carray<char> RegReadString(char const *sect, const char *what, const char*def) { HKEY hsect = GetSection(sect); if (!hsect) return def ? new_char_str(def) : carray<char>(0); carray<char> strValue; DWORD dwType, dwCount; LONG lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hsect, (LPTSTR)what, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwCount); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(dwType == REG_SZ); strValue.alloc(dwCount+1); strValue[dwCount] = 0; lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hsect, (LPTSTR)what, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)strValue.ptr(), &dwCount); } RegCloseKey(hsect); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(dwType == REG_SZ); return strValue; } return def ? new_char_str(def) : carray<char>(0); }
cfont::cfont(const char *uriStr) : external(false) { if (uriStr && *uriStr == '-') //win32 font { LOGFONT lf; UriToLogFont(&lf, uriStr); handle = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); } //... _uri = new_char_str(uriStr); _name = new_char_str(uriStr); }
void WcmConfig::Save( NCWin* nc ) { if ( nc ) { leftPanelPath = new_char_str( nc->GetLeftPanel()->GetPath().GetUtf8() ); rightPanelPath = new_char_str( nc->GetRightPanel()->GetPath().GetUtf8() ); crect Rect = nc->ScreenRect(); windowX =; windowY = Rect.left; windowWidth = Rect.Width(); windowHeight = Rect.Height(); } #ifdef _WIN32 for (int i = 0; i<mapList.count(); i++) { Node &node = mapList[i]; if (node.type == MT_BOOL && node.ptr.pBool != 0) RegWriteInt(node.section,, *node.ptr.pBool); else if (node.type == MT_INT && node.ptr.pInt != 0) RegWriteInt(node.section,, *node.ptr.pInt); else if (node.type == MT_STR && node.ptr.pStr != 0) RegWriteString(node.section,, node.ptr.pStr->ptr()); } #else IniHash hash; FSPath path = configDirPath; path.Push(CS_UTF8, "config"); hash.Load((sys_char_t*)path.GetString(sys_charset_id)); for (int i = 0; i<mapList.count(); i++) { Node &node = mapList[i]; if (node.type == MT_BOOL && node.ptr.pBool != 0) hash.SetBoolValue(node.section,, *node.ptr.pBool); else if (node.type == MT_INT && node.ptr.pInt != 0) hash.SetIntValue(node.section,, *node.ptr.pInt); else if (node.type == MT_STR && node.ptr.pStr != 0) hash.SetStrValue(node.section,, node.ptr.pStr->ptr()); } hash.Save((sys_char_t*)path.GetString(sys_charset_id)); #endif }
bool DoSystemConfigDialog(NCDialogParent *parent) { SysOptDialog dlg(parent); if (dlg.DoModal() == CMD_OK) { wcmConfig.systemAskOpenExec = dlg.askOpenExecButton.IsSet(); wcmConfig.systemEscPanel = dlg.escPanelButton.IsSet(); wcmConfig.systemBackSpaceUpDir = dlg.backUpDirButton.IsSet(); const char *s = wcmConfig.systemLang.ptr(); if (!s) s = "+"; bool langChanged = strcmp(dlg.curLangId.ptr(), s) != 0; wcmConfig.systemLang = new_char_str(dlg.curLangId.ptr()); if (langChanged) { NCMessageBox(parent, _LT("Note"), _LT("Language changed. \nFor effect you must save config and restart"), false); } return true; } return false; }
void SaveOperCharsets() { ccollect< carray<char> > stringList; for (int i = 0; i<csList.count(); i++) stringList.append(new_char_str(csList[i]->name)); SaveStringList(charsetSection, stringList); }
