extern "C" t_std_error nas_os_interface_set_attribute(cps_api_object_t obj,cps_api_attr_id_t id) {
    char buff[NL_MSG_INTF_BUFF_LEN];

    cps_api_object_attr_t _ifix = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, DELL_BASE_IF_CMN_IF_INTERFACES_INTERFACE_IF_INDEX);
    if (_ifix==NULL) return (STD_ERR(NAS_OS,FAIL, 0));

    hal_ifindex_t if_index = cps_api_object_attr_data_uint(_ifix);
    if (if_index==0) return STD_ERR(NAS_OS,FAIL, 0);

    struct nlmsghdr *nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *) nlmsg_reserve((struct nlmsghdr *)buff,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct nlmsghdr));
    struct ifinfomsg *ifmsg = (struct ifinfomsg *) nlmsg_reserve(nlh,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct ifinfomsg));

    nas_os_pack_nl_hdr(nlh, RTM_SETLINK, (NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK));
    nas_os_pack_if_hdr(ifmsg, AF_UNSPEC, 0, if_index);

    char if_name[HAL_IF_NAME_SZ+1];
    if(cps_api_interface_if_index_to_name(if_index, if_name, sizeof(if_name)) == NULL) {
        EV_LOG(ERR, NAS_OS, ev_log_s_CRITICAL, "NAS-OS", "Failure getting interface name for %d", if_index);
        return (STD_ERR(NAS_OS,FAIL, 0));

    unsigned flags = 0;
    if(nas_os_util_int_flags_get(if_name, &flags) == STD_ERR_OK) {
        ifmsg->ifi_flags = flags;

    static const std::map<cps_api_attr_id_t,void (*)( cps_api_object_t ,struct nlmsghdr *,
            struct ifinfomsg *,size_t)> _funcs = {
            {DELL_IF_IF_INTERFACES_INTERFACE_MTU, _set_mtu},
            {IF_INTERFACES_INTERFACE_NAME, _set_name},
            {IF_INTERFACES_INTERFACE_ENABLED, _set_admin},
            {NAS_OS_IF_ALIAS, _set_ifalias },


    auto it =_funcs.find(id);
    if (it==_funcs.end()) return STD_ERR_OK;

    if(nl_do_set_request(nas_nl_sock_T_INT, nlh, buff,sizeof(buff)) != STD_ERR_OK) {
        EV_LOG(ERR, NAS_OS, ev_log_s_CRITICAL, "NAS-OS", "Failure updating interface in kernel");
        return (STD_ERR(NAS_OS,FAIL, 0));
    return STD_ERR_OK;
extern "C" t_std_error nas_os_del_interface(hal_ifindex_t if_index)
    char buff[NL_MSG_INTF_BUFF_LEN];


    EV_LOG(INFO, NAS_OS, ev_log_s_MINOR, "NAS-OS", "Del Interface %d", if_index);

    struct nlmsghdr *nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *) nlmsg_reserve((struct nlmsghdr *)buff,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct nlmsghdr));
    struct ifinfomsg *ifmsg = (struct ifinfomsg *) nlmsg_reserve(nlh,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct ifinfomsg));

    nas_os_pack_nl_hdr(nlh, RTM_DELLINK, (NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK));

    nas_os_pack_if_hdr(ifmsg, AF_UNSPEC, 0, if_index);

    if(nl_do_set_request(nas_nl_sock_T_INT, nlh, buff,sizeof(buff)) != STD_ERR_OK) {
        EV_LOG(ERR, NAS_OS, ev_log_s_CRITICAL, "NAS-OS", "Failure deleting interface in kernel");
        return (STD_ERR(NAS_OS,FAIL, 0));
    return STD_ERR_OK;
Exemple #3
cps_api_return_code_t nas_os_update_neighbor(cps_api_object_t obj, msg_type m_type)
    static char buff[NL_RT_MSG_BUFFER_LEN];
    hal_mac_addr_t mac_addr;
    char            addr_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
    memset(mac_addr, 0, sizeof(mac_addr));

