Exemple #1
static struct nl80211_msg_conveyor * nl80211_ctl(int cmd, int flags)
	if (nl80211_init() < 0)
		return NULL;

	return nl80211_new(nls->nlctrl, cmd, flags);
Exemple #2
void enter_rfmon_mac80211(const char *device, char **mondev)
	int ret;
	short flags;
	uint32_t n;
	char phydev_path[256];
	struct nl80211_state nlstate;

	/* XXX: is this already a monN device? */
	get_mac80211_phydev(device, phydev_path, sizeof(phydev_path));
	nl80211_init(&nlstate, device);

	for (n = 0; n < UINT_MAX; n++) {
		char mondevice[32];

		slprintf(mondevice, sizeof(mondevice), "mon%u", n);
		ret = nl80211_add_mon_if(&nlstate, device, mondevice);
		if (ret == 0) {
			*mondev = xstrdup(mondevice);

			flags = device_get_flags(*mondev);
			flags |= IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING;
			device_set_flags(*mondev, flags);


	panic("No free monN interfaces!\n");
Exemple #3
static int run_iwraw(void)
	int rc;

	rc = nl80211_init();
	if (rc)
		return rc;

	if (!cmd_set) {
		rc = prepare_listen_events();
		if (rc)
			return rc;
		rc = do_listen_events();
	} else {
		ssize_t nla_stream_len;

		nla_stream_len = read_nla_stream(nla_input_stream,
		if (nla_stream_len < 0)
			return -1;
		rc = send_recv_nlcmd(nla_input_stream, nla_stream_len);

	return rc;
static struct nl80211_msg_conveyor * nl80211_msg(const char *ifname, int cmd, int flags)
	static struct nl80211_msg_conveyor cv;

	int ifidx = -1, phyidx = -1;
	struct nl_msg *req = NULL;
	struct nl_cb *cb = NULL;

	if (nl80211_init() < 0)
		goto err;

	if (!strncmp(ifname, "phy", 3))
		phyidx = atoi(&ifname[3]);
	else if (!strncmp(ifname, "radio", 5))
		phyidx = atoi(&ifname[5]);
	else if (!strncmp(ifname, "mon.", 4))
		ifidx = if_nametoindex(&ifname[4]);
		ifidx = if_nametoindex(ifname);

	if ((ifidx < 0) && (phyidx < 0))
		return NULL;

	req = nlmsg_alloc();
	if (!req)
		goto err;

	cb = nl_cb_alloc(NL_CB_DEFAULT);
	if (!cb)
		goto err;

	genlmsg_put(req, 0, 0, genl_family_get_id(nls->nl80211), 0,
		flags, cmd, 0);

	if (ifidx > -1)
		NLA_PUT_U32(req, NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX, ifidx);

	if (phyidx > -1)
		NLA_PUT_U32(req, NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY, phyidx);

	cv.msg = req;
	cv.cb  = cb;

	return &cv;

	if (cb)

	if (req)

	return NULL;
Exemple #5
void leave_rfmon_mac80211(const char *device, const char *mondev)
	short flags;
	struct nl80211_state nlstate;

	flags = device_get_flags(mondev);
	flags &= ~(IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING);
	device_set_flags(mondev, flags);

	nl80211_init(&nlstate, device);
	nl80211_del_mon_if(&nlstate, device, mondev);
Exemple #6
int set_wifi_power_saving(const char *iface, int state)
    struct nl80211_state nlstate;
    int err;

    err = nl80211_init(&nlstate);
    if (err)
        return 1;

    enable_power_save = state;
    err = __handle_cmd(&nlstate, iface, 0);


    return err;
Exemple #7
int get_wifi_power_saving(const char *iface)
    struct nl80211_state nlstate;
    int err;

    enable_power_save = 0;

    err = nl80211_init(&nlstate);
    if (err)
        return 1;

    err = __handle_cmd(&nlstate, iface, 1);


    if (err) /* not a wifi interface */
        return 1;

    return enable_power_save;
Exemple #8
static struct nl80211_msg_conveyor * nl80211_msg(const char *ifname,
                                                 int cmd, int flags)
	int ifidx = -1, phyidx = -1;
	struct nl80211_msg_conveyor *cv;

	if (nl80211_init() < 0)
		return NULL;

	if (!strncmp(ifname, "phy", 3))
		phyidx = atoi(&ifname[3]);
	else if (!strncmp(ifname, "radio", 5))
		phyidx = atoi(&ifname[5]);
	else if (!strncmp(ifname, "mon.", 4))
		ifidx = if_nametoindex(&ifname[4]);
		ifidx = if_nametoindex(ifname);

	if ((ifidx < 0) && (phyidx < 0))
		return NULL;

	cv = nl80211_new(nls->nl80211, cmd, flags);
	if (!cv)
		return NULL;

	if (ifidx > -1)
		NLA_PUT_U32(cv->msg, NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX, ifidx);

