testIndex = initStructure(testIndex);

  wordHash = hash1("dog") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS;
  DocumentNode* docNode = NULL;
  docNode = newDocNode(docNode, 15, 1);

  WordNode* wordNode = NULL;
  wordNode = newWordNode(wordNode, docNode, "dog");
  testIndex->hash[wordHash] = wordNode;

  wordHash2 = hash1("cat") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS;
  DocumentNode* docNode2 = NULL;
  docNode2 = newDocNode(docNode2, 15, 2);

  WordNode* wordNode2 = NULL;
  wordNode2 = newWordNode(wordNode2, docNode2, "cat");

  testIndex->hash[wordHash2] = wordNode2;

  wordHash3 = hash1("mouse") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS;
  DocumentNode* docNode3 = NULL;
  docNode3 = newDocNode(docNode3, 23, 2);

  WordNode* wordNode3 = NULL;
  wordNode3 = newWordNode(wordNode3, docNode3, "mouse");

  testIndex->hash[wordHash3] = wordNode3;

  wordHash4 = hash1("lion") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS;
  DocumentNode* docNode4 = NULL;
  docNode4 = newDocNode(docNode4, 23, 2);

  WordNode* wordNode4 = NULL;
  wordNode4 = newWordNode(wordNode4, docNode4, "lion");

  testIndex->hash[wordHash4] = wordNode4;

  char query[1000] = "dog cat OR mouse lion";

  char* temp[1000];
  BZERO(temp, 1000);

  char* queryList[1000];
  BZERO(queryList, 1000);

  curateWords(queryList, query);

  DocumentNode* saved[1000];
  BZERO(saved, 1000);
  lookUp(saved, queryList, testIndex);

  SHOULD_BE(saved[0]->document_id == docNode->document_id);
  SHOULD_BE(saved[0]->page_word_frequency == 3);
  SHOULD_BE(saved[1]->document_id == docNode3->document_id);
  SHOULD_BE(saved[1]->page_word_frequency == 4);
  BZERO(saved, 1000);

