Exemple #1
AtCommands::AtCommands( AtFrontEnd *frontEnd, AtSessionManager *manager )
    : QObject( frontEnd )
    qLog(ModemEmulator) << "AT command session started";

    atFrontEnd = frontEnd;
    atManager = manager;

    m_atgnc = new AtGsmNonCellCommands( this );
    m_atgcc = new AtGsmCellCommands( this );
    m_atsms = new AtSmsCommands( this );
    m_atbtc = new AtBluetoothCommands( this );
    m_atv250c = new AtV250Commands( this );

    // network registration for ATD()
    dataCallRequested = false;

    cmdsPosn = 0;
    result = QAtResult::OK;
    extendedError = QAtResult::OK;

    connect( frontEnd, SIGNAL(commands(QStringList)),
             this, SLOT(commands(QStringList)) );

    AtCallManager *calls = manager->callManager();
    connect( calls, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int,AtCallManager::CallState,QString,QString)),
             this, SLOT(stateChanged(int,AtCallManager::CallState,QString,QString)) );
    connect( calls, SIGNAL(deferredResult(AtCommands*,QAtResult::ResultCode)),
             this, SLOT(deferredResult(AtCommands*,QAtResult::ResultCode)) );
    connect( calls, SIGNAL(ring(QString,QString)),
             this, SLOT(ring(QString,QString)) );
    connect( calls, SIGNAL(dialingOut(bool,bool,bool)),
             this, SLOT(dialingOut(bool,bool,bool)) );
    connect( calls, SIGNAL(outgoingConnected(QString)),
             this, SLOT(outgoingConnected(QString)) );
    connect( calls, SIGNAL(callWaiting(QString,QString)),
             this, SLOT(callWaiting(QString,QString)) );
    connect( calls, SIGNAL(noCarrier()), this, SLOT(noCarrier()) );

    // register those AT commands that this class defines.
    add( "D",        this, SLOT(atd(QString)) );
    add( "+CDIS",    this, SLOT(notAllowed()) );
    add( "+CFUN",    this, SLOT(atcfun(QString)) );
    add( "+CIMI",    this, SLOT(atcimi(QString)) );
    add( "+CMAR",    this, SLOT(ignore()) );
Exemple #2
liveScanner (dsd_opts * opts, dsd_state * state)
  if (opts->audio_in_fd == -1)
      if (pthread_mutex_lock(&state->input_mutex))
          printf("liveScanner -> Unable to lock mutex\n");
  while (1)
      noCarrier (opts, state);
      state->synctype = getFrameSync (opts, state);
      // recalibrate center/umid/lmid
      state->center = ((state->max) + (state->min)) / 2;
      state->umid = (((state->max) - state->center) * 5 / 8) + state->center;
      state->lmid = (((state->min) - state->center) * 5 / 8) + state->center;
      while (state->synctype != -1)
          processFrame (opts, state);
          state->synctype = getFrameSync (opts, state);
          // recalibrate center/umid/lmid
          state->center = ((state->max) + (state->min)) / 2;
          state->umid = (((state->max) - state->center) * 5 / 8) + state->center;
          state->lmid = (((state->min) - state->center) * 5 / 8) + state->center;
Exemple #3
cleanupAndExit (dsd_opts * opts, dsd_state * state)
  noCarrier (opts, state);
  if (opts->wav_out_f != NULL)
      closeWavOutFile (opts, state);
  printf ("Exiting.\n");
  exit (0);
Exemple #4
getFrameSync (dsd_opts * opts, dsd_state * state)
  /* detects frame sync and returns frame type
   * 0 = +P25p1
   * 1 = -P25p1
   * 2 = +X2-TDMA (non inverted signal data frame)
   * 3 = +X2-TDMA (inverted signal voice frame)
   * 4 = -X2-TDMA (non inverted signal voice frame)
   * 5 = -X2-TDMA (inverted signal data frame)
   * 6 = +D-STAR
   * 7 = -D-STAR
   * 8 = +NXDN (non inverted voice frame)
   * 9 = -NXDN (inverted voice frame)
   * 10 = +DMR (non inverted singlan data frame)
   * 11 = -DMR (inverted signal voice frame)
   * 12 = +DMR (non inverted signal voice frame)
   * 13 = -DMR (inverted signal data frame)
   * 14 = +ProVoice
   * 15 = -ProVoice
   * 16 = +NXDN (non inverted data frame)
   * 17 = -NXDN (inverted data frame)
   * 18 = +D-STAR_HD
   * 19 = -D-STAR_HD