	if (phyidx > -1)
		NLA_PUT_U32(cv->msg, NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY, phyidx);

	return cv;

	return NULL;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	uint8_t fft_period = 15;
	uint8_t period = 1;
	double noise_thld = -95;
	uint16_t intval = 100;

	int option = -1;
	while ((option = getopt (argc, argv, "hp:f:P:t:i:")) != -1)
		switch (option)
			case 'h':
				fprintf(stderr, "Description\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "-----------\n");
				fprintf(stderr, BOLD "COR" RESET " is a wrapper for the atheros Wi-Fi chipsets (i.e. AR92xx and AR93xx) which collects Wi-Fi spectral samples and store\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "the information into a database. The information stored is pre-processed twice, first by calculating the energies present in the Wi-Fi\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "and zigbee channels and second by reducing the amount of information using different holding methods such as\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "MAX_HOLD, MIN_HOLD and AVG_HOLD for a specific amount of time.\n\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "Argument list\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "-------------\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "-h\t\t\thelp menu\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "-p phy_name\t\tphysical interface name of the wireless card [eg. -p phy0]\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "-f fft_period\t\twhen active and triggered, PHY passes FFT frames to MAC every (fft_period+1)*4uS [eg. -f 15]\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "-P period\t\ttime period between successive spectral scan entry points (period*256*Tclk) [eg. -P 1]\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "-t noise_thld\t\tWi-Fi noise threshold (dBm) for COR calculation [eg. -t -95]\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "-i intval\t\tinterval (msec) of a periodic report [eg. -i 100]\n\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "Example\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "-------\n");
				fprintf(stderr, BOLD "./COR -n -u CREW_BM -k CREW_BM -d benchmarking -p phy0 -f 15 -P 255 -t -95 -i 100\n" RESET);
				return 1;
			case 'p':
				phy_name = strdup(optarg);
			case 'f':
				fft_period = atoi(optarg);
			case 'P':
				period = atoi(optarg);
			case 't':
				noise_thld = atof(optarg);
			case 'i':
				intval = atoi(optarg);
				fprintf(stderr, "COR: missing operand. Type './COR -h' for more information\n");
				return 1;

	int    fd;

	// User space and kernel space scan result counter
	char command[128];
	uint32_t scan_count_temp, COR_count;

	struct timeval systime;
	uint64_t start_time, current_time;
	uint16_t previous_dur, current_dur;

	char subbuf[SUB_BUF_SIZE];
	struct fft_sample_ht20 *sample;
	uint16_t freq;

	int i, j, datasquaresum, num_of_read;
	struct pollfd pfds;

	struct nl80211_state nlstate;
	char sniffer_mac[18];

	// Calculate bin threshold from noise threshold
	double bin_thld = 10*log10f(pow(10,noise_thld/10)/SPECTRAL_HT20_NUM_BINS);

	// handle SIGTERM and SIGINT
	signal(SIGINT, cleanup);
	signal(SIGTERM, cleanup);

	// Initialize netlink handler
	if (nl80211_init(&nlstate))
		return 1;

	// Make sure there exists a monitor mode interface with in the given physical interface
	if(ret_mon_IF(&nlstate) > 0)
		return 1;

	if(IF_name[0] == '\0')
		fprintf(stderr, "%s does not expose a monitor interface. Create one before running spectrum scanning.\n", phy_name);
		fprintf(stderr, "E.g. sudo iw phy %s interface add wlanMoni type monitor && sudo ifconfig wlanMoni up\n", phy_name);
		return 1;

	// Retrieve mac address
	ret_phyIF_MAC(phy_name, sniffer_mac);

	// Log the starting time
	gettimeofday(&systime, NULL);
	start_time = 1e3*systime.tv_sec + (int)(systime.tv_usec/1e3);
	previous_dur = (start_time % intval);

	/* Open CPU-0 spectral relay file */
	sprintf(command,"%s/%s/ath9k/spectral_scan0", ieee80211_debug_path, phy_name);
	fd = open(command, O_RDONLY);
	if (fd < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "open failure for file spectral_scan0: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;
	// Polling file descriptor and input event request
	pfds.fd = fd;
	pfds.events = POLLIN;

	// Initialize spectral parameters
	sprintf(command,"echo %u > %s/%s/ath9k/spectral_fft_period", fft_period, ieee80211_debug_path, phy_name);
	if(system(command) == -1)
		return 1;
	sprintf(command,"echo %u > %s/%s/ath9k/spectral_period", period, ieee80211_debug_path, phy_name);
	if(system(command) == -1)
		return 1;

	// Enable background spectral scan
	sprintf(command,"echo background > %s/%s/ath9k/spectral_scan_ctl", ieee80211_debug_path, phy_name);
	if(system(command) == -1)
		return 1;

	// Trigger the spectral scan
	sprintf(command,"echo trigger > %s/%s/ath9k/spectral_scan_ctl", ieee80211_debug_path, phy_name);
	if(system(command) == -1)
		return 1;

