Exemple #1
 static double check_stop_cond_ADMM(struct DIAG_MAT *CT, struct DIAG_MAT *Einv, double *Cx, double *y, double *y_old, double *lambda, double *tmp_var_p, double *tmp_var_p2, double *tmp_var_n, int n, int p, double tol) {
  double cond_num_p;
  double cond_den_p;
  double cond_p;
  double cond_num_d;
  double cond_den_d;
  double cond_d;

 cond_den_p = norm_sq(tmp_var_p2,p);
  cond_den_p = max(max(norm_sq(y,n),cond_den_p),1e-8);
  cond_num_p = norm_sq(tmp_var_p,p);
  cond_p = pow2(tol)/4-cond_num_p/cond_den_p;

 cond_den_d = max(norm_sq(tmp_var_n,n),1e-8);
 cond_num_d = norm_sq(tmp_var_n,n);
  cond_d = pow2(tol)/4-cond_num_d/cond_den_d;
  return min(cond_p,cond_d);
Exemple #2
 static double check_stop_cond_FGM(struct DIAG_MAT *Einv, double *y, double *v, double *tmp_var_p, double *tmp_var_p2, int p, double tol) {
  double cond_num;
  double cond_den;
  double cond;
 cond_num = norm_sq(tmp_var_p2,p);
 cond_den = norm_sq(tmp_var_p,p);
 cond_den = max(max(norm_sq(tmp_var_p,p),cond_den),1e-8);
  cond = pow2(tol)-cond_num/cond_den;
  return cond;
Exemple #3
// Closest point to line segment between a and b (OK if a == b)
double distToLineSegment(point p, point a, point b, point &c) {
    vec ap = toVec(a, p), ab = toVec(a, b);
    double u = dot(ap, ab) / norm_sq(ab);
    if (u < 0.0) { c = point(a.x, a.y); return dist(p, a); }
    if (u > 1.0) { c = point(b.x, b.y); return dist(p, b); }
    return distToLine(p, a, b, c);
Exemple #4
// computes the orientation from (e1,e2,e3) -> (a,(a^b)^a,a^b), which means that b the second vector is in the a, b plane
static inline TooN::SO3<>  canonicalOrientation( const TooN::Vector<3> & a, const TooN::Vector<3> & b ){
    TooN::Vector<3> n = a ^ b;
    if(norm_sq(n) < 1e-30)
	return TooN::SO3<>();
    TooN::Matrix<3> result;
    result.T()[0] = unit(a);
    result.T()[2] = unit(n);
    result.T()[1] = result.T()[2] ^ result.T()[0];
    return TooN::SO3<> (result);
Exemple #5
 double lr_event_rate (const VECTOR &dist, unsigned direction)
     double rsq = norm_sq (dist);
     if (rsq < sq (sr_lr_split))
         return 0.;
     double rate = unit_directional_derivative (dist[direction], rsq);
     if (rate <= 0.)
         return 0.;
         return stren * rate;
Exemple #6
    double lr_event_rate (const VECTOR &r, size_t direction)
        double rsq = norm_sq (r) / sq (scale);

        if (rsq < sq (sr_lr_split) || rsq > sq (cutoff))
            return 0.;

        double rsix = pow (rsq, -3.);
        double rate = (12.*rsix - 6.) * r[direction];

        if (rate <= 0.)
            return 0.;
            return rate * strength * rsix / (scale * scale * rsq);
Exemple #7
// Closest point to the line defined by a and b (must be different!)
double distToLine(point p, point a, point b, point &c) {
    vec ap = toVec(a, p), ab = toVec(a, b);
    double u = dot(ap, ab) / norm_sq(ab);
    c = translate(a, scale(ab, u));
    return dist(p, c);
Exemple #8
double angle(point a, point o, point b) { // return angle aob in rad
    vec oa = toVec(o, a), ob = toVec(o, b);
    return acos(dot(a, ob) / sqrt(norm_sq(oa) * norm_sq(ob)));
	void LoadXmlMap(const string& path,
									Map& map,
									bool all_frames) {
		// Clear any old state

		// Configure the camera
		map.orig_camera.reset(new ATANCamera(*gvDefaultCameraParams, *gvDefaultImageSize));
		if (*gvLinearizeCamera) {
			Mat3 cam = map.orig_camera->Linearize();
			map.camera.reset(new LinearCamera(cam, map.orig_camera->image_size()));
		} else {
			map.camera = map.orig_camera;

		// Parse the XML file
		TiXmlDocument doc;
		CHECK_PRED1(doc.LoadFile, path.c_str()) << "Failed to load " << path;
		fs::path xml_dir(fs::path(path).parent_path());
		fs::path frames_dir(*gvOrigFramesDir);
		const TiXmlElement* root_elem = doc.RootElement();

		// Read the points
		std::map<int, int> points_id_to_index;
		const TiXmlElement* points_elem = root_elem->FirstChildElement("MapPoints");
		CHECK(points_elem) << "There was no <MapPoints> element in the map spec.";
		for (const TiXmlElement* pt_elem = points_elem->FirstChildElement("MapPoint");
				 pt_elem != NULL;
				 pt_elem = pt_elem->NextSiblingElement("MapPoint")) {
			int id = lexical_cast<int>(pt_elem->Attribute("id"));
			points_id_to_index[id] = map.points.size();  // indices start from zero

		// vector of frame IDs for which we fell back to B&W images
		vector<int> fallback_frames;