  int i, j, t, o, dibit, sync, symbol, synctest_pos, lastt;
  char synctest[25];
  char synctest18[19];
  char synctest32[33];
  char modulation[8];
  char *synctest_p;
  char synctest_buf[10240];
  int lmin, lmax, lidx;
  int lbuf[24], lbuf2[24];
  int lsum;
  char spectrum[64];

  for (i = 18; i < 24; i++)
      lbuf[i] = 0;
      lbuf2[i] = 0;

  // detect frame sync
  t = 0;
  synctest[24] = 0;
  synctest18[18] = 0;
  synctest32[32] = 0;
  synctest_pos = 0;
  synctest_p = synctest_buf + 10;
  sync = 0;
  lmin = 0;
  lmax = 0;
  lidx = 0;
  lastt = 0;
  state->numflips = 0;
  if ((opts->symboltiming == 1) && (state->carrier == 1))
      printf ("\nSymbol Timing:\n");
  while (sync == 0)
      symbol = getSymbol (opts, state, 0);
      lbuf[lidx] = symbol;
      state->sbuf[state->sidx] = symbol;
      if (lidx == 23)
          lidx = 0;
      if (state->sidx == (opts->ssize - 1))
          state->sidx = 0;

      if (lastt == 23)
          lastt = 0;
          if (state->numflips > opts->mod_threshold)
              if (opts->mod_qpsk == 1)
                  state->rf_mod = 1;
          else if (state->numflips > 18)
              if (opts->mod_gfsk == 1)
                  state->rf_mod = 2;
              if (opts->mod_c4fm == 1)
                  state->rf_mod = 0;
          state->numflips = 0;

      if (state->dibit_buf_p > state->dibit_buf + 900000)
    	  state->dibit_buf_p = state->dibit_buf + 200;

      //determine dibit state
      if (symbol > 0)
          *state->dibit_buf_p = 1;
          dibit = 49;
          *state->dibit_buf_p = 3;
          dibit = 51;

      *synctest_p = dibit;
      if (t >= 18)
          for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
              lbuf2[i] = lbuf[i];
          qsort (lbuf2, 24, sizeof (int), comp);
          lmin = (lbuf2[2] + lbuf2[3] + lbuf2[4]) / 3;
          lmax = (lbuf2[21] + lbuf2[20] + lbuf2[19]) / 3;

          if (state->rf_mod == 1)
              state->minbuf[state->midx] = lmin;
              state->maxbuf[state->midx] = lmax;
              if (state->midx == (opts->msize - 1))
                  state->midx = 0;
              lsum = 0;
              for (i = 0; i < opts->msize; i++)
                  lsum += state->minbuf[i];
              state->min = lsum / opts->msize;
              lsum = 0;
              for (i = 0; i < opts->msize; i++)
                  lsum += state->maxbuf[i];
              state->max = lsum / opts->msize;
              state->center = ((state->max) + (state->min)) / 2;
              state->maxref = ((state->max) * 0.80);
              state->minref = ((state->min) * 0.80);
              state->maxref = state->max;
              state->minref = state->min;

          if (state->rf_mod == 0)
              sprintf (modulation, "C4FM");
          else if (state->rf_mod == 1)
              sprintf (modulation, "QPSK");
          else if (state->rf_mod == 2)
              sprintf (modulation, "GFSK");

