Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedA::Scalar, matGradMultMatNumRows(DerivedA::RowsAtCompileTime, DerivedB::ColsAtCompileTime), DerivedDA::ColsAtCompileTime>
    const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedA>& A,
    const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedB>& B,
    const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedDA>& dA,
    const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedDB>& dB) {
  assert(dA.cols() == dB.cols());
  const int nq = dA.cols();
  const int nq_at_compile_time = DerivedDA::ColsAtCompileTime;

  Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedA::Scalar,
  matGradMultMatNumRows(DerivedA::RowsAtCompileTime, DerivedB::ColsAtCompileTime),
  DerivedDA::ColsAtCompileTime> ret(A.rows() * B.cols(), nq);

  for (int col = 0; col < B.cols(); col++) {
    auto block = ret.template block<DerivedA::RowsAtCompileTime, nq_at_compile_time>(col * A.rows(), 0, A.rows(), nq);

    // A * dB part:
    block.noalias() = A * dB.template block<DerivedA::ColsAtCompileTime, nq_at_compile_time>(col * A.cols(), 0, A.cols(), nq);

    for (int row = 0; row < B.rows(); row++) {
      // B * dA part:
      block.noalias() += B(row, col) * dA.template block<DerivedA::RowsAtCompileTime, nq_at_compile_time>(row * A.rows(), 0, A.rows(), nq);
  return ret;

  // much slower and requires eigen/unsupported:
//  return Eigen::kroneckerProduct(Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(B.cols(), B.cols()), A) * dB + Eigen::kroneckerProduct(B.transpose(), Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(A.rows(), A.rows())) * dA;
Exemple #2
void Isotropic3D::CalculateCauchyStresses(
    Vector& rCauchy_StressVector,
    const Matrix& rF,
    const Vector& rPK2_StressVector,
    const Vector& rGreenLagrangeStrainVector )
    Matrix S = MathUtils<double>::StressVectorToTensor( rPK2_StressVector );

    double J = MathUtils<double>::Det3( rF );
    boost::numeric::ublas::bounded_matrix<double, 3, 3> mstemp;
    boost::numeric::ublas::bounded_matrix<double, 3, 3> msaux;

    noalias( mstemp ) = prod( rF, S );
    noalias( msaux ) = prod( mstemp, trans( rF ) );
    msaux *= J;

    if ( rCauchy_StressVector.size() != 6 )
        rCauchy_StressVector.resize( 6 );

    rCauchy_StressVector[0] = msaux( 0, 0 );

    rCauchy_StressVector[1] = msaux( 1, 1 );

    rCauchy_StressVector[2] = msaux( 2, 2 );

    rCauchy_StressVector[3] = msaux( 0, 1 );

    rCauchy_StressVector[4] = msaux( 0, 2 );

    rCauchy_StressVector[5] = msaux( 1, 2 );
Exemple #3
void BeamElement::CalculateLocalNodalStress(Vector& Stress)

    Matrix Rotation;
    Matrix LocalMatrix;
    array_1d<double, 12 > CurrentDisplacement;
    array_1d<double, 12 > LocalDisplacement;
    Vector LocalBody  = ZeroVector(12);
    Vector GlobalBody = ZeroVector(12);
    Rotation.resize(12,12, false);
    Stress.resize(12, false);

    CurrentDisplacement(0)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_X);
    CurrentDisplacement(1)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Y);
    CurrentDisplacement(2)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Z);
    CurrentDisplacement(3)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_X);
    CurrentDisplacement(4)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_Y);
    CurrentDisplacement(5)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_Z);
    CurrentDisplacement(6)		=   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_X);
    CurrentDisplacement(7)		=   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Y);
    CurrentDisplacement(8)		=   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Z);
    CurrentDisplacement(9)		=   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_X);
    CurrentDisplacement(10)	        =   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_Y);
    CurrentDisplacement(11)	        =   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_Z);

    noalias(LocalDisplacement) = prod(Matrix(trans(Rotation)), CurrentDisplacement);
    CalculateBodyForce(Rotation, LocalBody, GlobalBody);
    noalias(Stress) = -LocalBody + prod(LocalMatrix, LocalDisplacement);
//		noalias(Stress) = -LocalBody + prod(Matrix(prod(Rotation,LocalMatrix)), LocalDisplacement);

