// Synchronize remote notebooks with the current database
// If there is a conflict, the remote wins
void SyncRunner::syncRemoteNotebooks(QList<Notebook> books, qint32 account) {
    QLOG_TRACE() << "Entering SyncRunner::syncRemoteNotebooks";
    NotebookTable notebookTable(db);
    LinkedNotebookTable ltable(db);
    SharedNotebookTable stable(db);

    for (int i=0; i<books.size() && keepRunning; i++) {
        Notebook t = books.at(i);

        // There are a few to get the notebook.
        // We can get it by the guid, the share key, the uri, or the name.
        qint32 lid = account;
        if (lid == 0)
            lid = notebookTable.getLid(t.guid);
        if (lid == 0)
            lid = ltable.getLid(t.guid);
        if (lid == 0 && t.sharedNotebooks.isSet()) {
            QList<SharedNotebook> sharedNotebooks = t.sharedNotebooks;
            for (int j=0; j<sharedNotebooks.size() && lid == 0; j++) {
                lid = stable.findById(sharedNotebooks[j].id);
        Publishing publishing;
        if (t.publishing.isSet())
            publishing = t.publishing;
        if (lid == 0 && publishing.uri.isSet()) {
            lid = notebookTable.findByUri(publishing.uri);
        if (lid == 0)
            lid = notebookTable.findByName(t.name);

        if (lid > 0) {
            notebookTable.sync(lid, t);
        } else {
            lid = notebookTable.sync(t);
        changedNotebooks.insert(t.guid, t.name);
        QString stack = "";
        if (t.stack.isSet())
            stack = t.stack;
        bool shared = false;
        if (t.sharedNotebookIds.isSet() || t.sharedNotebooks.isSet())
            shared = true;
        if (account > 0) {
            LinkedNotebookTable ltb(db);
            LinkedNotebook lbook;
            ltb.get(lbook, account);
            if (lbook.username.isSet())
                stack = QString::fromStdString(username);
        if (!finalSync) {
            if (t.name.isSet())
                emit notebookUpdated(lid, t.name, stack, false, shared);
                emit notebookUpdated(lid, "", stack, false, shared);
    QLOG_TRACE() << "Leaving SyncRunner::syncRemoteNotebooks";
// Expunge deleted notebooks from the local database
void SyncRunner::syncRemoteExpungedNotebooks(QList<Guid> guids) {
    QLOG_TRACE() << "Entering SyncRunner::syncRemoteExpungedNotebooks";
    NotebookTable notebookTable(db);
    for (int i=0; i<guids.size(); i++) {
        int lid = notebookTable.getLid(guids[i]);
        if (!finalSync)
            emit notebookExpunged(lid);
    QLOG_TRACE() << "Leaving SyncRunner::syncRemoteExpungedNotebooks";
Exemple #3
// Rebuild the notebook tree view
void NNotebookView::rebuildTree() {
    if (!this->rebuildNotebookTreeNeeded)

    // Go through all the widgets in the view.  If
    // it should be hidden (because the notebook is closed
    // then hide it, othwise make it visible.  If it has
    // a stack, then save the stack name later so we can
    // display stacks properly.
    NotebookTable notebookTable(global.db);
    QList<qint32> closedLids;
    QHashIterator<qint32, NNotebookViewItem *> i(dataStore);
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        NNotebookViewItem *widget = i.value();
        if (widget != NULL) {
            if (closedLids.contains(widget->lid))
            if (i.value()->stack != "") {
                NNotebookViewItem *stackWidget = NULL;
                if (stackStore.contains(i.value()->stack)) {
                    stackWidget = stackStore[i.value()->stack];
                } else {
                    NNotebookViewItem *stackWidget = new NNotebookViewItem(0);
                    stackWidget->setData(NAME_POSITION, Qt::DisplayRole, i.value()->stack);
                    stackWidget->setData(NAME_POSITION, Qt::UserRole, "STACK");
                    stackStore.insert(widget->stack, stackWidget);

