Exemple #1
IPTR Register__MUIM_HandleEvent(struct IClass *cl, Object *obj, struct MUIP_HandleEvent *msg)
    struct Register_DATA *data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
    WORD i, x, y;

    if (msg->muikey != MUIKEY_NONE)
        switch (msg->muikey)
        case MUIKEY_PRESS:
        case MUIKEY_RIGHT:
        case MUIKEY_TOGGLE:
            nfset(obj, MUIA_Group_ActivePage, MUIV_Group_ActivePage_Next);
            return MUI_EventHandlerRC_Eat;

        case MUIKEY_LEFT:
            nfset(obj, MUIA_Group_ActivePage, MUIV_Group_ActivePage_Prev);
            return MUI_EventHandlerRC_Eat;

        case MUIKEY_WORDLEFT:
        case MUIKEY_LINESTART:
            nfset(obj, MUIA_Group_ActivePage, MUIV_Group_ActivePage_First);
            return MUI_EventHandlerRC_Eat;

        case MUIKEY_WORDRIGHT:
        case MUIKEY_LINEEND:
            nfset(obj, MUIA_Group_ActivePage, MUIV_Group_ActivePage_Last);
            return MUI_EventHandlerRC_Eat;


    if (msg->imsg)
        if ((msg->imsg->Class == IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS) &&
                (msg->imsg->Code == SELECTDOWN))
            x = msg->imsg->MouseX - data->left;
            y = msg->imsg->MouseY - data->top;

            /*  	    D(bug("Register_HandleEvent : %d,%d,%d -- %d,%d,%d\n", 0, x, _width(obj), 0, y, data->tab_height)); */
            if (_between(0, x, _width(obj)))
                /*  		D(bug("Register_HandleEvent : in tab, %d,%d\n", x, y)); */
                for(i = 0; i < data->numitems; i++)
                    if (_between(data->items[i].x1, x, data->items[i].x2) &&
                            _between(data->items[i].y1, y, data->items[i].y2))
                        if (data->active != i)
                            nfset(obj, MUIA_Group_ActivePage, i);
                            return MUI_EventHandlerRC_Eat;



    return 0;
Exemple #2
__asm __saveds LONG ocfunc(a1 struct MUIS_Listtree_TreeNode *tn)
   // -- save open/closed state each time it changes -------------------------
   return 0;
Exemple #3
IPTR ScreenModeProperties__OM_SET(Class *CLASS, Object *self, struct opSet *message)
    struct ScreenModeProperties_DATA *data = INST_DATA(CLASS, self);    
    const struct TagItem *tags;
    struct TagItem *tag;
    struct TagItem noforward_tags[] =
        {MUIA_Group_Forward , FALSE                       },
        {TAG_MORE           , (IPTR)message->ops_AttrList }
    struct opSet noforward_message = *message;
    noforward_message.ops_AttrList = noforward_tags;
    ULONG id        = INVALID_ID;
    IPTR  no_notify = TAG_IGNORE;
    for (tags = message->ops_AttrList; (tag = NextTagItem(&tags)); )
        switch (tag->ti_Tag)
	    case MUIA_NoNotify:
	        no_notify = MUIA_NoNotify;
	    case MUIA_ScreenModeProperties_DisplayID:
	        struct TagItem width_tags[] =
		    { no_notify,            TRUE },
		    { MUIA_Numeric_Min,        0 },
		    { MUIA_Numeric_Max,        0 },
		    { MUIA_Numeric_Default,    0 },
		    { TAG_DONE,                0 }
	        struct TagItem height_tags[] =
		    { no_notify,            TRUE },
		    { MUIA_Numeric_Min,        0 },
		    { MUIA_Numeric_Max,        0 },
		    { MUIA_Numeric_Default,    0 },
		    { TAG_DONE,                0 }
	        struct TagItem depth_tags[] =
		    { no_notify,            TRUE },
		    { MUIA_Numeric_Min,        0 },
		    { MUIA_Numeric_Max,        0 },
		    { MUIA_Numeric_Default,    0 },
		    { TAG_DONE,                0 }
                struct DimensionInfo dim;
		BOOL autoscroll;
		if (GetDisplayInfoData(NULL, (UBYTE *)&dim, sizeof(dim), DTAG_DIMS, tag->ti_Data))
                    width_tags[1].ti_Data  = dim.MinRasterWidth;
                    height_tags[1].ti_Data = dim.MinRasterHeight;
                    depth_tags[1].ti_Data  = 1;
                    width_tags[2].ti_Data  = dim.MaxRasterWidth;
                    height_tags[2].ti_Data = dim.MaxRasterHeight;
	            depth_tags[2].ti_Data  = dim.MaxDepth;
                    width_tags[3].ti_Data  = dim.Nominal.MaxX - dim.Nominal.MinX + 1;
                    height_tags[3].ti_Data = dim.Nominal.MaxY - dim.Nominal.MinY + 1;
	            depth_tags[3].ti_Data  = dim.MaxDepth;
		    id = tag->ti_Data;		    
		/* Enable autoscroll only if the maximum sizes are bigger than 
		   the resolution.  */
		autoscroll = width_tags[2].ti_Data  > width_tags[3].ti_Data  &&
		             height_tags[2].ti_Data > height_tags[3].ti_Data;
  	        data->DisplayID = id;
 	        nfset(self, MUIA_Disabled, id == INVALID_ID);
		SetAttrsA(data->width,  width_tags);
		SetAttrsA(data->height, height_tags);
		SetAttrsA(data->depth,  depth_tags);
		SetAttrs(data->autoscroll, no_notify, TRUE, 
		                           MUIA_Disabled, !autoscroll,
					   MUIA_Selected, autoscroll,
	    case MUIA_ScreenModeProperties_Width:
	        if (id != INVALID_ID)
		    WORD width = tag->ti_Data;
		    if (width != -1)
		        SetAttrs(data->width, no_notify, TRUE, MUIA_Numeric_Value, width, TAG_DONE);
		        DoMethod(data->width, MUIM_Numeric_SetDefault);
		    nnset(data->def_width, MUIA_Selected, width == -1);
	    case MUIA_ScreenModeProperties_Height:
	        if (id != INVALID_ID)
		    WORD height = tag->ti_Data;
		    if (height != -1)
		        SetAttrs(data->height, no_notify, TRUE, MUIA_Numeric_Value, height, TAG_DONE);
		        DoMethod(data->height, MUIM_Numeric_SetDefault);
		    nnset(data->def_height, MUIA_Selected, height == -1);
	    case MUIA_ScreenModeProperties_Depth:
	        if (id != INVALID_ID)
		    WORD depth = tag->ti_Data;
		    if (depth != -1)
		        SetAttrs(data->depth, no_notify, TRUE, MUIA_Numeric_Value, depth, TAG_DONE);
		        DoMethod(data->depth, MUIM_Numeric_SetDefault);
	    case MUIA_ScreenModeProperties_Autoscroll:
	        if (id != INVALID_ID && !XGET(data->autoscroll, MUIA_Disabled))
		    SetAttrs(data->autoscroll, no_notify, TRUE, MUIA_Selected, tag->ti_Data != 0);

    return DoSuperMethodA(CLASS, self, (Msg)&noforward_message);	