    Vector& ConvDiffInterface2DLaw::GetValue(const Variable<Vector>& rThisVariable, Vector& rValue)
		if (rThisVariable == INITIAL_TEMP_GRAD) {
			if (rValue.size() != m_init_gradT.size())
			noalias(rValue) = m_init_gradT;
		if (rThisVariable == FLUX_RVE) {
			if (rValue.size() != mStressVector.size())
			noalias(rValue) = mStressVector;
		if (rThisVariable == HEAT_FLUX_RVE) { //For Output
			if (rValue.size() != 3)
			rValue(0) = mStressVector(0); // 1.0e6;//[W/mm^2]
			rValue(1) = mStressVector(1); // 1.0e6;
			rValue(2) = 0.0;
		if (rThisVariable == GAP_INTERFACE) {
			if (rValue.size() != m_gap_interface.size())
			noalias(rValue) = m_gap_interface;
        return rValue;
    void ExplicitSolverStrategy::ClearFEMForces() {
        ModelPart& fem_model_part = GetFemModelPart();
        NodesArrayType& pNodes = fem_model_part.Nodes();

        vector<unsigned int> node_partition;
        OpenMPUtils::CreatePartition(mNumberOfThreads, pNodes.size(), node_partition);

        #pragma omp parallel for
        for (int k = 0; k < mNumberOfThreads; k++) {

            typename NodesArrayType::iterator i_begin = pNodes.ptr_begin() + node_partition[k];
            typename NodesArrayType::iterator i_end = pNodes.ptr_begin() + node_partition[k + 1];

            for (ModelPart::NodeIterator i = i_begin; i != i_end; ++i) {

                array_1d<double, 3>& node_rhs = i->FastGetSolutionStepValue(CONTACT_FORCES);
                array_1d<double, 3>& node_rhs_elas = i->FastGetSolutionStepValue(ELASTIC_FORCES);
                array_1d<double, 3>& node_rhs_tang = i->FastGetSolutionStepValue(TANGENTIAL_ELASTIC_FORCES);
                double& node_pressure = i->GetSolutionStepValue(DEM_PRESSURE);
                double& node_area = i->GetSolutionStepValue(DEM_NODAL_AREA);
                double& shear_stress = i->FastGetSolutionStepValue(SHEAR_STRESS);

                noalias(node_rhs) = ZeroVector(3);
                noalias(node_rhs_elas) = ZeroVector(3);
                noalias(node_rhs_tang) = ZeroVector(3);
                node_pressure = 0.0;
                node_area = 0.0;
                shear_stress = 0.0;

void Isotropic_Rankine_Yield_Function::GetValue(Matrix& Result)
    m_inv_DeltaF.resize(3,3, false);
    noalias(m_inv_DeltaF) = ZeroMatrix(3,3);
    case Plane_Stress:
        KRATOS_THROW_ERROR(std::logic_error,  "PLANE STRESS NOT IMPLEMENTED" , "");
    case Plane_Strain:
        m_inv_DeltaF(0,0)    = Result(0,0);
        m_inv_DeltaF(0,1)    = Result(0,1);
        m_inv_DeltaF(1,0)    = Result(1,0);
        m_inv_DeltaF(1,1)    = Result(1,1);
        m_inv_DeltaF(2,2)    = 1.00;

    case Tri_D:
        noalias(m_inv_DeltaF) = Result;

Exemple #7
void InfiniteDomainCondition<TDim,TNumNodes>::CalculateRHS( VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo& CurrentProcessInfo )

		//const PropertiesType& Prop = this->GetProperties();
		const GeometryType& Geom = this->GetGeometry();
		const unsigned int element_size = TNumNodes;
		const GeometryType::IntegrationPointsArrayType& integration_points = Geom.IntegrationPoints( mThisIntegrationMethod );
		const unsigned int NumGPoints = integration_points.size();
        const unsigned int LocalDim = Geom.LocalSpaceDimension();

