Exemple #1
static int nn_xsurveyor_create (void *hint, struct nn_sockbase **sockbase)
    struct nn_xsurveyor *self;

    self = nn_alloc (sizeof (struct nn_xsurveyor), "socket (xsurveyor)");
    alloc_assert (self);
    nn_xsurveyor_init (self, &nn_xsurveyor_sockbase_vfptr, hint);
    *sockbase = &self->sockbase;

    return 0;
Exemple #2
static void nn_surveyor_init (struct nn_surveyor *self,
    const struct nn_sockbase_vfptr *vfptr, void *hint)
    nn_xsurveyor_init (&self->xsurveyor, vfptr, hint);
    nn_fsm_init_root (&self->fsm, nn_surveyor_handler,
        nn_sockbase_getctx (&self->xsurveyor.sockbase));
    self->state = NN_SURVEYOR_STATE_IDLE;

    /*  Start assigning survey IDs beginning with a random number. This way
        there should be no key clashes even if the executable is re-started. */
    nn_random_generate (&self->surveyid, sizeof (self->surveyid));

    nn_timer_init (&self->timer, NN_SURVEYOR_SRC_DEADLINE_TIMER, &self->fsm);
    nn_msg_init (&self->tosend, 0);
    self->deadline = NN_SURVEYOR_DEFAULT_DEADLINE;

    /*  Start the state machine. */
    nn_fsm_start (&self->fsm);
Exemple #3
static int nn_surveyor_init (struct nn_surveyor *self,
    const struct nn_sockbase_vfptr *vfptr)
    int rc;

    rc = nn_xsurveyor_init (&self->xsurveyor, vfptr);
    if (rc < 0)
        return rc;

    self->sink = &nn_surveyor_sink;
    self->flags = 0;

    /*  Start assigning survey IDs beginning with a random number. This way
        there should be no key clashes even if the executable is re-started. */
    nn_random_generate (&self->surveyid, sizeof (self->surveyid));

    self->deadline = NN_SURVEYOR_DEFAULT_DEADLINE;
    nn_timer_init (&self->deadline_timer, &self->sink,
        nn_sockbase_getcp (&self->xsurveyor.sockbase));

    return 0;