void radec_derivatives(double ra, double dec, double* dra, double* ddec) {
	double cosd = cos(deg2rad(dec));
	double cosra = cos(deg2rad(ra));
	double sinra = sin(deg2rad(ra));
	if (dra) {
		dra[0] = cosd * -sinra;
		dra[1] = cosd *  cosra;
		dra[2] = 0.0;
	if (ddec) {
		double sind = sin(deg2rad(dec));
		ddec[0] = -sind * cosra;
		ddec[1] = -sind * sinra;
		ddec[2] =  cosd;
Exemple #2
void tan_iwc2xyzarr(const tan_t* tan, double x, double y, double *xyz)
	double rx, ry, rz;
	double ix,iy,norm;
	double jx,jy,jz;

	// Mysterious factor of -1 correcting for vector directions below.
	x = -deg2rad(x);
	y =  deg2rad(y);

	// Take r to be the threespace vector of crval
	radecdeg2xyz(tan->crval[0], tan->crval[1], &rx, &ry, &rz);
	//	printf("rx=%lf ry=%lf rz=%lf\n",rx,ry,rz);

	// Form i = r cross north pole (0,0,1)
	ix = ry;
	iy = -rx;
	// iz = 0
	norm = hypot(ix, iy);
	ix /= norm;
	iy /= norm;
	//	printf("ix=%lf iy=%lf iz=0.0\n",ix,iy);
	//	printf("r.i = %lf\n",ix*rx+iy*ry);

	// Form j = i cross r;   iz=0 so some terms drop out
	jx = iy * rz;
	jy =         - ix * rz;
	jz = ix * ry - iy * rx;
	// norm should already be 1, but normalize anyway
	normalize(&jx, &jy, &jz);
	//	printf("jx=%lf jy=%lf jz=%lf\n",jx,jy,jz);
	//	printf("r.j = %lf\n",jx*rx+jy*ry+jz*rz);
	//	printf("i.j = %lf\n",ix*jx+iy*jy);

	if (tan->sin) {
		assert((x*x + y*y) < 1.0);
		// Figure out what factor of r we have to add in to make the resulting length = 1
		double rfrac = sqrt(1.0 - (x*x + y*y));
		// Don't scale the projected x,y positions, just add in the right amount of r to
		// bring it onto the unit sphere
		xyz[0] = ix*x + jx*y + rx * rfrac;
		xyz[1] = iy*x + jy*y + ry * rfrac;
		xyz[2] =        jz*y + rz * rfrac; // iz = 0

	} else {
		// Form the point on the tangent plane relative to observation point,
		xyz[0] = ix*x + jx*y + rx;
		xyz[1] = iy*x + jy*y + ry;
		xyz[2] =        jz*y + rz; // iz = 0
		// and normalize back onto the unit sphere
Exemple #3
int fit_tan_wcs_solve(const double* starxyz,
					const double* fieldxy,
					const double* weights,
					int N,
					const double* crpix,
					const tan_t* tanin,
					tan_t* tanout,
					double* p_scale) {
	int i, j, k;
	double field_cm[2] = {0, 0};
	double cov[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	double R[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	double scale;
	// projected star coordinates
	double* p;
	// relative field coordinates
	double* f;
	double pcm[2] = {0, 0};
	double w = 0;
	double totalw;

    gsl_matrix* A;
    gsl_matrix* U;
    gsl_matrix* V;
    gsl_vector* S;
    gsl_vector* work;
    gsl_matrix_view vcov;
    gsl_matrix_view vR;

	double crxyz[3];

	double star_cm[3] = {0, 0, 0};

	assert(((tanin != NULL) && (crpix != NULL)) || ((tanin == NULL) && (crpix == NULL)));

	if (tanin) {
		// default vals...
		memcpy(tanout, tanin, sizeof(tan_t));
	} else {
		memset(tanout, 0, sizeof(tan_t));

	// -allocate and fill "p" and "f" arrays. ("projected" and "field")
	p = malloc(N * 2 * sizeof(double));
	f = malloc(N * 2 * sizeof(double));