		//Resetting the RHS
		if ( rRightHandSideVector.size() != element_size )
			rRightHandSideVector.resize( element_size, false );
		noalias( rRightHandSideVector ) = ZeroVector( element_size );

		boost::numeric::ublas::bounded_matrix<double,TNumNodes,TNumNodes> DampingMatrix;
		 //Defining the shape functions, the jacobian and the shape functions local gradients Containers
		array_1d<double,TNumNodes> Np;
        const Matrix& NContainer = Geom.ShapeFunctionsValues( mThisIntegrationMethod );
        GeometryType::JacobiansType JContainer(NumGPoints);
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i<NumGPoints; i++)
		Geom.Jacobian( JContainer, mThisIntegrationMethod );
		double IntegrationCoefficient;
		// Definition of the speed in the fluid
        //~ const double BulkModulus = Prop[BULK_MODULUS_FLUID];
        //~ const double Water_density = Prop[DENSITY_WATER];
        const double BulkModulus = 2.21e9;
        const double Water_density = 1000.0;
        const double inv_c_speed = 1.0 /sqrt(BulkModulus/Water_density);
		//Nodal Variables
        array_1d<double,TNumNodes> DtPressureVector;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<TNumNodes; i++)
			DtPressureVector[i] = Geom[i].FastGetSolutionStepValue(Dt_PRESSURE);
        for ( unsigned int igauss = 0; igauss < NumGPoints; igauss++ )
			noalias(Np) = row(NContainer,igauss);
			//calculating weighting coefficient for integration
			this->CalculateIntegrationCoefficient( IntegrationCoefficient, JContainer[igauss], integration_points[igauss].Weight() );

			// Mass matrix contribution
			noalias(DampingMatrix) = (inv_c_speed)*outer_prod(Np,Np)*IntegrationCoefficient;
			noalias(rRightHandSideVector) += -1.0*prod(DampingMatrix,DtPressureVector); 
Exemple #8
    void Cluster3D::CustomInitialize(ProcessInfo& r_process_info) {
        const double cl = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CHARACTERISTIC_LENGTH);
        const ClusterInformation& cl_info = GetProperties()[CLUSTER_INFORMATION];
        //std::string& name = cl_info.mName;
        const double reference_size = cl_info.mSize;
        const double reference_volume = cl_info.mVolume;
        const std::vector<double>& reference_list_of_radii = cl_info.mListOfRadii;
        const std::vector<array_1d<double,3> >& reference_list_of_coordinates = cl_info.mListOfCoordinates;
        const array_1d<double,3>& reference_inertias = cl_info.mInertias;
        const unsigned int number_of_spheres = reference_list_of_radii.size();
        const double scaling_factor = cl / reference_size;
        for(int i=0; i<(int)number_of_spheres; i++){
            mListOfRadii[i] = scaling_factor * reference_list_of_radii[i];
            mListOfCoordinates[i][0] = scaling_factor * reference_list_of_coordinates[i][0];
            mListOfCoordinates[i][1] = scaling_factor * reference_list_of_coordinates[i][1];
            mListOfCoordinates[i][2] = scaling_factor * reference_list_of_coordinates[i][2];
        const double particle_density = this->SlowGetDensity();         
        const double cluster_volume = reference_volume * scaling_factor*scaling_factor*scaling_factor;        
        const double cluster_mass = particle_density * cluster_volume;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_MASS) = cluster_mass;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CLUSTER_VOLUME) = cluster_volume;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PARTICLE_MATERIAL) = this->SlowGetParticleMaterial();
        const double squared_scaling_factor_times_density = scaling_factor * scaling_factor * particle_density;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRINCIPAL_MOMENTS_OF_INERTIA)[0] = reference_inertias[0] * cluster_volume * squared_scaling_factor_times_density;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRINCIPAL_MOMENTS_OF_INERTIA)[1] = reference_inertias[1] * cluster_volume * squared_scaling_factor_times_density;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRINCIPAL_MOMENTS_OF_INERTIA)[2] = reference_inertias[2] * cluster_volume * squared_scaling_factor_times_density;
        array_1d<double, 3> base_principal_moments_of_inertia = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRINCIPAL_MOMENTS_OF_INERTIA);  
        Quaternion<double>& Orientation = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ORIENTATION);

        array_1d<double, 3> angular_velocity = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ANGULAR_VELOCITY);
        array_1d<double, 3> angular_momentum;
        double LocalTensor[3][3];
        double GlobalTensor[3][3];
        GeometryFunctions::ConstructLocalTensor(base_principal_moments_of_inertia, LocalTensor);
        GeometryFunctions::QuaternionTensorLocal2Global(Orientation, LocalTensor, GlobalTensor);                   
        GeometryFunctions::ProductMatrix3X3Vector3X1(GlobalTensor, angular_velocity, angular_momentum);
        noalias(this->GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ANGULAR_MOMENTUM)) = angular_momentum;