    // Remove any empty stacks
    QHashIterator<QString, NNotebookViewItem *> s(stackStore);
    while (s.hasNext()) {
        if (s.value()->childCount() == 0) {

    this->sortByColumn(NAME_POSITION, Qt::AscendingOrder);
    this->rebuildNotebookTreeNeeded = false;
Exemple #4
// Load up the data from the database
void NNotebookView::loadData() {
    NSqlQuery query(global.db);
    NotebookTable notebookTable(global.db);
    QList<qint32> closedLids;

    QHash<qint32, NNotebookViewItem*>::iterator i1;
    for (i1=dataStore.begin(); i1!=dataStore.end(); ++i1) {
        if (i1.value() != NULL)

    QHash<QString, NNotebookViewItem*>::iterator i2;
    for (i2=stackStore.begin(); i2!=stackStore.end(); ++i2) {
        if (i2.value() != NULL)

    query.exec("Select lid, name, stack, username from NotebookModel order by username, name");
    while (query.next()) {
        qint32 lid = query.value(0).toInt();
        if (!notebookTable.isDeleted(query.value(0).toInt())) {
            NNotebookViewItem *newWidget = new NNotebookViewItem(lid);
            newWidget->setData(NAME_POSITION, Qt::DisplayRole, query.value(1).toString());
            newWidget->setData(NAME_POSITION, Qt::UserRole, lid);
            if (closedLids.contains(lid))
            QString username = query.value(3).toString();
            if (username.trimmed() != "")
                newWidget->stack = username;
                newWidget->stack = query.value(2).toString();
            this->dataStore.insert(query.value(0).toInt(), newWidget);

            if (newWidget->stack != "" && !stackStore.contains(newWidget->stack)) {
                NNotebookViewItem *stackWidget = new NNotebookViewItem(0);
                stackWidget->setData(NAME_POSITION, Qt::DisplayRole, newWidget->stack);
                stackWidget->setData(NAME_POSITION, Qt::UserRole, "STACK");
                if (username != "")
                stackStore.insert(newWidget->stack, stackWidget);
Exemple #5
// Called when the notebook has changed.  If this is a non-linked notebook we
// display all available tags owned by this user.  If it is a linked notebook
// we only show the tags that are connected to that notebook
void NTagView::notebookSelectionChanged(qint32 notebookLid) {
    LinkedNotebookTable table(global.db);
    if (table.exists(notebookLid)) {
        accountFilter = notebookLid;
        NotebookTable notebookTable(global.db);
        Notebook notebook;
        notebookTable.get(notebook, notebookLid);
        root->setData(NAME_POSITION, Qt::DisplayRole, tr("Tags from ")+notebook.name);
    } else {
        root->setData(NAME_POSITION, Qt::DisplayRole, tr("Tags from Personal"));
        accountFilter = 0;
    if (accountFilter > 0) {
    } else {
//* Process a <notebook> node
void ImportData::processNotebookNode() {
    QLOG_DEBUG() << "Processing Notebook Node";

    Notebook notebook;
    bool notebookIsDirty = false;
    bool notebookIsLocal = false;
    Publishing publishing;
//    bool notebookIsReadOnly = false;

//    notebookIcon = null;
    bool atEnd = false;

