static PyObject *uflow_inference2(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
   * In python you call it like this:
   *                                        matrix-2d     matrix-2d     matrix-3d    integer    string            array-1d
   *    labelResult* uflow_inference2( sourceEdgeCosts, sinkEdgeCosts, inputImage, nhoodSize, nbrEdgeCostMethod, callbackParams )
   * where callback fn has this signature:
   *    float edgeCallback( floatImage3DMat, pixelRowInt, pixelColInt, pixelNbrRowInt, pixelNbrColInt, floatParams1DArray )
  PyArrayObject *matSourceEdge, *matSinkEdge, *matInputImage, *arrCallbackParams,    *matOut;
  double *cMatSourceEdge, *cMatSinkEdge, *cCallbackParams, *cMatInputImage;
  int *cMatOut;
  // callback?
  int nhoodSize;
  int rows, cols, dims[2];/* Parse tuples separately since args will differ between C fcns */
  const char* nbrEdgeCostMethod;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!O!isO!",
      &PyArray_Type, &matSourceEdge, &PyArray_Type, &matSinkEdge, &PyArray_Type, &matInputImage, &nhoodSize, &nbrEdgeCostMethod, &PyArray_Type, &arrCallbackParams)) return NULL;

  if (NULL == matSourceEdge || NULL==matSinkEdge || NULL==matInputImage || NULL==arrCallbackParams) return NULL; 

  /* Check that object input is 'double' type and a matrix
     Not needed if python wrapper function checks before call to this routine */
  if (not_doublematrix(matSourceEdge)) return NULL;
  if (not_doublematrix(matSinkEdge)) return NULL;
  if (not_doublematrix(matInputImage)) return NULL;
  if (not_doublevector( arrCallbackParams)) return NULL;

  /* Get the dimensions of the input */
  assert( rows == matSinkEdge->dimensions[0] && cols == matSinkEdge->dimensions[1] );
  assert( rows == matInputImage->dimensions[0] && cols == matInputImage->dimensions[1] );

  /* /\* turn arrays into c pointers, linear, but row major *\/ */
  /* cMatSourceEdge = pyvector_to_Carrayptrs<double>( matSourceEdge ); */
  /* cMatSinkEdge   = pyvector_to_Carrayptrs<double>( matSinkEdge ); */
  /* cMatInputImage = pyvector_to_Carrayptrs<double>( matSourceEdge ); */
  /* cCallbackParams = pyvector_to_Carrayptrs<double>( arrCallbackParams ); */
  /* /\* Make a new integer matrix of same dims *\/ */
  /* matOut = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromDims(2,dims,NPY_INT); */
  /* cMatOut   = pyvector_to_Carrayptrs<int>( matOut ); */

  /* computation... */
  ultraflow_inference2( nhoodSize, rows, cols, cMatSourceEdge, cMatSinkEdge, cMatInputImage, nbrEdgeCostMethod, cCallbackParams, 
    cMatOut );

  return PyArray_Return(matOut); 
Exemple #2
static PyObject* exampleCPPfunction(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){
    // Passed variables
    PyArrayObject *array1, *array2;
    int multiplier;
    double divisor;
    // Pointer for converted NumPy Arrays
    double *cArray1, *cArray2;

    // Extract variables and arrays from ARGS
    // O! belongs to one array O -> type; ! -> local Python variable
    // i belongs to an integer variable
    // d belongs to ab double variable
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!id", &PyArray_Type, &array1, &PyArray_Type, &array2,
                                              &multiplier, &divisor)) return NULL;
    // Check wheter all array are of type double
    if (not_doublevector(array1)) return NULL;
    if (not_doublevector(array2)) return NULL;
    // Convert NumPy arrays to C-Arrays
    // Lengths of the arrays
    unsigned int array1Size = array1->dimensions[0];
    // The actual calculation part. NOTE it is assumed, 
    // that both arrays have the same dimension
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<array1Size; i++)
        cArray2[i] = cArray1[i]*multiplier/divisor;
    return Py_BuildValue("i", 1);
Exemple #3
 * parseFloatVec3(vec_in, vec_out)
 * @param[in] vec_in the python array to extract elements from
 * @param[out] vec_out float array of the numbers
 * @return true if successful, false if not
 * Convert a python array type to a 3 element float
 * vector.
static bool parseFloatVecN(PyArrayObject *vec_in, float *vec_out, int N)
	/* verify it is a valid vector */
	if (not_doublevector(vec_in))
		return false;

	if (PyArray_DIM(vec_in,0) != N) {
		PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Vector length incorrect. Received %ld and expected %d", PyArray_DIM(vec_in,0), N);
		return false;

	NpyIter *iter;
	NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext;

	/*  create the iterators */
	iter = NpyIter_New(vec_in, NPY_ITER_READONLY, NPY_KEEPORDER,
	if (iter == NULL)
		goto fail;

	iternext = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter, NULL);
	if (iternext == NULL) {
		goto fail;

	double ** dataptr = (double **) NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(iter);

	/*  iterate over the arrays */
	int i = 0;
	do {
		vec_out[i++] = **dataptr;
	} while(iternext(iter) && (i < N));


	return true;

	fprintf(stderr, "Parse fail\r\n");
	return false;