        array_1d<double, 3> local_angular_velocity;
        GeometryFunctions::QuaternionVectorGlobal2Local(Orientation, angular_velocity, local_angular_velocity);
        noalias(this->GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(LOCAL_ANGULAR_VELOCITY)) = local_angular_velocity;
void Isotropic_Rankine_Yield_Function::FinalizeSolutionStep()
    mpastic_damage_old                          =  mpastic_damage_current;
    mFt                                         =  mcurrent_Ft;
    mrankine_accumulated_plastic_strain_old     =  mrankine_accumulated_plastic_strain_current;
    noalias(mPrincipalPlasticStrain_old)        =  mPrincipalPlasticStrain_current;
    noalias(mplastic_strain_old)                =  mplastic_strain;
    noalias(mElastic_strain_old)                =  mElastic_strain;

Exemple #10
void PlaneStressJ2::FinalizeSolutionStep(const Properties& props,
        const GeometryType& geom,
        const Vector& ShapeFunctionsValues,
        const ProcessInfo& CurrentProcessInfo)
    malpha_old = malpha_current;
    noalias(mOldPlasticStrain) = mCurrentPlasticStrain;
    noalias(mbeta_old) = mbeta_n1;

Exemple #11
void Isotropic3D::CalculateStress( const Vector& StrainVector, Matrix& AlgorithmicTangent, Vector& StressVector )
    if ( StressVector.size() != 6 )
        StressVector.resize( 6 );

    noalias( StressVector ) = prod( AlgorithmicTangent, StrainVector ) - mPrestressFactor * mPrestress;

    noalias(mCurrentStress) = StressVector;
void Isotropic_Rankine_Yield_Function::UpdateMaterial()

    mpastic_damage_current                      = mpastic_damage_old;
    mcurrent_Ft                                 = mFt;
    mrankine_accumulated_plastic_strain_current = mrankine_accumulated_plastic_strain_old;
    noalias(mPrincipalPlasticStrain_current)    = mPrincipalPlasticStrain_old;
    noalias(mplastic_strain)                    = mplastic_strain_old;
    noalias(mElastic_strain)                    = mElastic_strain_old;
Exemple #13
    void CapsuleCluster3D::CustomInitialize(ProcessInfo& r_process_info) {
        int number_of_spheres = 5;
        double cl = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CHARACTERISTIC_LENGTH);
        mListOfRadii[0]= 0.35 * cl;
        mListOfRadii[1]= 0.35 * cl;
        mListOfRadii[2]= 0.35 * cl;   
        mListOfRadii[3]= 0.35 * cl;
        mListOfRadii[4]= 0.35 * cl;
        mListOfCoordinates[0][0] = 0.0000 * cl; mListOfCoordinates[0][1] = 0.0; mListOfCoordinates[0][2] = 0.0;
        mListOfCoordinates[1][0] = 0.2325 * cl; mListOfCoordinates[1][1] = 0.0; mListOfCoordinates[1][2] = 0.0;
        mListOfCoordinates[2][0] = 0.4650 * cl; mListOfCoordinates[2][1] = 0.0; mListOfCoordinates[2][2] = 0.0;
        mListOfCoordinates[3][0] = 0.6975 * cl; mListOfCoordinates[3][1] = 0.0; mListOfCoordinates[3][2] = 0.0; 
        mListOfCoordinates[4][0] = 0.9300 * cl; mListOfCoordinates[4][1] = 0.0; mListOfCoordinates[4][2] = 0.0;  
        double particle_density = this->SlowGetDensity();
        double cluster_volume = 4.0 * KRATOS_M_PI_3 * 0.35 * 0.35 * 0.35 * cl * cl * cl + KRATOS_M_PI * 0.35 * 0.35 * 0.93 * cl * cl * cl;
        double cluster_mass = particle_density * cluster_volume;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_MASS) = cluster_mass;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRINCIPAL_MOMENTS_OF_INERTIA)[0] = 0.5 * cluster_mass * 0.35 * 0.35 * cl * cl;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRINCIPAL_MOMENTS_OF_INERTIA)[1] = 0.08333333333 * cluster_mass * (3.0 * 0.35 * 0.35 + 4.0 * 1.0 * 1.0) * cl * cl;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRINCIPAL_MOMENTS_OF_INERTIA)[2] = 0.08333333333 * cluster_mass * (3.0 * 0.35 * 0.35 + 4.0 * 1.0 * 1.0) * cl * cl;
        array_1d<double, 3> base_principal_moments_of_inertia = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRINCIPAL_MOMENTS_OF_INERTIA);
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_MASS) = cluster_mass;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(CLUSTER_VOLUME) = cluster_volume;
        GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(PARTICLE_MATERIAL) = this->SlowGetParticleMaterial();