          if (opts->datascope == 1)
              if (lidx == 0)
                  for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                      spectrum[i] = 0;
                  for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                      o = (lbuf2[i] + 32768) / 1024;
                  if (state->symbolcnt > (4800 / opts->scoperate))
                      state->symbolcnt = 0;
                      printf ("\n");
                      printf ("Demod mode:     %s                Nac:                     %4X\n", modulation, state->nac);
                      printf ("Frame Type:    %s        Talkgroup:            %7i\n", state->ftype, state->lasttg);
                      printf ("Frame Subtype: %s       Source:          %12i\n", state->fsubtype, state->lastsrc);
                      printf ("TDMA activity:  %s %s     Voice errors: %s\n", state->slot0light, state->slot1light, state->err_str);
                      printf ("+----------------------------------------------------------------+\n");
                      for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                          printf ("|");
                          for (j = 0; j < 64; j++)
                              if (i == 0)
                                  if ((j == ((state->min) + 32768) / 1024) || (j == ((state->max) + 32768) / 1024))
                                      printf ("#");
                                  else if (j == (state->center + 32768) / 1024)
                                      printf ("!");
                                      if (j == 32)
                                          printf ("|");
                                          printf (" ");
                                  if (spectrum[j] > 9 - i)
                                      printf ("*");
                                      if (j == 32)
                                          printf ("|");
                                          printf (" ");
                          printf ("|\n");
                      printf ("+----------------------------------------------------------------+\n");

          strncpy (synctest, (synctest_p - 23), 24);
          if (opts->frame_p25p1 == 1)
              if (strcmp (synctest, P25P1_SYNC) == 0)
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, " P25 Phase 1 ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, " +P25p1    ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = 0;
                  return (0);
              if (strcmp (synctest, INV_P25P1_SYNC) == 0)
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, " P25 Phase 1 ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, " -P25p1    ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = 1;
                  return (1);
          if (opts->frame_x2tdma == 1)
              if ((strcmp (synctest, X2TDMA_BS_DATA_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest, X2TDMA_MS_DATA_SYNC) == 0))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + (lmax)) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + (lmin)) / 2;
                  if (opts->inverted_x2tdma == 0)
                      // data frame
                      sprintf (state->ftype, " X2-TDMA     ");
                      if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                          printFrameSync (opts, state, " +X2-TDMA  ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      state->lastsynctype = 2;
                      return (2);
                      // inverted voice frame
                      sprintf (state->ftype, " X2-TDMA     ");
                      if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                          printFrameSync (opts, state, " -X2-TDMA  ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      if (state->lastsynctype != 3)
                          state->firstframe = 1;
                      state->lastsynctype = 3;
                      return (3);
              if ((strcmp (synctest, X2TDMA_BS_VOICE_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest, X2TDMA_MS_VOICE_SYNC) == 0))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  if (opts->inverted_x2tdma == 0)
                      // voice frame
                      sprintf (state->ftype, " X2-TDMA     ");
                      if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                          printFrameSync (opts, state, " +X2-TDMA  ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      if (state->lastsynctype != 4)
                          state->firstframe = 1;
                      state->lastsynctype = 4;
                      return (4);
                      // inverted data frame
                      sprintf (state->ftype, " X2-TDMA     ");
                      if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                          printFrameSync (opts, state, " -X2-TDMA  ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      state->lastsynctype = 5;
                      return (5);
          if (opts->frame_dmr == 1)
              if ((strcmp (synctest, DMR_MS_DATA_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest, DMR_BS_DATA_SYNC) == 0))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + (lmax)) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + (lmin)) / 2;
                  if (opts->inverted_dmr == 0)
                      // data frame
                      sprintf (state->ftype, " DMR         ");
                      if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                          printFrameSync (opts, state, " +DMR      ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      state->lastsynctype = 10;
                      return (10);
                      // inverted voice frame
                      sprintf (state->ftype, " DMR         ");
                      if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                          printFrameSync (opts, state, " -DMR      ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      if (state->lastsynctype != 11)
                          state->firstframe = 1;
                      state->lastsynctype = 11;
                      return (11);
              if ((strcmp (synctest, DMR_MS_VOICE_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest, DMR_BS_VOICE_SYNC) == 0))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  if (opts->inverted_dmr == 0)
                      // voice frame
                      sprintf (state->ftype, " DMR         ");
                      if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                          printFrameSync (opts, state, " +DMR      ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      if (state->lastsynctype != 12)
                          state->firstframe = 1;
                      state->lastsynctype = 12;
                      return (12);
                      // inverted data frame
                      sprintf (state->ftype, " DMR         ");
                      if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                          printFrameSync (opts, state, " -DMR      ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      state->lastsynctype = 13;
                      return (13);
          if (opts->frame_provoice == 1)
              strncpy (synctest32, (synctest_p - 31), 32);
              if ((strcmp (synctest32, PROVOICE_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest32, PROVOICE_EA_SYNC) == 0))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, " ProVoice    ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, " -ProVoice ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = 14;
                  return (14);
              else if ((strcmp (synctest32, INV_PROVOICE_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest32, INV_PROVOICE_EA_SYNC) == 0))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, " ProVoice    ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, " -ProVoice ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = 15;
                  return (15);

