 * nmt_newt_init:
 * Wrapper for newtInit() that also does some nmt-newt-internal setup.
 * This should be called once, before any other nmt-newt functions.
nmt_newt_init (void)
	newtInit ();
	newtCls ();

	newtSetColor (NEWT_COLORSET_CHECKBOX, "black", "lightgray");
	newtSetColor (NMT_NEWT_COLORSET_BAD_LABEL, "red", "lightgray");
	newtSetColor (NMT_NEWT_COLORSET_PLAIN_LABEL, "black", "lightgray");
	newtSetColor (NMT_NEWT_COLORSET_DISABLED_BUTTON, "blue", "lightgray");
	newtSetColor (NMT_NEWT_COLORSET_TEXTBOX_WITH_BACKGROUND, "black", "white");

	if (g_getenv ("NMTUI_DEBUG"))
		g_log_set_default_handler (nmt_newt_dialog_g_log_handler, NULL);
		g_log_set_default_handler (nmt_newt_basic_g_log_handler, NULL);

	newtSetSuspendCallback (nmt_newt_suspend_callback, NULL);
int main(void) {
    newtComponent b1, b2, r1, r2, r3, e2, e3, l1, l2, l3, scale;
    newtComponent lb, t, rsf, answer, timeLabel;
    newtComponent cs[10];
    newtComponent f, chklist, e1;
    struct callbackInfo cbis[3];
    char results[10];
    char * enr2, * enr3, * scaleVal;
    void ** selectedList;
    int i, numsel;
    char buf[20];
    const char * spinner = "-\\|/\\|/";
    const char * spinState;
    struct newtExitStruct es;


    newtSetSuspendCallback(suspend, NULL);

    newtDrawRootText(0, 0, "Newt test program");
    newtDrawRootText(-50, 0, "More root text");

    newtOpenWindow(2, 2, 30, 10, "first window");
    newtOpenWindow(10, 5, 65, 16, "window 2");

    f = newtForm(NULL, "This is some help text", 0);
    chklist = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);

    b1 = newtButton(3, 1, "Exit");
    b2 = newtButton(18, 1, "Update");
    r1 = newtRadiobutton(20, 10, "Choice 1", 0, NULL);
    r2 = newtRadiobutton(20, 11, "Chc 2", 1, r1);
    r3 = newtRadiobutton(20, 12, "Choice 3", 0, r2);
    rsf = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
    newtFormAddComponents(rsf, r1, r2, r3, NULL);
    newtFormSetBackground(rsf, NEWT_COLORSET_CHECKBOX);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	sprintf(buf, "Check %d", i);
	cs[i] = newtCheckbox(3, 10 + i, buf, ' ', NULL, &results[i]);
	newtFormAddComponent(chklist, cs[i]);

    l1 = newtLabel(3, 6, "Scale:");
    l2 = newtLabel(3, 7, "Scrolls:");
    l3 = newtLabel(3, 8, "Hidden:");
    e1 = newtEntry(12, 6, "", 20, &scaleVal, 0);
    e2 = newtEntry(12, 7, "Default", 20, &enr2, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL);
/*    e3 = newtEntry(12, 8, NULL, 20, &enr3, NEWT_FLAG_HIDDEN); */
    e3 = newtEntry(12, 8, NULL, 20, &enr3, NEWT_FLAG_PASSWORD);

    cbis[0].state = &results[0];
    cbis[0].en = e1;
    newtComponentAddCallback(cs[0], disableCallback, &cbis[0]);

    scale = newtScale(3, 14, 32, 100);

    newtFormSetHeight(chklist, 3);

    newtFormAddComponents(f, b1, b2, l1, l2, l3, e1, e2, e3, chklist, NULL);
    newtFormAddComponents(f, rsf, scale, NULL);

    lb = newtListbox(45, 1, 6, NEWT_FLAG_MULTIPLE | NEWT_FLAG_BORDER |
    newtListboxAppendEntry(lb, "First", (void *) 1);
    newtListboxAppendEntry(lb, "Second", (void *) 2);
    newtListboxAppendEntry(lb, "Third", (void *) 3);
    newtListboxAppendEntry(lb, "Fourth", (void *) 4);
    newtListboxAppendEntry(lb, "Sixth", (void *) 6);
    newtListboxAppendEntry(lb, "Seventh", (void *) 7);
    newtListboxAppendEntry(lb, "Eighth", (void *) 8);
    newtListboxAppendEntry(lb, "Ninth", (void *) 9);
    newtListboxAppendEntry(lb, "Tenth", (void *) 10);

    newtListboxInsertEntry(lb, "Fifth", (void *) 5, (void *) 4);
    newtListboxInsertEntry(lb, "Eleventh", (void *) 11, (void *) 10);
    newtListboxDeleteEntry(lb, (void *) 11);

    spinState = spinner;
    timeLabel = newtLabel(45, 8, "Spinner: -");

    t = newtTextbox(45, 10, 17, 5, NEWT_FLAG_WRAP);
    newtTextboxSetText(t, "This is some text does it look okay?\nThis should be alone.\nThis shouldn't be printed");

    newtFormAddComponents(f, lb, timeLabel, t, NULL);
    newtFormSetTimer(f, 200);

    do {
	newtFormRun(f, &es);

	if (es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT && es.u.co == b2) {
	    newtScaleSet(scale, atoi(scaleVal));
	    answer = NULL;
	} else if (es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_TIMER) {
	    if (!*spinState) spinState = spinner;
	    sprintf(buf, "Spinner: %c", *spinState);
	    newtLabelSetText(timeLabel, buf);
    } while (es.reason != NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT || es.u.co == b2);

    scaleVal = strdup(scaleVal);
    enr2 = strdup(enr2);
    enr3 = strdup(enr3);

    selectedList = newtListboxGetSelection(lb, &numsel);



    printf("got string 1: %s\n", scaleVal);
    printf("got string 2: %s\n", enr2);
    printf("got string 3: %s\n", enr3);

    if(selectedList) {
	printf("\nSelected listbox items:\n");
	for(i = 0; i < numsel; i++)

    return 0;