	// -get field center-of-mass
	totalw = 0.0;
	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		w = (weights ? weights[i] : 1.0);
		field_cm[0] += w * fieldxy[i*2 + 0];
		field_cm[1] += w * fieldxy[i*2 + 1];
		totalw += w;
	field_cm[0] /= totalw;
	field_cm[1] /= totalw;
	// Subtract it out.
	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		f[2*i+0] = fieldxy[2*i+0] - field_cm[0];
		f[2*i+1] = fieldxy[2*i+1] - field_cm[1];

	if (tanin) {
		// Use original WCS to set the center of projection to the new crpix.
		tan_pixelxy2xyzarr(tanin, crpix[0], crpix[1], crxyz);
		for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
			Unused anbool ok;
			// -project the stars around crval
			ok = star_coords(starxyz + i*3, crxyz, TRUE, p + 2*i, p + 2*i + 1);
	} else {
		// -get the star center-of-mass (this will become the tangent point CRVAL)
		for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
			w = (weights ? weights[i] : 1.0);
			star_cm[0] += w * starxyz[i*3 + 0];
			star_cm[1] += w * starxyz[i*3 + 1];
			star_cm[2] += w * starxyz[i*3 + 2];
		// -project the stars around their center of mass
		for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
			Unused anbool ok;
			ok = star_coords(starxyz + i*3, star_cm, TRUE, p + 2*i, p + 2*i + 1);

	// -compute the center of mass of the projected stars and subtract it out.
	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		w = (weights ? weights[i] : 1.0);
		pcm[0] += w * p[2*i + 0];
		pcm[1] += w * p[2*i + 1];
	pcm[0] /= totalw;
	pcm[1] /= totalw;
	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		p[2*i + 0] -= pcm[0];
		p[2*i + 1] -= pcm[1];

	// -compute the covariance between field positions and projected
	//  positions of the corresponding stars.
	for (i=0; i<N; i++)
		for (j=0; j<2; j++)
			for (k=0; k<2; k++)
				cov[j*2 + k] += p[i*2 + k] * f[i*2 + j];

	for (i=0; i<4; i++)

	// -run SVD
    V = gsl_matrix_alloc(2, 2);
    S = gsl_vector_alloc(2);
    work = gsl_vector_alloc(2);
    vcov = gsl_matrix_view_array(cov, 2, 2);
    vR   = gsl_matrix_view_array(R, 2, 2);
    A = &(vcov.matrix);
    // The Jacobi version doesn't always compute an orthonormal U if S has zeros.
    //gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_jacobi(A, V, S);
    gsl_linalg_SV_decomp(A, V, S, work);
    // the U result is written to A.
    U = A;
    // R = V U'
    gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1.0, V, U, 0.0, &(vR.matrix));

	for (i=0; i<4; i++)

	// -compute scale: make the variances equal.
		double pvar, fvar;
		pvar = fvar = 0.0;
		for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
			w = (weights ? weights[i] : 1.0);
			for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
				pvar += w * square(p[i*2 + j]);
				fvar += w * square(f[i*2 + j]);
		scale = sqrt(pvar / fvar);

	// -compute WCS parameters.
	scale = rad2deg(scale);

	tanout->cd[0][0] = R[0] * scale; // CD1_1
	tanout->cd[0][1] = R[1] * scale; // CD1_2
	tanout->cd[1][0] = R[2] * scale; // CD2_1
	tanout->cd[1][1] = R[3] * scale; // CD2_2


	if (tanin) {
		// CRPIX is fixed.
		tanout->crpix[0] = crpix[0];
		tanout->crpix[1] = crpix[1];
		// Set CRVAL temporarily...
		tan_pixelxy2radec(tanin, crpix[0], crpix[1],
						  tanout->crval+0, tanout->crval+1);
		// Shift CRVAL so that the center of the quad is in the right place.
			double ix,iy;
			double dx,dy;
			double dxyz[3];
			tan_pixelxy2iwc(tanout, field_cm[0], field_cm[1], &ix, &iy);
			dx = rad2deg(pcm[0]) - ix;
			dy = rad2deg(pcm[1]) - iy;
			tan_iwc2xyzarr(tanout, dx, dy, dxyz);
			xyzarr2radecdeg(dxyz, tanout->crval + 0, tanout->crval + 1);
	} else {
		tanout->crpix[0] = field_cm[0];
		tanout->crpix[1] = field_cm[1];
		xyzarr2radecdegarr(star_cm, tanout->crval);

		// FIXME -- we ignore pcm.  It should get added back in (after
		// multiplication by CD in the appropriate units) to either crval or
		// crpix.  It's a very small correction probably of the same size
		// as the other approximations we're making.

