Exemple #1
Offspring *copy_child(Offspring *child, int m) {
  int ia, twom;
  Offspring *res;
  res = new_child(m);
  if (!res) return (Offspring *) 0;
  res->id = child->id;
  res->affected = child->affected;
  res->sex = child->sex;
  res->qt = child->qt;
  twom = 2*m;
  for (ia=0; ia<twom; ia++) {
    res->markers[ia] = child->markers[ia];
  return res;
Exemple #2
void create_children(Trie *v)
	int		dim, val, max_child_nrules = 0;
	Band	*cut;
	Trie	*u;

	if (v->depth >= MAX_DEPTH-1) {
		//dump_path(v, 2);

	if (v->depth > 0)	{
		for (dim = 0; dim < NFIELDS; dim++)
			dfs_uncuts[v->depth][dim] = dfs_uncuts[v->depth-1][dim];

	cut = &dfs_cuts[v->depth];
	if (v->nrules <= REDUN_NRULES)
		calc_rule_redun(v, cut);

	for (val = 0; val < BAND_SIZE; val++) {
		cut->val = val;
		u = new_child(v, cut);
		if (u == NULL)
		if (u->nrules > LEAF_RULES) {
		} else if (v->depth > max_depth) {
			max_depth = v->depth;
			max_depth_leaf = u;
		if (u->nrules > max_child_nrules)
			max_child_nrules = u->nrules;
	calc_cut_efficiency(v->depth, v->nrules, max_child_nrules);
	depth_max_node[v->depth+1] = max_child_nrules;
	v->children = realloc(v->children, v->nchildren*sizeof(Trie));
Exemple #3
static VALUE
node_insert_child(VALUE rcv, SEL sel, VALUE idx, VALUE child)
    rb_ary_insert(NODE(rcv)->children, NUM2INT(idx), child);
    return new_child(rcv, child);
Exemple #4
static VALUE
node_add_child(VALUE rcv, SEL sel, VALUE child)
    rb_ary_push(NODE(rcv)->children, child);
    return new_child(rcv, child);
Exemple #5
Family *nuclear(int n, int *ped, int *mem, int *father, int *mother,
		int *sex, int *aff_status, double *qt, 
		int m, int *markers) {
  int person, j, pj, twom, placed, prev_placed;
  int p_ped, p_fat, p_mot, p_mem;
  Family *res, *f, *f2add, *f_last=NULL;
  Offspring *child, *prev;
  twom = 2*m;
  res = (Family *) 0;
  /* Repeatedly pass through persons until no-one else can be placed */
  prev_placed = -1;
  placed = 0;
  while (placed > prev_placed) {
    prev_placed = placed;
    for (person=0; person<n; person++) {
      p_ped = ped[person];
      p_mem = mem[person];
      p_fat = father[person];
      p_mot = mother[person];
      /* If person is an offspring ... */
      if (p_fat && p_mot) { 
	/* See if this person is a child of an existing family */
	for (f2add=(Family *) 0, f=res; f; f= f->next) {
	  if ((p_ped==f->pedigree) && (p_fat==f->father_id) && 
	      (p_mot==f->mother_id)) {
	    f2add = f;
	/* If not, create new family record */
	if (!f2add) {
	  f2add = new_family(m);
	  if (!f2add) goto overflow;
	  f2add->pedigree = p_ped;
	  f2add->father_id = p_fat;
	  f2add->mother_id = p_mot;
	  if (res) 
	    f_last->next = f2add;
	    res = f2add;
	  f_last = f2add;
	/* Add child into family */
	prev = (Offspring *) 0;
	for (child=f2add->children; child; child=child->next) prev = child;
	child = new_child(m);
	if (!child) goto overflow;
	if (prev)
	  prev->next = child;
	  f2add->children = child;
	child->id = p_mem;
	child->affected = aff_status[person];
	child->qt = qt? qt[person]: 0.0;
	child->sex = sex? sex[person]: 0;
	for (pj=person, j=0; j<twom; j++, pj+=n) 
	  child->markers[j] = markers[pj];
	father[person] = mother[person] = 0;
	placed++; /* Person placed as an offspring */
      /* Whether or not an offspring, anyone can be a parent ... */
      for (f=res; f; f= f->next) {
	if (p_ped==f->pedigree) {
	  /* If family missing father, is this him? */
	  if (!(f->check % 2) &&  (p_mem==f->father_id)) {
	    if (sex && sex[person]!=1) {
	      warn("Father not male", f);
	    else {
	      for (pj=person, j=0; j<twom; j++, pj+=n) 
		f->father[j] = markers[pj];
	  /* If family missing mother, is this her? */
	  if (!(f->check / 2) && (p_mem==f->mother_id)) {
	    if (sex && sex[person]!=2) {
	      warn("Mother not female", f);
	    else {
	      for (pj=person, j=0; j<twom; j++, pj+=n) 
		f->mother[j] = markers[pj];
  return res;
  warn("Memory overflow while or after storing family", f_last);
  return NULL;
Exemple #6
void spawn_job(job_t *j, bool fg) 