    // Loop through until we hit </notebook>
    while(!atEnd) {
        if (backup || importNotebooks) {
            if (reader->isStartElement()) {
                QString name = reader->name().toString().toLower();
                if (name == "guid") {
                    notebook.guid = textValue();
                if (name == "name") {
                    notebook.name = textValue();
                if (name == "updatesequencenumber") {
                    notebook.updateSequenceNum = intValue();
                if (name == "servicecreated") {
                    notebook.serviceCreated = longValue();
                if (name == "serviceupdated") {
                    notebook.serviceUpdated = longValue();
                if (name == "defaultnotebook") {
                    notebook.defaultNotebook = booleanValue();
                if (name == "dirty") {
                    if (booleanValue())
                        notebookIsDirty = true;
                if (name == "localnotebook") {
                    if (booleanValue())
                        notebookIsLocal = true;
                if (name == "publishingpublicdescription") {
                    publishing.publicDescription = textValue();
                if (name == "publishinguri") {
                    publishing.uri = textValue();
                if (name == "publishingorder") {
                    //notebook->publishing.order =
                      //      NoteSortOrder.;
                    QLOG_DEBUG() << "!!!!!!!!!!!! PublishingOrder not completed in import";
                if (name == "PublishingAscending") {
                    if (booleanValue())
                        publishing.ascending = true;
                        publishing.ascending = false;
                if (name == "icon") {
                    //byte[] b = textValue().getBytes();   // data binary
                    //QByteArray hexData = new QByteArray(b);
                    //QByteArray binData = new QByteArray(QByteArray.fromHex(hexData));
                    //notebookIcon = new QIcon(QPixmap.fromImage(QImage.fromData(binData)));
                if (name == "stack") {
                    notebook.stack = textValue();
        QString endName = reader->name().toString().toLower();
        if (endName == "notebook" && reader->isEndElement())
            atEnd = true;
    notebook.publishing = publishing;

    // We are at the end.  We should have a valid notebook now
    NotebookTable notebookTable(global.db);

    // Check if there is a notebook by this name already.
    // If one exists, we treat this as an update
    qint32 lid = notebookTable.findByName(notebook.name);
    if (lid <= 0) {
        lid = notebookTable.getLid(notebook.guid);
    if (lid <= 0) {
        notebookTable.add(lid,notebook,notebookIsDirty, notebookIsLocal);
    } else {
        qint32 oldLid = notebookTable.getLid(notebook.guid);
        if (oldLid != lid)
            notebookTable.merge(oldLid, lid);
        notebookTable.sync(lid, notebook);
//        notebookTable.updateGuid(lid, notebook.guid);
        notebookTable.setDirty(lid, notebookIsDirty);
//* Process a <note> tag
void BatchImport::addNoteNode() {
    Note note;
    note.title = QString(tr("Untitled Note"));
    QUuid uuid;
    QString newGuid = uuid.createUuid().toString().replace("{", "").replace("}", "");
    note.guid = newGuid;
    QStringList tagNames;
    QStringList tagGuids;
    QString newNoteBody = QString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>")+
           QString("<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd\">")+
           QString("<en-note style=\"word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space;\"><br/></en-note>");
    note.active = true;
    note.content = newNoteBody;
    note.created = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
    note.updated = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();

    bool atEnd = false;
    while(!atEnd) {
        QString name = reader->name().toString().toLower();
        if (name == "title" && !reader->isEndElement()) {
            note.title = textValue();
        if (name == "created" && !reader->isEndElement()) {
            QString dateString = textValue();
            //QDateTime date = QDateTime::fromString("2010-10-25T10:28:58.570Z", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzzZ");
            QDateTime date = QDateTime::fromString(dateString, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzzZ");
            note.created = date.toMSecsSinceEpoch();
        if (name == "updated" && !reader->isEndElement()) {
            QString dateString = textValue();
            QDateTime date = QDateTime::fromString(dateString, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzzZ");
            note.updated = date.toMSecsSinceEpoch();
        if (name == "notebook" && !reader->isEndElement()) {
            QString notebookName = textValue();
            NotebookTable notebookTable(global.db);
            qint32 lid = notebookTable.findByName(notebookName);
            QString notebookGuid;

            // Do we need to add the notebook?
            if (lid == 0) {
                Notebook book;
                book.name = notebookName;
                QUuid uuid;
                QString newGuid = uuid.createUuid().toString().replace("{", "").replace("}", "");
                book.guid = newGuid;
                notebookGuid = newGuid;
                lid = notebookTable.add(0, book, true, false);
            } else {
                notebookTable.getGuid(notebookGuid, lid);
            note.notebookGuid = notebookGuid;
        if (name == "content" && !reader->isEndElement()) {
            note.content = textValue();
        if (name == "tag" && !reader->isEndElement()) {
            QString tagName = textValue();
            TagTable tagTable(global.db);
            qint32 tagLid = tagTable.findByName(tagName, 0);
            QString tagGuid;