        Quaternion<double>& Orientation = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ORIENTATION);

        array_1d<double, 3> angular_velocity = GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ANGULAR_VELOCITY);
        array_1d<double, 3> angular_momentum;
        double LocalTensor[3][3];
        double GlobalTensor[3][3];
        GeometryFunctions::ConstructLocalTensor(base_principal_moments_of_inertia, LocalTensor);
        GeometryFunctions::QuaternionTensorLocal2Global(Orientation, LocalTensor, GlobalTensor);                   
        GeometryFunctions::ProductMatrix3X3Vector3X1(GlobalTensor, angular_velocity, angular_momentum);
        noalias(this->GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(ANGULAR_MOMENTUM)) = angular_momentum;
        array_1d<double, 3> local_angular_velocity;
        GeometryFunctions::QuaternionVectorGlobal2Local(Orientation, angular_velocity, local_angular_velocity);
        noalias(this->GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(LOCAL_ANGULAR_VELOCITY)) = local_angular_velocity;
Exemple #14
    : ConstitutiveLaw()
    noalias(mOldPlasticStrain) = ZeroVector(3);
    noalias(mbeta_old) = ZeroVector(3);
    malpha_old = 0.0;

    malpha_current = 0.0;
    noalias(mCurrentPlasticStrain) = ZeroVector(3);
    noalias(mbeta_n1) = ZeroVector(3);

	void ConvDiffAnisotropic2DLaw::SetValue(const Variable<Vector >& rVariable,
		const Vector& rValue, const ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)
		if (rVariable == INITIAL_TEMP_GRAD) {
			if (rValue.size() == m_init_gradT.size())
				noalias(m_init_gradT) = rValue;
		if (rVariable == FLUX_RVE)
			if (rValue.size() == mStressVector.size())
				noalias(mStressVector) = rValue;
void Isotropic_Rankine_Yield_Function::GetValue(const Variable<Vector>& rVariable, Vector& Result)
    const int size = mplastic_strain.size();
        noalias(Result) = mplastic_strain;
        noalias(Result) = mElastic_strain ;
    void ConvDiffInterface2DLaw::SetValue(const Variable<Vector >& rVariable,
                                              const Vector& rValue, const ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)
		if (rVariable == FLUX_RVE)
			if (rValue.size() == mStressVector.size())
				noalias(mStressVector) = rValue;
		if (rVariable == GAP_INTERFACE)
			if (rValue.size() == m_gap_interface.size())
				noalias(m_gap_interface) = rValue;
Exemple #18
void InfiniteDomainCondition<TDim,TNumNodes>::CalculateLHS( MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo& CurrentProcessInfo )
		//const PropertiesType& Prop = this->GetProperties();
		const GeometryType& Geom = this->GetGeometry();
		const unsigned int element_size = TNumNodes;
		const GeometryType::IntegrationPointsArrayType& integration_points = Geom.IntegrationPoints( mThisIntegrationMethod );
		const unsigned int NumGPoints = integration_points.size();
        const unsigned int LocalDim = Geom.LocalSpaceDimension();

		//Resetting the LHS
		if ( rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != element_size )
			rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize( element_size, element_size, false );
		noalias( rLeftHandSideMatrix ) = ZeroMatrix( element_size, element_size );
		 //Defining the shape functions, the jacobian and the shape functions local gradients Containers
		array_1d<double,TNumNodes> Np;
        const Matrix& NContainer = Geom.ShapeFunctionsValues( mThisIntegrationMethod );
		GeometryType::JacobiansType JContainer(NumGPoints);
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i<NumGPoints; i++)
		Geom.Jacobian( JContainer, mThisIntegrationMethod );

		double IntegrationCoefficient;
		// Definition of the speed in the fluid
        //~ const double BulkModulus = Prop[BULK_MODULUS_FLUID];
        //~ const double Water_density = Prop[DENSITY_WATER];
        const double BulkModulus = 2.21e9;
        const double Water_density = 1000.0;
        const double inv_c_speed = 1.0 /sqrt(BulkModulus/Water_density);
        for ( unsigned int igauss = 0; igauss < NumGPoints; igauss++ )
			noalias(Np) = row(NContainer,igauss);
			//calculating weighting coefficient for integration
			this->CalculateIntegrationCoefficient( IntegrationCoefficient, JContainer[igauss], integration_points[igauss].Weight() );