	// Initialize the user space scan result counter
	scan_count_temp = 0;
	COR_count = 0;

		if(finished == 1)

		// Before timeout (100 msec) expires, wait the sub buffer to become full. If not, restart the interface and trigger the spectral scan.
		poll(&pfds, 1, 100);
		if(!(pfds.revents & POLLIN))
			// Reset monitor mode interface
			if(reset_mon_IF() < 0)
				fprintf(stderr, "Monitor interface %s reset error.\n", IF_name);

			// Trigger background spectral scan once again
			sprintf(command,"echo trigger > %s/%s/ath9k/spectral_scan_ctl", ieee80211_debug_path, phy_name);
			if(system(command) == -1)

			num_of_read = read(fd, subbuf, SAMPLE_SIZE_PER_SUB_BUF);
			if(num_of_read < 0)
				fprintf(stderr, "spectral_scan0 read error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
			else if(num_of_read < sizeof(struct fft_sample_ht20))
				// Iterate through the buffer and parse the spectrum data
				for (i = 0; i < num_of_read/sizeof(struct fft_sample_ht20); i++)
					sample = (struct fft_sample_ht20 *)(subbuf + i*sizeof(struct fft_sample_ht20));

					// If sample does not contain a spectrum data
					if((sample->tlv.type != ATH_FFT_SAMPLE_HT20) || (be16toh(sample->tlv.length) != sizeof(struct fft_sample_ht20)-sizeof(struct fft_sample_tlv)))

					// Determine spectral frequency
					if(i == 0)
						freq = sample->freq;
					// If spectral frequency changes, reset COR counters
					else if(freq != sample->freq)
						scan_count_temp = 0;
						COR_count = 0;

					/* calculate the data square sum */
					datasquaresum = 0;
					for (j = 0; j < SPECTRAL_HT20_NUM_BINS; j++)
						datasquaresum += (sample->data[j] << sample->max_exp) * (sample->data[j] << sample->max_exp);

					// Check for empty result
					if(datasquaresum == 0)

					// Increment the scan result temporary counter

					// Calculate COR per each fft bin
					for (j = 0; j < SPECTRAL_HT20_NUM_BINS; j++)
						double signal;
						int data;

						data = sample->data[j] << sample->max_exp;
						if (data == 0)
							data = 1;

						// Signal calculation (i.e. http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k/spectral_scan/)
						signal = sample->noise + sample->rssi + 20*log10f(data) - 10*log10f(datasquaresum);

						// If instantaneous bin energy is above noise threshold, channel is occupied
						if(signal > bin_thld)

		// Get the current time
		gettimeofday(&systime, NULL);
		current_time = 1e3*systime.tv_sec + (int)(systime.tv_usec/1e3);
		current_dur = (current_time % intval);
		if(current_dur < previous_dur)
			// Generate the query statement
			printf("%lu\t%s\t%d\t%.5f\t%u\n", current_time, sniffer_mac, ntohs(sample->freq), (100.0*COR_count)/(scan_count_temp*SPECTRAL_HT20_NUM_BINS), previous_dur);

			// Update parameters for next round
			scan_count_temp = 0;
			COR_count = 0;

		// Update parameter for next round
		previous_dur = current_dur;

	// Disable spectrum scanning
	sprintf(command,"echo disable > %s/%s/ath9k/spectral_scan_ctl", ieee80211_debug_path, phy_name);
	if(system(command) == -1)
		return 1;

	/* Close the spectral scan relay file */

	return 1;
Exemple #10
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct nl80211_state nlstate;
	int devidx = 0;
	char *devname;
	int err;
	unsigned int surveys = 10;

        /* strip off self */
	argv0 = *argv++;

	if (argc > 0 && strcmp(*argv, "--debug") == 0) {
		nl_debug = 1;

	if (argc > 0 && strcmp(*argv, "--version") == 0) {
		return 0;

	/* need to treat "help" command specially so it works w/o nl80211 */
	if (argc == 0 || strcmp(*argv, "help") == 0) {
		return 0;

	err = nl80211_init(&nlstate);
	if (err)
		return 1;

	if (argc <= 0) {
		return 1;

	devidx = if_nametoindex(*argv);
	if (devidx == 0)
		devidx = -1;

	devname = *argv;

	if (devidx < 0)
		return -errno;

	if (!is_link_up(devname)) {
		err = -ENOLINK;
		printf("Link for %s must be up to use acs\n", devname);
		goto nl_cleanup;

	 * XXX: we should probably get channel list properly here
	 * but I'm lazy. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT, given that if a device
	 * is down and comes up we won't have any survey data to study.
	err = get_freq_list(&nlstate, devidx);
	if (err)
		return err;

	while (surveys--) {
		err = study_freqs(&nlstate, devidx);
		if (err)
			return err;



	return err;