    cps_api_object_attr_t ip  = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_NBR_ADDRESS);
    cps_api_object_attr_t af  = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_NBR_AF);
    cps_api_object_attr_t mac = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_NBR_MAC_ADDR);
    cps_api_object_attr_t if_index = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_NBR_IFINDEX);
    cps_api_object_attr_t nbr_type = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_NBR_TYPE);

    if (ip == CPS_API_ATTR_NULL || af == CPS_API_ATTR_NULL || if_index == CPS_API_ATTR_NULL
        || (m_type != NAS_RT_DEL && mac == CPS_API_ATTR_NULL)) {
        EV_LOG(ERR, NAS_OS, ev_log_s_CRITICAL, "NEIGH-UPD", "Missing neighbor params");
        return cps_api_ret_code_ERR;

    struct nlmsghdr *nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *)
                         nlmsg_reserve((struct nlmsghdr *)buff,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct nlmsghdr));
    struct ndmsg * ndm = (struct ndmsg *) nlmsg_reserve(nlh,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct ndmsg));

    ndm->ndm_ifindex = cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(if_index);
    ndm->ndm_family = (unsigned char) cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(af);
    if (nbr_type != CPS_API_ATTR_NULL) {
        if (((unsigned char) cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(nbr_type))
            == BASE_ROUTE_RT_TYPE_STATIC){
            /* Static ARP handling */
            ndm->ndm_state = NUD_PERMANENT;
            /* Set this flag to replace the dynamic ARP to static if exists */
            if (m_type == NAS_RT_ADD)
                m_type = NAS_RT_SET;
            ndm->ndm_state = NUD_REACHABLE;
    } else {
        /* if NH type is not given, assume the state as permanent */
        ndm->ndm_state = NUD_PERMANENT;
        /* Set this flag to replace the dynamic ARP to static if exists */
        if (m_type == NAS_RT_ADD)
            m_type = NAS_RT_SET;
    uint16_t flags = nas_os_get_nl_flags(m_type);
    uint16_t type = (m_type == NAS_RT_DEL)?RTM_DELNEIGH:RTM_NEWNEIGH;
    nas_os_pack_nl_hdr(nlh, type, flags);

    ndm->ndm_type = RTN_UNICAST;

    uint32_t addr_len = (ndm->ndm_family == AF_INET)?HAL_INET4_LEN:HAL_INET6_LEN;

    if (mac != CPS_API_ATTR_NULL) {
        void * data = cps_api_object_attr_data_bin(mac);
        nlmsg_add_attr(nlh,sizeof(buff),NDA_LLADDR, &mac_addr, HAL_MAC_ADDR_LEN);

    t_std_error rc = nl_do_set_request(nas_nl_sock_T_NEI,nlh,buff,sizeof(buff));
    int err_code = STD_ERR_EXT_PRIV (rc);
    EV_LOG(INFO, NAS_OS, 2,"NEIGH-UPD","Operation:%s family:%s NH:%s MAC:%s out-intf:%d state:%s rc:%d",
           ((m_type == NAS_RT_DEL) ? "Arp-Del" : "Arp-Add"), ((ndm->ndm_family == AF_INET) ? "IPv4" : "IPv6"),
           ((ndm->ndm_family == AF_INET) ?
            (inet_ntop(ndm->ndm_family, cps_api_object_attr_data_bin(ip), addr_str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) :
            (inet_ntop(ndm->ndm_family, cps_api_object_attr_data_bin(ip), addr_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN))),
           nl_neigh_mac_to_str(&mac_addr), ndm->ndm_ifindex,
           ((ndm->ndm_state == NUD_REACHABLE) ? "Dynamic" : "Static"), err_code);
    return rc;
Exemple #4
cps_api_return_code_t nas_os_update_route (cps_api_object_t obj, msg_type m_type)
    static char buff[NL_RT_MSG_BUFFER_LEN]; // Allocate from DS
    char            addr_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];

    cps_api_object_attr_t prefix   = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_ENTRY_ROUTE_PREFIX);
    cps_api_object_attr_t af       = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_ENTRY_AF);
    cps_api_object_attr_t nh_count = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_ENTRY_NH_COUNT);
    cps_api_object_attr_t pref_len = cps_api_object_attr_get(obj, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_ENTRY_PREFIX_LEN);