void IniHash::Load(const sys_char_t *fileName) { // Clear(); SysTextFileIn in; try { in.Open(fileName); } catch (csyserr *ex) { if (SysErrorIsFileNotFound(ex->code)) { ex->destroy(); return; } throw; } char buf[4096]; carray<char> section; while (in.GetLine(buf, sizeof(buf))) { char *s = buf; while (IsSpace(*s)) s++; if (!*s || *s == '#') continue; if (*s == '[') { s++; while (IsSpace(*s)) s++; char *t = s; while (*t && *t != ']') t++; if (*t != ']') continue; while ( t>s && IsSpace(*(t-1))) t--; *t = 0; section = new_char_str(s); } else { if (!section.ptr()) continue; char *t = s; while (*t && *t != '=') t++; if (*t != '=') continue; char *v = t + 1; while ( t>s && IsSpace(*(t-1))) t--; *t = 0; while (IsSpace(*v)) v++; t = v; while (*t) t++; while ( t>v && IsSpace(*(t-1))) t--; *t = 0; SetStrValue(section.ptr(), s, v); } } in.Close(); }
void KbIntCallback( const char* name, int name_len, const char* instruction, int instruction_len, int num_prompts, const LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_PROMPT* prompts, LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE* responses, void** anstract ) { if ( num_prompts <= 0 ) { return; } if ( !kbdIntInfo ) { return; } try { std::vector<FSPromptData> pData( num_prompts ); int i; for ( i = 0; i < num_prompts; i++ ) { pData[i].visible = prompts[i].echo != 0; pData[i].prompt = utf8_to_unicode( CopyToStrZ( prompts[i].text, prompts[i].length ).data() ).data(); } static unicode_t userSymbol = '@'; if ( !kbdIntInfo->Prompt( utf8_to_unicode( "SFTP" ).data(), carray_cat<unicode_t>( kbdIntParam->user.Data(), &userSymbol, kbdIntParam->server.Data() ).data(),, num_prompts ) ) { return; } for ( i = 0; i < num_prompts; i++ ) { std::vector<char> str = new_char_str( ( char* )FSString( pData[i].prompt.Data() ).Get( kbdIntParam->charset ) ); if ( ) { int l = strlen( ); responses[i].length = l; responses[i].text = ( char* ) malloc( l + 1 ); if ( responses[i].text ) { strcpy( responses[i].text, ); } } } } catch ( cexception* ex ) { fprintf( stderr, "exception in kbdint callback used with libssh2: %s\n", ex->message() ); ex->destroy(); } catch ( ... ) { fprintf( stderr, "excention (...) in kbdint callback used with libssh2\n" ); } }
void WcmConfig::ImpCurrentFonts() { panelFontUri = new_char_str(panelFont.ptr() ? panelFont->uri() : ""); viewerFontUri = new_char_str(viewerFont.ptr() ? viewerFont->uri() : ""); editorFontUri = new_char_str(editorFont.ptr() ? editorFont->uri() : ""); dialogFontUri = new_char_str(dialogFont.ptr() ? dialogFont->uri() : ""); terminalFontUri = new_char_str(terminalFont.ptr() ? terminalFont->uri() : ""); helpTextFontUri = new_char_str(helpTextFont.ptr() ? helpTextFont->uri() : ""); helpBoldFontUri = new_char_str(helpBoldFont.ptr() ? helpBoldFont->uri() : ""); helpHeadFontUri = new_char_str(helpHeadFont.ptr() ? helpHeadFont->uri() : ""); }
bool DoStyleConfigDialog(NCDialogParent *parent) { wcmConfig.ImpCurrentFonts(); ccollect<StyleOptDialog::Node> list; list.append(StyleOptDialog::Node( _LT("Panel") , false, panelFont.ptr(), &wcmConfig.panelFontUri)); list.append(StyleOptDialog::Node( _LT("Dialog"), false, dialogFont.ptr(), &wcmConfig.dialogFontUri)); list.append(StyleOptDialog::Node( _LT("Viewer"), true, viewerFont.ptr(), &wcmConfig.viewerFontUri)); list.append(StyleOptDialog::Node( _LT("Editor"), true, editorFont.ptr(), &wcmConfig.editorFontUri)); list.append(StyleOptDialog::Node( _LT("Terminal"), true, terminalFont.ptr(), &wcmConfig.terminalFontUri)); list.append(StyleOptDialog::Node( _LT("Help