Exemple #1
fe_userlist_insert (session *sess, struct User *newuser, int row, int sel)
	GtkTreeModel *model = sess->res->user_model;
	GdkPixbuf *pix = get_user_icon (sess->server, newuser);
	GtkTreeIter iter;
	gboolean do_away = TRUE;

	if (prefs.away_timeout < 1 || !prefs.away_track)
		do_away = FALSE;

	gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, row,
									0, pix,
									1, newuser->nick,
									2, newuser->hostname,
									3, newuser,
									4, (do_away)
										?	(newuser->away ? &colors[COL_AWAY] : NULL)
										:	(NULL),

#if 0
	if (prefs.hilitenotify && notify_isnotify (sess, newuser->nick))
		gtk_clist_set_foreground ((GtkCList *) sess->gui->user_clist, row,

	/* is it the front-most tab? */
	if (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (sess->gui->user_tree))
		 == model)
		if (sel)
			gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (gtk_tree_view_get_selection
										(GTK_TREE_VIEW (sess->gui->user_tree)), &iter);
Exemple #2
fe_userlist_insert (session *sess, struct User *newuser, int row, int sel)
	GtkTreeModel *model = sess->res->user_model;
	GdkPixbuf *pix = get_user_icon (sess->server, newuser);
	GtkTreeIter iter;
	char *nick;
	int nick_color = 0;

	if (prefs.hex_away_track && newuser->away)
		nick_color = COL_AWAY;
	else if (prefs.hex_gui_ulist_color)
		nick_color = text_color_of(newuser->nick);

	nick = newuser->nick;
	if (!prefs.hex_gui_ulist_icons)
		nick = malloc (strlen (newuser->nick) + 2);
		nick[0] = newuser->prefix[0];
		if (!nick[0] || nick[0] == ' ')
			strcpy (nick, newuser->nick);
			strcpy (nick + 1, newuser->nick);
		pix = NULL;

	gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, row,
									COL_PIX, pix,
									COL_NICK, nick,
									COL_HOST, newuser->hostname,
									COL_USER, newuser,
									COL_GDKCOLOR, nick_color ? &colors[nick_color] : NULL,

	if (!prefs.hex_gui_ulist_icons)
		free (nick);

	/* is it me? */
	if (newuser->me && sess->gui->nick_box)
		if (!sess->gui->is_tab || sess == current_tab)
			mg_set_access_icon (sess->gui, pix, sess->server->is_away);

#if 0
	if (prefs.hilitenotify && notify_isnotify (sess, newuser->nick))
		gtk_clist_set_foreground ((GtkCList *) sess->gui->user_clist, row,

	/* is it the front-most tab? */
	if (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (sess->gui->user_tree))
		 == model)
		if (sel)
			gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (gtk_tree_view_get_selection
										(GTK_TREE_VIEW (sess->gui->user_tree)), &iter);