/* * Private font initialisation function. */ PROTECTED void init_fonts(void) { HDC info; /* get system information */ info = CreateIC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); screen_dpix = GetDeviceCaps(info, LOGPIXELSX); screen_dpiy = GetDeviceCaps(info, LOGPIXELSY); DeleteDC(info); /* set up standard fonts */ SystemFont = new_font_object(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); if (SystemFont) SystemFont->text = new_string("SystemFont"); FixedFont = new_font_object(GetStockObject(OEM_FIXED_FONT)); Times = newfont("Times New Roman", Plain, -10); Helvetica = newfont("Arial", SansSerif, -10); Courier = newfont("Courier New", FixedWidth, -10); protect_object(SystemFont); protect_object(FixedFont); protect_object(Times); protect_object(Helvetica); protect_object(Courier); }
bool TeletextScreen::InitialiseFont() { static bool initialised = false; //QString font = gCoreContext->GetSetting("DefaultSubtitleFont", "FreeMono"); if (initialised) { return true; #if 0 if (gTTFont->face().family() == font) return true; delete gTTFont; #endif // 0 } MythFontProperties *mythfont = new MythFontProperties(); QString font = SubtitleScreen::GetTeletextFontName(); if (mythfont) { QFont newfont(font); font.detach(); mythfont->SetFace(newfont); gTTFont = mythfont; } else return false; initialised = true; LOG(VB_PLAYBACK, LOG_INFO, LOC + QString("Loaded main subtitle font '%1'") .arg(font)); return true; }
bool SubtitleScreen::InitialiseFont(int fontStretch) { static bool initialised = false; QString font = gCoreContext->GetSetting("OSDSubFont", "FreeSans"); if (initialised) { if (gTextSubFont->face().family() == font && gTextSubFont->face().stretch() == fontStretch) { return true; } delete gTextSubFont; } MythFontProperties *mythfont = new MythFontProperties(); if (mythfont) { QFont newfont(font); newfont.setStretch(fontStretch); font.detach(); mythfont->SetFace(newfont); mythfont->SetOutline(true, Qt::black, 2, 255); gTextSubFont = mythfont; } else return false; initialised = true; LOG(VB_PLAYBACK, LOG_INFO, LOC + QString("Loaded main subtitle font '%1'") .arg(font)); return true; }
MakeActionItem::MakeActionItem( const QString& action, const QString& file, const QString& tool, const QString& line ) : QStandardItem( QString() ) { if( tool.isEmpty() || file.isEmpty() ) { setText( line ); } else { QString itemString = QString(action).append(" ").append(file); itemString.append(" (").append(tool).append(")"); setText( itemString ); } QFont newfont( font() ); newfont.setBold( true ); setFont( newfont ); }
bool SubtitleScreen::Initialise708Fonts(int fontStretch) { static bool initialised = false; if (initialised) { foreach(MythFontProperties* font, gCC708Fonts) font->face().setStretch(fontStretch); return true; } LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, "Initialise708Fonts()"); QStringList fonts; fonts.append("Droid Sans Mono"); // default fonts.append("FreeMono"); // mono serif fonts.append("DejaVu Serif"); // prop serif fonts.append("Droid Sans Mono"); // mono sans fonts.append("Liberation Sans"); // prop sans fonts.append("Purisa"); // casual fonts.append("URW Chancery L"); // cursive fonts.append("Impact"); // capitals int count = 0; foreach(QString font, fonts) { MythFontProperties *mythfont = new MythFontProperties(); if (mythfont) { QFont newfont(font); newfont.setStretch(fontStretch); font.detach(); mythfont->SetFace(newfont); gCC708Fonts.insert(count, mythfont); count++; } }
caLineEdit::caLineEdit(QWidget *parent) : QLineEdit(parent), FontScalingWidget(this) { // we want this font, while nice and monospace QFont font("Lucida Sans Typewriter"); // if this font does not exist then try a next one QFontInfo info(font); //font.setStyleStrategy(QFont::NoAntialias); QString family = info.family(); //printf("got font %s\n", qasc(family)); if(!family.contains("Lucida Sans Typewriter")) { QFont newfont("Monospace"); // not very nice, while a a dot inside the zero to distinguish from o newfont.setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); setFont(newfont); } else { setFont(font); } isShown = false; oldStyle = ""; thisStyle = ""; setColorMode(Default); setAlarmHandling(onForeground); thisFormatC[0] = '\0'; setUnitsEnabled(false); thisBackColor = Qt::gray; thisForeColor = Qt::black; oldBackColor = Qt::black; oldForeColor = Qt::gray; thisFrameColor = Qt::black; oldFrameColor = Qt::gray; thisFramePresent = false; thisFrameLineWidth = 0; oldFrameLineWidth = 0; Alarm = 0; // default colors will be defined in my event handler by taking them from the palette defined by stylesheet definitions //defBackColor = QColor(255, 248, 220, 255); //defForeColor = Qt::black; defSelectColor = Qt::red; // this does not appear in the palette setPrecisionMode(Channel); setLimitsMode(Channel); setPrecision(0); setFormatType(decimal); setFormat(0); setMinValue(0.0); setMaxValue(1.0); setFrame(false); keepText = ""; unitsLast = ""; setTextLine(keepText); setValueType(false); setFontScaleModeL(WidthAndHeight); newFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); d_rescaleFontOnTextChanged = true; installEventFilter(this); }