MultiPlasticityDebugger::checkSolution(const RankFourTensor & E_inv)
  Moose::err << "\n\n+++++++++++++++++++++\nChecking the Solution\n";
  Moose::err << "(Ie, checking Ax = b)\n+++++++++++++++++++++\n";

  std::vector<bool> act;
  act.assign(_num_surfaces, true);
  std::vector<bool> deactivated_due_to_ld;
  deactivated_due_to_ld.assign(_num_surfaces, false);

  RankTwoTensor delta_dp = -E_inv * _fspb_debug_stress;

  std::vector<Real> orig_rhs;

  Moose::err << "\nb = ";
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < orig_rhs.size(); ++i)
    Moose::err << orig_rhs[i] << " ";
  Moose::err << "\n\n";

  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> jac_coded;

      << "Before checking Ax=b is correct, check that the Jacobians given below are equal.\n";
      << "The hand-coded Jacobian is used in calculating the solution 'x', given 'b' above.\n";
  Moose::err << "Note that this only includes degrees of freedom that aren't deactivated due to "
                "linear dependence.\n";
  Moose::err << "Hand-coded Jacobian:\n";
  for (unsigned row = 0; row < jac_coded.size(); ++row)
    for (unsigned col = 0; col < jac_coded.size(); ++col)
      Moose::err << jac_coded[row][col] << " ";
    Moose::err << "\n";

                               false); // this potentially gets changed by nrStep, below
  RankTwoTensor dstress;
  std::vector<Real> dpm;
  std::vector<Real> dintnl;

  std::vector<bool> active_not_deact(_num_surfaces);
  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
    active_not_deact[surface] = !deactivated_due_to_ld[surface];

  std::vector<Real> x;
  x.assign(orig_rhs.size(), 0);
  unsigned ind = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    for (unsigned j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
      x[ind++] = dstress(i, j);
  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
    if (active_not_deact[surface])
      x[ind++] = dpm[surface];
  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
    if (anyActiveSurfaces(model, active_not_deact))
      x[ind++] = dintnl[model];

  mooseAssert(ind == orig_rhs.size(),
              "Incorrect extracting of changes from NR solution in the "
              "finite-difference checking of nrStep");

  Moose::err << "\nThis yields x =";
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < orig_rhs.size(); ++i)
    Moose::err << x[i] << " ";
  Moose::err << "\n";

  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> jac_fd;

  Moose::err << "\nThe finite-difference Jacobian is used to multiply by this 'x',\n";
  Moose::err << "in order to check that the solution is correct\n";
  Moose::err << "Finite-difference Jacobian:\n";
  for (unsigned row = 0; row < jac_fd.size(); ++row)
    for (unsigned col = 0; col < jac_fd.size(); ++col)
      Moose::err << jac_fd[row][col] << " ";
    Moose::err << "\n";

  Real L2_numer = 0;
  Real L2_denom = 0;
  for (unsigned row = 0; row < jac_coded.size(); ++row)
    for (unsigned col = 0; col < jac_coded.size(); ++col)
      L2_numer += Utility::pow<2>(jac_coded[row][col] - jac_fd[row][col]);
      L2_denom += Utility::pow<2>(jac_coded[row][col] + jac_fd[row][col]);
  Moose::err << "Relative L2norm of the hand-coded and finite-difference Jacobian is "
             << std::sqrt(L2_numer / L2_denom) / 0.5 << "\n";

  std::vector<Real> fd_times_x;
  fd_times_x.assign(orig_rhs.size(), 0);
  for (unsigned row = 0; row < orig_rhs.size(); ++row)
    for (unsigned col = 0; col < orig_rhs.size(); ++col)
      fd_times_x[row] += jac_fd[row][col] * x[col];

  Moose::err << "\n(Finite-difference Jacobian)*x =\n";
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < orig_rhs.size(); ++i)
    Moose::err << fd_times_x[i] << " ";
  Moose::err << "\n";
  Moose::err << "Recall that b = \n";
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < orig_rhs.size(); ++i)
    Moose::err << orig_rhs[i] << " ";
  Moose::err << "\n";