            // Do we need to add the tag?
            if (tagLid == 0) {
                Tag tag;
                tag.name = tagName;
                QUuid uuid;
                tagGuid = uuid.createUuid().toString().replace("{", "").replace("}", "");
                tag.guid = tagGuid;
                tagTable.add(0, tag, true, 0);
            } else {
                tagTable.getGuid(tagGuid, tagLid);
        QString endName = reader->name().toString().toLower();
        if (endName == "noteadd" && reader->isEndElement()) {
            atEnd = true;
            note.tagGuids = tagGuids;
            note.tagNames = tagNames;
            NoteTable ntable(global.db);

            if (!note.notebookGuid.isSet()) {
                NotebookTable bookTable(global.db);
                QString book = bookTable.getDefaultNotebookGuid();
                note.notebookGuid = book;

            ntable.add(0, note, true);
// Upload notes that belong to me
qint32 SyncRunner::uploadPersonalNotes() {
    qint32 usn;
    qint32 maxUsn = 0;
    NotebookTable notebookTable(db);
    LinkedNotebookTable linkedNotebookTable(db);
    NoteTable noteTable(db);
    QList<qint32> lids, validLids, deletedLids, movedLids;

    // Get a list of all notes that are both dirty and in an account we own and isn't deleted
    for (int i=0; i<lids.size(); i++) {
        qint32 notebookLid = noteTable.getNotebookLid(lids[i]);
        if (!linkedNotebookTable.exists(notebookLid)) {
            if (!notebookTable.isLocal(notebookLid)) {
                if (noteTable.isDeleted(lids[i]))
            } else {
                // We have a note that is local.  Check if it was once
                // synchronized.  If so, it was moved to a local notebook
                // and now needs to be deleted on the remote end
                Note n;
                noteTable.get(n, lids[i], false, false);
                if (n.updateSequenceNum.isSet() && n.updateSequenceNum > 0) {

    // Start deleting notes
    for (int i=0; i<deletedLids.size(); i++) {
        QString guid = noteTable.getGuid(deletedLids[i]);
        noteTable.setDirty(lids[i], false);
        usn = comm->deleteNote(guid);
        if (usn > maxUsn) {
            maxUsn = usn;
            noteTable.setUpdateSequenceNumber(deletedLids[i], usn);
            noteTable.setDirty(deletedLids[i], false);
            if (!finalSync)
                emit(noteSynchronized(deletedLids[i], false));

    // Start handling notes moved to a local notebook.  What
    // we do is to delete the note on Evernote, then give the
    // note in the local notebook a new GUID & set the
    // update sequence number to 0.
    for (int i=0; i<movedLids.size(); i++) {
        QUuid uuid;
        Guid newGuid = uuid.createUuid().toString().replace("{","").replace("}","");
        QString guid = noteTable.getGuid(movedLids[i]);
        noteTable.setDirty(movedLids[i], false);
        noteTable.updateGuid(movedLids[i], newGuid);
        noteTable.setUpdateSequenceNumber(movedLids[0], 0);
        usn = comm->deleteNote(guid);
        if (usn > maxUsn) {
            maxUsn = usn;
        if (!finalSync)
            emit(noteSynchronized(movedLids[i], false));

    // Start uploading notes
    for (int i=0; i<validLids.size(); i++) {
        Note note;
        noteTable.get(note, validLids[i],true, true);

        qint32 oldUsn=0;
        if (note.updateSequenceNum.isSet())
            oldUsn = note.updateSequenceNum;
        usn = comm->uploadNote(note);
        if (usn == 0) {
            error = true;
            return maxUsn;
        if (usn > maxUsn) {
            maxUsn = usn;
            if (oldUsn == 0)
                noteTable.updateGuid(validLids[i], note.guid);
            noteTable.setUpdateSequenceNumber(validLids[i], usn);
            noteTable.setDirty(validLids[i], false);
            if (!finalSync)
                emit(noteSynchronized(validLids[i], false));
        } else {
            error = true;

    return maxUsn;