	if (p_scale) *p_scale = scale;
    return 0;
static void plot_targets(cairo_t* cairo, plot_args_t* pargs, plotann_t* ann) {
	int i;
	double cra, cdec;
	plotstuff_get_radec_center_and_radius(pargs, &cra, &cdec, NULL);
	for (i=0; i<bl_size(ann->targets); i++) {
		target_t* tar = bl_access(ann->targets, i);
		double px,py;
		double cx,cy;
		double dx,dy, r;
		double ex,ey;
		double ly, ry, tx, bx;
		double distdeg;
		anbool okquadrant;
		char* txt;

		logverb("Target: \"%s\" at (%g,%g)\n", tar->name, tar->ra, tar->dec);
		okquadrant = plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, tar->ra, tar->dec, &px, &py);
        px -= 1;
        py -= 1;

		if (okquadrant &&
			px >= 0 && px < pargs->W && py >= 0 && py < pargs->H) {
			// inside the image!
			logverb("Target \"%s\" is inside the image, at pixel (%g,%g)\n", tar->name, px, py);
			plotstuff_stack_marker(pargs, px, py);
			plotstuff_stack_text(pargs, cairo, tar->name, px, py);

		// outside the image: find intersection point.
		cx = pargs->W / 2.0;
		cy = pargs->H / 2.0;
		if (okquadrant) {
			logverb("Target \"%s\" is outside the image, at pixel (%g,%g)\n", tar->name, px, py);
			dx = px - cx;
			dy = py - cy;
		} else {
			double cxyz[3];
			double txyz[3];
			double vec[3];
			int j;
			double ra,dec;
			logverb("Target \"%s\" is way outside the image.\n", tar->name);
			// fallback.
			radecdeg2xyzarr(cra, cdec, cxyz);
			radecdeg2xyzarr(tar->ra, tar->dec, txyz);
			for (j=0; j<3; j++)
				vec[j] = cxyz[j] + 0.1 * txyz[j];
			xyzarr2radecdeg(vec, &ra, &dec);
			okquadrant = plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, ra, dec, &px, &py);
			dx = px - cx;
			dy = py - cy;
			if ((dx*dx + dy*dy) < (cx*cx + cy*cy)) {
				double scale = 3.0 * sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy) / sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
				dx *= scale;
				dy *= scale;

		ly = (-(pargs->W/2.0) / dx) * dy + cy;
		ry = ( (pargs->W/2.0) / dx) * dy + cy;
		bx = (-(pargs->H/2.0) / dy) * dx + cx;
		tx = ( (pargs->H/2.0) / dy) * dx + cx;
		logverb("ly %g, ry %g, bx %g, tx %g\n", ly, ry, bx, tx);
		if (px < cx && ly >= 0 && ly < pargs->H) {
			ex = 0.0;
			ey = ly;
		} else if (px >= cx && ry >= 0 && ry < pargs->H) {
			ex = pargs->W - 1;
			ey = ry;
		} else if (py < cy && bx >= 0 && bx < pargs->W) {
			ex = bx;
			ey = 0;
		} else if (py >= cy && tx >= 0 && tx < pargs->W) {
			ex = tx;
			ey = pargs->H - 1;
		} else {
			logverb("None of the edges are in bounds: px,py=(%g,%g); ly=%g, ry=%g, bx=%g, tx=%g\n", px,py,ly,ry,bx,tx);
		dx = ex - cx;
		dy = ey - cy;
		r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

		px = (r-100.0) / r * dx + cx;
		py = (r-100.0) / r * dy + cy;

		plotstuff_stack_arrow(pargs, px, py, ex, ey);
		logverb("Arrow from (%g,%g) to (%g,%g)\n", px, py, ex, ey);
		distdeg = deg_between_radecdeg(cra, cdec, tar->ra, tar->dec);
		asprintf_safe(&txt, "%s: %.1f deg", tar->name, distdeg);
		plotstuff_stack_text(pargs, cairo, txt, px, py);
static void plot_constellations(cairo_t* cairo, plot_args_t* pargs, plotann_t* ann) {
	int i, N;
	double ra,dec,radius;
	double xyzf[3];
	// Find the field center and radius
	anwcs_get_radec_center_and_radius(pargs->wcs, &ra, &dec, &radius);
	logverb("Plotting constellations: field center %g,%g, radius %g\n",
			ra, dec, radius);
	radecdeg2xyzarr(ra, dec, xyzf);
	radius = deg2dist(radius);