		// Read frame poses
		int next_id = 0;
		const TiXmlElement* frames_elem = root_elem->FirstChildElement("FramePoses");
		if (all_frames) {
			if (frames_elem != NULL) { // FramePoses is optional
				for (const TiXmlElement* frame_elem = frames_elem->FirstChildElement("Frame");
						 frame_elem != NULL;
						 frame_elem = frame_elem->NextSiblingElement("Frame")) {
					string image_file = (frames_dir/frame_elem->Attribute("name")).string();
					Vec6 lnPose = stream_to<Vec6>(frame_elem->Attribute("pose"));
					Frame* f = new Frame(next_id++, image_file, SE3<>::exp(lnPose));
					f->initializing = norm_sq(lnPose) == 0;
					f->lost = frame_elem->Attribute("lost") == "1" || f->initializing;
		} else {

			// Read key frames
			const TiXmlElement* kfs_elem = root_elem->FirstChildElement("KeyFrames");
			CHECK(kfs_elem) << "There was no <KeyFrames> element in the map spec.";

			// Create an ID-to-XMLElement map
			for (const TiXmlElement* kf_elem = kfs_elem->FirstChildElement("KeyFrame");
					 kf_elem != NULL;
					 kf_elem = kf_elem->NextSiblingElement("KeyFrame")) {
				// Get the id, pose, and hash
				int id = lexical_cast<int>(kf_elem->Attribute("id"));
				Vec6 lnPose = stream_to<Vec6>(kf_elem->Attribute("pose"));
				string hash = kf_elem->FirstChildElement("Image")->Attribute("md5");

				// Get the filename
				fs::path image_file;
				if (kf_elem->Attribute("name") != NULL) {
					image_file = kf_elem->Attribute("name");
				if (image_file.empty() || !*gvLoadOriginalFrames) {
					image_file = xml_dir/kf_elem->FirstChildElement("Image")->Attribute("file");
				} else {
					image_file = frames_dir/image_file;

				// Add the keyframe
				Frame* frame = new Frame(id, image_file.string(), SE3<>::exp(lnPose));

				// Add the measurements
				const TiXmlElement* msms_elem = kf_elem->FirstChildElement("Measurements");
				for (const TiXmlElement* msm_elem = msms_elem->FirstChildElement("Measurement");
						 msm_elem != NULL;
						 msm_elem = msm_elem->NextSiblingElement("Measurement")) {
					Measurement msm;
					int point_id = lexical_cast<int>(msm_elem->Attribute("id"));
					std::map<int, int>::const_iterator it = points_id_to_index.find(point_id);
					if (it == points_id_to_index.end()) {
						DLOG << "No point with ID="<<point_id;
					} else {
						msm.point_index = it->second;
						msm.image_pos = stream_to<Vec2>(msm_elem->Attribute("v2RootPos"));
						msm.retina_pos = stream_to<Vec2>(msm_elem->Attribute("v2ImplanePos"));
						msm.pyramid_level = lexical_cast<int>(msm_elem->Attribute("nLevel"));

		DLOG << "Loaded " << map.points.size() << " points and "
				 << map.frames.size() << " frames";
Exemple #10
    double lr_event_rate (const vector <DIM> &r_, unsigned direction)
        const double L = period[direction];
        const vector <DIM> shift = unit_vector <DIM> (direction) * (L/2);

        // assign polar pair partner
        const double x_prim = r_[direction];
        const double x_pair = x_prim - 2*L * floor (x_prim/L) - L;

        bool first_copy = fabs (x_prim - x_pair) < 2*L;
        vector <DIM> r[2] = { r_, r_ };
        if (x_prim >= 0.)
            r[0][direction] = x_pair;
            r[1][direction] = x_pair;
        double rsq[2] = { norm_sq (r[0]), norm_sq (r[1]) };

        assert (r[0][direction] < 0.);
        assert (r[1][direction] >= 0.);

        // compute the rate for the polar pair
        double rate = 0.;

        // for large distances, the naive formula for the event rate can be
        // numerically problematic.
        if (fmax (rsq[0], rsq[1]) < 1e6*L*L)
            for (int i = 0; i != 2; ++i)
                double x = r[i][direction];

                double u_rp = (i==0 && first_copy)
                    ? 0.
                    : unit_potential (r[i] + shift);
                double u_rm = (i==1 && first_copy)
                    ? 0.
                    : unit_potential (r[i] - shift);

                rate += (u_rp-u_rm) / L;

                // main charge -- parts smaller than sr_lr_split are handled by the SR code
                if (rsq[i] > sq (sr_lr_split))
                    rate += unit_directional_derivative (x, rsq[i]);
        else if (fmax (rsq[0], rsq[1]) < 1e20*L*L)
            for (int i = 0; i != 2; ++i)
                double x = r[i][direction];
                // avoid catastrophic cancellation in the far field
                // (valid also for exponent = 0)
                rate += x * pow (rsq[i], -.5*6. -.5*exponent) * L*L
                    * (2+exponent) * (1./24) * (3.*rsq[i] - (4+exponent)*x*x);
            // rate < numerical precision

        // asymptotic decay of particle event rate is ~ 1 / r^(n+4).
        double w = (r[0][direction] == r_[direction])
            ? norm_sq (r[1]) / norm_sq (r[0])
            : norm_sq (r[0]) / norm_sq (r[1]);

        rate /= 1 + pow (w, -.5 * (exponent+4.));

        if (rate <= 0.)
            return 0.;
            return stren * rate;
Exemple #11
inline double norm (const Vector &v) {
    return sqrt (norm_sq (v));