text"), false, helpTextFont.ptr(), &wcmConfig.helpTextFontUri)); list.append(StyleOptDialog::Node( _LT("Help bold text"), false, helpBoldFont.ptr(), &wcmConfig.helpBoldFontUri)); list.append(StyleOptDialog::Node( _LT("Help header text"), false, helpHeadFont.ptr(), &wcmConfig.helpHeadFontUri)); StyleOptDialog dlg(parent, &list); if (dlg.DoModal() == CMD_OK) { if (dlg.styleBlackButton.IsSet()) { wcmConfig.viewColorMode = wcmConfig.editColorMode = wcmConfig.panelColorMode = 1; // wcmConfig.whiteStyle = false; } else if (dlg.styleWhiteButton.IsSet()) { wcmConfig.viewColorMode = wcmConfig.editColorMode = wcmConfig.panelColorMode = 2; // wcmConfig.whiteStyle = true; } else { wcmConfig.viewColorMode = wcmConfig.editColorMode = wcmConfig.panelColorMode = 0; // wcmConfig.whiteStyle = false; } SetColorStyle(wcmConfig.panelColorMode); // SetEditorColorStyle(wcmConfig.editColorMode); // SetViewerColorStyle(wcmConfig.viewColorMode); wcmConfig.showToolBar = dlg.showToolbarButton.IsSet(); wcmConfig.showButtonBar = dlg.showButtonbarButton.IsSet(); for (int i = 0; i<list.count(); i++) if (list[i].newFont.ptr() && list[i].newFont->uri()[0] && list[i].pUri) { *(list[i].pUri) = new_char_str(list[i].newFont->uri()); } return true; } return false; }
void WcmConfig::Load() { #ifdef _WIN32 for (int i = 0; i<mapList.count(); i++) { Node &node = mapList[i]; if (node.type == MT_BOOL && node.ptr.pBool != 0) *node.ptr.pBool = RegReadInt(node.section,, node.def.defBool)!=0; else if (node.type == MT_INT && node.ptr.pInt != 0) *node.ptr.pInt = RegReadInt(node.section,, node.def.defInt); else if (node.type == MT_STR && node.ptr.pStr != 0) *node.ptr.pStr = RegReadString(node.section,, node.def.defStr); } #else IniHash hash; FSPath path = configDirPath; path.Push(CS_UTF8, "config"); hash.Load(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH); hash.Load((sys_char_t*)path.GetString(sys_charset_id)); for (int i = 0; i<mapList.count(); i++) { Node &node = mapList[i]; if (node.type == MT_BOOL && node.ptr.pBool != 0) *node.ptr.pBool = hash.GetBoolValue(node.section,, node.def.defBool); else if (node.type == MT_INT && node.ptr.pInt != 0) *node.ptr.pInt = hash.GetIntValue(node.section,, node.def.defInt); else if (node.type == MT_STR && node.ptr.pStr != 0) { const char *s = hash.GetStrValue(node.section,, node.def.defStr); if (s) *node.ptr.pStr = new_char_str(s); else (*node.ptr.pStr) = 0; } } #endif if (editTabSize<=0 || editTabSize >64) editTabSize = 8; }
void SysOptDialog::SetCurLang(const char *id) { curLangId = new_char_str(id); if (id[0] == '-') langVal.SetText( utf8_to_unicode( _LT("English") ).ptr() ); else if (id[0]=='+') langVal.SetText( utf8_to_unicode( _LT("Autodetect") ).ptr() ); else { for (int i = 0; i<list.count(); i++) { if (!strcmp(list[i].id.ptr(), id)) { langVal.SetText( utf8_to_unicode( list[i].name.ptr() ).ptr() ); return; } } langVal.SetText( utf8_to_unicode( id ).ptr() ); } }
bool LoadStringList(const char *section, ccollect< carray<char> > &list) { try { SysTextFileIn in; FSPath path = configDirPath; path.Push(CS_UTF8, carray_cat<char>(section, ".cfg").ptr()); in.Open( (sys_char_t*)path.GetString(sys_charset_id) ); char buf[4096]; while (in.GetLine(buf, sizeof(buf))) { char *s = buf; while (*s>0 && *s<=' ') s++; if (*s) list.append(new_char_str(s)); } } catch (cexception *ex) { ex->destroy(); return false; } return true; }