    if (prefix == CPS_API_ATTR_NULL || af == CPS_API_ATTR_NULL ||  pref_len == CPS_API_ATTR_NULL
        || (m_type != NAS_RT_DEL && nh_count == CPS_API_ATTR_NULL)) {
        EV_LOG(ERR, NAS_OS, ev_log_s_CRITICAL, "ROUTE-UPD", "Missing route params");
        return cps_api_ret_code_ERR;

    struct nlmsghdr *nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *)
                         nlmsg_reserve((struct nlmsghdr *)buff,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct nlmsghdr));
    struct rtmsg * rm = (struct rtmsg *) nlmsg_reserve(nlh,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct rtmsg));

    uint16_t flags = nas_os_get_nl_flags(m_type);
    uint16_t type = (m_type == NAS_RT_DEL)?RTM_DELROUTE:RTM_NEWROUTE;

    nas_os_pack_nl_hdr(nlh, type, flags);

    rm->rtm_table = RT_TABLE_MAIN;
    rm->rtm_protocol = RTPROT_UNSPEC; // This could be assigned to correct owner in future

    /* For route delete, initialize scope to no-where and
     * this will get updated to link when Nh addr/ifx is provided.
    if (type != RTM_DELROUTE)
        rm->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE;
        rm->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE;

    rm->rtm_type = RTN_UNICAST;

    rm->rtm_dst_len = cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(pref_len);
    rm->rtm_family = (unsigned char) cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(af);

    uint32_t addr_len = (rm->rtm_family == AF_INET)?HAL_INET4_LEN:HAL_INET6_LEN;

    uint32_t nhc = 0;
    if (nh_count != CPS_API_ATTR_NULL) nhc = cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(nh_count);

    EV_LOG(INFO, NAS_OS,2,"ROUTE-UPD","NH count:%d family:%s msg:%s for prefix:%s len:%d scope:%d", nhc,
           ((rm->rtm_family == AF_INET) ? "IPv4" : "IPv6"), ((m_type == NAS_RT_ADD) ? "Route-Add" : ((m_type == NAS_RT_DEL) ? "Route-Del" : "Route-Set")),
           ((rm->rtm_family == AF_INET) ?
            (inet_ntop(rm->rtm_family, cps_api_object_attr_data_bin(prefix), addr_str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) :
            (inet_ntop(rm->rtm_family, cps_api_object_attr_data_bin(prefix), addr_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN))),
           rm->rtm_dst_len, rm->rtm_scope);

    if (nhc == 1) {
        cps_api_attr_id_t ids[3] = { BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_ENTRY_NH_LIST,
                                     0, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_ENTRY_NH_LIST_NH_ADDR};
        const int ids_len = sizeof(ids)/sizeof(*ids);
        cps_api_object_attr_t gw = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
        if (gw != CPS_API_ATTR_NULL) {
            rm->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE; // set scope to universe when gateway is specified
            EV_LOG(INFO, NAS_OS, 2,"ROUTE-UPD","NH:%s scope:%d",
                   ((rm->rtm_family == AF_INET) ?
                    (inet_ntop(rm->rtm_family, cps_api_object_attr_data_bin(gw), addr_str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) :
                    (inet_ntop(rm->rtm_family, cps_api_object_attr_data_bin(gw), addr_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN))),
        } else {
            EV_LOG(INFO, NAS_OS, ev_log_s_MINOR, "ROUTE-UPD", "Missing Gateway, could be intf route");
             * This could be an interface route, do not return from here!

        cps_api_object_attr_t gwix = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
        if (gwix != CPS_API_ATTR_NULL) {
            if (gw == CPS_API_ATTR_NULL) {
                rm->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_LINK;

            EV_LOG(INFO, NAS_OS,2,"ROUTE-UPD","out-intf: %d scope:%d",
                   (int)cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(gwix), rm->rtm_scope);

        cps_api_object_attr_t weight = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
        if (weight != CPS_API_ATTR_NULL) nas_nl_add_attr_int(nlh,sizeof(buff),RTA_PRIORITY,weight);

