bool NormalColorMapFilter<T>::update(const T& mapIn, T& mapOut) { const auto& normalX = mapIn[inputLayersPrefix_ + "x"]; const auto& normalY = mapIn[inputLayersPrefix_ + "y"]; const auto& normalZ = mapIn[inputLayersPrefix_ + "z"]; mapOut = mapIn; mapOut.add(outputLayer_); auto& color = mapOut[outputLayer_]; // X: -1 to +1 : Red: 0 to 255 // Y: -1 to +1 : Green: 0 to 255 // Z: 0 to 1 : Blue: 128 to 255 // For each cell in map. for (size_t i = 0; i < color.size(); ++i) { const Eigen::Vector3f colorVector((normalX(i) + 1.0) / 2.0, (normalY(i) + 1.0) / 2.0, (normalZ(i) / 2.0) + 0.5); colorVectorToValue(colorVector, color(i)); } return true; }
void GlobFit::dumpData(const std::vector<RelationEdge>& vecRelationEdge, const std::string& stageName) { size_t maxVerticesNum = 0; for (size_t i = 0, iEnd = _vecPrimitive.size(); i < iEnd; ++ i) { Primitive* pPrimitive = _vecPrimitive[i]; pPrimitive->prepareParameters(); maxVerticesNum = std::max(pPrimitive->getPointIdx().size(), maxVerticesNum); } std::locale loc("C"); std::string path = boost::filesystem::current_path().string(); path = path+"/matlab/data/"+stageName+"/"; boost::filesystem::create_directories(path); std::ofstream constraints((path+"constraints.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream primitiveType((path+"primitiveType.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream inputParameters((path+"inputParameters.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream numVertices((path+"numVertices.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream coordX((path+"coordX.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream coordY((path+"coordY.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream coordZ((path+"coordZ.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream normalX((path+"normalX.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream normalY((path+"normalY.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream normalZ((path+"normalZ.dat").c_str()); std::ofstream confVertices((path+"confVertices.dat").c_str()); constraints.imbue(loc); primitiveType.imbue(loc); inputParameters.imbue(loc); inputParameters.precision(16); numVertices.imbue(loc); coordX.imbue(loc); coordX.precision(16); coordY.imbue(loc); coordY.precision(16); coordZ.imbue(loc); coordZ.precision(16); normalX.imbue(loc); normalX.precision(16); normalY.imbue(loc); normalY.precision(16); normalZ.imbue(loc); normalZ.precision(16); confVertices.imbue(loc); confVertices.precision(16); for (size_t i = 0, iEnd = vecRelationEdge.size(); i < iEnd; ++ i) { const RelationEdge& relationEdge = vecRelationEdge[i]; constraints << relationEdge << std::endl; } for (size_t i = 0, iEnd = _vecPrimitive.size(); i < iEnd; ++ i) { Primitive* pPrimitive = _vecPrimitive[i]; primitiveType << pPrimitive->getType() << std::endl; pPrimitive->prepareParameters(); for (size_t j = 0, jEnd = Primitive::getNumParameter(); j < jEnd; ++ j) { inputParameters << pPrimitive->getParameter(j) << " "; } inputParameters << std::endl; numVertices << pPrimitive->getPointIdx().size() << std::endl; for (size_t j = 0, jEnd = pPrimitive->getPointIdx().size(); j < jEnd; ++ j) { const RichPoint* richPoint = _vecPointSet[pPrimitive->getPointIdx()[j]]; const Point& point = richPoint->point; const Vector& normal = richPoint->normal; coordX << point.x() << " "; coordY << point.y() << " "; coordZ << point.z() << " "; normalX << normal.x() << " "; normalY << normal.y() << " "; normalZ << normal.z() << " "; confVertices << richPoint->confidence << " "; } for (size_t j = pPrimitive->getPointIdx().size(); j < maxVerticesNum; ++ j) { coordX << 0 << " "; coordY << 0 << " "; coordZ << 0 << " "; normalX << 0 << " "; normalY << 0 << " "; normalZ << 0 << " "; confVertices << 0 << " "; } coordX << std::endl; coordY << std::endl; coordZ << std::endl; normalX << std::endl; normalY << std::endl; normalZ << std::endl; confVertices << std::endl; } return; }