			// Mass matrix contribution
			noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) += CurrentProcessInfo[VELOCITY_PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT]*(inv_c_speed)*outer_prod(Np,Np)*IntegrationCoefficient;
void Tresca_Yield_Function::ReturnMapping(const Vector& StressVector,
        const Vector& StrainVector,
        Vector& delta_lamda,
        array_1d<double,3>& Result)


    double p_trial = 0.00;
    Matrix Sigma_Tensor        = ZeroMatrix(3,3);
    State_Tensor(StressVector, Sigma_Tensor);
    p_trial = (Sigma_Tensor(0,0) + Sigma_Tensor(1,1) + Sigma_Tensor(2,2))/3.00 ;
    array_1d<double,3> Trial_Stress_Vector     = ZeroVector(3);
    array_1d<double,3> Aux_Trial_Stress_Vector = ZeroVector(3);
    CalculatePrincipalStressVector(StressVector, Trial_Stress_Vector);
    Trial_Stress_Vector[0] = Trial_Stress_Vector[0] - p_trial;
    Trial_Stress_Vector[1] = Trial_Stress_Vector[1] - p_trial;
    Trial_Stress_Vector[2] = Trial_Stress_Vector[2] - p_trial;
    noalias(Aux_Trial_Stress_Vector) = Trial_Stress_Vector;

    ///* return to main plane
    One_Vector_Return_Mapping_To_Main_Plane(StressVector, delta_lamda,  Trial_Stress_Vector);

    ///*check validty
    bool check = false;
    check = CheckValidity(Trial_Stress_Vector);
    if( check==false)
        ///*return to corner
        noalias(Trial_Stress_Vector) =  Aux_Trial_Stress_Vector;
        double proof = Trial_Stress_Vector[0] + Trial_Stress_Vector[2] - 2.00 * Trial_Stress_Vector[1];
        if(proof > 0.00 )
            mCases = right;
            mCases = left;
        Two_Vector_Return_Mapping_To_Corner(StressVector,delta_lamda,  Trial_Stress_Vector);

    Result[0] =  Trial_Stress_Vector[0] +  p_trial;
    Result[1] =  Trial_Stress_Vector[1] +  p_trial;
    Result[2] =  Trial_Stress_Vector[2] +  p_trial;

 void BeamPointPressureCondition::InitializeNonLinearIteration(ProcessInfo& CurrentProcessInfo)
     array_1d<double, 3 > node_to_center_vector;
     node_to_center_vector[0] = node_to_center_vector[1] = node_to_center_vector[2] = 0.0;
     mForce[0] = mForce[1] = mForce[2] = 0.0;
     //Calculate all normals
     for(unsigned int i=0; i<mNodesList.size(); i++){
         node_to_center_vector[0] = GetGeometry()[0].X() - mNodesList[i]->X();
         node_to_center_vector[1] = GetGeometry()[0].Y() - mNodesList[i]->Y();
         node_to_center_vector[2] = GetGeometry()[0].Z() - mNodesList[i]->Z();
         double modulus = sqrt( node_to_center_vector[0]*node_to_center_vector[0] + node_to_center_vector[1]*node_to_center_vector[1] + node_to_center_vector[2]*node_to_center_vector[2] );
         array_1d<double, 3 > unitary_vector;
         noalias(unitary_vector) = node_to_center_vector / modulus;
         //Multiply normal times the pressure and the nodal area
         unitary_vector *= mNodesList[i]->FastGetSolutionStepValue(PRESSURE) * mNodesList[i]->FastGetSolutionStepValue(NODAL_AREA);
         //Add up forces coming from all perimetral nodes
         mForce += unitary_vector;
Exemple #21
lslboost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> solve(
          const lslboost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T>& A_,
          const lslboost::numeric::ublas::vector<T>& b_)
   //BOOST_ASSERT(A_.size() == b_.size());

   lslboost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T> A(A_);
   lslboost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> b(b_);
   lslboost::numeric::ublas::permutation_matrix<> piv(b.size());
   lu_factorize(A, piv);
   lu_substitute(A, piv, b);
   // iterate to reduce error:
   lslboost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> delta(b.size());
   for(unsigned i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
      noalias(delta) = prod(A_, b);
      delta -= b_;
      lu_substitute(A, piv, delta);
      b -= delta;