  pid_t pid;
  process_t *p;
  int countProcess = 0;
  int loopCounter = -1;
  int i;

  //count number of processes in the job
  for(p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next)

  //printf("count process: %d \n", countProcess);

  int pipefd[countProcess-1][2]; //initialize 2-dimensional array [number of process][input/output]

  //open all pipes
  if(countProcess > 1)
    for(i = 0; i < (countProcess-1); i++)
      //printf("piped %d \n", i);

  for(p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next) {

	  /* YOUR CODE HERE? */
	  /* Builtin commands are already taken care earlier */

    switch (pid = fork()) {
      // int status;

      case -1: /* fork failure */

      case 0: /* child process  */
        p->pid = getpid();	    
        new_child(j, p, fg);

	    /* YOUR CODE HERE?  Child-side code for new process. */

        if (p->ifile != NULL)
          int fd = open(p->ifile, O_RDONLY);
          dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO);

        if (p->ofile != NULL)
          int fd = open(p->ofile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
          dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO);

        if(countProcess > 1)
          //printf("begin piping \n");
          //first process is output        

          //need to loop through number of process and close all pipes
          if(p == j->first_process)

            dup2(pipefd[loopCounter][1], 1); //duplicate output as output for next process 
            closePipe(pipefd, countProcess);


          //last process
          else if (p->next == NULL)
            dup2(pipefd[loopCounter-1][0], 0);
            closePipe(pipefd, countProcess);


          //for middle: dup both input and output
            dup2(pipefd[loopCounter][1], 1);
            dup2(pipefd[loopCounter-1][0], 0);

            closePipe(pipefd, countProcess);



        printf("%d (Launched): %s\n", j->pgid, j->commandinfo);

        execvp(p->argv[0], p->argv);
        perror("New child should have done an exec");
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);  /* NOT REACHED */
        break;    /* NOT REACHED */

      default: /* parent */
        /* establish child process group */
        p->pid = pid;
        set_child_pgid(j, p);

        /* YOUR CODE HERE?  Parent-side code for new process.  */

        if (p->next == NULL) //if last process
          process_t *p2;

          p2 = j->first_process;
          while(p2 != NULL)
            //printf("waiting for process \n");

            //if fg true waiting, else bg stuff

            if(fg == true)
              struct sigaction action;
              action.sa_sigaction = sighandler;

              action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
              sigaction(SIGCHLD, &action, NULL);
            closePipe(pipefd, countProcess);

            p2 = p2->next;

        //wait for child to finish

    /* YOUR CODE HERE?  Parent-side code for new job.*/
    //printf("assign terminal back to dsh\n");
	  seize_tty(getpid()); // assign the terminal back to dsh