          if ((opts->frame_nxdn96 == 1) || (opts->frame_nxdn48 == 1))
              strncpy (synctest18, (synctest_p - 17), 18);
              if ((strcmp (synctest18, NXDN_BS_VOICE_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest18, NXDN_MS_VOICE_SYNC) == 0))
                  if ((state->lastsynctype == 8) || (state->lastsynctype == 16))
                      state->carrier = 1;
                      state->offset = synctest_pos;
                      state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                      state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                      if (state->samplesPerSymbol == 20)
                          sprintf (state->ftype, " NXDN48      ");
                          if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                              printFrameSync (opts, state, " +NXDN48   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                          sprintf (state->ftype, " NXDN96      ");
                          if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                              printFrameSync (opts, state, " +NXDN96   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      state->lastsynctype = 8;
                      return (8);
                      state->lastsynctype = 8;
              else if ((strcmp (synctest18, INV_NXDN_BS_VOICE_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest18, INV_NXDN_MS_VOICE_SYNC) == 0))
                  if ((state->lastsynctype == 9) || (state->lastsynctype == 17))
                      state->carrier = 1;
                      state->offset = synctest_pos;
                      state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                      state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                      if (state->samplesPerSymbol == 20)
                          sprintf (state->ftype, " NXDN48      ");
                          if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                              printFrameSync (opts, state, " -NXDN48   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                          sprintf (state->ftype, " NXDN96      ");
                          if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                              printFrameSync (opts, state, " -NXDN96   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      state->lastsynctype = 9;
                      return (9);
                      state->lastsynctype = 9;
              else if ((strcmp (synctest18, NXDN_BS_DATA_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest18, NXDN_MS_DATA_SYNC) == 0))
                  if ((state->lastsynctype == 8) || (state->lastsynctype == 16))
                      state->carrier = 1;
                      state->offset = synctest_pos;
                      state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                      state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                      if (state->samplesPerSymbol == 20)
                          sprintf (state->ftype, " NXDN48      ");
                          if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                              printFrameSync (opts, state, " +NXDN48   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                          sprintf (state->ftype, " NXDN96      ");
                          if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                              printFrameSync (opts, state, " +NXDN96   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      state->lastsynctype = 16;
                      return (16);
                      state->lastsynctype = 16;
              else if ((strcmp (synctest18, INV_NXDN_BS_DATA_SYNC) == 0) || (strcmp (synctest18, INV_NXDN_MS_DATA_SYNC) == 0))
                  if ((state->lastsynctype == 9) || (state->lastsynctype == 17))
                      state->carrier = 1;
                      state->offset = synctest_pos;
                      state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                      state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                      sprintf (state->ftype, " NXDN        ");
                      if (state->samplesPerSymbol == 20)
                          sprintf (state->ftype, " NXDN48      ");
                          if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                              printFrameSync (opts, state, " -NXDN48   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                          sprintf (state->ftype, " NXDN96      ");
                          if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                              printFrameSync (opts, state, " -NXDN96   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                      state->lastsynctype = 17;
                      return (17);
                      state->lastsynctype = 17;
          if (opts->frame_dstar == 1)
              if (strcmp (synctest, DSTAR_SYNC) == 0)
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, " D-STAR      ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, " +D-STAR   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = 6;
                  return (6);
              if (strcmp (synctest, INV_DSTAR_SYNC) == 0)
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, " D-STAR      ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, " -D-STAR   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = 7;
                  return (7);
              if (strcmp (synctest, DSTAR_HD) == 0)
					state->carrier = 1;
					state->offset = synctest_pos;
					state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
					state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
					sprintf (state->ftype, " D-STAR_HD   ");
					if (opts->errorbars == 1)
						printFrameSync (opts, state, " +D-STAR_HD   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
					state->lastsynctype = 18;
					return (18);
              if (strcmp (synctest, INV_DSTAR_HD) == 0)
					state->carrier = 1;
					state->offset = synctest_pos;
					state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
					state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
					sprintf (state->ftype, " D-STAR_HD   ");
					if (opts->errorbars == 1)
						printFrameSync (opts, state, " -D-STAR_HD   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
					state->lastsynctype = 19;
					return (19);