  L2_numer = 0;
  L2_denom = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < orig_rhs.size(); ++i)
    L2_numer += Utility::pow<2>(orig_rhs[i] - fd_times_x[i]);
    L2_denom += Utility::pow<2>(orig_rhs[i] + fd_times_x[i]);
  Moose::err << "\nRelative L2norm of these is " << std::sqrt(L2_numer / L2_denom) / 0.5 << "\n";
FiniteStrainPlasticBase::returnMap(const RankTwoTensor & stress_old, const RankTwoTensor & plastic_strain_old, const std::vector<Real> & intnl_old, const RankTwoTensor & delta_d, const RankFourTensor & E_ijkl, RankTwoTensor & stress, RankTwoTensor & plastic_strain, std::vector<Real> & intnl, std::vector<Real> & f, unsigned int & iter)

  // Assume this strain increment does not induce any plasticity
  // This is the elastic-predictor
  stress = stress_old + E_ijkl * delta_d; // the trial stress
  plastic_strain = plastic_strain_old;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < intnl_old.size() ; ++i)
    intnl[i] = intnl_old[i];
  iter = 0;

  yieldFunction(stress, intnl, f);

  Real nr_res2 = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < f.size() ; ++i)
    nr_res2 += 0.5*std::pow( std::max(f[i], 0.0)/_f_tol[i], 2);

  if (nr_res2 < 0.5)
    // a purely elastic increment.
    // All output variables have been calculated
    return true;

  // So, from here on we know that the trial stress
  // is inadmissible, and we have to return from that
  // value to the yield surface.  There are three
  // types of constraints we have to satisfy, listed
  // below, and calculated in calculateConstraints(...)

  // Plastic strain constraint, L2 norm must be zero (up to a tolerance)
  RankTwoTensor epp;

  // Yield function constraint passed to this function as
  // std::vector<Real> & f
  // Each yield function must be <= 0 (up to tolerance)

  // Internal constraint(s), must be zero (up to a tolerance)
  std::vector<Real> ic;

  // During the Newton-Raphson procedure, we'll be
  // changing the following parameters in order to
  // (attempt to) satisfy the constraints.
  RankTwoTensor dstress; // change in stress
  std::vector<Real> dpm; // change in plasticity multipliers ("consistency parameters")
  std::vector<Real>  dintnl; // change in internal parameters

  // The following are used in the Newton-Raphson

  // Inverse of E_ijkl (assuming symmetric)
  RankFourTensor E_inv = E_ijkl.invSymm();

  // convenience variable that holds the change in plastic strain incurred during the return
  // delta_dp = plastic_strain - plastic_strain_old
  // delta_dp = E^{-1}*(trial_stress - stress), where trial_stress = E*(strain - plastic_strain_old)
  RankTwoTensor delta_dp;

  // The "consistency parameters" (plastic multipliers)
  // Change in plastic strain in this timestep = pm*flowPotential
  // Each pm must be non-negative
  std::vector<Real> pm;
  pm.assign(numberOfYieldFunctions(), 0.0);

  // whether line-searching was successful
  bool ls_success = true;

  // The Newton-Raphson loops
  while (nr_res2 > 0.5 && iter < _max_iter && ls_success)

    // calculate dstress, dpm and dintnl for one full Newton-Raphson step
    nrStep(stress, intnl_old, intnl, pm, E_inv, delta_dp, dstress, dpm, dintnl);

    // perform a line search
    // The line-search will exit with updated values
    ls_success = lineSearch(nr_res2, stress, intnl_old, intnl, pm, E_inv, delta_dp, dstress, dpm, dintnl, f, epp, ic);

  if (iter >= _max_iter || !ls_success)
    stress = stress_old;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < intnl_old.size() ; ++i)
      intnl[i] = intnl_old[i];
    return false;
    plastic_strain += delta_dp;
    return true;
