Exemple #1
void PannerNode::notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode(ContextRenderLock& r, AudioNode* node)
    if (!node)
    // First check if this node is an AudioBufferSourceNode. If so, let it know about us so that doppler shift pitch can be taken into account.
    if (node->nodeType() == NodeTypeAudioBufferSource) 
        AudioBufferSourceNode* bufferSourceNode = reinterpret_cast<AudioBufferSourceNode*>(node);
        // Go through all inputs to this node.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node->numberOfInputs(); ++i)
            auto input = node->input(i);

            // For each input, go through all of its connections, looking for AudioBufferSourceNodes.
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < input->numberOfRenderingConnections(r); ++j) 
                auto connectedOutput = input->renderingOutput(r, j);
                AudioNode* connectedNode = connectedOutput->node();
                notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode(r, connectedNode); // recurse
Exemple #2
void PannerNode::notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode(AudioNode* node, HashSet<AudioNode*>& visitedNodes)
    if (!node)
    // First check if this node is an AudioBufferSourceNode. If so, let it know about us so that doppler shift pitch can be taken into account.
    if (node->nodeType() == NodeTypeAudioBufferSource) {
        AudioBufferSourceNode* bufferSourceNode = reinterpret_cast<AudioBufferSourceNode*>(node);
    } else {    
        // Go through all inputs to this node.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node->numberOfInputs(); ++i) {
            AudioNodeInput* input = node->input(i);

            // For each input, go through all of its connections, looking for AudioBufferSourceNodes.
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < input->numberOfRenderingConnections(); ++j) {
                AudioNodeOutput* connectedOutput = input->renderingOutput(j);
                AudioNode* connectedNode = connectedOutput->node();
                if (visitedNodes.contains(connectedNode))

                notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode(connectedNode, visitedNodes);
void PannerNode::notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode(AudioNode* node, HashMap<AudioNode*, bool>& visitedNodes)
    if (!node)

    // First check if this node is an AudioBufferSourceNode. If so, let it know about us so that doppler shift pitch can be taken into account.
    if (node->nodeType() == NodeTypeAudioBufferSource) {
        AudioBufferSourceNode* bufferSourceNode = static_cast<AudioBufferSourceNode*>(node);
    } else {
        // Go through all inputs to this node.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node->numberOfInputs(); ++i) {
            AudioNodeInput* input = node->input(i);

            // For each input, go through all of its connections, looking for AudioBufferSourceNodes.
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < input->numberOfRenderingConnections(); ++j) {
                AudioNodeOutput* connectedOutput = input->renderingOutput(j);
                AudioNode* connectedNode = connectedOutput->node();
                HashMap<AudioNode*, bool>::iterator iterator = visitedNodes.find(connectedNode);

                // If we've seen this node already, we don't need to process it again. Otherwise,
                // mark it as visited and recurse through the node looking for sources.
                if (iterator == visitedNodes.end()) {
                    visitedNodes.set(connectedNode, true);
                    notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode(connectedNode, visitedNodes); // recurse
Exemple #4
void PannerNode::pullInputs(size_t framesToProcess)
    // We override pullInputs(), so we can detect new AudioSourceNodes which have connected to us when new connections are made.
    // These AudioSourceNodes need to be made aware of our existence in order to handle doppler shift pitch changes.
    if (m_connectionCount != context()->connectionCount()) {
        m_connectionCount = context()->connectionCount();

        // Recursively go through all nodes connected to us.
void PannerNode::pullInputs(size_t framesToProcess)
    // We override pullInputs(), so we can detect new AudioSourceNodes which have connected to us when new connections are made.
    // These AudioSourceNodes need to be made aware of our existence in order to handle doppler shift pitch changes.
    if (m_connectionCount != context()->connectionCount()) {
        m_connectionCount = context()->connectionCount();

        // A map for keeping track if we have visited a node or not. This prevents feedback loops
        // from recursing infinitely. See crbug.com/331446.
        HashMap<AudioNode*, bool> visitedNodes;

        // Recursively go through all nodes connected to us
        notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode(this, visitedNodes);