      T max_error = 0;

      for(unsigned i = 0; i < delta.size(); ++i)
         T err = fabs(delta[i] / b[i]);
         if(err > max_error)
            max_error = err;
      //std::cout << "Max change in LU error correction: " << max_error << std::endl;

   return b;
Exemple #22
Matrix DruckerPrager::InverseC(Matrix& InvC) {
    if (InvC.size1() != 6 || InvC.size2() != 6)
        InvC.resize(6, 6);

    noalias(InvC) = ZeroMatrix(6, 6);

    double lambda = mNU * mE / ((1
                    + mNU) * (1 - 2 * mNU));
    double mu = mE / (2 * (1 + mNU));

    double a = (4 * mu * mu + 4 * mu * lambda) / (8 * mu * mu * mu + 12 * mu
               * mu * lambda);
    double b = -(2 * mu * lambda) / (8 * mu * mu * mu + 12 * mu * mu * lambda);

    InvC(0, 0) = a;
    InvC(0, 1) = b;
    InvC(0, 2) = b;
    InvC(1, 0) = b;
    InvC(1, 1) = a;
    InvC(1, 2) = b;
    InvC(2, 0) = b;
    InvC(2, 1) = b;
    InvC(2, 2) = a;
    InvC(3, 3) = 1 / (2 * mu);
    InvC(4, 4) = 1 / (2 * mu);
    InvC(5, 5) = 1 / (2 * mu);
    return InvC;
Exemple #23
void trsm_impl(
	matrix_expression<MatA, cpu_tag> const& A, matrix_expression<MatB, cpu_tag>& B,
        boost::mpl::true_, column_major
) {
	SIZE_CHECK(A().size1() == A().size2());
	SIZE_CHECK(A().size2() == B().size1());
	typedef typename MatA::value_type value_type;
	std::size_t size1 = B().size1();
	std::size_t size2 = B().size2();
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size1; ++ i) {
		std::size_t n = size1-i-1;
		auto columnTriangular = column(A(),n);
			RANGE_CHECK(A()(n, n) != value_type());//matrix is singular
			row(B(),n) /= A()(n, n);
		for (std::size_t l = 0; l < size2; ++ l) {
			if (B()(n, l) != value_type/*zero*/()) {
				auto columnMatrix = column(B(),l);
				noalias(subrange(columnMatrix,0,n)) -= B()(n,l) * subrange(columnTriangular,0,n);
void UpdatedLagrangianFluid3Dinc::CalculateMassMatrix(MatrixType& rMassMatrix, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)

    const double& density = 0.25*(GetGeometry()[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY)+
                                  GetGeometry()[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DENSITY) +
    unsigned int dimension = GetGeometry().WorkingSpaceDimension();
    unsigned int NumberOfNodes = GetGeometry().size();
    unsigned int MatSize = dimension * NumberOfNodes;

    if(rMassMatrix.size1() != MatSize)

    noalias(rMassMatrix) = ZeroMatrix(MatSize,MatSize);

    double nodal_mass = mA0 * density * 0.25;

    for(unsigned int i=0; i<NumberOfNodes; i++)
        for(unsigned int j=0; j<dimension; j++)
            unsigned int index = i*dimension + j;
            rMassMatrix(index,index) = nodal_mass;

double vecvscalaradd(size_t N, size_t iterations = 1) {
    boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> a(N), b(N);
    double c = 3;
    vinit(b.size(), b);
    std::vector<double> times;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i){
        auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        noalias(a) = b + boost::numeric::ublas::scalar_vector<double>(N, c);
        auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        auto diff = end - start;
        times.push_back(std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> (diff).count()); //save time in ms for each iteration
    double tmin = *(std::min_element(times.begin(), times.end()));
    double tavg = average_time(times);
     // check to see if nothing happened during rum to invalidate the times
     if(tmin*(1.0 + deviation*0.01) < tavg){
     std::cerr << "uBLAS kernel 'vecscalaradd': Time deviation too large!!!" << std::endl;
    return tavg;
Exemple #26
    Vector& ScalarDamageInterface2DLaw::GetValue(const Variable<Vector>& rThisVariable, Vector& rValue)
		if (rThisVariable == INITIAL_STRAIN) {
			if (rValue.size() != m_initial_strain.size())
			noalias(rValue) = m_initial_strain;
		if(rThisVariable == YIELD_SURFACE_DATA_2D_X || rThisVariable == YIELD_SURFACE_DATA_2D_Y)
			int ijob = rThisVariable == YIELD_SURFACE_DATA_2D_X ? 1 : 2;
			double Ft = 1.0;
			double C0 = 2.0;
			double Fs = std::tan(M_PI / 180 * 30.0);