    } else if (nhc > 1){
        struct nlattr * attr_nh = nlmsg_nested_start(nlh, sizeof(buff));

        attr_nh->nla_len = 0;
        attr_nh->nla_type = RTA_MULTIPATH;
        size_t ix = 0;
        for (ix = 0; ix < nhc ; ++ix) {
            struct rtnexthop * rtnh =
                (struct rtnexthop * )nlmsg_reserve(nlh,sizeof(buff), sizeof(struct rtnexthop));

            cps_api_attr_id_t ids[3] = { BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_ENTRY_NH_LIST,
                                         ix, BASE_ROUTE_OBJ_ENTRY_NH_LIST_NH_ADDR};
            const int ids_len = sizeof(ids)/sizeof(*ids);
            cps_api_object_attr_t attr = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
            if (attr != CPS_API_ATTR_NULL) {
                rm->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE; // set scope to universe when gateway is specified
                EV_LOG(INFO, NAS_OS,2,"ROUTE-UPD","MP-NH:%d %s scope:%d",ix,
                       ((rm->rtm_family == AF_INET) ?
                        (inet_ntop(rm->rtm_family, cps_api_object_attr_data_bin(attr), addr_str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) :
                        (inet_ntop(rm->rtm_family, cps_api_object_attr_data_bin(attr), addr_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN))),
            } else {
                EV_LOG(ERR, NAS_OS, ev_log_s_CRITICAL, "ROUTE-UPD", "Error - Missing Gateway");
                return cps_api_ret_code_ERR;

            attr = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
            if (attr != CPS_API_ATTR_NULL)
                rtnh->rtnh_ifindex = (int)cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(attr);

            attr = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
            if (attr != CPS_API_ATTR_NULL) rtnh->rtnh_hops = (char)cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(attr);

            rtnh->rtnh_len = (char*)nlmsg_tail(nlh) - (char*)rtnh;

    t_std_error rc = nl_do_set_request(nas_nl_sock_T_ROUTE,nlh,buff,sizeof(buff));
    int err_code = STD_ERR_EXT_PRIV (rc);
    EV_LOG(INFO, NAS_OS,2,"ROUTE-UPD","Netlink error_code %d", err_code);

     * Return success if the error is exist, in case of addition, or
     * no-exist, in case of deletion. This is because, kernel might have
     * deleted the route entries (when interface goes down) but has not sent netlink
     * events for those routes and RTM is trying to delete after that.
     * Similarly, during ip address configuration, kernel may add the routes
     * before RTM tries to configure kernel.
    if(err_code == ESRCH || err_code == EEXIST ) {
        EV_LOG(INFO, NAS_OS,2,"ROUTE-UPD","No such process or Entry already exists");
         * Kernel may or may not have the routes but NAS routing needs to be informed
         * as is from kernel netlink to program NPU for the route addition/deletion to
         * ensure stale routes are cleaned
        if(err_code == ESRCH)
            nas_os_publish_route(RTM_DELROUTE, obj);
            nas_os_publish_route(RTM_NEWROUTE, obj);
        rc = STD_ERR_OK;

    return rc;

static cps_api_return_code_t _op(cps_api_operation_types_t op,void * context, cps_api_object_t obj, cps_api_object_t prev) {

    char buff[1024];
    cps_api_object_attr_t list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_MAX];

    if (list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_PREFIX]==NULL) return cps_api_ret_code_ERR;
    if (list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_PREFIX_LEN]==NULL) return cps_api_ret_code_ERR;
    if (list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_FAMILY]==NULL) return cps_api_ret_code_ERR;

    uint32_t prefix_len =  cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_PREFIX_LEN]);

    struct nlmsghdr *nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *) nlmsg_reserve((struct nlmsghdr *)buff,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct nlmsghdr));
    struct rtmsg * rm = (struct rtmsg *) nlmsg_reserve(nlh,sizeof(buff),sizeof(struct rtmsg));