Node(const char *n, bool fix, cfont *old, carray<char> *uri):name(new_char_str(n)), fixed(fix), oldFont(old), pUri(uri){}
WcmConfig::WcmConfig() : systemAskOpenExec(true), systemEscPanel(true), systemBackSpaceUpDir(false), systemLang(new_char_str("+")), showToolBar(true), showButtonBar(true), //whiteStyle(false), panelShowHiddenFiles(true), panelShowIcons(true), panelCaseSensitive(false), panelColorMode(0), panelModeLeft(0), panelModeRight(0), editSavePos(true), editAutoIdent(false), editTabSize(3), editColorMode(0), editShl(true), terminalBackspaceKey(0), viewColorMode(0) { leftPanelPath = new_char_str(""); rightPanelPath = new_char_str(""); #ifndef _WIN32 MapBool(sectionSystem, "ask_open_exec", &systemAskOpenExec, systemAskOpenExec); #endif MapBool(sectionSystem, "esc_panel", &systemEscPanel, systemEscPanel); MapBool(sectionSystem, "back_updir", &systemBackSpaceUpDir, systemBackSpaceUpDir); MapStr(sectionSystem, "lang", &systemLang); MapBool(sectionSystem, "show_toolbar", &showToolBar, showToolBar); MapBool(sectionSystem, "show_buttonbar", &showButtonBar, showButtonBar); //MapBool(sectionSystem, "white", &whiteStyle, whiteStyle); MapBool(sectionPanel, "show_hidden_files", &panelShowHiddenFiles, panelShowHiddenFiles); MapBool(sectionPanel, "show_icons", &panelShowIcons, panelShowIcons); MapBool(sectionPanel, "case_sensitive_sort", &panelCaseSensitive, panelCaseSensitive); MapInt(sectionPanel, "color_mode", &panelColorMode, panelColorMode); MapInt(sectionPanel, "mode_left", &panelModeLeft, panelModeLeft); MapInt(sectionPanel, "mode_right", &panelModeRight, panelModeRight); #ifdef _WIN32 const char* defPanelPath="C:\\"; #else const char* defPanelPath="/"; #endif MapStr(sectionPanel, "left_panel_path",&leftPanelPath,defPanelPath); MapStr(sectionPanel, "right_panel_path",&rightPanelPath,defPanelPath); MapBool(sectionEditor, "save_file_position", &editSavePos, editSavePos); MapBool(sectionEditor, "auto_ident", &editAutoIdent, editAutoIdent); MapInt(sectionEditor, "color_mode", &editColorMode, editColorMode); MapInt(sectionEditor, "tab_size", &editTabSize, editTabSize); MapBool(sectionEditor, "highlighting", &editShl, editShl); MapInt(sectionTerminal, "backspace_key", &terminalBackspaceKey, terminalBackspaceKey); MapStr(sectionFonts, "panel_font", &panelFontUri); MapStr(sectionFonts, "viewer_font", &viewerFontUri); MapStr(sectionFonts, "editor_font", &editorFontUri); MapStr(sectionFonts, "dialog_font", &dialogFontUri); MapStr(sectionFonts, "terminal_font", &terminalFontUri); MapStr(sectionFonts, "helptext_font", &helpTextFontUri); MapStr(sectionFonts, "helpbold_font", &helpBoldFontUri); MapStr(sectionFonts, "helphead_font", &helpHeadFontUri); MapInt(sectionViewer, "color_mode", &viewColorMode, viewColorMode); MapInt(sectionSystem, "windowX", &windowX, windowX); MapInt(sectionSystem, "windowY", &windowY, windowY); MapInt(sectionSystem, "windowWidth", &windowWidth, windowWidth); MapInt(sectionSystem, "windowHeight", &windowHeight, windowHeight); }
void IniHash::SetStrValue(const char *section, const char *var, const char *value){ if (!value) { Delete(section, var); return;}; carray<char>* p = Create(section, var); if (p) *p = new_char_str(value); }
LangListNode(const char *i, const char *n):id(new_char_str(i)), name(new_char_str(n)){}