			SizeType nn = 10;
			if(rValue.size() != nn)
				rValue.resize(nn, false);

			double Ft_d = (1.0 - mD1)*Ft;
			double C0_d = (1.0 - mD2)*C0;

			double x = Ft_d;
			double x_incr = (4.0*Ft+Ft_d) / (double)(nn-1);

			rValue(0) = ijob == 1 ? x : 0.0;

			for(SizeType i = 1; i < nn; i++)
				double y = -x*Fs+C0_d;
				rValue(i) = ijob == 1 ? x : y;
				x -= x_incr;
        return rValue;
Exemple #27
void BeamElement::CalculateRHS(Vector& rRightHandSideVector)


    Matrix Rotation;
    Matrix GlobalMatrix;
    Vector LocalBody;

    array_1d<double, 12 > CurrentDisplacement;

    Rotation.resize(12,12, false);
    rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector(12);
    LocalBody = ZeroVector(12);

    CalculateBodyForce(Rotation, LocalBody, rRightHandSideVector);

    CurrentDisplacement(0)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_X);
    CurrentDisplacement(1)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Y);
    CurrentDisplacement(2)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Z);
    CurrentDisplacement(3)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_X);
    CurrentDisplacement(4)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_Y);
    CurrentDisplacement(5)		=   GetGeometry()[0].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_Z);
    CurrentDisplacement(6)		=   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_X);
    CurrentDisplacement(7)		=   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Y);
    CurrentDisplacement(8)		=   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Z);
    CurrentDisplacement(9)		=   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_X);
    CurrentDisplacement(10)	        =   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_Y);
    CurrentDisplacement(11)	        =   GetGeometry()[1].GetSolutionStepValue(ROTATION_Z);

    noalias(rRightHandSideVector) -= prod(GlobalMatrix, CurrentDisplacement);
double vecscalarmult(size_t N, size_t iterations = 1) {
    boost::numeric::ublas::vector<value_type> a(N), b(N);
    value_type c = 3;
    vinit(a.size(), a);
    std::vector<double> times;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i){
        auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        noalias(a) = b * c;
        auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        auto diff = end - start;
        times.push_back(std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> (diff).count()); //save time in ms for each iteration
    double tmin = *(std::min_element(times.begin(), times.end()));
    double tavg = average_time(times);
    // check to see if nothing happened during run to invalidate the times
    if(variance(tavg, times) > max_variance){
        std::cerr << "boost kernel 'vecscalarmult': Time deviation too large! \n";
    return tavg;
 void BeamPointPressureCondition::InitializeSystemMatrices( MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector) {
       rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize( 6, 6, false );
       noalias( rLeftHandSideMatrix ) = ZeroMatrix( 6, 6 ); //resetting LHS
       rRightHandSideVector.resize( 6, false );
       rRightHandSideVector = ZeroVector( 6 ); //resetting RHS
Exemple #30
Vector& Isotropic3D::GetValue( const Variable<Vector>& rThisVariable, Vector& rValue )
    if ( rThisVariable == INSITU_STRESS || rThisVariable == PRESTRESS )
        const unsigned int size = mPrestress.size();
        if(rValue.size() != size)
            rValue.resize(size, false );
        noalias(rValue) = mPrestressFactor * mPrestress;
        return rValue;

    if ( rThisVariable == STRESSES )
        const unsigned int size = mCurrentStress.size();
        rValue.resize(size, false );
        rValue  = mCurrentStress;
        return rValue;
    if ( rThisVariable == PLASTIC_STRAIN_VECTOR )
        rValue = ZeroVector( 6 );
        return( rValue );

    if ( rThisVariable == INTERNAL_VARIABLES )
        rValue = ZeroVector( 1 );
        return( rValue );

    KRATOS_THROW_ERROR( std::logic_error, "Vector Variable case not considered", "" );