          if ((t == 24) && (state->lastsynctype != -1))
              if ((state->lastsynctype == 0) && ((state->lastp25type == 1) || (state->lastp25type == 2)))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + (lmax)) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + (lmin)) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, "(P25 Phase 1)");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, "(+P25p1)   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = -1;
                  return (0);
              else if ((state->lastsynctype == 1) && ((state->lastp25type == 1) || (state->lastp25type == 2)))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, "(P25 Phase 1)");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, "(-P25p1)   ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = -1;
                  return (1);
              else if ((state->lastsynctype == 3) && ((strcmp (synctest, X2TDMA_BS_VOICE_SYNC) != 0) || (strcmp (synctest, X2TDMA_MS_VOICE_SYNC) != 0)))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, "(X2-TDMA)    ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, "(-X2-TDMA) ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = -1;
                  return (3);
              else if ((state->lastsynctype == 4) && ((strcmp (synctest, X2TDMA_BS_DATA_SYNC) != 0) || (strcmp (synctest, X2TDMA_MS_DATA_SYNC) != 0)))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, "(X2-TDMA)    ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, "(+X2-TDMA) ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = -1;
                  return (4);
              else if ((state->lastsynctype == 11) && ((strcmp (synctest, DMR_BS_VOICE_SYNC) != 0) || (strcmp (synctest, DMR_MS_VOICE_SYNC) != 0)))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, "(DMR)        ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, "(-DMR)     ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = -1;
                  return (11);
              else if ((state->lastsynctype == 12) && ((strcmp (synctest, DMR_BS_DATA_SYNC) != 0) || (strcmp (synctest, DMR_MS_DATA_SYNC) != 0)))
                  state->carrier = 1;
                  state->offset = synctest_pos;
                  state->max = ((state->max) + lmax) / 2;
                  state->min = ((state->min) + lmin) / 2;
                  sprintf (state->ftype, "(DMR)        ");
                  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
                      printFrameSync (opts, state, "(+DMR)     ", synctest_pos + 1, modulation);
                  state->lastsynctype = -1;
                  return (12);

      if (exitflag == 1)
          cleanupAndExit (opts, state);

      if (synctest_pos < 10200)
          // buffer reset
          synctest_pos = 0;
          synctest_p = synctest_buf;
          noCarrier (opts, state);

      if (state->lastsynctype != 1)
          if (synctest_pos >= 1800)
              if ((opts->errorbars == 1) && (opts->verbose > 1) && (state->carrier == 1))
                  printf ("Sync: no sync\n");
              noCarrier (opts, state);
              return (-1);

  return (-1);