    //sizeof structure + attrs nlh->nlmsg_len
    nlh->nlmsg_pid = 0;
    nlh->nlmsg_seq = 0;
    nlh->nlmsg_type =RTM_NEWROUTE;
    nlh->nlmsg_flags =  NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK ;

    if (op==cps_api_oper_CREATE) {
        nlh->nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_EXCL;
    if (op==cps_api_oper_SET) {
        nlh->nlmsg_flags |=NLM_F_REPLACE;
    if (op==cps_api_oper_DELETE) {
        nlh->nlmsg_type =RTM_DELROUTE;

    rm->rtm_table = RT_TABLE_MAIN;
    rm->rtm_protocol = RTPROT_BOOT;
    rm->rtm_dst_len = prefix_len;
    rm->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE;
    rm->rtm_type = RTN_UNICAST;

    rm->rtm_family = (unsigned char) cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_FAMILY]);

    EV_LOG(INFO,NETLINK,3,"ROUTEADD","Family is %d",rm->rtm_family);

    if (list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_PREFIX]!=NULL) nas_nl_add_attr_ip(nlh,sizeof(buff),RTA_DST,list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_PREFIX]);

    if (list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_HOP_COUNT]==NULL) return cps_api_ret_code_ERR;
    uint32_t hc =  cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(list[cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_HOP_COUNT]);
    EV_LOG(INFO,NETLINK,3,"ROUTEADD","hopcount is %d",hc);

    if (hc==1) {
        cps_api_attr_id_t ids[3] = { cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_NH, 0, cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_NEXT_HOP_ADDR};
        const int ids_len = sizeof(ids)/sizeof(*ids);
        cps_api_object_attr_t gw = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);

        EV_LOG(INFO,NETLINK,3,"ROUTEADD","nh addr is %d",(int)(size_t)gw);
        if (gw!=NULL) nas_nl_add_attr_ip(nlh,sizeof(buff),RTA_GATEWAY,gw);

        ids[2] = cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_NH_IFINDEX;
        cps_api_object_attr_t gwix = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
        EV_LOG(INFO,NETLINK,3,"ROUTEADD","nh index is %d",(int)(size_t)gwix);
        if (gwix!=NULL) nas_nl_add_attr_int(nlh,sizeof(buff),RTA_OIF,gwix);

        ids[2] = cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_NEXT_HOP_WEIGHT;
        cps_api_object_attr_t weight = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
        if (weight!=NULL) nas_nl_add_attr_int(nlh,sizeof(buff),RTA_PRIORITY,weight);

    } else {
        struct nlattr * attr_nh = nlmsg_nested_start(nlh, sizeof(buff));

        attr_nh->nla_len = 0;
        attr_nh->nla_type = RTA_MULTIPATH;
        size_t ix = 0;
        for (ix = 0; ix < hc ; ++ix) {
            struct rtnexthop * rtnh = (struct rtnexthop * )nlmsg_reserve(nlh,sizeof(buff), sizeof(struct rtnexthop));

            cps_api_attr_id_t ids[3] = { cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_NH, ix, cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_NEXT_HOP_ADDR};
            const int ids_len = sizeof(ids)/sizeof(*ids);
            cps_api_object_attr_t attr = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
            if (attr!=NULL) nas_nl_add_attr_ip(nlh,sizeof(buff),RTA_GATEWAY,attr);

            ids[2] = cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_NH_IFINDEX;
            attr = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
            if (attr!=NULL) rtnh->rtnh_ifindex = (int)cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(attr);

            ids[2] = cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_NEXT_HOP_WEIGHT;
            attr = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
            if (attr!=NULL) rtnh->rtnh_hops = (char)cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(attr);

            ids[2] = cps_api_if_ROUTE_A_NEXT_HOP_FLAGS;
            attr = cps_api_object_e_get(obj,ids,ids_len);
            if (attr!=NULL) rtnh->rtnh_flags = (char)cps_api_object_attr_data_u32(attr);

            rtnh->rtnh_len = (char*)nlmsg_tail(nlh) - (char*)rtnh;
    return (cps_api_return_code_t) nl_do_set_request(nas_nl_sock_T_ROUTE,nlh,buff,sizeof(buff));