Exemple #1
// Compute the gradient vector of the conditional log likelihood for a Gaussian-Binary model :
void Grad_Cond_Bin(double rho,double pij, double p,int *flag, double *gradcor, double *grad,
		   int *npar, double *nuis, double *thr, double u, double v)
  // Initialization variables:
  double dpij=0.0, dij=0.0, rvar=0.0, dpdm=0.0, f=0.0;
  double q1=0.0, q2=0.0, q3=0.0, sh=0.0, vario=0.0, z=0;
  int h=0, i=0, j=0;
  //init variables:
  //set derivatives components:
  q1=dnorm(z,0,1,0);//stand normal pdf
  q2=pnorm(z*sqrt((1-rvar*rho)/(1+rvar*rho)),0,1,1,0);// stand norm cdf
  q3=d2norm(z,z,rvar*rho);// biv stand norm pdf
  f=-(0.5*(nuis[0]-*thr)*dpdm)/(nuis[2]+nuis[1]);/* dp/dsill*/
  dij=2*f*q2;/* dpij/dsill*/
  vario=2*(p-pij);//variogramma binario!!!
  // Derivative of the difference respect with the mean
  if(flag[0]==1) { grad[i]=(dpij-2*dpdm)*(1-((u+v)*nij(dpij,dpdm,pij,p)+
					   (u*v)*mij(dpij,dpdm,pij,p)))*sh+dpdm*(1-(u+v)/(2*p))/(1-p); i++; }
  // Derivative of the difference respect with the nugget
  if(flag[1]==1) { grad[i]=1; i++; }
  // Derivative of the difference respect with the sill
  if(flag[2]==1) { grad[i]=(dij-2*f)*(1-((u+v)*nij(dij,f,pij,p)+
					 (u*v)*mij(dij,f,pij,p)))*sh+f*(1-(u+v)/(2*p))/(1-p); i++; }
  // Derivatives with respect to the correlation parameters
  for(j=i;j<*npar;j++) { grad[j]=gradcor[j]*q3*rvar*(1-((u+v)*2*(p-1)/vario +
                                                (u*v)*2*(pij-2*pow(p,2)+p)/(vario*pij)))*sh; h++; }

Exemple #2
double LCOrbits::ArmVelocity(int em, int rec, double trec)
	LCVector ri(MT), rj(MT), vi(MT), vj(MT), rij(MT), nij(MT), n(MT);	
	ri = position(rec, trec);
	vi = velocity(rec, trec);
	rj = position(em, trec);
	vj = velocity(em, trec);
	rij = rj-ri;
	nij = rij.unit();
	n   = nij * (-1.);
Exemple #3
double LCOrbits::ArmCompute(int em, int rec, double trec)
	double tA(0.), tij;
	if ((em<1)||(em>NARMMAX)||((rec<1)&&(rec>NARMMAX))){
		std::cerr << "ERROR in LCOrbits::ArmCompute : Spacecraft number must be in [0," << NARMMAX << "]  ! " << Endl;
		throw std::invalid_argument ("ERROR in LCOrbits::ArmCompute : Spacecraft number must be in [0,NARMMAX]  ! ");
	if(OrderArm != -10)
		OrderArm = order_default;
	if ((OrderArm<-2)||(OrderArm>2))
		throw std::invalid_argument ("ERROR in LCOrbits::ArmCompute : Order must be 0 (for 0), 1 (for 1/2), 2 (for 1) or -1 (for analytical MLDC eccentric formulation)");
	if(OrderArm >= 0){
		LCVector ri(MT), rj(MT), vi(MT), vj(MT), rij(MT), nij(MT), n(MT);
		/*! **** Read positions and velocities and compute related quantities
		 *	Index i refers to receiver and j to emitter
		 *  \f{eqnarray*}{
		 *	\vec{r}_{ij} & = & \vec{r}_j - \vec{r}_i = \vec{r}_{em} - \vec{r}_{rec}  \\
		 *	\vec{n}_{ij} & = & \vec{r}_{ij} / | \vec{r}_{ij} | \\
		 *	\hat{n}  & = & - \vec{n}_{ij} \\
		 *	t_{ij}   & = & - | \vec{r}_{ij} | / c = - | \vec{r}_{em} - \vec{r}_{rec} | / c
		 *  \f}
		ri = position(rec, trec);
		vi = velocity(rec, trec);
		vi = vi/LC::c_SI;
		rj = position(em, trec);
		vj = velocity(em, trec);
		vj = vj/LC::c_SI;
		ri.p[0] = 5.e9;
		ri.p[1] = 0.;
		ri.p[2] = 0.;
		rj.p[0] = -1.e-5;
		rj.p[1] = 0.;
		rj.p[2] = 0.;
		rij = rj-ri;
		rij = rj-ri;
		nij = rij.unit();
		n = nij*(-1.);
		tij = rij.norm()/LC::c_SI;
		tij = -tij;  
		Cout << "em = " << em << "  -> rec = " << rec << " : " << rij.norm() << " ==> " << tij << Endl;
		for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
			Cout << "\t\t" << ri.p[i] << "\t\t" << rj.p[i] << "\t\t" << rij.p[i] << Endl;   
		if (OrderArm>=0)
			tA += ArmOrderContrib(0, tij, ri, rj, vi, vj, rij, nij, n);
		if (OrderArm>=1)
			tA += ArmOrderContrib(1, tij, ri, rj, vi, vj, rij, nij, n);
		if (OrderArm>=2)
			tA += ArmOrderContrib(2, tij, ri, rj, vi, vj, rij, nij, n);
		return (tA);
		return( ArmSpecific(em, rec, trec) );