	N = constellations_n();
	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		int j, k;
		// Find the approximate center and radius of this constellation
		// and see if it overlaps with the field.
		il* stars = constellations_get_unique_stars(i);
		double xyzj[3];
		double xyzc[3];
		double maxr2 = 0;
		dl* rds;
		xyzc[0] = xyzc[1] = xyzc[2] = 0.0;
		xyzj[0] = xyzj[1] = xyzj[2] = 0.0;
		for (j=0; j<il_size(stars); j++) {
			constellations_get_star_radec(il_get(stars, j), &ra, &dec);
			radecdeg2xyzarr(ra, dec, xyzj);
			for (k=0; k<3; k++)
				xyzc[k] += xyzj[k];
		for (j=0; j<il_size(stars); j++) {
			constellations_get_star_radec(il_get(stars, j), &ra, &dec);
			maxr2 = MAX(maxr2, distsq(xyzc, xyzj, 3));
		maxr2 = square(sqrt(maxr2) + radius);
		if (distsq(xyzf, xyzc, 3) > maxr2) {
			xyzarr2radecdeg(xyzc, &ra, &dec);
			logverb("Constellation %s (center %g,%g, radius %g) out of bounds\n",
					constellations_get_shortname(i), ra, dec,
					dist2deg(sqrt(maxr2) - radius));
			logverb("  dist from field center to constellation center is %g deg\n",
					distsq2deg(distsq(xyzf, xyzc, 3)));
			logverb("  max radius: %g\n", distsq2deg(maxr2));

        if (ann->constellation_pastel) {
            float r,g,b;
            xyzarr2radecdeg(xyzc, &ra, &dec);
            color_for_radec(ra, dec, &r,&g,&b);
            plotstuff_set_rgba2(pargs, r,g,b, 0.8);
            plotstuff_builtin_apply(cairo, pargs);

		// Phew, plot it.
		if (ann->constellation_lines) {
			rds = constellations_get_lines_radec(i);
			logverb("Constellation %s: plotting %zu lines\n",
					constellations_get_shortname(i), dl_size(rds)/4);
			for (j=0; j<dl_size(rds)/4; j++) {
				double r1,d1,r2,d2;
				double r3,d3,r4,d4;
                double off = ann->constellation_lines_offset;
				r1 = dl_get(rds, j*4+0);
				d1 = dl_get(rds, j*4+1);
				r2 = dl_get(rds, j*4+2);
				d2 = dl_get(rds, j*4+3);
				if (anwcs_find_discontinuity(pargs->wcs, r1, d1, r2, d2,
											 &r3, &d3, &r4, &d4)) {
					logverb("Discontinuous: %g,%g -- %g,%g\n", r1, d1, r2, d2);
					logverb("  %g,%g == %g,%g\n", r3,d3, r4,d4);
                    plot_offset_line_rd(NULL, pargs, r1,d1,r3,d3, off, 0.);
                    plot_offset_line_rd(NULL, pargs, r4,d4,r2,d2, 0., off);
				} else {
                    plot_offset_line_rd(NULL, pargs, r1,d1,r2,d2, off, off);

		if (ann->constellation_labels ||
			ann->constellation_markers) {
			// Put the label at the center of mass of the stars that
			// are in-bounds
			int Nin = 0;
			stars = constellations_get_unique_stars(i);
			xyzc[0] = xyzc[1] = xyzc[2] = 0.0;
			logverb("Labeling %s: %zu stars\n", constellations_get_shortname(i),
			for (j=0; j<il_size(stars); j++) {
				constellations_get_star_radec(il_get(stars, j), &ra, &dec);
				if (!anwcs_radec_is_inside_image(pargs->wcs, ra, dec))
				if (ann->constellation_markers)
					plotstuff_marker_radec(pargs, ra, dec);
				radecdeg2xyzarr(ra, dec, xyzj);
				for (k=0; k<3; k++)
					xyzc[k] += xyzj[k];
			logverb("  %i stars in-bounds\n", Nin);
			if (ann->constellation_labels && Nin) {
				const char* label;
				xyzarr2radecdeg(xyzc, &ra, &dec);
				if (ann->constellation_labels_long)
					label = constellations_get_longname(i);
					label = constellations_get_shortname(i);
				plotstuff_text_radec(pargs, ra, dec, label);