Exemple #1
void prim(Wgraph& wg, Wgraph& mstree) {
// Find a minimum spanning tree of wg using Prim's
// algorithm and return its in mstree.
	vertex u,v; edge e;
	edge *cheap = new edge[wg.n()+1];
	//Dheap nheap(wg.n(),2);
	Dheap nheap(wg.n(),2+wg.m()/wg.n());

	for (e = wg.firstAt(1); e != 0; e = wg.nextAt(1,e)) {
		u = wg.mate(1,e); nheap.insert(u,wg.weight(e)); cheap[u] = e;
	while (!nheap.empty()) {
		u = nheap.deletemin();
		e = mstree.join(wg.left(cheap[u]),wg.right(cheap[u]));
		for (e = wg.firstAt(u); e != 0; e = wg.nextAt(u,e)) {
			v = wg.mate(u,e);
			if (nheap.member(v) && wg.weight(e) < nheap.key(v)) {
				nheap.changekey(v,wg.weight(e)); cheap[v] = e;
			} else if (!nheap.member(v) && mstree.firstAt(v) == 0) {
				nheap.insert(v,wg.weight(e)); cheap[v] = e;
	//string s;
	//cerr << nheap.stats2string(s) << endl;
	delete [] cheap;
Exemple #2
heap_t *
build_maxheap(int *A, size_t len)
        heap_t *hp;
        size_t i;

        hp = nheap(A, len);
        for (i = hp->size >> 1 ; i; i--)
                max_heapify(hp, i);
        return hp;
Exemple #3
/** Find a shortest path tree using Dijkstra's algorithm.
 *  @param g is a directed graph with edge lengths
 *  @param s is the source vertex for the shortest path tree computation;
 *  if s=0, paths are computed from an imaginary extra vertex with a
 *  zero length edge to every other vertex
 *  @param pEdge is an array of parent pointers; on return pEdge[u] is the
 *  number of the edge connecting u to its parent in the shortest path tree
 *  @param d is array of distances; on return d[u] is the shortest path
 *  distance from s to u
 *  @return true on success, false if not all vertices can be reached
bool dijkstra(Wdigraph& g, vertex s, edge* pEdge, edgeLength* d) {
	Dheap<int> nheap(g.n(),4);

	for (vertex v = 1; v <= g.n(); v++) { pEdge[v] = 0; d[v] = INT_MAX; }
	d[s] = 0; nheap.insert(s,0);
	int cnt = 0;
	while (!nheap.empty()) {
		vertex v = nheap.deletemin(); cnt++;
		for (edge e = g.firstOut(v); e != 0; e = g.nextOut(v,e)) {
			vertex w = g.head(e);
			if (d[w] > d[v] + g.length(e)) {
				d[w] = d[v] + g.length(e); pEdge[w] = e;
				if (nheap.member(w)) nheap.changekey(w,d[w]);
				else nheap.insert(w,d[w]);
	return cnt == g.n();
Exemple #4
/** Find a minimum spanning tree using Prim's algorithm.
 *  This version uses a Fibonacci heap
 *  @param wg is a weighted graph
 *  @param mstree is a second weighted graph data structure in which the
 *  the result is to be returned; it is assumed to have no edges
void primF(Wgraph& wg, Wgraph& mstree) {
        vertex u,v; edge e;
        edge* cheap = new edge[wg.n()+1];
        Fheaps nheap(wg.n()); fheap root;
        bool *inHeap = new bool[wg.n()+1]; // inHeap[u]=true if u is in heap
        int numInHeap = 0;

        for (u = 1; u <= wg.n(); u++) inHeap[u] = false;

        e = wg.firstAt(1);
        if (e == 0) return;
        root = wg.mate(1,e);
        do {
                u = wg.mate(1,e); 
                root = nheap.insert(u,root,wg.weight(e)); 
                cheap[u] = e;
                inHeap[u] = true; numInHeap++;
                e = wg.nextAt(1,e);
        } while (e != 0);

        while (numInHeap > 0) {
                u = root; root = nheap.deletemin(root);
                inHeap[u] = false; numInHeap--;
                e = mstree.join(wg.left(cheap[u]),wg.right(cheap[u]));
                for (e = wg.firstAt(u); e != 0; e = wg.nextAt(u,e)) {
                        v = wg.mate(u,e);
                        if (inHeap[v] && wg.weight(e) < nheap.key(v)) {
                                root = nheap.decreasekey(v,nheap.key(v) -
                                cheap[v] = e;
                        } else if (!inHeap[v] && mstree.firstAt(v) == 0) {
                                root = nheap.insert(v,root,wg.weight(e));
                                cheap[v] = e;
                                inHeap[v] = true; numInHeap++;
        delete [] cheap; delete [] inHeap;