Exemple #1
// hash-source       = "'" hash-algorithm "-" hash-value "'"
// hash-algorithm    = "sha1" / "sha256" / "sha384" / "sha512"
// hash-value        = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/" / "=" )
bool CSPSourceList::parseHash(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end, DigestValue& hash, ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm& hashAlgorithm)
    // Any additions or subtractions from this struct should also modify the
    // respective entries in the kAlgorithmMap array in checkDigest().
    static const struct {
        const char* prefix;
        ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm type;
    } kSupportedPrefixes[] = {
        // FIXME: Drop support for SHA-1. It's not in the spec.
        { "'sha1-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha1 },
        { "'sha256-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha256 },
        { "'sha384-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha384 },
        { "'sha512-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha512 },
        { "'sha-256-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha256 },
        { "'sha-384-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha384 },
        { "'sha-512-", ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha512 }

    String prefix;
    hashAlgorithm = ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone;
    size_t hashLength = end - begin;

    for (const auto& algorithm : kSupportedPrefixes) {
        if (hashLength > strlen(algorithm.prefix) && equalIgnoringCase(algorithm.prefix, begin, strlen(algorithm.prefix))) {
            prefix = algorithm.prefix;
            hashAlgorithm = algorithm.type;

    if (hashAlgorithm == ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone)
        return true;

    const UChar* position = begin + prefix.length();
    const UChar* hashBegin = position;

    ASSERT(position < end);
    skipWhile<UChar, isBase64EncodedCharacter>(position, end);
    ASSERT(hashBegin <= position);

    // Base64 encodings may end with exactly one or two '=' characters
    if (position < end)
        skipExactly<UChar>(position, position + 1, '=');
    if (position < end)
        skipExactly<UChar>(position, position + 1, '=');

    if (position + 1 != end || *position != '\'' || position == hashBegin)
        return false;

    Vector<char> hashVector;
    // We accept base64url-encoded data here by normalizing it to base64.
    base64Decode(normalizeToBase64(String(hashBegin, position - hashBegin)), hashVector);
    if (hashVector.size() > kMaxDigestSize)
        return false;
    hash.append(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(hashVector.data()), hashVector.size());
    return true;
// Before:
// [algorithm]-[hash]      OR     [algorithm]-[hash]?[options]
//             ^     ^                        ^               ^
//      position   end                 position             end
// After (if successful: if the method returns false, we make no promises and the caller should exit early):
// [algorithm]-[hash]      OR     [algorithm]-[hash]?[options]
//                   ^                              ^         ^
//        position/end                       position       end
bool SubresourceIntegrity::parseDigest(const UChar*& position, const UChar* end, String& digest)
    const UChar* begin = position;
    skipWhile<UChar, isIntegrityCharacter>(position, end);

    if (position == begin || (position != end && *position != '?')) {
        digest = emptyString();
        return false;

    // We accept base64url encoding, but normalize to "normal" base64 internally:
    digest = normalizeToBase64(String(begin, position - begin));
    return true;